40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



  • Curiousgeorgianna
    Curiousgeorgianna Posts: 187 Member
    Hey Cool Kids!

    Beeps, so sorry to hear about the lay-off. I did time as an unemployed person not too long ago. On the one hand, you get to go to the gym during the day! But I also know that it's hard to be back out there as an interviewee. You seem to have a bright spirit, so I'm sure you'll get snapped up as soon as you're willing to give up your free time. :flowerforyou:

    KS, I love the new picture! I'm soooo waiting for that number. I'm stuck at 172. That's an awesome milestone:happy: 100 lbs!!! Wow.

    That sunset picture was beautiful Larro. I've only been to Florida a couple of times, and briefly at that, but I really like it over there.

    E's Mom, how many people are getting married? And that is how the song goes...first comes love,... :heart:

    I'm still struggling at night as far as discipline. In my morning retrospect, it's like I'm not even trying. :grumble: What are y'all doing to keep to the plan in the eves? I could use some tricks.
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Got a great walk in yesterday with a gf I don't get to see often enough. It was a wonderful way to visit - we talked and cried, just catching up on the things going on in our lives. Nothing like good gf time! :heart:

    Company arrived yesterday evening. Have some B&B guests arriving for tonight, then that's it for the weekend. The B&B is CLOSED for the weekend. :laugh:

    Family dinner again tonight. There has been a family dinner every night since Monday! I missed Tuesday and Wednesday, but will go tonight. Geesh!!! Trying to eat healthy and light is tough when we are making the rounds from one house to the next. The reason for so many family dinners is a family friend visiting from Finland. Everyone wants to host her, along with everyone else. :laugh:
    My husband and I did something different. I took her for a hike and my husband is taking her out in the boat today on Lake Superior and then will take her canoeing down the Michipicoten River on Saturday. No eating involved! :laugh:

    Hope everyone has a great day - not sure I will get a workout in, but am gonna try. :happy:
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Beeps- I am so sorry about your job. I know I would feel like it was personal too as that is my personality. I am sure something will come along, but take it easy and relax a bit if you don't have to jump right in to searching.

    Alf- I hope you feel better soon!

    I have done it!! I have hit the 100lbs lost mark. It has been a tough fight and sometimes I never thought I would actually get there. I still have about 30 lbs to go, but if I can get this far, I am sure I will make it the rest of the way!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,005 Member
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    Good afternoon Cool Kids.

    Beebs, sorry to hear about your job situation. The package will make your landing a little softer. Hope you find something soon. {but not too soon:laugh: }

    E's Mom, I know what you mean about showers. A large part of my business is showers. And the bridal showers do lead to baby showers. It's funny the way that works.

    sdereski, enjoy your company. I Googled Wawa, and your Salmon event coming up. I was wondering if you guys can swim in your lake and river without wet suits? It looks pretty cold to me.

    kellysue, congratulations on the weight loss. 100 pounds is awesome.

    Caramel, I see first hand what job stress does to my wife. I'm so lucky with my job. I work for peanuts, but there is zero stress. And a trick I learned for late night hunger back when I first started my lifestyle change was frozen stir-fry veggies. I still eat them as a matter of fact.

    alf, take care of yourself. Make sure you are all the way off the DL before you jump back in.

    If I missed anyone, here is a general hello. "Hello."

    This was day two of my taking lunch to Mamma. I took her peas, squash and onion, and pork chop today, but I still had to cook her a hoe-cake of cornbread. That part of it goes pretty well, but the breathing treatment afterward takes 15-20 minutes. As you all know, I'm forever running late. So it just kills me to sit there and do nothing. I have been gathering her peas, okra and squash while she takes the treatment. I also hoed her melons and cantaloupe. {all things I need to be doing in my garden}

    Good news on the ticket front. I went to the Judge's office today. They have a program where if you haven't had a ticket before, and you go 6 months without getting another one, it is like it never happened. But if I do get another one, I will have to pay both. The moral of the story, leave earlier.

    Today was lift day. The August weight is still kicking my butt. I'm pretty sure I will have to keep the same weight for September. I'm still having slight muscle spasms high up on my sides. And I set up 260 chairs this afternoon:angry: After the event tonight I will have to take them up, along with all the tables. Tonight's event is called Death by Chocolate, so my sugar numbers are likely to be off the chart. I'll post some pictures later on http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/1402096-what-s-for-supper?page=3#posts-21236475.

    Here are the numbers for the week. 21.7% Body Fat, 57% Body Water, 24.4 BMI 174.4 Pounds. This maintenance is tough.

    Hope everyone is doing well,

  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Hello everyone!!!! Thank you for all your good wishes!!!! I am trying to stay positive. :flowerforyou:

    Larro, the picture of your dinner, delish!!! What is a hoe cake cornbread?

    emmalus, lost inches? That is the way to do it!!!!! Keep it up, don't give up!!!

    KellySue, CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: 100lbs!! What an inspiration!!!

    Beeps, ((((((((((((((((HUGS)))))))))))))))))))))) diet tips? I am sure I wont tell you anything that you don't know already. What has helped these past two weeks? Avoiding sugar, pasta, white bread etc, increased lean protein, eating more veggies, lots of water, healthy fats (nuts, avocado, olive oil, coconut oil) And as you said once "CLOSING THE PIE HOLE" LOL :laugh: :laugh:

    Take care everyone!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member

    Larro, the picture of your dinner, delish!!! What is a hoe cake cornbread?

    Take care everyone!!!! :flowerforyou:

    Hoe-cake is a southern term for a pone of bread. Back in the day, the workers, slave and poor white alike, had to cook their meals in the cotton fields. They would use their hoes to hold the cornmeal over the fire until it was done. The name, if not the method of cooking has stood the test of time.
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Larro, did you make the cornbread? I love cornbread. I like it slightly sweet. Mmmm

    Well, one more pound lost, yeah! I miss exercising though! :ohwell: The other day I attempted some foam rolling. My thighs are extremely tight!!!! I was sore a few hrs later. I'd better do something because I am going to attempt to teach my Zumba class on Monday evening. Wish me luck!!!

    Gotta go, busy day. Happy Friday!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • caramelgyrlk
    caramelgyrlk Posts: 1,112 Member
    Hey kids, Happy Friday...Hope you are well and in good spirits.

    Alf-Congrats on the loss. You do not need luck for Zumba, you will do fantastic.

    Beeps---I have been laid off before and it sucks. Go through whatever emotions you need to go through and get back on the saddle. When one door closes the next one that open is often better. Hugs to you.

    KellySue--100 pounds is AWESOME. I hope you are proud of your progress. I wish you well with the house.

    Larro--That dusk picture was absolutely breathtaking. Can you make me the vegan version of the cornbread :flowerforyou:

    JFM--How did the haircut turn out?

    Emmalu'--You are doing a great job. Each step we take to push ahead in our journey makes us that much better. I hope you find a system that is right for you.

    I boxed on Wednesday and despite my wrist and hands being taped up, I unleashed so much aggression my knuckles and wrist were sore afterwards. I will say it time and time again. Exercising for me while under stress or anxiety has truly rewarded me because I felt so much better afterwards.

    My goal now is to find someone who specializes in vegan nutrition. I have read several books and watched videos, yet I still have more questions.

    Back to school is officially next week. Yipppeeeee :drinker:

    Have a great weekend everyone
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member

    I have done it!! I have hit the 100lbs lost mark. It has been a tough fight and sometimes I never thought I would actually get there. I still have about 30 lbs to go, but if I can get this far, I am sure I will make it the rest of the way!

    CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!:drinker: :drinker: :flowerforyou: :drinker: :flowerforyou:
  • Curiousgeorgianna
    Curiousgeorgianna Posts: 187 Member
    My goal now is to find someone who specializes in vegan nutrition. I have read several books and watched videos, yet I still have more questions.

    Hey Caramel,
    I was strictly vegan for over 20 years, and became quite a student of nutrition and diet. Feel free to ask any specific questions. It's a terrific way to eat, and, as you may suspect , requires some knowledge and planning to ensure adequate nutrition. When I first considered going total vegan -- mainly because I'd recently met a very hansome vegan man :blushing: -- he suggested I go for three weeks with no dairy, and then eat a pint of Ben & Jerry's and see how I felt. So I did just that. What I noticed was that my joints, especally knuckles, got swollen & tight, and I was clearing my throat alot from mucus. So that was that! My son was four at the time. Poor kid. :wink: I told him when he turned 12 he could make the choice for himself. He went straight to McDonalds.:laugh: Of course now that he's an adult, he has a keen awareness of health and diet, and is learning to cook!
  • 808Kine
    808Kine Posts: 60 Member
    Alf, good luck with the class today!

    Curious, you and I are stuck on the same number....my weight really likes to stay there no matter the regimen. The only time I saw it slide back was when I was religious about following the recommended eating from Body for Life since it cuts out all the garbage sans one free day per week.

    KS- I am in awe of folks that have the willpower to work so hard and accomplish so much :-) Congrats and keep up the good work, you will make it all the way!

    Larro, I love cornbread too. The family like it when I add a ton of honey to the batter.

    Caramel, kids here go back to school the first week of Aug. and I am still doing my happy dance......no more fighting over chores, electronic devices and tattling....and my guys are 12 and 13!!
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    Good Afternoon everyone. I'm back at work, and just getting around to catching up. I got out of here at 0130 last night, {this morning} and was back at 1300. I have a lock-out today for a Saturday wedding, so it's a skate day for me. Last night was a different story. Like John Prine sings about, I found myself on the wrong end of a broom:bigsmile: As many chocolate calories as I ate, I burned even more scrubbing it off the Ballroom floor.

    My cornbread recipe is two heaping tablespoons of cornmeal, a pinch of salt and enough water to make the dough workable. If you grease your pan with vegetable oil, it would have no animal products. Many southerners cook it in lard or bacon grease. The local Creek Indians cook a cornbread called fry bread. They make it in a circle with a hole in the center so it can be picked up with a stick. It is deep fried in fat. Fry bread is one of the main reasons there are so many fat Indians. I don't eat much bread at all these days, and very little cornbread. I like it, but it is hard to get over the huge amount of calories in it. Corn is used to fatten hogs for a reason.

    Hope everyone has a good weekend,

  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Larro, thanks for the recipe. Is it that simple??? The lady who cares for my son makes hers in a cast iron skillet. She says that is the secret to it. She wont share the recipe with me though. She says she will take it to her grave. :ohwell: :grumble: I am sure she uses more ingredients than that and probably processed ones. I've heard that you could find cornmeal that is non GMO and perhaps use coconut oil instead? I dont think cornbread is that bad, it all depends on the ingredients you use.

    Thank you for good wishes. I teach tomorrow. I am nervous about it. I am going to do the same playlist I had 3 wks ago. I am thinking about getting there earlier to stretch for a good 5-10mins. That is my problem too, I get there about 15 mins before I start and get to talking so I dont stretch properly. :noway: I got off my diet yesterday, back on it TODAY!!!!

    Curious, I have thought about going vegan many times for various reasons. What concerns me the most is not meeting my protein requirements. And it is hard for me to eat as many veggies now even on a good diet so I think it will be even harder if I turn vegan. Also I love greek yogurt! But I also love coconut yogurt, homemade, so that would be good. Not much protein in it though.

    Have a great Sunday!!! :flowerforyou:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,005 Member
    Thanks for all the well- wishes.....it is appreciated!

    I have a new 12-week self-challenge that will get me to a GREAt shape for my birthday!

    I will post it here for "accountability".
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,005 Member
    1. 1,200 cals per day for two weeks. 1,300 cals per day for next two weeks. 1,350 cals for the month after; and then 1,400 cals for the month after that.

    2. Weight-training M/W/F. Cardio/weight combo T/Th. Cardio on Saturday. Sunday = rest.

    3. Sleep 8 or 8.5 hours per night.

    4. 12 glasses of water per day, minimum.

    5. No after-supper snacking - but am going to drink green tea. Yes, i will be up at night pee-ing, but i don't have to go to work the next day! :)

    6. Weigh-in every Wednesday. Pictures and tape measurements every two weeks.

  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Good morning all!!! My son is off to school!! His last year in the school system. :sad: :cry: "What happens when the yellow bus stops coming" is really happening soon. My husband and I will be visiting day habilitation centers soon to start planning for his care when he graduates. I really dont want him to stay home and do nothing. The reality for parents with children with dissabilities. :cry:

    Beeps, that sounds like a very good plan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When is your birthday?

    Have a great Monday!!! :flowerforyou:
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Good Monday morning Cool Kids!! It was a busy weekend for me. Spent the day at the amusement park with my daughter and Jacob- such a cutie he is- he had an awesome time! We beat the rain home and then I ran a one mile race- doesn't seem like a great feat- but it was a tough mile as about 2/3 of it is all up hill. Saturday was VBS at our church and I was there from 9-4:30, fun but tiring. Yesterday I did yard work- mowed the lawn, weeded and such, then sorted through another area of my house- I have been doing a little bit as often as I can so I don't have to do everything at once. Between the yard and the sorting of some dusty corners my allergies were in full swing last night.

    I set out to run today and ended up walking more than I ran. Thank you allergies making it more difficult to breath properly even with allergy medicine.:frown: I will try again tomorrow.

    Alf- good luck with the day habilitation search. This is what I do for a living. I work in day habilitation. I don''t know what is available in your area or what kinds of things your son is interested in, but scrutinize the programs you have available. Make sure they are doing things that are productive and meaningful and aren't just hanging out at sight all day. (ie- volunteering, trips of interest, community oriented, etc.) I've been in the field for over 20 years so feel free to ask any questions and I will try to answer.

    Beeps- good luck with your 12 week challenge!

    Larro- The fry bread is awesome- just not something you can eat all the time. We have a friend that is Indian and she makes it all the time- she calls it squaw bread and often puts taco type toppings on it! I do love cornbread as well, but not too sure about the cooking in bacon grease, but I see quite a few southern recipes saying stuff about cooking with it.

    Have a good day all!
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    Good morning Cool Kids. My lifting went a little easier this morning. But I had to go over to Mamma's and fix her breakfast before I did my workout. She gave Sister the morning off, and called me. Not that I mind, but I didn't know, so I could have been working outside. It was just a protein shake with milk and Greek yogurt anyway. She could have done that by herself. When I go over at lunch, I'm going to make her open the two vials of medicine for her breathing treatment. She has been talking about going outside to walk {but it has been almost 100F last few days} so I think she can get her own lunch and breathing treatment.

    Yesterday was Margie's first day off in two weeks. The election is tomorrow, so in about a week to ten days she will be able to slow down a little. The Civic Center {where I work} is a polling place. I just talked to my boss and the tents and signs are already going up this morning. But I don't look for a huge turnout. It will be bigger in the fall.

    Larro- The fry bread is awesome- just not something you can eat all the time. We have a friend that is Indian and she makes it all the time- she calls it squaw bread and often puts taco type toppings on it! I do love cornbread as well, but not too sure about the cooking in bacon grease, but I see quite a few southern recipes saying stuff about cooking with it.

    It was a wonder I wasn't 200 pounds as a kid. We ate pancakes for breakfast 6 days a week, and had corn bread and biscuit bread with dinner and supper everyday. But then I also ate ice cream right out of the container everyday when I got in from school, and was skin and bones. It must have been the activity level back then was so much more than with kids today. Getting older and slowing down has made bread too expensive {calorie wise} for me to eat like I used to. Now I eat really thin slices of the Italian Loaf bread from the Walmart Bakery. And I toast that unless it's in a sandwich. Soft bread just taste like mush to me. If I ever have to eat old fashioned white lite-bread at someone's house, it takes all I can do not to make faces.

    Hope everyone had a good weekend, and has a great week.

  • Curiousgeorgianna
    Curiousgeorgianna Posts: 187 Member
    Happy Monday Cool Kids!

    Fun and busy weekend for me too. I took Bruce to a friend's house to ponder over a wiring project. B's getting around better, and wants to do stuff now. We got one of those scooters that hold your lower leg and have handle bars. He can get around a lot better, and the pain is easing up, so that's good. Sunday I totally ditched him and went kayaking!:happy: It was so great to get back into the ocean. It was super foggy, and pretty bumpy. We were joking about paddling by braille.

    Larro, I love John Prine, and enjoyed the broom reference! Sounds like good exercise too. I just peeled a flag decal off of the motorcycle I'm fixing, and I lapsed into a John Prine song over that too! :laugh: Keep your Mamma in line! :wink:
    Alf, I hope the teaching goes well today, and good luck on your habilitation search. Very cool that KS is resource for you!
    Beeps, the challenge looks great! Did you make that up yourself? I might follow along.
    Speaking of challenges, maybe Kine & I need to challenge ourselves to get under that dang 170 mark. Whadaya think?
    KS, bummer about the allergies. Some days you're on, and other days not so much with the running, and allergies can totally drag you down. The race sounds great though. Congratulations on that!

    I really should drag my scale back out of the closet. I'm a little afraid of it.:embarassed: Ok. I'll weigh in tomorrow!