40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



  • Kate7294
    Kate7294 Posts: 783 Member
    Hey Kid's!
    Kellly- That is tough hun. At least they know something now. We will be praying for him. Maybe you could walk the halls/stairs some when he is resting. Keep some apples, almonds, and so on in his room to snack on.
    Josie's still ill. Now husband thinks she shared with him, and I'm fighting a headache. Doctor rechecked her today. Keep her medicated and keep pushing the fluids. If not better by Thursday bring her back.
    Anyway I'll check back later.

  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    Sorry, KellySue! Hope some answers come soon....and some. Ich-needed relief for you and your husband.

    I am doing a strength class this morning.
  • caramelgyrlk
    caramelgyrlk Posts: 1,112 Member
    Morning Kids, hope all of you are well.

    Kelly--You are on my mind and I pray you have a good medical team to help your husband recover in the most expeditious way. Hugs my friend.

    Kate--I also hope your family recovers soon.

    Nick--Sorry my friend about the 4lbs. You have acknowledged it, and I hope you have a plan of action or thinking of one. I am here if you need a tough coach....(smile)

    Larro--As always you are so busy, I am not sure how you do it all. You make it sound so easy also. I inspire to be like you when I grow up (smile)

    I went to the gym with my bright sneakers on and my trainer immediately looked at my feet along with my other work out mates. I guess I just wear too much black for my own good. I must say my Mizuno's did not disappoint because I ran last night and I felt like I was being elevated and had no shin pain. Needless to say bye bye Nike you have been officially replaced. I will take a run today and that is the extent of my working out today.

    Hello to all the newbies and anyone that I may have forgotten.

    Have a great day.

  • Bry_Fitness70
    Bry_Fitness70 Posts: 2,480 Member
    Good morning! I may have “joined” this group at some point during my 500 + days on MFP, I don't recall…

    I’m 44, in Cleveland, Ohio. I’m in maintenance mode, and my weight has remained about the same throughout the past year, around 165lbs (6ft tall). I joined MFP just to track my diet for a few weeks to see my stats, not thinking I was doing anything wrong. I realized I was drowning in sugar, salt, and fat, mostly from things that I thought were healthy like sports drinks (equivalent of pop) and protein bars (equivalent of candy bars). I made a few changes and lost 15lbs in about 6 weeks!

    I then decided to get a personal trainer certification to increase my fitness knowledge, which I received in November 2013. I am basically an IIFYM advocate who endeavors to eat cleanly as often as it is practical. My exercise regiment is a balance between strength training and running, although I have dabbled in other disciplines like crossfit and P90X in the past. I ran my first full marathon last fall, and plan on doing another in the spring of 2015

    I look forward to hearing what other 40-somethings are doing!
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Good morning all! Things are moving along. Once the doctors at Strong Memorial have had a chance to look at all of the tests and were actually able to talk my husband through an MRI- with a little help from some valium :relaxed: they have decided that he does not have an abscess, but instead has an inflamed disc and a bone infection in the vertebrae on either side of the disc. I spoke with the doctor yesterday and she said that it is the most common bone infection that they see in adults. The course of treatment is six weeks of IV antibiotics. He still has not been up walking yet, but they are also supposed to have PT working with him to get him back on his feet since he really needs to be mobile before I can have him come home. I am heading to Rochester tomorrow to spend some time with him. It's a little over an hour away from here, but the doctors there really are some of the best.
    - I haven't been doing to well with my eating :disappointed: I just seem to want to snack all of the time- :anguished: I am going to try to walk on my lunch break today so that I can at least get some exercise in. Just hoping the weather hold out the way the weatherman says it's supposed to.

    Hope every one has a good day!
  • Curiousgeorgianna
    Curiousgeorgianna Posts: 187 Member
    Good morning Cool Kids!
    I'm back from a lovely 3-day weekend. Sometimes it's great having a gov't job. ;)
    There's so much to catch up on, and so great to see the new faces.

    Beebs, sorry you were too tired to walk the other day, but it sounds like you're back at it and getting strong!
    Larro, a gathering of 35 family folks sounds like so much fun! I don't think I even have that many family members. It's crazy how 1.5 lbs. of pizza can turn into 5 lbs on the scale :\ .
    ddlas66 - good job on the loss! I have chickens too... :) One is sitting on 5 eggs! Can't wait. They should hatch on the 26th.
    Kate, I hope you haven't succumbed to the sickness! Stay well!
    Caramel...pink rocks. It's amazing what a good pair of shoes will do for your run. And I especially like crazy colored shoes. You just can't take yourself too seriously in them ;)
    Ruby, pull yourself up girl! Outa that slump!
    Sdereski, hope you're well and having fun.
    KS, so sorry to hear about your and your husband's trials. 6 weeks of IV antibiotics is better than surgery, but still really hard to endure. Kate had some good snack suggestions, but I understand that it's really hard when your stressed, and your schedule is full of caring for others.
    Welcome and hello to everyone else!

    The weather here on the Redwood Coast was glorious this weekend. I was able to get out for a motorcycle ride Saturday. It's the first time I've been on dirt since B wrecked, but it went fine. I was able to stand through the gravel patches and had a great time. I kayaked about in the ocean Sunday with my paddle pals. The ocean was big! I love winter time and playing in those waves.
    I also canned soup for easy future dinners. I have 5 pints of pumpkin bisque, and 3 quarts plus 5 pints of Creole fish soup. :D That'll make for a few easy dinner nights. It is kind of a pain to enter in all the recipes though.

    Have an awesome Tuesday everyone.
  • ruby70
    ruby70 Posts: 459 Member
    Kelly- I am so sorry to hear of your husbands back pain but I am glad they finally figured out what was causing the problem and they have a plan in place.
    Caramel - I had a pair of Mizuno's one time, they were the best running shoes I ever had, it was like I was running on air and they just molded to my feet.
    Kate - I hope the illness passes your home soon, poor little Josie has taken the blunt of it for sure
    Curious - I am so jealous to hear of your kayaking on the ocean, that sounds great! I am a kayaker too.
    Hi Larro, Beeps, Sederski & anyone else I missed :)

    I am trying to work out of my slump, I am committed to cardio everyday this week and 75 crunches every day. So far have accomplished Monday and Tuesday.
  • nickpnh
    nickpnh Posts: 111 Member
    Caramel - down 2 pounds of bloat from travel still 2-2.5 to get to pre-travel. If I eat loads of gluten I bloat like crazy. We have gluten issues in the family so I usually eat a low gluten diet. Getting back on track...and tracking calories. Considering doing another diet bet. Lost last time but it was added incentive to keep on tracking...
    Larro - hope you are recovering from your big weekend.
    Kelly - Yikes - sounds awful. Hope he gets better soon.
    Ruby - you can do it!
    Kate - I have little ones too and this whole season of illness is really worrying - enterovirus and Ebola. Remember when it was just the flu????
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    KellySue! I have never even heard of that back disorder your husband has! It just sounds awful and painful. No more eating for you, though....you have come too far to go back to bad habits.

  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    I will lift at lunch, tomorrow....will see my old crowd! It's been about six weeks sincemy lunchtime workouts! I hope they missed me!
  • Kate7294
    Kate7294 Posts: 783 Member
    Morning Kid's!
    Lost another pound so ( bugle.. bugle...) 40 pounds gone! Whoop whoop doing a happy dance this morning. Pretty good since I haven't been to the gym since last Thursday.
    Josie's still fighting this fever and of course now she's fighting the meds too. Stubborn kid.
    I really miss my ticker :( Some people still have theirs but haven't figured it out yet.
    Ruby- 70 crunches Wow! I need to try to do something at home while Josie's ill. You must have abs of steel.
    Curious- glad you've had good weather been rainy here.
    Kelly Sue- You can do this girl!
    Carmel- I can smell those new sneakers burning rubber.
    Beeps- keep up the great workouts.
    Emma- where are you?
    Hello Newbies!
    Will check back later
  • Curiousgeorgianna
    Curiousgeorgianna Posts: 187 Member
    Good Morning Kids!
    Another lovely bike ride to work this morning. I got pretty doused going home last night though. We finally have rain! Whoop whoop! :D We really, really need it.
    My Fitness Tracker says I burn between 400 - 500 calories each way, and I'm very sure that's exagerated, but not sure how else to track it. There's no way to take into account the incline/decline or wind. Regardless, it's exercise!
    Tomorrow is B's phys. therapy, so it's a driving day. I'll use the Nordic Trak at lunch.
    Ruby, 75 crunches is a LOT! And you're on a streak with cardio.
    Beeps, you know they missed you! Have fun with your lifting gang.
    Nick, travel can really mess things up! It sounds like you're getting back though. How did your last diet bet work?
    Kate!!! Awesome! 40 lbs is a major milestone! Contratulations!
    I messaged E's Mom. I hope she comes back.
    Good morning to the rest of you as you check in.
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    Good Morning Cool Kids.

    Glad to hear everyone is bouncing around and doing things. I'm four loads of laundry into my cleaning day. I worked around the buzzers while doing my cardio. I have added 5 minutes of the AbRocker to my daily workout. Even before I gained the 4 pounds {2 of which I have already lost} I had a pouchy little belly. Since I can't get rid of it any other way, it looks like I'm going to have to do the work. Now my non-lifting days workout is 30 minutes Gazelle, moderate effort, 5 minutes stationary bike, 15 minutes Gazelle, extreme effort, 5 minutes AbRocker. Most days I also walk 2 miles at work, 27 minutes @ 4 1/2 mph. I also do 80 squats in the shower while I'm waiting on the hot water. Those 2 minutes can be the most intense workout of the day.

    Margie just called to tell me that Sister broke her arm at the beach. She saw it on Face Book. At her age that isn't a good idea.

    We had lots of bad weather Monday night and yesterday morning. There were tornado warnings all night, and one was sighted just a few miles south of the Larro Ranchero. Luckily we didn't have any damage. Or at least not any that I have seen so far. It's a really nice day today. It got down to 51F this morning about daylight. I opened up the windows and turned on all the fans.

    Hope everyone is having a good day.

  • ruby70
    ruby70 Posts: 459 Member
    Good morning all, I hope you are having a great day!
    Thanks for the encouragement Nickphn. I got my early workout in this morning, I am on a 3 day roll. I was thinking this morning what has been holding me back the most? I think it is my inconsistency, so I am going to work on getting a workout in everyday even if it is not the most powerful I want it to be; I just need to get back into the routine of everyday workout down!
    Tonight I get to cook a chicken dinner for our confirmation banquet for 37 people, wish me luck :)
  • caramelgyrlk
    caramelgyrlk Posts: 1,112 Member
    Happy Hump day everyone.

    Kelly---I agree with beeps you have come too far to revert back. All of us are sending you our undying support and love during this difficult time. I am glad that while hub is in the hospital for the next couple of weeks they can keep a close eye on him and give him the best care possible. Hugs to you....

    Beeps--of course they miss you. Lift heavy and show them what they been missing.

    Ruby--cooking for 37 people will be a workout in itself. Make us proud.

    Larro--sorry to hear about your sister n law....your hard work will give you the abs you want.

    Kate-40lbs is awesome. You should be sooooo proud. I am happy for you

    CG--Your burns are increasing and I am glad you are getting the much needed rain. Of course you know I am happy to read about the bike ride. Hope your BF is recovering.

    Nick--How are you making out?

    Well I have double duty tonight. I have my personal training session and then 15 minutes later I have extreme fit. Can you say I am sucker for punishment? After working in a stressful environment it really does help to unleash my beast at the gym with my bright pink and blue sneakers....OMG

    Hello to everyone else and have a great day.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    For pete's sakes, i saw NOONE from my old crowd! My fault, i guess....my morning meeting was done by 9, so i was in the gym working out by 9:30 and done by 11. So, i missed my "new" morning crowd and my noon crowd.

    I was NOT alone, at all....but it was another new-to-me bunch.

    I am sore, so the lifting session was good. I might nap this afternoon to make up for my sleep deficit due to early morning meeting.

    I have to do a seminar tonight. Blech.
  • handyandy9x
    handyandy9x Posts: 93 Member
    Wow guys... away for a month and everything has changed!!
    Trip to the UK, for 4 days then having friends stay with us for a week, and school holiday meant no real time for any exercise apart from walking, but didn't put on any weight back o, so that is a good thing.
    Now back at work, and back on the programme, got 3 weeks until my birthday... the big 5-0... can I still be a cool kid?
  • FancyPantsFran
    FancyPantsFran Posts: 3,687 Member
    Hi Cool Kids

    Sorry I haven't checked in in a while. Everyone looks like they are doing awesome things.

    I will have more time to check in when the house renovations are done. Five weeks and counting till we move in and host Thanksgiving. yikes
  • nickpnh
    nickpnh Posts: 111 Member
    Curious - The I was a runner up (they call it runner up - I call it loser) at my last diet bet. But it was an extra kick in motivation - just not enough I guess. Down another pound 160.5. Oh how I can't wait until I am firmly in the 150s, no bouncing back into the 160s after a weekend at home or travel. Just need to push! Tracking obsessively will get me there!

    Larro - Good job on working those 4 pounds down to 2. Keep going.

    Beeps - Do you workout actively with those groups or just people in the vicinity while you work out?

    Handyandy - welcome back.

    Kelly - beware the items you can't track (those pastries and what not with no calorie markings) they definitely caused me setbacks last week. Hang tough and grab some snacks you can identify so you can at least track...

  • ruby70
    ruby70 Posts: 459 Member
    Kate - congrats on losing 40lbs, you are an inspiration. I had to laugh at your comment on "I must have abs of steel" totally no.... that is why I had to kick in a major ab workout. I was feeling pretty sore last night.
    Kelly - I hope you are okay and I am thinking of you and sending good energy your way
    Curious - great job on the biking
    Larro - your squats in the shower made me laugh, you never cease to amaze me
    Beeps- what a bummer you did not get a chance to see any of your old workout buddies
    Andy - good to see you again
    Nick - you are so close to going into the 150's, you can do it!
    Caramel - I hope your workout went good last night. I can relate to the stressful job, it seems to be that way now a days.

    The chicken dinner turned out awesome last night. My pastor gave us lots of praise and compliments. I am glad to have that one behind me & know it was a success.