40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    Since I'm on a roll, thought I would do one more. This is Johnny, Sister and a chicken.

  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Wow, what a great thread! I'm 49, highest known weight was 350 lbs (I suspect I came close to 400, but just wasn't weighing), down 120 lbs and slowly chipping away at the rest.

    Larro, great pic of you and your family!
  • caramelgyrlk
    caramelgyrlk Posts: 1,112 Member
    Happy Monday kids. Hope all of you are well and in good spirits.

    I walked in to work to find out my coworker had a heart attack over the weekend. She is the same age as me 43. Her 6 year old daughter had to make calls for help. I am not the most emotional person, but I cried. She is that kind of coworker that can drive you batty like an annoying little sister. Every morning she sneaks up behind me and shake my chair. My mornings as I know them will not be same until she returns.

    Larro-I smiled as I saw the pic of the chicken. Animals always make my day.

    I have extreme fit tonight. I wish I could take it now.

    Sorry guys I can not focus anymore.

    Have a great day everyone.
  • nickpnh
    nickpnh Posts: 111 Member
    Hi kids! It was a beautiful fall weekend in upstate NY where we went for a lovely hike. i started this morning with 20 laps in the pool - 1000 yards WHOOP! I think my shoulder is more or less mended. Weight bounced up over the weekend but on my way to making it a great week! Hope you all have a great week too.

    Larro - Hope those kids had you off and running around. I chased my 3 all over the hike yesterday.

    Kelly - Hope your hubby starts to recover. What a long awful ordeal for you both.

    Caramel - At least you are doing all you can to be healthy and only be at the hospital to visit. That is why we're all slogging through it here. I need to keep up with mine and lower my cholesterol so I hopefully get to be the fun Grandma in another 20-25 years.

    Mygnsac - welcome! Congrats on all you've done so far. Just keep chipping...
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Happy Monday! Great pic Larro! I got my butt outta bed this morning and made it to the gym. It was quite cold this morning and I was comfy in my nice warm bed so it was a struggle, but I did it and I do feel better for doing it!
    Hubs is still having issues today. He has not been able to really eat all weekend and has had to have some icky stuff done as well to try to get things moving along. The medical team is meeting this morning and based on what they decide, he may be delayed in going to the rehab. :cry: It's very tiring and I'm not even the one in the hospital!
    I am only working today and tomorrow and then I am on vacation until 10/30. I am looking forward to it. Hopefully hubby will be closer to home and I can spend some time with him. I will also have Jake a couple of days while I am off and will be doing some fun stuff with him!
    Hope everyone else is doing well! Have a good day!
  • Emmalusmom
    Emmalusmom Posts: 61 Member
    Hi Cool Kids,

    Sorry that I was MIA for so long. It has been a crazy two weeks for me and my family. We went to Colorado to get my middle son married off. It was an amazing trip with lots of ups and down and a few curves. While we were there my daughters father passed away, so we had to come back and start funeral arrangements. And I have had the hardest time trying to get back on this thread. I hope and pray that things are getting back to normal. (Whatever that is!) I really appreciate all of the concern while I was away. You guys don't know how much it meant. And Larro thank you for helping me in everyway that you could to find my way back here. I hope that everyone had an awesome day!
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    edited October 2014
    Good morning fellow cool kids.

    Is it Monday already?! The weekends just seem to fly by anymore. Took my car into the dealership on Saturday for it's 10,000 mile service, did some shopping at Trader Joe's, then spent the rest of the weekend cleaning house, doing laundry and getting my weekly cooking done.

    I live with my 70 year old father (we lost my mom to ovarian cancer 3 years ago), and he is having his bathroom re-done right now...I finally convinced him that he needs a shower that's easier to get in and out of. They have been working on it for the last couple weeks and we still have a couple more to go. I'm glad I'm at work while all this is going on! So far it's been gutted out and the shower base built and hot mopped (smelly!). My poor indoor dog has had to rough it out in the backyard while all of this is going on, and my cat goes into hiding as soon as the construction guys get their each morning.

    My Dad threw his back out a couple of weeks ago and he's been slow to recover. I had to go get him a walker when it first happened, but he now only uses a cane. Another reason we are getting that shower of his replaced. None of this stops him from going on his walks with the dog each day though. They go every day at dawn and again at dusk. He's just walking slower than normal. He's really good about eating well and exercising (he was diagnosed with heart disease in his late 40s and has been health conscience ever since) and is very much my inspiration.

    I live in northern CA and the weather has finally started to cool off. I'm so happy to say goodbye to the hot summer weather. The weather was perfect over the weekend. Lows in the mid 50s and highs in the upper 70s. Now that it's cooler I'm going to start going for more walks on my breaks at work. My walking shoes and pedometer have been parked under my desk for far too long!

    Lately I've gotten into the bad habit of not packing my breakfast and lunch when I go to work (I've been really good about packing food the last couple of years), and then either not eating, or buying something from the nearby restaurants. Changing that today. Packed in yogurt and hard boiled eggs for breakfast and homemade black-eyed peas, fresh veggies and an apple for lunch. Mid-afternoon snack will be some of the avocado pudding I made last night.

    Time to get back to work. You all have a wonderful day. I look forward to getting to know you all.


  • kjgarcia
    kjgarcia Posts: 104 Member
    Totally disappeared and went missing, but I'm back. I don't think I have time to catch up, so we'll go from here. Good to "see" everyone :)
  • kjgarcia
    kjgarcia Posts: 104 Member
    Hey are we one big thread now?
  • flattumme
    flattumme Posts: 80 Member
    alf1163 wrote: »
    Hello 40+ Club!!! This is te first post of the new thread!!! Hope you like the title!!! Thank Chris (whoheis) or complain if you dont like it. LOL

    For those who would like to join: We are a group of 40+ (40 yrs and older) peope who like to stay healthy by eating clean, exercising, etc. We support each other by providing health info, giving each other ideas on how to be healthy as we get older. Feel free to join the conversation. We usually report our weightloss/ weight gain, inches lost, struggles, goals, etc on Fridays.

    What are your fitness/health goals for this year??? For me, I have started a new lifting program, New Rules of Lifting for Women. I am on my second week. My goal is to become stronger, lose fat, get leaner. I overdid it (not surprising to me) during the Holidays so I have to lose a few pounds and inches...I also want to focus on my nutrition, especially increasing my protein consumption. I am a Zumba Instructor and will of course continue with teaching my 4 classes a week.

    Have a great day!!!!! :flowerforyou:

    I have hurt my back so walk sn hour each day . I want to lose approx 25 pound hopefully 20 by xmas. I hope to get back to aquaaerobics next week. I like the idea of friday weigh ins so count me in
  • Curiousgeorgianna
    Curiousgeorgianna Posts: 187 Member
    Happy Monday Cool Kids!

    It took awhile to read through the thread and catch up on everyone's weekend, but it looks like there were good times had, and some trying ones too. And yet you all checked in!
    I stayed home Friday with a fever, and it was really nice to have an R&R day. Totally fine on Saturday.

    Rode my motorcycle to town to pick up my new glasses. It's my first pair of bifocals! B)
    Sunday I went back to sea in the kayak. Sunday mornings have been a standing date for about 12 of us for over 8 years now! There was a rare bird in the area - brown booby - so it was fun to find it on a sea stack about a mile out.
    Did a lot of cooking Sunday afternoon for the week. I made whole wheat pockets with sweet potato, lentils with kale, and carmelized onions. Hopefully they'll be good traveling food, but I haven't tried one yet to see if it's any good. I also made soup (from one of our chickens) that had parsnips and some dried bolete mushrooms we harvested last year. That's tonights dinner. Last night we had the tenderloins from the piggy we hunted in March and roasted brussel sprouts. Did I mention that I love to cook! ;)

    That leads to Caramel's question about keeping the weight off over the holidays... for me it will be lot's of exercise. It's already started here at the office with a never-empty bowl of Halloween candy. My b-day is near Thanksgiving, and my brother always brings an amazing cake from a super-fancy bakery in San Francisco, so there will be that to plan for. Luckily my family eats pretty clean and are very health concious, so there won't be too much bad food, but there will be too much food in general!

    Larro, glad to hear your sister's on the mend! The chicken is cute. I used to have one that looked like that.

    Speaking of chickens... we put 5 (hopefully) fertile eggs under a broody hen, and if all goes well, we'll have 5 baby chicks hatching out next Sunday!

    KS, your poor hubby! He's really going through a lot. Be sure to continue to take care of you! It's great there's a trail near your parents house to get you going. I'm glad you have some vacation time coming up. Use as much as you can for your health!

    Welcome Nantnet. Great job on the 103 lbs. Awesome dedication.

    Welcome wmcmurray & vtroyn!

    Caramel, so sorry to hear of your shocking start to the work week! :'( I hope she recovers, and when she does, you'll be able to guide her toward better health. Enjoy your workout tonight. It will be healing I hope.

    Ruby, honeycrisps are my favorite apple! What's a fireside? Sounds more like a cocktail!

    Beeps, not eating after supper is a great habit! I'll join you in that. I've been fairly lax about it with B in residence these last few months. He's a snacker! :\

    Kate, down another pound! Woo hoo! Keep it up girl!

    mygnsac, where in Nor Cal are you? High 70s suggests somewhere inland, or southern northern cal? ;) I'm in northern norcal on the coast. It was warmer than normal here, but that means low 70s. Avocado pudding? How do you make it?

    E's Mom, so glad to have you back. It's been quite a ride for you over the past few weeks. Hope it smooths out soon.

    kjgarcia, welcome back! Good to "see" you too.

    All the best for your day everyone. ... I miss the emoticon with the flower

  • redfisher1974
    redfisher1974 Posts: 614 Member
    Hello, Just turned 40 in June. Long story short I was almost killed in a head on collision 2 years ago this November. Spent a month in hospital and 5 surgery's later lost a ton of weight due to having a bunch of intestines removed and having short gut syndrome etc.
    Good news I had my Colostomy bag removed and all my plumbing hooked back up and my broken back has mended as well as my broken hand and finally had my knee scope done... Anywho I gained weight in my down time and am trying to get in shape to return to work!

    I was 220 but down to 200 now with 5 more pounds to go... Love this site!

  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,987 Member
    Sorry to read about deaths and heart attacks and hospital visits. Blech.

    I do like reading about everyone's diet and fitness pursuits!

    I skipped the gym, today....it was 21 and i simple had to be outside! The snow will be here...soon enough and for a long time, so can lift then!

    For today, i walked. For three HOURS! ZOOM!
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    edited October 2014
    mygnsac, where in Nor Cal are you? High 70s suggests somewhere inland, or southern northern cal? ;) I'm in northern norcal on the coast. It was warmer than normal here, but that means low 70s. Avocado pudding? How do you make it?

    Good guess! I live in Sacramento..."down in the valley."

    Chocolate Avocado Pudding


    1 large avocado (or 2 small)
    1 tablespoon of unsweetened cocoa powder
    1 tablespoon of honey (or whatever sweetener you like)


    Place ingredients in food processor and whip until smooth. Taste. Add more cocoa or honey as needed. This should taste and look like a rich, chocolate pudding. Leave it in the fridge overnight and it has a mousse-like consistency.

    Recipe makes about 4 - 1/4 cup servings. Keep refrigerated.


    If you still want to use the flower for you emoticon, it can be added by typing flowerforyou in between 2 colons. :flowerforyou:

  • Kate7294
    Kate7294 Posts: 783 Member
    Hey Kid's!
    Finally made it back to the gym today though I lacked energy ( forgot to eat some protein first ). Managed 7 machines. One was those squat type. Boy are my legs sore. LOL. All in all not a bad day. Went to the thrift store after "Got to pop some tags". I can wear 9/10 women's and 11 in juniors now. :smiley: Scored a couple Orchids of Hawaii tiki mugs to add to our collection.
    Kelly Sue- hope you enjoy your time off and continuing to pray for your husband.
    Larro- I'll have to try posting a picture soon.
    Curious- Your doing it.
    Beeps- I think this year's resolution will be to learn to lift heavy and do real squats.
    Carmel- Sorry about your co-worker. Wishing her a speedy recovery.
    Redfisher- Wow that's a hard road of recovery don't overdo it.
    Hello Newbies!
    Will check back later.
  • Shokei
    Shokei Posts: 71 Member
    Count me in. I'm close to my goal weight and where my BMI should be. Where do you sign up...so many posts. B)
  • johnnylakis
    johnnylakis Posts: 812 Member
    Count me in!
  • holliebevineau
    holliebevineau Posts: 441 Member
    I wanna join! I would like to get better with my logging and keep my carbs low. I am in love with lifting, it makes me a happier person. I am a wife and mother of 4. Ages 16, 15, 8 and 3.
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    Hey Cool Kids.

    We are growing so fast it takes half an hour just to read the day's new posts. That's great. Welcome to all the new guys.

    E's Mom, glad you could follow my bread crumbs.

    KJ, welcome back.

    KS, continued prayers for your family.

    Curious I just got my first pair of progressive lens earlier this year. I still have to take them off to read or use the laptop, so I got a cheap pair with single vision for driving and watching TV. Glad you were able to get a ride in.

    Mygnsac, welcome aboard. I always look forward to your pictures on the What's for Supper??? thread. Your meals look amazing.

    No time to say hello to everyone individually, so here is a big collective HELLO.

    I did my usual lifting and cardio this morning, and walked 2 miles once I got to work. I've already ate supper, along with dessert, and I'm 1K short on calories. I guess there will be a peanut butter and honey snack in my late night future.

    I have a dentist {cavity} and car {tire rotation} appointment tomorrow, in addition to my weekly Tuesday shopping trip, so I will be in a hurry. {surprise, surprise}

    Hope everyone had a good day,

  • ruralife
    ruralife Posts: 28 Member
    When I first got progressives I had to take Gravol for the nausea I felt for two days. I stuck it out and just didn't take off the glasses. Now, I don't notice any of the issues that at first were annoying.

    What kinds of proteins do people choose throughout the day, and what size serving? Please don't say eggs, because that's not the answer for me, and I'd rather save the fats in cheese for recipes I love.