40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



  • kjgarcia
    kjgarcia Posts: 104 Member
    Caramel, Happy Birthday!!! I hope you have an amazing day!!:flowerforyou:
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    Good Monday Morning. I was able to do full reps on my lifting this morning, but it was a bear. September is looking like it will be the first month that I don't increase the amount of weight I lift. But it was bound to happen sooner or later.

    It looks like Mamma is coming home this afternoon. Now the real work begins. After 3 weeks of being waited on hand and foot, it is going to be hard for her to slide right back into being self sufficient.

    Hope everyone has a good day.

  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Caramel- Happy belated birthday!!

    Welcome to the new people!!

    Well, we looked at the house again on Friday and realized that there is a lot more that still needs to be done to make the house livable. We are having the real estate agent contact the seller to find out what his plans are for finishing things before we even think about making an offer. We are keeping our options open and seeing what else is out there.

    I ran today and that went well. Nothing else too exciting going on today.

    Have a good one all!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    Happy birthday caramel!! (I count like you count....but now, i am counting the BACKside of being "over 40". Blech)


    did ya miss me?!?!?

    Nevermind. Back to square 1. Hmmmmmmmmmmm, this looks/feels familiar....
  • annettehangartner
    annettehangartner Posts: 23 Member
    Larro: YEAH for Mamma coming home, I bet that will make her SO happy.

    You guys have all been busy on here over the weekend! I have not read it all yet...BUT I am still laughing at JFM's fan story.....Are you bringing back 80's hair???

    JFM: Steaks are simple, just don't over think it. My favorite is Rib Steak, and if I splurge I plan it out and do it right. The key is getting it cooked right. I like to cook mine on the stove top, and it its quick. I season both sides of the steak first, garlic, cracked pepper, and some sea salt is typically all I use. I cook in a HOT pan. about 4-5 minutes on the first side till it has a nice crust on it then flip it over. Now here is the no fail instructions on cooking to your likeness:
    With your thumb and index finger make a C shape. with the other hand tape the fleshy triangle between your thumb knuckle and index knuckle. THAT feeling is how a steak will feel when it is cooked to Rare. So as the steak is cooking you tap the center, if it feels the same way, then it is rare
    For Med Rare, touch your thumb and index together at the tip....tap the triangle, that feeling is Med Rare
    Bring index finger tip to first thumb knuckle, tap the triangle that is Medium
    Bring index all the way curled into the thumb....tap triangle and that is what well done...or dead feels like.
    This works perfectly, on the stove top or on the grill too!

    As for me.....damn now I want a steak LOL. The scale is not moving and I am at a 3865 calorie deficit for last week.. I have that freaking scale.
    Canned 50 pounds of tomatoes yesterday and 25 pounds of peaches. That felt good.
    We upgraded our recumbent bike to a Recumbent/elliptical combo.......and it kicks my butt! I have to just jump on it for a little bit at a time, trying to increase the time every day.....it is mean to me.

    Super busy weekend, yet again.. I have TONS of orders for little Seahawk Baby shoes, and Seahawk Medical Scrub tops, and I got nothing done this weekend on those......And Next weekend we have to go to Seattle (3 1/2 hour drive) for a Dart tournament. So I wont get any orders filled then either

    Now to read up on everyone's posts!

    Have a great Monday, it's happening no matter what
  • Emmalusmom
    Emmalusmom Posts: 61 Member
    Just like JFM, I wrote last week and went i went to post reply, it said that it was down for maintainence. I said a few choice words and then said forget it. I try later. :grumble:

    I went to another bridal shower and did pretty good on eating. I did have one chicken wing and a few meatballs, but the rest was fruit, so I did pretty good.

    Happy Belated Birthday Caramel! I hope that you had a wonderful day!

    JFM - I am so glad that you are okay. It could have been so much worse. Glad you can laugh at yourself.

    KJ - I can totally related to the struggle that you are going through. I have been trying so hard and I don't seem to be seeing any results. I could scream somedays. But I have added some exercise to my days lately and it does seem to be making a differece. I know that I have to keep up with it and it will pay off! :drinker:

    KellySue - My advise is to not take the first thing that you think will be good enough. Wait for the one that you can see yourself in for sometime. It is like getting married, you have to wait for the right one! :bigsmile:

    Beeps - I hope that you and your family have enjoyed each other.

    Larro - Good luck with bringing your Momma home. You will be on double duty. My prayers are with you. Stay strong!

    Alf - I am so proud that you have been eating clean and I hope that you continue.

    Welcome all the new people. You have arrived at a very accepting and caring place! :flowerforyou:
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Happy Monday Cool kids,

    Am just popping in to say I am alive and well. Haven't got caught up on all the posts yet, but I will.

    Was at a family wedding this past weekend. It took place at a remote lodge. It was beautiful! The lodge generated it's own electricity, so there was nothing extra in the rooms - no tv, clock radio, iron or blow dryer, which are pretty standard in most hotel rooms these days. No internet or cell service either, so one was really "disconnected". It was wonderful! :happy:

    Plan to hike after work, so I had better get going.
    Will try and touch base later on.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    That place sounds pretty cool, sdereski!

    Emmalusmom - I end up exercising NOT for weight loss, or even for weight control, but, for me, it SERIOUSLY helps regulate my SLEEP. I'm an exercise addict BECAUSE of this sleep-needi-ness.

    I lifted today....oh yes I did!
  • Curiousgeorgianna
    Curiousgeorgianna Posts: 187 Member
    Happy Monday Cool Kids!

    Good thing my flight was canceled, 'cause now I can check in! Seriously, I was supposed to fly out at 6 a.m, arriving in DC at 6 p.m. Now I'm flying out at 8:20 tonight, and arriving at 6:30 a.m., with the training beginning at 8. I think it might be a bit brutal tomorrow. :ohwell:

    I totally get where KJ is coming from. Sometimes it's nonsensical how we run amoc. Almost like an out of body experience. I know I shouldn't be eating this candy...but...here I go anyway! I think getting it out of the house is the best bet.

    I liked Caramel's story about the break through and handling the stress. It's amazing when you really feel the paradigm shift! Way to go! And HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!:flowerforyou:

    Congrats on your (almost) 3-miler KS! I hope you find the home of your dreams.

    Beeps, funny about your staycation. I did that once. Just the once... :laugh:

    I'm glad to hear you're feeling somewhat better Alf. I am taking a glucosamine that my PT & Orhtopedist recommends. It's call "Cosamine - (some number)" and is at Costco. It's about $55! But they say this is the one. I've just been taking it for a month now. They said it takes about 8 weeks at the 3/day dose before it becomes noticable.

    JFM - OMG! Thanks for the upfront about being ok. What a story! Glad you let it roll off and went to play with the kids.

    Larro, glad you're Mamma's coming home. She'll probably be glad for the independece again!

    The off-grid lodges sounds great sdereski! What a great place for a wedding.

    I got Bruce set up for his days alone while I'm in DC. 4 breakfasts, 4 lunches, 4 dinners, 4 sets of evening snacks, etc. We've got a friend checking in on him daily, but it makes me a nervous wreck leaving him alone while he's still newly on crutches. :frown: But on my side of it, it will be great to not cook or clean for a few days. I understand there's a Whole Foods right around the corner from the hotel, so I can get good food and maybe even veggie juices!

    Any tips for sleeping well on a plane?

    Happy day everyone!:smile:
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Hello everyone! It is getting kinda late and I am tired. Another Monday without teaching. As of yet I dont have a sub for Wed so I either find one really quick or I have to teach. I dont like to cancel on my students. :( I am feeling somewhat better but the pain is still there and the questions unanswered. I need to take it easy until this is resolved.

    Larro, I hope your mom has a smooth transition. :flowerforyou:

    curious, sleeping on a plane?? I cannot sleep on a plane at all, even if the flight is long.

    sdereski, good to see you!! You always go to all these exotic places!!! :flowerforyou:

    Beeps, nice to have you back. Yes, I missed you!!!

    Great to hear from so many of you! Gotta try to get some sleep, anticipating a long day at work tomorrow. Good night! :yawn: :flowerforyou:
  • caramelgyrlk
    caramelgyrlk Posts: 1,112 Member
    Hey kids....hope you are well

    I thank all of you for your kindness, as I had my moment of insanity.

    Beeps welcome back, hope you enjoyed yourself. Of course, I missed you.

    Curious...you are near my neck of the woods going to DC. Hope you enjoy. After all the stress of your BF, you need a little break from the cleaning and all. I am sure you would not have left him if he wasn't in good hands. In terms of sleeping well on a plane, a glass of wine if your drink.

    Alf...I truly hope you recover soon.

    Larro...I know you are glad your mom is coming home. As usual you are sooooo busy.

    Sdereski..glad you are alive and well. How did the hiking go?

    KellySue..If you can search for a few more. Hopefully this will be the last time you move, please make sure you can see yourself a d family there for some time to come. You know I wish you nothing but the best.

    Emmalu...glad you did good at the bridal. You are doing great.

    Welcome newbies...

    I took extreme fit tonight so I am a lil sore.

    Have a great night everyone.
  • kjgarcia
    kjgarcia Posts: 104 Member
    I can't ever sleep on a plane anymore, the seats seem so cramped and people seem so cranky and rude! Your day does sound like it will be L.O.N.G....try to get at least a little shut-eye!
  • SeptemberLondon
    SeptemberLondon Posts: 151 Member
    Finally, I'm one of the cool kids! Who knew that all I had to do was get older?
  • Emmalusmom
    Emmalusmom Posts: 61 Member
    Well I worked out twice yesterday! I walked for 45 minutes on my lunch and the last night I got on the Wii and bowled for 10 min, boxed for 20 min and played tennis for 20 min. Needless to say I am a little sore today. But it some crazy way enjoying the pain. I guess because I know what it is from and glad that I have accomplished a two a day. :happy:

    CG - Good Luck on the plane ride. I did fly weekend before last and got a few winks. I would reccomend one of those pillows that wrap around your neck. I didn't have one, but the people that did seem to rest a little better than I did. My mom pulled her tray down and laid her head on her elbows and put her elbow in the little circle for the drink. She said so that she wouldn't slip off. LOL!

    Welcome to the group, SeptemberLond!

    I hope that everyone has a wonderful day!
  • JustFindingMe
    JustFindingMe Posts: 390 Member
    Good morning Cool Kids!

    Welcome to our newest :happy:

    Im off to get my hair cut, pick up a new cooler and activity books etc for our trip....Should be a great day !

    The new van is available for pick-up this afternoon :bigsmile:

    Have a wonderfilled ay my friends, I know I will !

  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    omg @ "sleeping on a plane"....I have NO hints to help you....I just did an overnight to Europe in May and, well, I MIGHT have slept 2 x 20 minute stints on that puppy.
  • Curiousgeorgianna
    Curiousgeorgianna Posts: 187 Member
    Hey Cool Kids,

    Thanks for the plan tips, but alas...the universe has conspired to keep me home. It used fog. The red-eye was cancelled too. At least I didn't get stuck in the middle somewhere. We'll try again in Sept.

    Welcome September! Glad you found your coolness.

    E's Mom, what fun! I've never had a Wii, but it sounds great. H

    Have a great trip JFM. I forgot where you're going! I'm sure it will be a blast.

    How's your mom settling in Larro?

    Caramel, I'm coming out in Sept. Can you give me some tips on the must-see sights? I've got a bike tour scheduled on the mall.

    I was looking forward to the trip, but now I'm glad I'm still here. I do so much better with eating and exercising when I can maintain my routine. This evening will be a lovely walk in the forest followed by some living room work with the 2lb weights. And soup. Soup is good in the fog.

    Have a terrific one everybody!
  • jerseygene
    jerseygene Posts: 131 Member
    Hi cool kids and a big !! HELLO !! from Jersey channel islands GB i'm Gene and 46 just come across this fred and decided to say hello i normally get on mfp every day apart from when i'm on nights at work as i am at the moment.

    But i am just starting my days off :-) I love getting on here and having a good chat so when i saw this thread i decided it looks like a cool place to joyin in.
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Hello Cool kids,

    Quickly read through the posts.

    Welcome to the new cool kids! :happy:

    Beeps, did you go away, or stay home for your vacation? I was a little confused. Regardless, hope you enjoyed the hiking and the now "back to normal" home. Visiting family is both a blessing and a curse at times. For me, it only happens about once per year. I wish it did happen more often, but when my one sister comes, it is always stressful as nothing pleases her. :noway:

    Carmel - bleated birthday wishes. Hope you had a good day. Loved how you worked through that major stress.

    Curious - well something was preventing that trip from happening. Hope you can enjoy the meals you prepared for B with him instead of more cooking, at least for a couple of days.

    JFM - OMG! I read your hair / fan episode and although funny now, must have been very scary at the time. Glad it all worked out.

    Alf - great job on the 5lb. weight loss! Awesome!

    Larro - glad to hear you mom is on her way home. You're right, now the work begins!

    Emmalu- good job with the workouts!!! That is fantastic. Yes, it is weird how we enjoy the pain from a good workout.

    Had a great hike yesterday. It's always good to do that particular hike - it offers a pretty good workout for a 80-90 minute hike.
    Beat the rain as well - just as we were finishing, the drops started. :happy:

    the B&B continues to be busy. I am really starting to feel like a scullery maid - always doing laundry, ironing and cleaning rooms and bathrooms. :tongue: :laugh: Guests arriving tonight and then again on Thursday. Am not booking anything for the weekend as it is our annual Salmon Derby. I am one of the main volunteer organizers, so my days start at 5:00 a.m. and go til about 10 p.m. No time to host!
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Welcome to all the new people! It's nice to see fresh faces!

    Hope everyone is enjoying their day. Mine is going- that's about it. I ran this morning. This week is purple/blue/white fruits and veggies- I have plums, black berries, blueberries, black grapes, cauliflower and eggplant on my menu for the week. Oh, and bananas!

    The house saga goes on. I really like this house that we looked at for the size and that it's all on one floor with lots of new features. Definitely something that I could live in for a long while. We just need the seller to get it finished. I have gotten more information and found out that he is a contractor by trade and has been working on several other jobs this summer and has not spent the time on this property since this is like a side project for him. We are trying to get a property assessment and have also talked with the code enforcer about what needs to be finished. He knows the seller and said that he is a good egg so hopefully we can deal with him on getting things done! I am not a patient person so that's what makes it difficult for me. Exercise is crucial for me at this stage so that I don't go completely crazy!!

    Hubby went to the doctor yesterday for his back and they think that he is having muscle spasms. They prescribes some muscle relaxers and suggested a muscle rub like Tiger Balm or something along that line. It helped last night so I was thankful for that.

    Larro- great news that your Mamma is coming home!

    Sdereski- the wedding sounds like it was lovely!

    Beeps- glad that your family is gone and you can get back to your routine. I love to visit with family, but like to be just able to hang at home and do my thing without having to entertain any one.

    Curious- as someone else said earlier- there was a reason that you were meant not to go on your trip!

    JFM- enjoy your new vehicle and have a nice time getting your hair cut- Love to be pampered at my hairdressers!