40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member

    Sdereski, I love the story about your fishing granddaughter. She's got a sharp mind! What's PiYo? Enjoy that concert! It sounds like a lovely time.

    It is a combination of Pilates and Yoga moves.
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Sdereski, that was awesome!!!! Do you work full time? How do you manage a job plus a B&B?? I would love to go blueberry picking!! I have been thinking about getting PiYo but I need to resolve my pain situation.

    Well, and speaking of pain, nothing showed in the XRays. I knew that would be the case. I also cheated and picked up a copy of my xryas at records before my appt. The good thing the doctor ordered an MRI. I just need to get an appt to get it done. So the waiting game. In the meantime she gave me more pain meds from naproxen to tramadol? Anyone tried that? I dont even like to take tylenol so I am a little nervous about taking this. :noway: I am hoping the MRI shows the cause of the pain. My labral tear has been bothering me more lately as well. It might all be connected. :sad:

    Larro, Orange is a cutie!!! I can imagine your garden. Nice!!! A person who gardens, cooks, etc like you do is NOT lazy!!!!

    Good to hear from so many of you!!!! Have a great evening!!! :flowerforyou:
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    Hi cool kids,

    The "hosue concert" was AWESOME! This guy is good! He sang some of the "old" stuff that we 40+ would know. James Taylor, Cat Stevens, Neil Young, The Beatles, Crosby, Still, Nash & Young, some of his own stuff as well, swing...It was great! The few people that were there thoroughly enjoyed it. I could have listened to him play and sing all night long. As it was, I didn't get to bed until after midnight. Thank goodness I said I would come in a couple of hours late this morning.

    Larro - your garden can be a full time job. Do you sell any of your produce? have I asked you this already? Nothing grew in our gardens this year, so I am making weekly trips to the farmer's market that comes to town. I just know that I would be in line wanting to buy fresh grown fruits and veggies. :happy:
    Also, scary story about your "visitors".

    Have a great long weekend all.

    Glad your guest put on a good show. All that kind of music is what I call music. I listen to music using Spotify at work, and it will offer music based on what you have listened to lately. It is rare for me to get anything later than about '85, unless it is a new album by an old band. Of course there are exceptions, like Gov't Mule, but they are old dudes doing new music.

    I used to truck farm for a living, and that was the biggest reason I didn't garden for years. Making money off of something will turn it into work quicker than anything. So no, I don't sell any produce. When/if I retire, I might sell some. You can make a little money off it.

    Back when I lived in town I would spend everyday at my camp on the river until it was time to go to work. Growing trees was my main hobby back then. I collected seeds from native trees and grew them in posts. I had red cedar, bald cypress, white pine, palm, dogwood, and several kinds of oaks. I also was trying to find hardy orange and grapefruit that could take the cold winters we have. I would give the trees as presents, and as more folks heard about them, they were asking me to sell a few. Since it was a hobby, I sold a few cheap. Those led to a few more and a few more. Soon I was having to deliver trees on my way to work at least once a week. One month I sold $600 in trees, and it dawned on me it was a job, not a hobby anymore. That was about 11 years ago, right after we moved into our house. I had brought all the young trees up to the new house so they were easier to tend. Well I went cold turkey on them. I never watered them again. Most died, but there are some bald cypress out by the garden that are still in pots and over 20 feet tall. I need to take them to my natural pond and plant them, just to get them out of the way.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,004 Member
    Hi all!

    Long weekend, here....a whole bunch of unstructured time, for me. I need some!

    I did my scheduled cardio, already, today. Will go pick up my daughter from her cousin's house, today. She has been there a week!
  • caramelgyrlk
    caramelgyrlk Posts: 1,112 Member
    Dropping in to say hello to the cool kids.

    I am mentally preparing for tomorrow's brutality.

    I am also looking at my diet and ways to modify it.

    Have a great day everyone.
  • KappaMarc
    KappaMarc Posts: 67 Member
    Hello Everyone! how is everyone today!
  • I_need_moar_musclez
    Hello Everyone! how is everyone today!

    Good, thanks! Happy Monday, fellow 40-somethings :)
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    Good Monday Morning Cool Kids. Hope everyone is having a good holiday. I've done my lifting and even had a cooked breakfast for once. {picture @ http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/1251741-what-s-for-breakfast?page=12#posts-21370095} I went ahead and added the {2 1/2 pounds} weight for the new month. I may have to do intro reps halfway through the month, but I didn't want to skip a monthly increase unless I had to.

    Margie and I walked over to change out the SD card on the game camera this morning. Alas the batteries were dead and there were no new pictures. It takes four D sized batteries, and we only had 2 in the fridge. So that goes on the shopping list for tomorrow.

    No real plans for the rest of the day. Margie cooked a big supper last night, with turkey &c....

    Got to go. Sister just called and is trying to add oil to the tractor. I need to make sure it goes in the right place.

  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,004 Member
    Larro - glad to read you got your lifting in! I am waiting fir my s-i-l and her kids to leave. I hope i can lift, today, but unsure.

    I walked nearly 22km yesterday! Unexpected....but good. I only ingested 1,600 calories, too, so i hope my scale-weight skinnies down this week, too. I will weigh on tuesday or wednesday at the gym!

    My daughter starts school, tomorrow, so i will attend grade seven orientation with her. Then i will lift. And then i will develop a little "work-time" schedule so i don't get too far iff the rails with "not working" time.
  • caramelgyrlk
    caramelgyrlk Posts: 1,112 Member
    Hey kids...hope all of you are well and had a relaxing weekend.

    I got through my 150 minute Labor Day Challenge. 75 minutes bootcamp and 75minute spin/barre. My sister and I were ready for more. People who do barre class on a regular basis have my undying respect. Squeezing a ball with your thighs while standing up and down on your heels had me belting out quite a few non traditional tunes...lol

    Beeps..as usual you have so much going and always so busy. I know your weigh in will be great. My daughter just entered 7th grade also.

    Larro....Can you send me a lemon ginger blast and a huge salad from your beautiful garden? Just kidding.

    CG...congrats on the weight loss.

    Have a great evening.
  • FancyPantsFran
    FancyPantsFran Posts: 3,687 Member
    Happy Labor Day Cool Kids

    Sorry I haven't popped in that much but things have been crazy with new house renovations and getting boys ready for back to school.

    I cant believe that I have a Senior and Junior in High School this year. Now we are going to revisit the colleges my son has the most interest in.

    Hope you all have a great rest of the day and talk to you all soon
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Hello everyone!!! I walked with my son to the neighborhood park this morning. He likes to go there and get on the swings. :happy: While there I did some walking and some body weight exercises using the park equipment. It felt good to break up a nice sweat. Later on my son got very agitated and started being aggressive towards me. There was another parent there of a child with autism and tried to help me. I had to call my husband to come pick us up. He has of course settled down now. I am going to work on some routines for the Zumba class on Wed. No class tonight due to the holiday.

    Good to hear from some of you!! Take care!! :flowerforyou:
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    Good Morning. I have my workout and breakfast behind me.Just have a second though, as I'm having my teeth cleaned this morning. {why do I get early appointments?} Then on to do the week's shopping. I don't have anything scheduled at work until next Monday, so maybe I can get caught up on things around the Larro Ranchero. I will go in to deposit my paycheck, take Margie to supper and tend the lobby plants, but Thursday sounds like a good day for that.

    Hope everyone had a good holiday and is ready to get back to the grind.

  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Good Tuesday morning! It has been a busy, busy weekend. We had a great time at the fair. Jake lasted about four hours and then was just too tired so we headed home, but it was loads of fun! Saturday we went to a wedding for a dear friend's daughter that was about 11/2-2 hours away from our house. We left the house at 11:00 am and got home at 9:00 pm. We were beat! Sunday I went shopping after church and then yesterday, I spent the day cleaning out my front room as things to donate and other stuff have accumulated there recently. It was an all day job for sure!!

    I did get some exercise in there as well. I walked Friday before we went to the fair. I also ran three miles on both Saturday and Monday.

    Today I did not exercise. My daughter started a new job this morning and my son-in-law dropped Jake off at the house at 6:30 am as he had to be in to work early today. I got up at 5:30 to shower and dress so that I would be ready when they came.

    Beeps- glad to hear that your personal challenge is going well.

    Caramel- great job on the Labor Day Challenge!

    Larro- I read about your scare with the people that stopped at your house- YIKES! Hopefully the sherrif did take care of it.

    Alf- good luck with your MRI. Hopefully it will give you some answers. Sorry to hear about your son getting upset. I give you tons of credit for being a great mom!!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,004 Member
    KellySue, we had a busy weekend, too....and now i am waiting for an electrician to come to help us determine why the two exterior sockets i. Our house ( one out back and one out front) konked out months ago....hopefully it doesn't cost an arm and a leg!

    I got my lifting done. At a different gym. Gym has waaaayyyyy more equipment than my regukar gym. I like that!
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    ....and now i am waiting for an electrician to come to help us determine why the two exterior sockets i. Our house ( one out back and one out front) konked out months ago....hopefully it doesn't cost an arm and a leg!

    I hate to even ask this, but did you guys check the breaker? Or it may be one of those that have a built in breaker. Now they are required for anything close to water.

  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    KellySue, we had a busy weekend, too....and now i am waiting for an electrician to come to help us determine why the two exterior sockets i. Our house ( one out back and one out front) konked out months ago....hopefully it doesn't cost an arm and a leg!

    Beeps- That totally stinks!! Hopefully it is a quick (and easy) fix!

    I was just thinking that I haven't updated anyone on the house hunting situation in a few days- we are still looking. The owner of the house that we put an offer in on just doesn't want to deal and really is asking too much for what is there :grumble: , so the hunt goes on. If there is nothing that turns up that looks interesting in the next month we will probably put off the search until spring. I do not want to be moving anything in the winter time!! :noway:
  • Follow_me
    Follow_me Posts: 6,120 Member
    Hey cool kids! I just wanted to stop by and say HELLO!
  • ruby70
    ruby70 Posts: 459 Member
    Hey Kids...checking into to say hello. I tried to read through the posts to catch up since I have been MIA for a while.

    Beeps - I am so sad to hear about your lay off from your job. I hope you find something better soon. I always say one door has to close for a better one to open. Way to stay motivated with your self challenge!!!

    Kelly Sue - Awesome job on your run and pic you posted. That is so incredible. I love to hear how far you have come and now your running dog gone races!!! That is super cool.

    Sederski - I finally made it to the sea caves by the Apostle Islands this summer and did some sea kayaking on Lake Superior. It was breath taking and I will be going back again for more next summer hopefully.

    Larro - I have not had a chance to post much but I know we have gardening in common. I have had a super produce summer. I canned 19 quarts of homemade spaghetti sauce, 16 quarts of whole tomatos, 8 quarts of dill pickles. All the tomatos and peppers & pickles came out of my garden. I must of had about 3 bushels of tomatos. I am still giving some away to my friends. It has been a bumper crops this year but has kept me very busy.

    Alf - I hope you find out what is wrong from your MRI test. I am very sad to hear you are not feeling well. That really puts a damper on things when you are such an energetic person you are.:flowerforyou:

    It is funny to hear some talk about mid life crisis. I am 44 and all of a sudden I am starting to see some things around me that are making me feel my age. It is really weird. We went to Valley Fair and I was in line to ride this crazy ride called Rip Tide and a teenage girl looked at me and said "are you really going to ride this?" I thought Wow I am starting to feel old. But Hell yes I rode it TWICE because it was a blast:drinker:
  • MaddyT122
    MaddyT122 Posts: 152 Member
    Hey, I want to be cool! Just stopping by to say hello. Now, off to the gym. :smile: