40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,987 Member

    Doing a strength combo class at the gym, today.

  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    I had wrote a nice long post responding to the latest posts and saying hello to the rest, but my computer ate it. So just take this as a well thought out and well written piece about the trials and tribulations of rural snow removal, the high cost of plastic surgery, the meanness of nicotine withdrawals, the lack of fat roofers{and a garden report}, happiness of returning to the saltmine {BOOM}, and happy birthday.

  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Larro- too funny!!

    Sdereski- your weekend sounds like it was loads of fun!!

    I got in a 30 day shred workout this morning before Jacob came to the house. I hate to leave him to come to work! He looked so sad when I left :frown: I will see him for a bit on Thursday though.

    Hi to everyone else! Have a great afternoon!
  • caramelgyrlk
    caramelgyrlk Posts: 1,112 Member
    Afternoon Kids,

    Well Larro, I agree with KellySue; your post is toooooooooo funny and so well thought out....

    I took a few vacation hours so I could work out this morning. I boxed for 1/2 hour and did Extreme fit for 1/2 hour and 15 minutes on the eliptical. There is nothing like working out in the morning. I am WIRED like a kid who had too much sugar :tongue:

    Kelly--I was so happy to read your post about the deer. Poor Jacob, I know your heart was torn.

    I hope all of you have a wonderful day.
  • caramelgyrlk
    caramelgyrlk Posts: 1,112 Member
    SDERESKI---You truly had a loaded weekend including running. So nice about running for your neighbor. The run I was supposed to do on Sunday was for prostate cancer.

    As Beeps always says...."BOOM"
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,987 Member
    Sometimes it is just good to say "hi", larro....I HATE it when computer eats long posts!!!!

    Say it with pictures...yours are always soooo glorious!

    That strength-class was NO friggin' joke! Here I am all blustery with the weights (for strength-power), but I have NO endurance and it showed, today! My goodness.....the amount of reps this instructor did was OFF-THE-CHARTS. And, my body is totally on fire, lol.

    Think I shall keep this class in my repertoire for the time being....will keep doing Venus lifting M/W/F, but Tu/Th are RIPE for trying other strength stuff!

  • ruby70
    ruby70 Posts: 459 Member
    Larro-Amen to that & very well said

    sederski -your granddaughter sounds adorable & I loved your story. I only have my son & being the girly girl I am I hope to be blessed with a granddaughter some day. Please keep the dance updates coming.

    carmel - I am so impressed by your gym workouts & the variety you have. No gym for me right now as I do not have one in my community, I miss that. I have equipment at home & work but just not the same.

    Beeps-glad to hear you are back. Your new class sounds intense. How is the venus work out going?

    Kelly- jake sounds so cute, that is great you are such a big part of his life.

    I came home from work last night and slathered my back in bio freeze gel because I was in so much pain from my 2nd job as construction worker! LMAO, I better not quit my day job. Can't wait to do it again Friday (took a vacation day from work, too much fun). My son came down with a terrible cold bug after football game Friday night so now dealing with sickness in our house. He missed the day & 1/2 from school:cry:
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    I think it is my phone line that is the culprit. I called from work to report it, just in case it wasn't working when I got home. I'm only about a quarter way through with setting up 225 chairs for an event on Thursday. So why am I on MFP instead of getting it done? That is the question.

    And as far as pictures go, all I have handy is tonight's post from What's for Supper????? It's a ham, turkey, pork loin and chicken breast sandwich on a sliced mini baguette with pepper Jack cheese and tomato slices, mixed veggies, green beans, corn salad, stir-fry veggies and boneless Buffalo wings with honey mustard sauce. {I'm full}

    Everyone have a good night,


  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    I got off track from MFP AGAIN!!! I need to get back to checking in almost daily with you guys! Glad to hear everyone is ok. Larro, that picture of the sandwich. Yum!!! Kelly Sue, glad to hear your mom is ok. More later...:flowerforyou:
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Good Morning All,

    Had a great workout with my g/f again. Best part was the stretching afterward. She has been taking extra time at the end to help me stretch, which I need so badly.

    Cold, miserable day here - mix of rain and snow. :noway:
  • caramelgyrlk
    caramelgyrlk Posts: 1,112 Member
    Morning Kids,

    Hope all of you are well and in good spirits.

    I woke up sore and ready to take on this new day. I have extreme fit again today and I look forward to my torturous instructor. I remember a few weeks back that I was concerned about having a new instructor and not having boxing anymore. I actually like his versatility and how he switches up the workouts, afterall I do bore easily and this keeps it interesting for me.

    Sdereski--Stretching out feels wonderfulllllllllllllllllllllllll :bigsmile: Yuk about the rain and snow. I am not looking forward to that.

    Larro--Pictures often takes the place of words and you do it so eloquently. Hope you are well and still full of energy.

    Ruby--I understand your plight. I am not motivated working out at home and we do not have a fitness center at work. Camraderie is more my speed and thrive better in an instructor led environment. Ahhh good ole Bio Freeze. I still have some in my medicine cabinet. I hope your son feels better and you do not get sick.

    Alf--You like making us worry I see (lol). Hope all is well with you and yours.

    Beeps--- there is nothing like the element of surprise and it appears the class you took was indeed that; a welcomed challenge and surprise.

    KellySue--Hope you are well

    Have a great day everyone.
  • ruby70
    ruby70 Posts: 459 Member
    Good morning everyone, I hope you all have a great day! Weather is supposed to be 71 today and just about perfect. I will be going outside for some cardio after work tonight. Poor son is still sick today and at home resting. I hope this passes for him soon.
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Beeps- Wow on your lifting class!

    Ruby- Hope your son is better soon. Have fun with all of that construction

    Larro- Now that's a sandwich!!! I don't think I could finish half of that!

    Hi to everyone else.

    I got my two mile run in today- it was a slow two miles though. Will do circuit workout tomorrow and then rest on Friday before my 5k on Saturday. I am leaving work early today as my hubby has an appointment later this afternoon.

    Have a good day all!
  • Emmalusmom
    Emmalusmom Posts: 61 Member
    Hello All You Cool Kids,

    First I want to thank everyone that assisted me in finding the new thread. I am still new to all of this and feel challenged some time. I think about my mother and how she thinks about computers and think to myself please don't let me go there. LOL!

    CG said to say hello to everyone. She can't read the thread on her iPhone. I told her that I had the same problem.

    I am about wedding out for the summer. I am going to to my thrid one of the summer. Plus next month is my son's wedding! Although I do have a MOG dress. I would be freaking out if I was that close to the date with no dress.

    I went to the doctors yesterday and they said my A1C was 8.5 and now they are changning my medicine again. UGH! I think the high blood sugar has a lot to due with it being so hard to lose weight. But I am determined to make it through it!

    I hope that everyone is doing well.

    KS- I hope that your mother gets better soon.

    Caramel - I think that you need to do what will make you happy as far as surgery goes.

    Beeps - Glad you are back home and hope that your back gets better soon.

    Sdereski - I think that it is so awesome that you have someone to work out with. I kind of wish that I had someone too.

    Ruby - I hope that your son gets to feeling better soon.
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    Hello all.

    Emm's Mom, glad to see you got back on. We've been missing you.

    I've been doing the whole laundry thing today. I was waiting for my favorite shorts to get out of the dryer so I was going around in my underwear. Then when they did get dry I was busy doing dishes and didn't get dressed until I had to run over to Mamma's just a little bit ago. {anyone looking in my windows will get what they deserve}

    Yesterday was my sister's birthday. {her and BB King} We are all going out to the Chinese place in Marianna tonight to celebrate. Well just Margie, Sister, BIL and I, not BB. Speaking of Blues Masters, I bought eight CD's at the various thrift stores yesterday. At a dollar each you worry more about the space they will take up in the closet more than the cost. I got Peter Tosh, Muddy Waters, Big Head Todd and The Monsters, David Byrne, Bob Dylan, Jeff Beck and a couple of Chicago Blues collections. I've ripped them to my PC. Now I need to record a copy and put the originals in the closet for safe keeping.

    Also got a Polo flannel shirt and a nice Dockers jacket. Now if it will just cool off enough I can wear them. At 1530 it's 90F with a heat index of 101. I wouldn't want any of the snow I'm hearing about, but a nice cool day with the temps in the 70's would be welcomed.

    Hope everyone has a good day,

  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,987 Member
    David Byrne! That is a blast from my past, larro!

    Emmalu - glad to see you are back....keep putting one foot in front of the other and the weight will have to come off. Sorry about med-mixes!

    Hi KellySue, Alf, ruby and caramel!

    I did a Phase 3 Venus workout today....those suckers are L-O-N-G....then i did an abs class! It is "Feastival" tonight and i knew i would need some extra room under my dress fir the impending food baby....
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Good Morning all,

    You are all doing so great, getting those workouts in early and even taking time off to fit them in. :flowerforyou:

    I did NOT get a workout in yesterday, much to my disappointment. The day turned out quite nice - sunny and cool, my kinda running weather. However, i had too much to do. As it was, I didn't stop until almost 11 and I was beat.
    Am hosting an Alzheimer's Coffee break today at work (I lost my brother to early onset Dementia), so spent the night baking. I also had three baskets of fresh peaches that were going downhill real fast, so needed to do something with those.

    Am heading out of town after work today - heading south to surprise my g/f. for her 60th birthday tomorrow and my bday is Saturday.
    Going as far as SSM tonight and will spend the night with my son and DIL. Friday morning, the car has an appointment to get an oil change and then I am off. So, was trying to get my laundry done last night as well. I was throwing in a last load before I headed to bed and didn't I knock my head on a cupboard door that I left open. UGH!:noway: Have a nasty sore spot on my forehead today.

    We woke up to frost this morning. Heavy, heavy frost. It was -1C this morning (30F). So NOT ready for the cold. Predictions are scary - more of the same as last year. Lots of cold and lots of snow. :sad:
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Good morning Cool Kids!!

    Sdereski- I have heard the rumors that it might not be a very nice winter in our area as well- but if you want to keep the majority up your way that would be fine with me!! LOL!

    Larro- I remember going to all kinds of thrift stores with my grandmother down there when she was alive. She especially loved to go to the Hospice thrift shop. They always seemed to have the nicest things and a lot of them were brand new still with the tags on them!

    Did 30 day shred this morning before I had to get ready for Jake! Also changed my schedule around a bit so I can spend a little bit of extra time with him starting next week. Yahoo! tomorrow is a rest day and I am looking forward to sleeping in a bit. Race day is Saturday and I am looking forward to seeing some of my old friends from high school.

    My mom had bloodwork on Monday and is going in for a scope and ultrasound today so hopefully we will have some definite answers about what is going on soon. She is doing well overall and is just plugging along. Today is their 49th wedding anniversary and they are planning on going to dinner later and are going camping this weekend as well.

    Have a good day all!
  • caramelgyrlk
    caramelgyrlk Posts: 1,112 Member
    Morning Kids,

    Hope all of you are well.

    KellySue..Happy 49th to your mom. Not many people can claim those amount of years anymore. I love it. I hope your mom gets the best care so she can keep right on moving along. Can you feel the excitement as your race day approaches? I am rooting for you. I know you will do fantastic.

    Sdereski---I read the same thing about our winter being the same as the last. You are very active in your community which is awesome. What did you end up doing with the peaches?

    I weighed in and gained 8lbs by way of the scale, but my clothes are looser. I am truly growing because I would have totally lost it some months back. The trainer who teaches extreme fit on Wednesdays told me he needed to lose 10lbs when he first became a trainer, and he gained 20lbs. I am really starting to comprehend how muscle weighs more and looks so much leaner. I will keep working hard as I always do. I am actually going to take Body Attack tonight. That is a sports conditiong class by Les Mills. My HRM normally gives me a 800+ calorie burn whenever I take this class. It is a very hardcore class, but also for beginners you can do take the necessary option. If you want to see a class, go to you tube and type in les mills body attack and there are so many videos of actual classes.

    Larro--I love thrift store shopping and yard sales. One man's junk has truly been my treasure. Once again, I say clone Larro...lol

    Emmalu---Keep up the fine work. We missed you.

    Have a great day everyone.
  • LoneWolf_70
    LoneWolf_70 Posts: 1,151 Member
    yo all. I broke my hand 3 weeks ago in a mtn bike accident, so havent been able to lift. I used to do 3x3 (3 days cardio, 3 days strength) but now im on day 22 of pure Cardio (with HIit) and some minor Core work. Good news is ive lost 8lbs in the last 22 days (I think from changing up and confusing my body and being more strict in diet to counteract lack of lifting), but the bad news is i can already feel atrophy of my muscles. Oh well, you do have to adapt or otherwise you give up.