40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



  • Kate7294
    Kate7294 Posts: 783 Member
    Hey Kid's!

    Another day another penny. LOL. Yesterday was pretty icky cold-wise ( runny nose, and watering eyes). Today it's back to being bare-able again. Husband's foot is better. Josie is still his "Demon Spawn". LOL. Though she has started giving me love recently. Actually got to go to the Grocery Store by myself tonight was like a mini-vacation. Yeah me!!

    Kelly Sue - Sorry for your family's loss.

    Ruby - Good luck with your challenge.

    Carmel - Great job!

    Hope everyone else is well. I hope to try to get back to the gym tomorrow. Fighting this cold's made me lazy.

    Thanks for the ad Emma.
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Hi All~

    Well, another sleepless night has gone by. Hubby is still having loads of pain, but they have finally scheduled an MRI for him tomorrow so hopefully we'll have some answers soon. My lack of sleep was added to by my over-indulgence of coffee yesterday. I usually have a cup in the morning before I leave for work and then I get coffee in the afternoon, but yesterday I had some in the morning, I took a cup to work with me, I had some at lunch, and then I got some yesterday afternoon! OOPS! Back to my regular schedule today 'cause I need some serious sleep tonight! :yawn:

    No workout today since it is my usually rest day. Hopefully I will be back at it tomorrow. Hope everyone has a great day!!
  • caramelgyrlk
    caramelgyrlk Posts: 1,112 Member
    Greetings Kids....It is October. It means I will throw my back out rustling up leaves (lol) :bigsmile:

    Kate--I hope you get better soon. It sucks to be sick. I can relate about mini vacations in the most bizarre places. I treasure my quiet more since I am cool kid.

    I have the torture chamber :tongue: .... I mean Extreme Fit tonight :laugh: . So tonight at bedtime I will smell like a spearmint/eucalyptus lab from my biofreeze and icy hot mixture. :blushing:

    Have a great day everyone.
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Good Morning all,

    Late night for me last night. I got home around 10:30, which is what I expected. Saw one moose on the way home. Glad I saw him when I did and not when he was in the middle of the road.

    Once home, I put the groceries away and did the dishes that were still sitting in the sink. It was midnight by the time I turned the lights out to sleep. Very late considering I have been going to bed at 8:30 - 9 .

    Meeting was good, but of course I ate the pizza. :grumble:

    It's a beautiful fall day here. The colours are INCREDIBLE!!! I could handle this for the next couple of months!

    Caremel - I do have a race planned. Am supposed to run a half marathon at the end of the month. Not sure how I am going to do it as I have not run a step in two weeks. :noway: The plan is to get out there today, but I do have B&B guests arriving. Hopefully, they will go out for dinner early and I can get a run in. :tongue:

    Kelly - certainly hope the MRI provides you with some answers.

    Kate - glad people are feeling better in your house. Yes, a trip to the grocery store on your own when you have a toddler certainly can feel like a vacation! :laugh:

    Beeps - great job with your measurements! That heavy lifting is working! I do know that looking for work is a FT job. When I was unemployed, I looked at looking for work as my job. :laugh: I know you will find what you are looking for.

    Larro - you are so incredibly consistent! Great job!

    Since my husband left on Saturday, I have not had one cup of coffee. Have been drinking caffeine free tea. Another way for me to get my water in. I find when I drink coffee, I drink that instead of water. :tongue: So far, no headache! :happy:

    Happy hump day! :flowerforyou:
  • Curiousgeorgianna
    Curiousgeorgianna Posts: 187 Member
    Hello Cool Kids!
    So much has been going on since I've been away. I started scanning through and saw some great pictures. Thanks for the pig shot Larro! And Jake is adorable. It will take awhile to catch up with you all.
    My son was married on the 14th, and it was fabulous. I did find a perfect dress, AND it was on sale!
    The very next morning I drove B to a reunion of Ski Patrolers at Lake Tahoe for the week. It was lovely there, but we were very close to the King Fire, and the smoke rolled in each afternoon. They had an Ironman Triathalon scheduled for the 20th that was cancelled. I felt so bad for all of the folks already there aclimating for it. A serious bummer for so many.
    Got home Friday night, and Saturday morning I led our kayak club's Coastal Cleanup paddle. Sunday I packed and Monday headed to DC for training. Flight delays meant I got to spend a lot of quality time at SFO! :laugh: Tip: pay the $30 bucks for a manicure, and you get to spend 45 minutes in the shiatsu massage chair while someone massages your fingers. Waaayyy worth it for a weary traveler.
    Got back Thu night, worked Friday, catch up chores on Saturday, then off to Stanford on Sunday for the hip consultation with the surgeon.
    Finally home and getting back on track. So much butt time in the car and on the plane is brutal. :ohwell:
    Good news is that the Dr. doesn't want to rush into surgery, and has given me a list of exercises to do, including bicycling! If getting back in motion inflames my hips again, then we'll talk about the arthroscopy, but he wants to try for non-surgical rehab, which is awesome!
    Tomorrow will be the first time I've ridden my bike to work in months, and I'm stoked. I did get on our office spinner bike yesterday, and will again today. It did hurt my hip, but I felt like I was working it out. I can peddle backwards w/o pain ... but that won't work so well on the commute!
    Glad to be back in touch. I'll continue to read through and catch up.
    Happy Wednesday everyone!
  • ruby70
    ruby70 Posts: 459 Member
    Sederski - I am glad you had good travels. The colors sound amazing where you are at, ours in WI are not quite there yet as we are behind you. I hope your run goes well today. With B&B in full swing with fall colors do what you can but be forgiving to yourself.

    Kate - I am glad your cold is getting a little better. I chuckled at your grocery store story, I can relate. My son is now a teenager but I still find those little alone moments to be WONDERFUL, even if that means an empty house so I can get it cleaned.

    Caramel - I am glad I am not the only one that uses Bio Freeze, that had been my friend over the past couple weeks while I was working in our shed.

    Beeps - great job on the measurements and the heavy lifting. I think of you when I am lifting... and it pushes me to know someone else out there is pushing themselves too. I hope your perfect job comes to you soon. Stay positive, I know how grueling it can be to put yourself out there.

    Kelly - I hope your husband finds out what is causing the pain... no sleep is not fun

    Curious - good to hear from you again. so happy your son's wedding went well. Have a blast riding your bike, great news on no surgery for your hip hopefully.
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    Greetings Cool Kids. No time to say hello to each of you individually. This having to work on Wednesdays will be nice on pay day {which is today}, but it is hell on house cleaning day. And because this is a family type thread, I kept the naked housecleaning to a bare minimum :blushing:

    I also got in a little {tractor} seat time this morning. I mowed my little side yard, down the edge of the longleaf pines and by my food plots with the bigger tractor and bush hog. I changed out the SD card on the game camera while I was over there. A lot more pictures of the hogs, but also a couple of young bucks and this feathered friend.

    Hope everyone is having a good day.


  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,977 Member
    Hi KellySue, caramel, sdereski, curious, ruby70 and larro....larro, I LOVE that photo!

    KellySue - I hope relief comes to you and your family.


    curious, thank goodness for an alternative to surgery - TAKE IT and RUN WITH IT. BOOM!

    I got my lifting in-and-done....that is 3 days in a row and I am SPENT. Tomorrow maybe a walk. Friday I have an all-day board meeting, so no exercise. Saturday = boring ol' cardio.


    October is going to be an AWESOME month...I can just FEEL it!
  • jonnyman41
    jonnyman41 Posts: 1,031 Member
    hello, I managed to lose the thread for a while but rediscovered it this evening. Not getting very far with this weight loss thing! also not sure that I am getting any fitter either but still hanging in there and trying. I have recently started strong lifts and really like it though my damaged hi is not too keen on the squats. Early days yet so not seeing any results physically. Annoyingly my hubby also started and has now grown some great looking muscles already!!! his goal is to gain not lose weight
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Good Morning all,

    Finally got a run in yesterday evening. I managed to do 5 miles, which totally surprised me. Once I got going, it actually felt pretty good. :happy:

    My B&B guests arrived, so really didn't get too much done once I got home, other than chat with them. They were easy - no big breakfast, just toast, fruit and coffee. Works for me!

    Have a busy day today - need to get home sometime during the day and get the room and bathroom cleaned and ready for the new guests arriving today. Have my Ministry rep coming to visit this afternoon at 1 p.m. and have a webinar at noon. :tongue: I think I am going to miss part of that webinar. Just can't figure out any other way to get it all in.

    Welcome back jonnymann
    Beeps - great job on the lifting!
    Curious - so glad to see you back and nice to hear that the wedding all went well. You sure were busy!
    Larro - nice picture!

    Hello Ruby. :happy:

    Gotta run! have a great day.
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Happy Thursday!! Finally was able to get some sleep last night- WAHOO! I did sleep in this morning and skipped my workout though. I am wondering, however, if I can count getting chased around my house with a push toy and dancing to the "Hot Dog Dance" song from Mickey Mouse Clubhouse as exercise!! Yep- Jake was at the house for a while this morning. Fun, as always! I am planning to get out there for a walk tomorrow and then I think I am heading back indoors to the gym next week. It looks like the weather is going to start turning colder this weekend.

    Hope everyone has a good day!!
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    Good Morning Cool Kids. I just finished breakfast, with cardio and lifting before that. I added an exercise {17 per set now}, did full reps and still cut five minutes off my lifting time. From 85 to 80 minutes. That means less time standing there panting, trying to catch my breath.

    As usual, I'm running short on time. I need to put the disc on the tractor and cut up my food plots. BIL is going to butcher his two pigs this weekend and needs the tractor {with boom-pole} to lift them up. So I have to do what I need today and tomorrow. I'm working tonight, {baby shower} and have a surprise party on the books for tomorrow night, but they haven't paid their deposit. My boss is supposed to call them today and find out if they are coming or not. Our policy is the deposit for a weekend even has to be paid by noon on Friday. The rub is I go in at 1300 on Fridays if I'm working. So until I find out, I need to get as much done today as possible.

    Today is Thursday, so here are my numbers. I was several hundred calories short yesterday, and it showed up at today's weigh-in. I need to eat better when I have big burn days.

    22.1% Body Fat
    56.8% Body Water
    24.6 BMI
    175.8 Pounds

    You guys have a good day,

  • Curiousgeorgianna
    Curiousgeorgianna Posts: 187 Member
    Good Thursday morning Cool Kids! :flowerforyou:
    Totally stoked to have had an 8-hr night! It's amazing what a good night's sleep can do.
    The bike ride in was pretty good. Hip was a little glitchy, but mostly ok. My commute is 8.5 flat miles each way, so I can take it easy when I need to. It's not supposed to get too windy this afternoon, so the ride home should be fine too. For PT I'm doing "monster steps" & side steps with the band around my ankles, and then adducter and abducter (sp?) leg lifts. Will restart the 15-minute upper body weight set today as well.
    Sdereski, you sound pretty busy. The 5-mile run is fantastic! It's fun to 'watch' your steady gains. I don't live where the fall colors do much, but on my flight over the country last week I had an amazing view of Colorado from 5 miles up. I could see huge swaths of yellow aspens and red maples (I think they were maples...there were red trees mixed in with the aspens). It was gorgeous. I'm sure your guests will love being with you this time of year.
    KS, of COURSE the hot dog dance counts! :wink: We should all work it into our routines. Good to hear you got some sleep too. Hopefully the hubby is sleeping better too.
    Turkeys, bucks and pigs! My goodness Larro, it's like the peaceable kingdom. I feel the tiniest bit bad that my first thought is how nice they would all look in my freezer. :laugh: Congrats on the numbers!
    Beeps, I'm with you. October feels full of promise. You're doing amazing at riding the wave life has given you. Surf on girl!
    Caramel, hope you had fun with your trainer. I waved at you from the plane when I flew out of DC. My new favorite vegan meal came out of my spiralizer, you might like it! Zucchini & carrot spirals with ****ake mushrooms steam fried with a sauce of soy, honey and toated sesame. It was awesome!
    HI Jonnyman, way to hang in there. It's frustrating to stall out, but it's nice to know that every moment you can make a new start.
    Ruby, you're so thoughtful in your posts. Hope all is well with you too.

    Have a great day everyone!:happy:
  • caramelgyrlk
    caramelgyrlk Posts: 1,112 Member
    Happy Thursday Kids. I hope all of you are well.

    Sdereski--glad you got a run in. I smell a race coming....:smile:

    Curious--Glad you are back. Was missing you. You were soooooooo close while flying over DC and I appreciate the wave. OMG you just made me more hungry with the zuchinni. I love to spin out so much spaghetti type noodles with my NOW broken spiralizer. Back to EBAY to get a new one....:grumble: lol

    Beeps--You would have been proud of me last night as I went up 5lbs in my lifts last night. Looking forward to gaining more strength and even more endurance. Heavy things are GOOD!!!!!

    Larro--Nothing brings me more joy than animals. That picture looks like a turkey vulture. He is absolutely stellar in appearance.:bigsmile: The naked housecleaning had me in a state of hysteria.....Just when I think you can not raise the bar anymore, guess what? You do. :laugh:

    KellySue--Jake is priceless and I love to hear his stories. That is joy and exercise all in one.

    Kate--Hope you are feeling better.

    Ruby--I smelled like Au De Biofreeze again last night.....:bigsmile: Hope you are well.

    I took extreme fit last night and my girlfriend and I were in power mode last night because our class ran over by 10 minutes and our trainer wanted to know what had gotten in to us. We were in BEAST MODE..... I train with my trainer tonight so this should be fun :grumble: :noway: .

    Have a great day everyone.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,977 Member
    caramel - you make me feel so PROUD!! You just keep hitting it and hitting it....always nice to read!

    curious - I am jealous of your good night's sleep....for some reason, sleep is elusive in my life right now. Right when I count on it most! I am a very regular sleeper, so unsure what is going on, but I am trying to stay relaxed about it. And positive. And I keep going to bed by 10 pm in hopes that the good night's slumbers will return.

    larro - great measurements!

    sdereski - good luck with your guests!

    KellySue - small steps forward....it is all good.

    My parents are here. They leave tomorrow. It is an ultra-short visit, so I can survive it well, lol! I will take my mom out shopping a little bit this afternoon. I HATE shopping, so much, this is a REAL sacrifice....my mom loves to shop, so I am ONLY doing this for HER.

    NO work-out today....have to keep my mental game strong while I survive my parents.
  • georgiaTRIs
    georgiaTRIs Posts: 231 Member
    WE are cool!!!!! First time on this topoc. I firmly believe that age is just a number so I only go by how I feel. I work out hard every day. I decided at 67 to go back to school and am now a personal trainer. I Love Life!!!!:heart:
  • Emmalusmom
    Emmalusmom Posts: 61 Member
    Hello Everyone,

    I am so bummed. I was on a 85 day streak and with my crazy life missed yesterday and now I am back to a 1 day streak. BOO! Well I am going to blame it on trying to get ready for my sons wedding. And pick myself back up and start over. It is not the first time I have had to do it in life.

    Beeps - Keep your spirits up and keep lifting!

    Larro - I would love to look at all the shots that your field camera caught. Maybe one night over popcorn. LOL!

    Caramel - So proud of you and your measurements!

    sdereski - See a moose would have gotten me excited. I am hoping that we see some wildlife while in Colorado next week!

    KellySue - My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

    I hope that everyone else is having an awesome day!
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    So, my hubby called a little while ago. He was supposed to have his MRI today. He had requested for an open MRI as he is quite claustrophobic, but he found that this particular MRI is only open on the sides and he still had part of it over his face. He refused to go in it. I feel bad for him, but I honestly have to say I wished he could have just "sucked it up" and put some headphones on and closed his eyes. I guess there is another place that has a truly open one so he is going to see if he can get an appointment there. Unfortunately when he went to get off from the table the staff there pulled him straight up off from the table and he said that he is in severe pain with his back- worse than before. YIKES! :noway: Hopefully it will calm down and he will be able to sleep tonight.

    georgiaTRIS- welcome! That is awesome that you went back to school and are now a personal trainer!! :happy: I keep saying I would love to go back and become a health coach, but time and money are tied up with other areas. :ohwell:
  • Kate7294
    Kate7294 Posts: 783 Member
    Hey Kid's!

    Not much going on here. Still coughing/congested at night; didn't sleep well the last few. Lost another pound so I'm now back to my pre-pregnancy weight 176 lbs. ( yes both times ) LOL. I told my husband to stay away from me. LOL he said Josie was taking care of that. I need to look into getting fixed again. They were supposed to do it after our daughter was born but didn't due to complications with my blood pressure dropping after the epidural. Then Jeff was scared for me to have it done and said he'd do it. Of course he has since chickened out.

    Keep up the great workouts everyone. I'll check back later.
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Happy Friday Cool Kids~

    I am not having the best week. I started feeling stuffy yesterday and was getting a sore throat. Today I feel like a pile of poo! :sick: I just really wanted to stay in bed and sleep, but I figured since it was Friday I would just struggle through. That and I am on vacation later in the month and would possibly have to forfeit one of my vacation days if I didn't come in today. :noway: I hate taking medication, but have taken some stuff for my stuffiness- sounds funny, I know! and some stuff for my sore throat as well. I have brought a stock of herbal tea to work with me since I do not want to have an issue with the caffeine again today either. Hopefully I will see some improvement soon.

    Take care all and have a good weekend.