40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



  • annettehangartner
    annettehangartner Posts: 23 Member
    Happy Monday to all!

    Seems I came back to the office to get a break LOL. I spent all weekend cutting out and sewing Seahawk Scrub tops, every day my daughter works she brings home more orders! I think we are up to 25 now LOL

    JFM congrats on 100 pounds, that is SO inspiring! Seems so far out of reach, I will just have to focus on 10 pounds right now.

    Emmanu' Great job on the inches, I grabbed the tape measure today too, and has success, it is enough to carry my through for a few days!

    Eliminated all sugar, wheat oats, barley and rice, potatoes, carrots, yams and bananas. I am on a Low Amylose diet. Amylose is one of the two properties that form a starch. I am Insulin Resistance and have PCOS, I already lowered my A1C .5 points by cutting back, I hope by eliminating I can further help balance out the insulin problem...which is all tied together to all the other hormones that seem to be running amuk. Time to tame those creatures.
  • caramelgyrlk
    caramelgyrlk Posts: 1,112 Member
    Evening cool kids....

    It was a busy weekend and today was no different. I took extreme fit tonight and walked 45 minutes. As of September 1st my gym is replacing Wednesday' s boxing with another extreme fit class. Boxing will be on Tuesday's and Thursday's. I train with my trainer on Thursday so I am done with boxing for awhile. For Labor Day my girlfriend and I are taking 2.5 hour challenge at the gym. 75 minutes is bootcamp/boxing, second challenge is barre/biking. I am really excited.

    Annette..Keep us posted on your progress with your Amylose diet.

    CG..I will definitely reach out to you and appreciate your willingness to assist with my veganism.

    Larry, sounds like mom is coming along. As usual you are busy. Since you make so much stuff I am surprised you like Wal-Mart bread.

    Beeps..I know you will do good with your 12 week challenge

    KellySue..how did you do time wise? We can be our own worst critic at times. I understand uphill runs are more i tense. Congrats to you for completing it. Hope your allergies get better. Mine are killing me too.

    Alf...I know you will find the right habilitation for your baby.

    Have a great night everyone.
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    Evening cool kids....

    Larry, Since you make so much stuff I am surprised you like Wal-Mart bread.

    Have a great night everyone.

    I have two bread machines, but I eat so little bread these days, I rarely bake it anymore. And I have stopped buying the expensive bread for the same reason. I was throwing more away than I ate. I've used several French breads, and the like. Some are very good, but cost way too much. The seven grain breads are a little too heavy for my taste. I like a good crust, but not a real heavy bread. And I like to slice it myself. That way I can adjust to what I need. The Walmart bread is a little too soft, but it's a dollar a loaf, and a loaf lasts me two weeks. As far as taste, their French and Italian taste the same to me, but the Italian is shaped better for sandwiches. I put half the loaf in the freezer when I buy it, and the other half in the fridge. Since I toast it anyway, there is no harm done. I will buy good bread if we are having spaghetti or something like that. {as if all that pasta isn't carbs enough}


    PS: sorry your boxing class is getting changed on you. I like to stick to my schedule and get cranky when anything changes it up.
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member

    KellySue..how did you do time wise? We can be our own worst critic at times. I understand uphill runs are more i tense. Congrats to you for completing it. Hope your allergies get better. Mine are killing me too.

    Caramel- I did the run in 12:43. Certainly not fast, but faster than I run regularly. Some adrenaline in there, I am sure, because I did end up walking one small part uphill and still came in faster than my normal time! I actually was quite pleased with myself and know that I can only get better!

    I decided to take my rest day today. My allergies continue to be a thorn in my side- or my nose as, the case may be. I just really felt the need to sleep in an extra hour this morning. Also, just have been so busy lately that I am worn out!! I may walk at some point today, but not sure yet.

    Have a good day all!
  • 808Kine
    808Kine Posts: 60 Member
    Hey Kids, how's tricks? Not much going on here, virus is taking hold so I'm downing the Airborne. Went to do cardio yesterday and had the attention span of a two year old. Treadmill, stairclimber, treadmill, bike, then Zumba of all things! I'm like a bull in a china shop so lasted about ten minutes then got tired of watching myself trip all over my own feet....had to get home to yell at two kids anyway. 12 and 13 year old boys are such a treat when they aren't getting along.....military school is on the horizon!

    Alf, best wishes to you in your search for a habilitation facility. My community is so limited in resources but I hope you have access to good programs. If you have any colleges near by, they are often a wonderful place for information or get a case manager in the community if you don't have one already.
    Larro, I too was throwing away a lot of bread and now package small portions individually and toss into the freezer...saves $ gig time especially when I buy at Costco.
    Annette-Great work with the A1C!!Oh, and I totally want one of those SEAHAWKS tops!!!!
    Hey ya Sugar...I'm new here and look forward to chatting.
  • Curiousgeorgianna
    Curiousgeorgianna Posts: 187 Member
    Good morning Cool Kids!
    B was asking where the bathroom scale was. He's afraid he might be losing weight.:ohwell: I reminded him that I put it in the closet so he didn't trip on it with his crutches, but it seems it's time for it to come back out. Well, I don't know how he's doing, but I gained 4 lbs since his accident--not even a month ago. :grumble: I'm going to have to dig deep to pull it together. My challenges are time and sleep depridation. My plan is to give up a little "down time" in the evening so that I can prepare and pack a decent breakfast & lunch for myself, including green juices. I've recently started spending my two short breaks doing a light weight routine in the a.m. and a yoga routine in the p.m., along with a brisk walk, some abs and PT for my hip at lunch -- so I'll keep that up. Sadly I don't have any other time before or after work for a better workout routine. After hip surgery I'll be able to commute by bicycle again, rather than motorcycle (though the motorcycle is really a fun way to start the day!). That will be huge. It used to be my primary aerobic exercise, and according to MFP burns about 750 cal! So here's my personal challenge framed as baby steps.
    Beginning tonight, I will make 3 days worth of green juice and a big-@ss salad that includes some beans. That will be my breakfast & lunch for the rest of the work week. And no night caps! Yummy tea. Thank goodness I don't have a swee tooth! Once I get started, I should be able to keep it going. I've just completely slumped lately.
    My longer term challenge remains these same 15 lbs. I've been toying with. This morning I am 175.5. :ohwell: Next Monday I'd like to see 173. Honestly I'd like to see 160, but I guess that's a stretch.:laugh:
    Sorry this post has been all Me Me Me. You guys rock.
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    Good morning all. Today is Election Day, which is Margie's busiest day of the year. Well, until the General Election in the fall anyway. So far I haven't been "volunteered" for anything. I will be going into work at noon {3 hours early}, even though my boss said everything was going smoothly at the Civic Center.

    Alf, my aunt had some birth defects that affected her speech and mobility. Most people couldn't understand what she was saying. Later in her life she was in an adult program up in Jackson County, and when that program was ended due to budget cuts, she went to the Calhoun County Sr. Cit. Center everyday. Because of her speech problem, most folks thought she was mentally handicapped, but she had the best memory in the family. The program in Jackson County tried to teach her to read, but she never could get the hang of that. {when she was a child in the late 30's and early 40's she went to school, but didn't do any lessons} What we found out was that she was a math whiz. She could do high school level math with just a little coaching. Good luck with finding a good program for your son.

    Curious, time is the biggest hurdle many folks have. As busy as I always am, I have more free time than most. And with the nature of my job, there are weeks when I work on Monday night, then don't work again until the weekend. I don't have any advice on how to make more time. You need to get plenty of sleep, as well as some downtime everyday. When you don't have more time for cardio, food is the way to go about getting healthier. Your plan for per-prepared meals and snacks is a good one. Good luck.

    Sugar, welcome aboard.

    Everyone have a good day,

  • annettehangartner
    annettehangartner Posts: 23 Member
    Hey there....came to work to rest a bit again lol. Trying to figure out if we are going to do anything on the long weekend...I think afternoon naps sound like a great thing to plan on!

    Kine 12 & 13 yr old boys huh? I can see why you would consider military school....Now if they were 12 & 13 yr old girls I would most certainly consider military school...for ME! I had planned on 3 or 4 kids. My daugher came second, and LAST.....Oh boy. SO much attitude from as young as 10 months old!

    CG I am doing eggs and veg in the AM instead of green smoothie, but doing the BAS (Big *kitten* Salad) for lunch too...then a protien and cooked veggie for dinner, some fruit and plain yogurt and honey to close out the day......And out of the entire day I look forward to my BAS most of all lol

    Sugar, welcome!

    Caramel....a class called Extreme Fit would make me run away with my tail between my legs.....but then again I would have some running to log into MFP ,.....change is sometimes annoying, but maybe your body is looking for things to be switched up a bit

    Beep....enjoy your day off! and great job setting up a 12 week program already

    KellySue, Allergies are bad here too, not sure why this year is so different

    Emmanu'.....Keep on plugging away, great job at logging every day!

    Larro....bread is my weakness.....just like a recovering alcoholic, I just cannot have it in the house! There is nothing more comforting that toast LOL That is a really sad statement.....

    Considering a second pot of coffee, I only got one cup out of the first pot at 5:30am.....now its 9am and I am wanting my salad already.....think I will settle for a cup o' joe

    Those I missed...have a great Tuesday

    Have a great day everyone, make great choices, stay active, and be good to yourself
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Happy Tuesday cool kids,

    Thought I had posted yesterday, but apparently I did not. :laugh:
    Had a great, busy weekend! It was our 32nd annual Salmon derby weekend for which i organize all the dock, weigh station and fish cleaning stations. It was a glorious weekend, weather wise. Nicest weekend we have had all summer.
    My boys entered the derby together and placed 7th and 10th overall for largest salmon. Overall, the salmon we very small this year , averaging 4-6 pounds. Normally, they average about 14-16lbs with the odd 20+ pounder in there.

    I did manage to get a short workout in on Sunday. Did the new beachbody PiYo program. By the end of the 25 minutes, I was sweating buckets!
    Did an hour run / walk yesterday.

    Beeps, I like your 12 week challenge and thought about it last night when I was about to reach for a snack. I did not as I told myself I would not snack after dinner either! So, thank you. :happy:

    Curious - I feel your pain. The guy on crutches is losing weight and the care giver running around doing everything is gaining. Now, that just isn't fair!

    Kelly - congrats on your mile run! Great job!

    Larro - like you and others, much of our bread ends up in the garbage. My husband still eats it fairly regularly in the morning, but we keep it in the freezer as it molds quickly.

    Carmel, you continue to inspire me! Your workouts are always so intense!

    Kine, I can relate to the two boys not getting along. Mine are now 31 and 33 and they finally get along!!! Took a long time. They are SO different.

    We had nice hot weather yesterday. Temps dropped by 10 degrees overnight. We are now cool and windy again. Leaves are changing and one can definitely feel fall in the air. :noway: Am so not ready for winter to come. Apparently we are supposed to have more of the same we had last year. Not sure I can survive another bitter cold winter. :tongue:
    California, here I come! :wink:
  • bago08
    bago08 Posts: 360 Member
    How hard is it to get into this cool kids club?
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    How hard is it to get into this cool kids club?

    Harder for some folks than others. But since you meet the two main criteria, {over 40, and have a pulse} welcome aboard.

  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    I {kind of} forgot about the poll worker ladies always bringing food, and I ate lunch before coming to work. I did get really small servings of the Italian potato salad, green bean salad and slaw. The pulled pork just wouldn't come off the serving spoon in small portions though. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

  • 808Kine
    808Kine Posts: 60 Member
    How hard is it to get into this cool kids club?

    Harder for some folks than others. But since you meet the two main criteria, {over 40, and have a pulse} welcome aboard.


    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :drinker: :drinker: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,005 Member
    Alf, my birthday is the beginning of November and yes, I made up my challenge on my own! That's why I called it a "self-challenge" - designed by "self".

    I am down 1.6 lbs this week, so all signs are pointing to a good start to my challenge!

  • kjgarcia
    kjgarcia Posts: 104 Member
    I am WAY far behind, but before I forget let me say how sorry I am to hear of your layoff Beeps!!! That stinks! Did you suspect?
  • kjgarcia
    kjgarcia Posts: 104 Member
    I love our little community :)

    I love that someone has questions and is looking for a vegan nutritionist and someone here can help. I love that Alf is seeking out day habilitation and KS can help....funny how things work out!
  • annettehangartner
    annettehangartner Posts: 23 Member
    I'm seeking sanity.....can anyone help with that?

    Oh wait, we are all over 40, guess that's doubtful :laugh:
  • cosmonew
    cosmonew Posts: 513 Member
    what up, cool kids.... just found this post....I'm cool (42 and counting LOL) did an 8 mile run yesterday and 4 miler today... I have a 8 mile race next week and hope to place.... I noticed I usually do well as not many 40-44 year olds are running.....where are you guys (LOL) I'm also working toward my first ever 1/2 marathon... thinking about the Sault International in Ste. St. Marie (is that even spelled right), I just move to northern MI... anyway... love this thread.
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    I'm seeking sanity.....can anyone help with that?

    Oh wait, we are all over 40, guess that's doubtful :laugh:

    I lost mine a long time ago- I don't miss it anymore! :glasses:
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    I have decided to show only my friends here my running pic from Friday. It's not a nice picture as I have the dreaded "loose skin", but it is what it is and it's better than being so overweight. I have to keep reminding myself of how unhealthy I was before and how far I have come.
