40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    Good Morning Cool Kids. Sounds like too many of us had to go to Sick Bay this morning. Hope all of you with the crud get rid of it soon.

    It's a rainy day here in NW Florida. I didn't get my tractor work done yesterday, so I may have to get out in the rain later. As hot as it is, that won't be a big deal.

    Hey Georgia. Welcome to the club.

    About the bird picture. It is a wild turkey. The buzzards are named after them because of the resemblance. Almost every year we have young kids shooting buzzards and getting all excited about killing their first turkey:laugh:

    I forgot to mention my thrift store adventures on Tuesday. I bought 5 gallons of liquid laundry detergent and 5 gallons of pine sol for $15.00 each. I should be good for the next little while. Also picked up a Pioneer receiver with 5 speakers for $35.00. It had the remote which is rare in thrift store stereos. That gives me about a dozen, give or take a few.

    I worked in the garden for the first time in a while yesterday. Picked three melons and a few peppers.

    Everyone have a good day,


  • caramelgyrlk
    caramelgyrlk Posts: 1,112 Member
    Happy Friday kids,

    Kate and Kelly---please rest and feel better.

    Larro---My kids were right they said it was a turkey. I am ready for a salad and stir-fry with those good looking for veggies.

    Beeps--Despite my little gym accident, I did great with lifting again. yeahhhhhh

    Emma-Sorry about the losing MFP streak, keep going you are doing great despite the setback

    Sdereski--Just realized you saw a moose. Did you happen to get a picture of it? Just checking....lol

    My training sessions are becoming more intense each week. I was sweating so bad on my head yesterday and went to stand up and hit my eye on the edge of the weight bar. I have a nasty knot near my eye. Can you say ouch......:sad: and the sound was so loud when I hit it I was embarrased :blushing: I took body attack for 30 minutes before I did my training. I will take a light jog or long walk today and that is about it.

    Have a great weekend everyone.
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    Hey guys. It rained here all morning and a good part of the afternoon. It did stop long enough for me to cut up my food plots. I'll plant them on Sunday.

    Hope you guys have a good weekend.


    Sunset at the Larro Ranchero tonight. {right click and open in new tab to view full picture}

  • jonnyman41
    jonnyman41 Posts: 1,031 Member
    Hello, it's Saturday here now and I have started off the weekend morning with strong lifts 5x5. I have been doing it for a few weeks now and do like it but having to keep the squats at a very low weight due to problems and I am rubbish at the arm stuff (OHP) and stalled already to my embarrassment! Mind you my deadlift has now reached the limit of the weights we have at home so something improving. (I won't post actual weights here as they are still embarrassingly lol as I am pretty much a weakling lol)
    No other exercise today other than dog walking as I am full of the dreaded cough and cold too.

    Nothing planned for the weekend so will just take it as it comes.
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    Hello, it's Saturday here now and I have started off the weekend morning with strong lifts 5x5. I have been doing it for a few weeks now and do like it but having to keep the squats at a very low weight due to problems and I am rubbish at the arm stuff (OHP) and stalled already to my embarrassment! Mind you my deadlift has now reached the limit of the weights we have at home so something improving. (I won't post actual weights here as they are still embarrassingly lol as I am pretty much a weakling lol)

    Don't feel bad, I'm lacking in the strength department too. Five or six months ago when I started lifting I used 5, 6 & 9.5 pound weights. I have worked my way up to 23, 25.5 & 28 pounds {per arm}. I use Gold's Gym free weights, and their smallest weight is 2.5 pounds. I have been increasing by that amount each month until October. I had to keep the same weight this month as it took most of last month for me to do my standard reps with each weight. My standard reps are 16, 12 & 8, but I do more or less of each for the 17 different exercises I do according to degree of difficulty. From .5 to 1.5 X standard reps.

    Even when I was fat, I had skinny arms and legs. It has been a chore to add muscle, but I can see and feel the difference already. And I'm doing this for me, not to impress anyone else. When I see the huge amount of weight guys {and gals} are lifting, I just shake my head. I will never be able to match them, so I just keep plodding along at my own pace. I'm playing the long game. If I'm still able to be doing this at 63 or 73, the amount I'm lifting won't be important.
  • Kate7294
    Kate7294 Posts: 783 Member
    Hey Kid's!
    So it turned chilly today. I think the high might get to 59 degrees. I pulled out my sweaters. :( Everything's so big I'm going to have to save up for a Goodwill trip soon. I'm having a hard time letting go of my cozies. I think it's because when I was little I always went coatless so I could wear my grandmother's cozie sweaters. R.I.P. my grandmother passed at 56 from Cancer Labor Day 1991 ( the year I graduated). :(
    Still coughing but slept better last night and still managed to work out yesterday. May need to go ahead put myself in maintenance and try to quit smoking sooner than later.

    Sorry some of you have caught colds too. Hope you get better soon.

    Larro- my arms are my weakest. I can barely manage 40 lbs. on the bicep curl machine which works both arms not one. 3 reps of 10.
    Also what are you doing with all the hot peppers? I've been wanting to roast some or try to re-create this thing I had at a Mexican place once. It looked simple. It consisted of a pepper cut open, seeded, re-fried beans, and cheese. Yum!

    Anyway have great weekends everyone! Make great burns!
  • jonnyman41
    jonnyman41 Posts: 1,031 Member
    I am working in kg which is not normal for uk lol so deadlift is my best at 50kg 110lb but my over head press is a woeful 20 kg 44lb. My squat was getting up well but hip flexor issues resurfaced so I have taken that back down to 20 kg and staying there for a while. Hopefully my glutes and core will kick in soon instead of me using the hip flexors and then I will be able to go up again. My others are low too.
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    Hey Kid's!

    Larro- what are you doing with all the hot peppers? I've been wanting to roast some or try to re-create this thing I had at a Mexican place once. It looked simple. It consisted of a pepper cut open, seeded, re-fried beans, and cheese. Yum!

    Anyway have great weekends everyone! Make great burns!

    My sister has roasted some of them, and she says it's easy. It does change the taste quite a bit. She is supposed to show me. We do a lot of un-stuffed peppers using four kinds, Jalapeno, chili, Cayenne and bells. {The Trinidad Dragon peppers are just too hot for anything} Also put a lot in salads. But we give more of them away than we use ourselves. Most years we do lots of poppers and pepper jelly, but this is an election year and Margie hasn't had time. {After this election cycle, she will just have one more before she retires at the end of December, 2016} I grew my pepper plants from seed this year, and since they were so cheap, I just kept planting more. Hopefully next year I will have learned my lesson.

  • caramelgyrlk
    caramelgyrlk Posts: 1,112 Member
    Hey kids

    Hope all of you are well.

    Where did this cold weather come from so fast? Needless to say I had to pull out my skull caps and scarves. Time to cover my head.

    I hope everyone who is il start to feel better.

    My girlfriend is a scientist and I have been telling her for weeks that I was afraid Ebola would debut in the US. It is here along with other respiratory stuff. My nerves are a little uneasy.

    I ran today and took a long walk.

    Have a great rest of your weekend.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,978 Member
    Emmalu, just write to the admistrators here at mfp....tell them your ticker is wrong and what the ticker number should be. There is an FAQ on this!

    I survived daughter's sleepover.

    No workouts since wednesday, so i am feeling tired and crappy. But, i will be able to workout everyday this week!

  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,978 Member
    Because you KNOW how much I LOVE PHOTOS, here I am at my nephew's wedding two weeks ago - seven lbs too heavy, with a deadlift bruise down my leg!

    But, my SPANX, my killer red shoes (and lips!) still made the outfit work!!


  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,978 Member
    This was what the dress was supposed to look like, remember?

  • radimage
    Because you KNOW how much I LOVE PHOTOS, here I am at my nephew's wedding two weeks ago - seven lbs too heavy, with a deadlift bruise down my leg!

    But, my SPANX, my killer red shoes (and lips!) still made the outfit work!!



    You look awesome!
  • radimage
    Apparently on these forums, you can't have a feeling different than the majority.

    Funny how things work.
  • Kate7294
    Kate7294 Posts: 783 Member
    Hey Kid's!

    Feeling better mostly just the congestion at night. More irritating than anything else. Lost another pound. Twenty left. :)

    Beeps - you look fantastic!

    Larro -Took pictures of 4 deer out in the field next to us earlier but not clear enough to post :( Took them with my phone. Two does, and 2 little ones.

    I hope everyone's weekend went well. Back to the gym tomorrow :)

    radimage - I actually blocked one girl who got hateful in a post. Though I don't eat completely clean either. LOL
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    HELLO EVERYONE!!! First of all BEEPS FIU FIU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOOKING GREAT!!! Love the dress.

    Yes, been MIA again!!! Super busy at work and at home. My sister is a 30 year old woman!!!! Ahhh her birthday was on Oct 2. We celebrated last night at a club. I am dead tired. LOL We had a great time!!! I'd better rest. Flying to Puerto Rico on Wed with my sister for a few days. Going to take care of some things with our parents' house. :( I am nervous, first time back after they passed away. It will be weird being there without them.

    Sorry no time to read all the posts. I hope everyone is doing fine. I had my MRI on Friday. Hopefully I get the results soon and find out how my hips are doing now.

    Have a great evening.
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Happy Monday Cool Kids! I have continued to be sick all weekend. No workouts due to not being able to breathe properly. UGH! I am doing a bit better today so we will see what tomorrow brings. No big news to note on my end.

    Beeps- Your picture looks FABULOUS!!

    Alf- have a good trip to Puerto Rico. Just keep remembering all of the good things.

    Caramel- Hi there!

    Hi to everyone else as well. Back to work I go- Hi Ho!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,978 Member
    Thanks, friends!

    Got my lifting done today. Even on only five hours sleep.

    Did you get your lifting in?
  • caramelgyrlk
    caramelgyrlk Posts: 1,112 Member
    Happy Monday kids....

    Beeps may I say that you look absolutely stunning. Great job lifting. Get some rest today.

    Larro...are you ok?

    Kelly and Kate...hope both of you are recovering more each day. A cold is horrible.

    Alf..Hope your MRI results will result in your aid to recovery. I hope you have a safe trip to PR. I hope you and your sister can think of the happy times with your parents.

    Radimage..some of the forum posts are not worth the keystrokes. I never supported the theory great minds think alike because that tells me that is a group of people who are not open to other points of view.

    I took extreme fit and the focus was more on strength training and I enjoyed it.

    Have a great night everyone
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    Hey guys. Sorry I've been AWOL. There is more to do than hours in the day. Since I have events every Tuesday and Wednesday now, I'm looking at 6 nights a week.

    Beeps, you rocked that dress. But what I liked best about the picture is that you look just like your avatar. Very nice.

    Caramel, I'm fine, just running, running, running.....

    Alf, hope the MRI gives you some answers. Don't forget to pack the sunscreen. I got the worst sunburn I ever had down in PR. And it was February.

    KellySue, hope you shake this cold soon.

    Kate, glad you are mostly better. My game camera isn't working right. I changed the batteries today. I will check tomorrow to see if there is any pictures.

    Radimage, you are right. But sports blogs can be just as bad. I post on Tomahawk Nation {I'm ltdnole}, and it can get down right rude there if you don't toe the company line.

    Busy day for me. But I got my lifting and AM workout in early. Mamma had been after me to get her lawnmower going. It had a dead battery and I had charged it a couple of times already. I found out the cable was loose. Got that fixed and cut grass at her place for about an hour. Then planted my food plots. All I'm using is ryegrass. {I'm cheap} Then I got the big mower hooked back up. Hope to start on the yard tomorrow. {Margie and I went shopping yesterday, so I can skip my weekly trip to town} It is close enough to winter that I shouldn't have to mow again.

