40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,096 Member
    Had a great lifting workout today, again. Will wander around seaport village and grab lunch. Hubby should be back from conference around 2 today. Think we will water-taxi over to coronado abd see what is up! BOOM!

    sdereski, tutu sounds AWESOME!

    welcome, NBFL....you can post here whenever you want!
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    Welcome goldenguy. I'm also called Tim away from the interwebs. I'm sure you will like it here.

    sdereski, glad you are going to get some grandma time on a regular basis. My Mamma is always singing the blues about her granddaughter and great grandkids being a couple thousand miles away.

    KellySue, hope your mom checks out OK. I was just over at my Mamma's house and her Doctor called to move her next appointment up by a couple of months. She has had an ongoing fight with bladder cancer for the last 7 or 8 years. She dropped off a sample a couple of days ago, then them calling to change the appointment doesn't sound good. Bladder cancer isn't a really dangerous cancer, but it almost always comes back. She has been through it 2 or 3 times already.

    Ruby, you are right about me being more determined than I was 20 years ago. Even though I was 33, I was still acting like a kid. Just not as dependable I should have been. These days there isn't a choice in the matter. You reach a certain age and you realize you have to get on with it. No one is going to live your life for you, so it's up to you.

    Just, congrats on your 10000 steps. I will break down one day and buy some fitness electronics. I'm just too cheap to do it right now. I can make myself write a check for a new car if I really need it, but I can't spend a hundred bucks on something I only want. {tractors are the one thing where my want/need meter might be out of whack. I have three, and since I don't farm anymore, some folks might say that wasn't a real need. And I still cruise CL and the used tractor sites online looking for #4}

    Beeps, it's funny how location has such a big determination of your outlook on the sun. After picking my peas and tying up the tomato plants. Then going over to Mamma's and picking her peas and cutting her okra, I was mighty happy to get out of the sun.

    Carmel, good luck with your race this weekend. 9/11 still has power down here. My 2nd cousin, Tracy Larro, {Larro is not really my name, but it is close} volunteered for the Army after the attacks. He was killed in Iraq not too long after the war started. After Tracy died, Margie started a program called Vote In Honor Of A Vet, where she posted pictures of Vets on the wall near her office in the Court House. She printed up stickers where the voters can write in the vets name instead of the usual I Voted stickers. It has, by far, been the most popular thing she has done since she's been in office. Now the pictures have most of the walls on the 1st floor covered. When she is closer to retirement, I may even let her post my ugly mug up there with Daddy and all my uncles.

    Most days I don't wake up when Margie gets up and gets ready for work. But today wasn't one of those days. I was awake before 0500, and started my workout by 0600. At least two hours earlier than I'm used too. Since it's too hot to do anything outside, I think I will take a nap. So no one call me for the next couple of hours.

    Hope everyone is having a good day.

  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Still no news on my mom, but I see so many of you are sharing your 9/11 memories. I was at work when the first plane struck and was in utter disbelief. We had to keep our calm so as not to upset the people we were working with, but it was difficult to do when you saw and heard about people jumping out of windows so far up that there was no chance of survival. My husband was also in the hospital at the time. I live in the Syracuse area which is pretty far upstate and my husband was released from the hospital two days after this happened because they were thinking that there would be waves of people being moved to hospitals outside their area because of all of the wounded that would be treated. This unfortunately never really happened because more people died than were wounded. It is all so surreal still even after all of the years that have passed. My dad was a firefighter at the time still- retired now, but he had been in training in NYC and had many friends down there, some of who died.
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    This morning I was in such a rush to get to the chicken, onion and pepper omelette I was planning for breakfast, {http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/1251741-what-s-for-breakfast?page=13#posts-21495051} I skipped everything after my lifting in my AM workout. So I just did 5 minutes on the stationary bike, and owe 15 minutes moderate effort, and 5 minutes intense effort on the Gazelle. I have so much resistance dialed in on the handlebars of the stationary bike, it is more of an arm workout than legs. It is much easier to do right after lifting when your muscles are already warmed up.

    Today is Thursday, and I forgot to do my numbers earlier. So here they are:

    22.3% Body Fat
    56.7% Body Water
    24.7 BMI
    176.9 Pounds

    And thanks for not calling during my nap.

  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Happy Friday all! It is cold and rainy here today and I had wanted to get out for a run, but the yucky weather has prevented that. I did some aerobics at the house instead.

    My mom is going to have a bunch more tests to determine what is going on with her liver. She is still having pain, but it is much less severe than it was. Onward we go!!

    Busy weekend ahead- have a meeting at church tomorrow morning and house hunting in the afternoon. Sunday, after church, we may stop by my friend's house for her son's 3rd b-day party, but then going to have dinner with my parents at one of our favorite restaurants to celebrate our anniversary and theirs- they will be married 49 years on the 18th.

    Hope everyone has a good day!!
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Welcome NBFL!

    Fall has arrived! We had a major wind and rain storm on Wednesday and with it, it brought much cooler temperatures! Last night, temps dropped to 1C. Not that we had much warm temperatures this summer, however, you can certainly feel the change.
    The sun is shining today, but it is cooler. The leaves are changing colour and falling. The roads are now littered with fallen leaves.

    managed to get a walk / run in yesterday after work with my g/f. Rushed home to prepare for bridge, as I was hosting.

    Have an Alzheimer's Fund raiser tonight. It's dessert. :tongue:

    Hope I can fit a run in before I go, otherwise.....:noway:

    Good luck with the house hunt Kelly.

    Larro - glad you enjoyed your nap and none of us bothered you. :laugh: Being too hot to do anything outside is a foreign concept to me. It's usually the opposite around here.

    Beeps - SD sounds lovely!

    Alf - how are things....you've been quiet. Hope all is well.

    Happy Friday cool kids. Make your day harder. :wink:
    Here is a cool little video from the man that brought you 23 1/2 hours.

  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    All this talk of fall. I'm waiting with baited breath for the first night the lows dip into the 60's. It's 98F right now {1605}, with a heat index of 120. The first 2 or 3 weeks of September is always some of the hottest weather of the summer for us.

    I was scheduled to come into work at 1300, but got a call at 0830 and had to rush on in to set up tables. Before I finished my workout or had breakfast. Then when I got here, the customer had left, and I didn't get to set up the tables until after 1030. Oh well, I got to make four extra hours. And I did get around to eating breakfast. At lunchtime. I'll try to do enough walking to make up for my missed workout later on tonight.

    Hope everyone is having a good day.

  • caramelgyrlk
    caramelgyrlk Posts: 1,112 Member
    Happy Friday Kids,

    Welcome all newbies......

    Not much to report today. My trainer wore my legs out today. I will lay low tomorrow since I have the race Sunday morning. I ordered a large shirt for the race and it was a medium in my chair and I was nervous that it would not fit. It fit, so that was a relief.

    KellySue-Hope mom recovers soon. I like how you still find a way to work out. As usual you have a busy weekend. Do you ever rest? (I have a lot of nerve....lol)

    Larro---No one disturbed you during your hibernation did they? Now that you are rested that means you are back up and running the ranchero.

    Beeps---How long are you in SD? I have a girlfriend who lives off the beach and I am looking forward to seeing her in a couple of months. Hope you are having a blast.

    Sderski---How was bridge? I love Fall and the leaves, yet I dislike raking them, especially when they are wet.

    CG and Ruby--Hope both of you are well.

    I really do appreciate being in my 40's, we really do rock. The only thing I do miss about being younger is the tighter skin.

    Have a great weekend everyone. I will keep you posted on my results for Sunday's run.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,096 Member
    Travel day, today....see you tomorrow!
  • JustFindingMe
    JustFindingMe Posts: 390 Member
    Happy Sunday cool kids!

    Day 2 of quitting smoking. It was a difficult morning but the evening was easier. One day at a time *deep breath*

    Hope everyone has a great day! It is chilly and clear, my favorite kind of day :happy:

  • caramelgyrlk
    caramelgyrlk Posts: 1,112 Member
    Hey kids...

    I had a family emergency that kept me from running my race this morning. I will check with my employer to see the next one they will sponsor and/or check out another before the end of the year.

    Hope all of you are well and had a great weekend.

    JFM...you took the first step to quit. One day at a time is a great way to look at it. You rock.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,096 Member

    I'll lift tomorrow.
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Caramel- Oh No! Hope everything is OK.

    Beeps- Hi!

    Just- good luck with kicking the smoking habit. You will feel so much better once it's gone for good!!

    I had a few cancellations in my weekend plans. My meeting and the birthday party for my friend's son were both cancelled because everyone was sick. I did a few things around the house instead during those times. I ran three miles on Saturday morning and just beat the rain- whoohoo! We looked at three houses on Saturday as well. I really liked the first one, but it's pretty far out in the country and my husband was concerned about the drive in the winter and not really thrilled with well water and septic- scratched that one off. the second had cool spaces in it, but needed more work than what I want to put in to it.- down another one. The third has some promise to it. It's a nice size and relatively new- 7yrs and a good price. It had a nice fenced in yard and everything on one floor. It needs paint and a few minor repairs, but easy fixes. We have to wait until the end of the month before we can put an offer in though because the house is a foreclosure and you actually have to show that you have the money in your account before the bank will even consider an offer. We'll see if it's still available. I am going to continue to keep my eyes open.

    Ran two miles today and am planning on doing some circuit training on Tuesday and Thursday and will probably do another 2 mile run on Wednesday. I am planning on a rest day on Friday since my race is on Saturday.

    Have a good day all!
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    Good Morning Cool Kids. I've done my AM workout, lifting included. I slept in again this morning, so I just finished breakfast and it is almost lunch time. I had an interesting event at work this weekend. It was a big coming out party for a 15 year old girl of Honduran decent. It was a very formal affair. Many, many beautiful women in attendance. {my job can be sooooo tough sometimes}

    KellySue, the house being out of town would be a selling point with me. How many more years is your husband going to work? Do you guys plan on keeping this house the rest of your lives?

    Caramel, hope all is well with you and yours. There will be other races.

    Just, I am so proud of you for tossing the cig's. I gave up cigars 10 years ago, and wish I had done it sooner.

    And a big hello to everyone else. Hope this Monday turns out good for everyone.

  • ruby70
    ruby70 Posts: 459 Member
    I am so freakin sore today. Does using a joist hanger nail gun count as a work out? We are trying to finish our inside of our 40x48 pole shed and we hung about 45 boards yesterday building our ceiling. Ouch, I am not good at construction. :laugh:

    NBFI & Golden Guy -welcome to our group glad you can join us

    JFM - great news on the quitting smoking. Once you get over the hump you will love it. I quit about 10 years ago and would never want to go back to being a smoker. I used my running as a motivator to quit as I wanted to increase my run times. it is well worth it.

    Sederski - sounds like the works out with your g/f are paying off. You will have abs of steel soon. So glad you have a great friend to work out with and have fun. Fall is in the air hear too in Wisconsin. I am not ready and already can feel the need to get ready to hibernated kicking in. I ran around my yard over the weekend cleaning off the garden and putting stuff away for winter.

    Caramel - I hope all is okay with you, I am so sad you missed your race. I was looking forward to hearing how it went. Do you have an appt set to go to the doctor to discuss your surgery. I vote yes to have it done. I have a 13 year old son and I know how our kids pull at our heart strings. You have just come so far and I think you would feel awesome to have the excess skin removed.

    Beeps - Welcome back home from vacation, I hope you had a great time. Good job on hitting the gym at the hotel.

    Kelly - my prayers are with you and your mom, I hope they can help her soon and she gets some relief from the pain. I too vote for the house in the country. It does take a bunch more effort to get around with driving but it is so nice to have your own space. I love the peace & beauty of the country.

    Larro - I am cleaning my garden off and you are tieing up your tomato plants. I am jealous. Any garden produce I want to keep is now in jars or the freezer for the winter. The cold wind will soon blow. Some had frost here on Friday night already, way too early for that.
  • caramelgyrlk
    caramelgyrlk Posts: 1,112 Member
    Hey Kids,

    Hope all of you are well and in good spirits.

    I spoke to my coworkers who ran the race and decided at the 5k mark to continue on to do the 10k. They were barely walking in the office today and that was their first 10k. Camraderie is very powerful. Had I been there, they may have talked me into it taking the 10k plunge. Did I tell all of you I do not turn down reasonable or sometimes unreasonable challenges? All is well again on the home front, so I am now looking for a race to make up for yesterday. I will keep you posted.

    Ruby--My appointment is in January 2015. I set this date because I want to strength train and work out as hard as I can to really make sure I can not rid myself of the bat wings and kangaroo pouch. My bust used to be a 46DDD and now I am 36DD. Needless to say I look like I took an iron and pressed them out....:blushing: A coworker of mine did a mommy make over and she used the doctor I intend to use. The price tag for her knocked me out of my chair but she looks wonderful (a down payment on a nice house or pay off a car). I will keep you posted.

    Beeps--Welcome back. Hope you had a great time. I am sure your job is sooooooooooooooo tough...lol :bigsmile:

    Larro--You are right there are plenty of races and I look forward to the next one.

    KellySue--I am firm believer in whatever is meant for you will be for you. As long as you and hubby are happy that is what matters most. Of course, Jake needs his own space to occupy...:smile: Great job on your running. Your momentum is awesome.

    Alf--You are quiet, hope you are ok.

    Sdereski---You are fortunate to have a g/f who can push you and also work out with you. I agree with Ruby you will have abs of steel. Do you remember those VCR tapes called Abs of Steel? I remember laying on the floor screaming...lol

    For all of the newbies, welcome aboard......

    You can tell Fall is approaching, as it is getting dark sooner and the cool air is making me want to hibernate. It is also cute to see the squirrels running around gathering food.

    Extreme Fit for this kid tonight. After the weekend I had, I need to belt out this excess energy of mine. My gym is doing a spectacular tomorrow and are featuring the personal training classes for free. You know I will be there with bells on.

    Have a great day everyone
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Caramel- I thought about you this morning when I was running on the trail. I saw two deer- I tried to take a picture, but they were too quick for me!!

    Thanks for all of the suggestions on the house. It's not my husband that works- he is disabled. He is concerned about me driving all the way out there and also my daughter and son-in-law bringing Jake out there in the winter time. The other house that we are interested in is just outside the city limits and has city amenities, but it is a bit more of a country setting so it's kind of the best of both worlds. Jake would still have a nice big yard to run around in and his own room as this house has 4 bedrooms in it. ( A master, Jake's room, a guest room and a craft room-!!!) It is still a bit of a ways off as we do have to wait until the end of the month before we can do anything else, so we will see!!
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Hi all,

    Meant to post yesterday, but the day got away from me.

    Welcome back Beeps.

    Carmel - glad the family emergency is all taken care of. There will be many, many more races to run, so missing one is no big deal.

    Kelly - I too believe the right house will find you.

    Ruby - that does sound like quite a workout indeed! Absolutely counts. I remember when we were building our house. I had a run a marathon about 2 weeks prior and was not too sore afterward. My husband and I were laying hardwood floor in one of the bedrooms. Well, we could barely walk for a week afterward! It hurt WAY more than the post marathon pain. :tongue:

    Larro - glad you get to really enjoy your job at time. :wink:

    had a busy weekend - my granddaughter started dance on Saturday. It was so cute! As soon as she got her tutu, she was twirling around; however, when she had to walk into class with the teacher and other kids, she was terrified and would not let go of my hand. I ended up staying the room so she knew I was there, but she did relax a bit as the class went on. The teacher is adorable and wonderful with the kids. Our church had their annual yard sale - wow, what an event. The bake sale table alone brought in over $1300. Keep in mind we are a community of less than 3000.

    Sunday we did the Terry Fox run. Our friend and neighbour has recently been diagnosed with prostate cancer. Very aggressive prostate cancer, so we were all out there with him.
    We also had my birthday dinner that day as I am going to be away when it is my bday, so had the kids over Sunday night for dinner.

    I did manage a 10k run on Friday after work and did an 8k run after work yesterday. Attended a house concert last night,. The young duo call themselves Ash & Bloom. They are like a modern day Simon and Garfunkel. It was fantastic!

    Have a good one all!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,096 Member

    Doing a strength combo class at the gym, today.

  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    I had wrote a nice long post responding to the latest posts and saying hello to the rest, but my computer ate it. So just take this as a well thought out and well written piece about the trials and tribulations of rural snow removal, the high cost of plastic surgery, the meanness of nicotine withdrawals, the lack of fat roofers{and a garden report}, happiness of returning to the saltmine {BOOM}, and happy birthday.
