40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,004 Member
    Wasn't a breaker...but, i believe the fix was inexpensive! A 20w thing-a-ma-dooey was on a 12w thing. And the line and load were reversed. Get all that?!?!

    So, electrician fixed it all up and i will get an invoice this week.

    It is fixed....one more thing off the "to do" list!
  • sdg4416
    Have you tried to LOSE WEIGHT and KEEP IT OFF? Well, sign up here for FREE Techniques and Tips that will help you ACHIEVE YOUR GOALS!

  • caramelgyrlk
    caramelgyrlk Posts: 1,112 Member
    Hey kids, hope all is well.

    KellySue...I know you will find the perfect house. You needed another day to relax with the wee

    Beeps...are you going to join the gym that has more weights? I am happy your electrical issue was minor

    Alf..how are you feeling?

    Larro..what's happening at the ranchero?

    Ruby...glad you enjoyed the ride...lol

    I trained with my trainer today and the torture would not be complete without her making me run...lol

    Welcome all newbies

    Good night everyone
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    Good evening all. Margie and I got out after supper and clipped most of the gourds. Here is a picture of the dipper gourds. More garden pictures @ http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/1417439-a-good-morning-in-the-garden?page=2#posts-21388953.

  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    Oh, I forgot to tell you guys about my sister's little adventure yesterday. She borrowed the tractor to bush hog down at our creek camp. A little while after she left she called to say the tractor was stuck on a stump. I went and got her, but waited until my BIL got in from work before trying to get it off. She did a good job of it. The rear housing was sitting on the stump and the right rear tire was clear of the ground. It was a PITA, but we got it off about dark last night.


  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Happy Hump Day!! Welcome to the new folks! I got out and ran two miles today and managed to beat the fog that set in just after the sun came up. It is nice and sunny now though- thank goodness 'cause it poured yesterday.

    Larro- love the gourds. Some are cool looking! Glad to hear you were able to get your tractor off from the stump.

    Beeps- good that your electrical issue was a minor one!

    Caramel- How did your running go? Are you planning on doing any more races? My next one is September 20th. I am looking at one in October but am still undecided as the route has not been set yet and there are not too many ideal running paths in that particular area, but we'll see.

    Have a great day all!
  • ruby70
    ruby70 Posts: 459 Member
    Larro - great pictures of the gourds, they look kind of creepy but cool.

    Beeps - Glad to hear your electrical problem was not a major one. I had my washer break down in July and it was a month before the repair guy could finally get it fixed. The main computer board went out and they had to order the part, when the new part arrived that one was bad too! Had to order another one and then finally it worked again. With a family of 3 the laundry mat was tough to get used to.

    Caramel - sounds like you had a great and intense workout. I love that your trainer pushes you hard :noway:

    KellySue - What type of runs are you doing? It sounds like you are on fire planning one in Sept and Oct. Great Job!

    I was so proud of my 13 year old son last night, he is trying to get in better shape and came up with his two week plan last night to avoid all sweets and chips. He made notes on index cards and posted them on the fridge for his plan. He is motivating me too:blushing:
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member

    KellySue - What type of runs are you doing? It sounds like you are on fire planning one in Sept and Oct. Great Job!

    Ruby- They are both 5k runs. Like I said, I 'm not really sure about the one in October because I walked through the area last month and it was more like a hiking trail than a running trail- lots of hilly, wooded, overgrown areas. If I do it, I may just walk it- still waiting to see the final course. I am also doing another 5k in December- it's huge and usually has over 2,000 participants. It's at night and everyone is given bells to where on their running shoes- :laugh:
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    Good morning Cool Kids. I have my AM workout and breakfast behind me, and am on the 5th load of laundry.

    KellySue, great that you got your run in. Now if you will just make sure you have rings on your fingers to go with the bells on your toes {or shoes} for the December 5K, you will be all set.

    Caramel, I got tired just reading about your huge burns this weekend. You are on a tear.

    Beeps, glad you got your electrical sorted out. I was an electrician 30+ years ago in my Navy days, but I have always been absent minded, and figured if I forgot an important something or other, I might burn someone's house down. So I didn't go into that line of work when I got out.

    Ruby, I can see that you are setting good examples for your son to follow. Well done.

    MaddyT, Follow Me, KappaMarc, Moar Musclez's, Fay Twain and anyone else I might have missed, it's good to see you guys.

    I may have not said this before, but I have a bad shirt problem. On Monday I cleaned out 20 something 2&3X shirts out of my short sleeve closet. I felt really good about the space I had created, not to mention all the hangers I cleared up. Then yesterday when I walked in the Catholic Thrift Store in Marianna, the lady hands me a brown paper bag and says, "all the clothes that will fit in the bag for $5." I was quickly 2 pair of jeans over the top of the bag, so I got a 2nd bag and found a few shirts for Margie as well. The final count was 9 shirts for Margie, 3 pair of shorts {2 pair of Browning water shorts, and 1 pair of board shorts}, 2 pair of jeans, and 22 shirts for me, all for $10. I added up the tags, and came up with $61.50 at regular thrift store prices, which are cheap to begin with. Then when I got to the Habitat for Humanity thrift store, they had shirts on sale for $1 {regular price is $2.50}. I used much restraint though, and only got 9. Some of the brands were Tommy, G H Bass & Co, Izod, Chaps, Redhead, Browning, Dockers, Wranglers, Salmon River Traders and River Guide Outfitters. I Googled the Browning shorts and they retail for about $40-45 each, so they would have cost as much as I spent. The bad news is that most of the shirts were long sleeve. So guess what I have been doing between loads of laundry. That is right, cleaning out the 2&3X from my long sleeve closet. Luckily there was only a couple of T's, so I will be able to squease them in without too much effort.

    Hope everyone has a good day.
  • caramelgyrlk
    caramelgyrlk Posts: 1,112 Member
    Afternoon kids,

    I woke up this morning with an intense hunger.

    I am back to training for my 5k on 9/14. I admire anyone who lives, breathe and eat running. To be honest, I am really doing it since I find many people have lost weight running. I am almost desperate to lose this last 10 pounds. I gained 5lbs, yet my clothes are looser. I actually get measurements done over the weekend. Perhaps the inches will reveal more significance. It is going to be weird not having boxing tonight, but I welcome Extreme Fit again today. We have a class called metabolic training and I decided to watch these guys for a few moments. When I saw these men and this one woman, do handstands and perform push-ups I was mesmerized:noway: . They had steppers on the floor with 10+ risers on each side and they had to jump that high to do a box jump. Again I was left speechless. The instructor looked at me with such love in his eyes and said "Kym come join us". I laughed and said, no chance :noway: ...lol....Since crossfit is trademarked, the class is very similiar. I seriously aspire to have the nerve and courage to try his class. Your time is also tracked like a 5k race and your reslults are posted. This group take pride in posing for a group photo after each class. I promise you will not be bored in that class. Did I tell you these guys and that one woman have bodies of steel?

    Ruby..that was so encouraging and very motivational about your son. I love it.

    KellySue--You inspire me more than you probably realize. Awesome job with the 2miles. My next 5k race is the 14th of this month. I am training AGAIN. I really want to be done at 30 minutes or under. I do believe once it cools off, I will do a bit better. Running in the heat yesterday was rather draining. Do you worry about the time when you race or are you more concerned about finishing? I ask because this race on the 14th is for my employer again, and the runners on my job finished the last race 31 minutes and I finished at 39. I was more concerned with finishing.

    Larro---You shop and at bargains too, Ladies, it is time to clone Larro. All in favor, say I...lol...If I do not do something with my bursts of energy, I get in trouble, yes even at my age (lol)

    If I forgot you, please forgive me.

    Have a great day everyone.
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member

    KellySue--You inspire me more than you probably realize. Awesome job with the 2miles. My next 5k race is the 14th of this month. I am training AGAIN. I really want to be done at 30 minutes or under. I do believe once it cools off, I will do a bit better. Running in the heat yesterday was rather draining. Do you worry about the time when you race or are you more concerned about finishing? I ask because this race on the 14th is for my employer again, and the runners on my job finished the last race 31 minutes and I finished at 39. I was more concerned with finishing.

    Larro---You shop and at bargains too, Ladies, it is time to clone Larro. All in favor, say I...lol...If I do not do something with my bursts of energy, I get in trouble, yes even at my age (lol)

    Awwe- you are very sweet! I run just to finish- not really worried about time at all. I am quite slow, but I do the best I can.

    As far as cloning Larro- I OR AYE! :laugh:
  • ruby70
    ruby70 Posts: 459 Member
    Caramel - you are making me hurt just reading about this class. It is amazing what we can do if we put 100% in. My sister competes in bodybuilding and she started personally training clients this past summer. She is an animal. She came down to my house for a 4th of July party and that morning her and some friends went for a spur of the moment 26 mile bike ride (just for fun she said):noway: Unfortunely I don't think I will ever get there but who knows.

    As for cloning Larro - it is a I from me too!:laugh:
  • annettehangartner
    Still have not recovered from the weekend!
    Friday: signed up at Planet Fitness, hubs, daughter and myself. Son and his GF already signed up
    Saturday: went to the gym and checked things out a bit, got an appointment set with the trainer
    Sunday: shopping and Farmers Market, 5 hours!
    Monday: trainer appointment, and then did the 30 minute circuit class with him as well
    Tuesday: Wondered what color the train was that hit me....but wen to the gym last night and did 27 minutes on the treadmill and all of the prescribed upper body workout
    Wednesday: night off of the gym!
  • Curiousgeorgianna
    Curiousgeorgianna Posts: 187 Member
    Good afternoon Cool Kids,
    Sorry I haven't checked in for a bit. A little hectic! But mostly good.
    Kine, thanks for the thoughts of safety! I recall driving on the Island a bit hairy no matter what you're in! :laugh: I avoid traffic as much as possible to better my odds. And since I'm also a bicycle commuter, I have the instinct to assume nobody can see me, and if they could, they'll try to kill me. I also wear all the gear, all the time. Did I mention it gets 76 mpg?!?
    Larro - I'm with Caramel about cloning you. My kind of shopper to be sure! Love how your sis parked that tractor on the stump :laugh: .
    Sdereski, I'm glad the house concert was a major success. What a nice treat! PiYo makes sense! They share so much that the combination should be amazing.
    Beeps, Glad to hear you had some unstructured time, and didn't have a major electrical problem. The 22km walk is impressive!
    Caramel, you mentioned modifying your diet. Is that just for the upcoming race, or in general. What are you thinking? The workout you described sounds scary! Dang! When I was 23 I discovered running, and did live & breathe it. I had nightmares about getting injured and not being able to run. I absolutely loved it, AND I lost weight. I had to pay more attention to eating enough. I was also strictly vegan then, and it's totally doable, but you do need to pay attention to your diet. It doesn't matter that beer, chips and salsa are all vegan :wink:
    Fay, isn't it the strangest feeling to watch your children progressing through time? My boy is 28, and getting married this month! I swear it was just yesterday that he graduated from HS.
    Speaking of kids, Ruby, your son sounds like a really terrific one! How great that he's motivated, and motivating!
    Kelly Sue, I love to hear about your runs. When I was able to run, I loved the offroad ones. Maybe you'll like it too. I should correct the statement from "run" to "jog". I was never fast, no matter how many intervals I did. 10 minute miles were my average. By the end of my first year jogging, I was logging about 30 miles a week, running 5 days. Best of luck finding the perfect home for you and your family.
    Annette, congratulations on finding a gym, and one that uses trains :laugh: . Glad you're enjoying it.
    I do desperately hope that this hip surgery will allow me to get back in action. :ohwell:

    My mother was with us all weekend sewing my almost-daughter in laws dress. It was nice to have her about. Since B can't really do anything still, I just puttered about all weekend, and made a lot of food to get us through the week. Cioppino with mussels, crab & fish we caught ourselves; bunny stew with mushrooms and potatoes we gathered & grew; quinoa and broccoli salad; rejuvelac (a probiotic wheat berry drink), caprese salad, and green salad. My plan was good, but we can't eat that much! I'll have to freeze some. I thought about you, Larro, and almost took pictures! :wink:

    A lot of weight dropped off last week, but I suspect it was fluids releasing or something, since I wasn't really doing much to earn it. At least I'm back where I was before B got hurt. Within striking distance of the 160s!

    Happy Hump Day everyone! :heart:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,004 Member
    Larro - i like those dipper gourds....whadda-ya do with 'em?

    caramel - tape measure going down is a WIN!!

    Curious - nice to move down a decade! Go 160's.

    Did a 12 km walk today. Lunched with a colleague who is a good networker. Worked all afternoon on private client business.

    Tomorrow, I lift!

  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    Larro - i like those dipper gourds....whadda-ya do with 'em?


    Like the name suggest, they were used for water dippers. Also called drinking gourds. Margie has a Dremel tool and is going to do arts and crafts type things with them. Or so she says. The ones we grew year before last are still in the barn.

  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    And you guys really, really wouldn't like more than one of me. Sometimes I'm hard to take in single serving sizes. It's my mind you see. I can't turn it off. Just now as I was logging my supper, I got to thinking about what those cheap shirts were really costing me. {Freakanomics} When you factor in the cost of the house {$210K/30 years= $7K/year} plus property taxes {$2.5K/year} [$9.5K/year] and divide that by 2792 square feet that is $3.40/sf/year. And 22 shirts take up about 2 sf of actual closet space, plus about 1sf right in front that can't be used for anything else. So you are talking about $10.20 per year, just to hang them in the closet. I will not get into washers and dryers &c......

  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Larro- You need to find a way to turn that brain off!!! My younger daughter is a very analytical person and does that sort of thing all the time! She's a financial auditor and good at her job- wonder why :laugh: !!

    Beeps- great job on the walks! Hopefully something will come from meeting with your networking colleague!

    Curious- Good for you getting back to where you were weight-wise. Enjoy your son getting married.

    I walked today- I just feel like I need to switch things up a bit sometimes and not do the exact same thing every day. Funny thing is that I walk almost as fast as I run!! I am slow, slow, slow when it comes to running. I really have to pace myself or I end of not being able to breath and then it is just not fun anymore! I'm not looking to win any races- it's all about being healthy and getting stronger.

    Have a great day all!
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Hi all,

    dropping in to say "hello".
    Got my blueberry picking in on Sunday, and wouldn't you know it, I got lost again! :noway: I walked out and had NO idea where the car was, or which direction I had to go. Luckily, I was on some sort of road, so I started walking and ran into a couple of young men, one being a good friend of my boys. I told them I had NO idea where I was. They asked if I was "with the white car" and if so, I had gone the WRONG way. They were kind enough to drive me back -about a 2 mile drive back to the car!!! Now, how did I wander and get so turned around in such a short time. UGH! That's it!!!! I am not going picking again, unless I stay on the side of the road. Needless to say, I was SO mad at myself.

    I had planned Holiday Monday to be a lounge day, but it didn't turn out that way. I ended up making fresh blueberry pie, had a nice visit from my son and granddaughter and to end the day off, my youngest son and wife dropped in for a visit as well. :happy:
    It stormed all day, so was nice to have the company. The rain did stop for about an hour while my GD was visiting, so we had a nice walk on the beach. She is just so darn cute! :heart: Her imagination is a wonder. So fun.

    B&B guests again this week. Both rooms are booked again tonight. Am hoping for a quiet weekend. Am supposed to golf in the ladies closing tournament. Have golfed all darn year and now I am golfing in the closing?! :tongue:

    DH and I did a short walk run last evening. Felt good to run out in my neck of the woods again.:happy:
  • Curiousgeorgianna
    Curiousgeorgianna Posts: 187 Member
    I'm not looking to win any races- it's all about being healthy and getting stronger.

    Amen to that!