40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



  • caramelgyrlk
    caramelgyrlk Posts: 1,112 Member
    Happy Friday kids. Hope all of you are well and in good spirits.

    Sdereski--- I am glad you are safe and unscathed.

    Ruby--Enjoy your YOU time.

    Larro- I love your pictures. Great job on your results for the week.

    KellySue-Hope hubby is recovering. I hope you are going to do something special for yourself.

    Mygnsac--Hope you are feeling better.

    CG--I hear that fitbits are really good and reliable. The people I work out with use Polar FT4 HRM. I love it and it is simple to use. Some of the numbers are overstated on MFP.

    My Canadian family, I was horrified to see what happened in Canada. Here in the US New York had it's share of issues with the guy using a hatchet or machete type instrument and was killed by police. This violence is beyond my comprehension.

    Beeps--Are you lifting today?

    Kate--Like your new photo. Glad you were able to make it to the gym. I know you are sore.

    I did well on Wednesday night after 2 hours of working out. I did not feel it until today when I lifted my arms to put on my shirt. Can you say OMG...lol I did not need the biofreeze afterall. I am treating myself to a new pair of work out pants and shirt. I earned them and DESERVE them :smiley: I prefer shopping for work out clothes versus paying for medicine.

    Welcome all newbies.

    Have a great weekend kids.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,973 Member
    Hi all!

    Larro, i wish i was 21.9% bodyfat.

    Caramel, of COURSE i lifted todat! :)

    Annnndddddd, that means scheduled cardio tomorrow. ZOOM!
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    Hello boys and girls.

    I got out and mowed a little late this afternoon. Got the main yard done. All I lack now is the back {dog} yard and the side yard, about an acre each.

    I thought I was going to have to run to town to pick up a prescription for Mamma, but it wasn't going to be ready until 2000, and she would be asleep long before then. We will deal with it in the morning. I will make an early run before work, or Sister will do it. It looks like Mamma has bronchitis and it's getting worse. Bow season starts 30 minutes before sunrise {0649} in the morning, and I plan on being in the shooting house then. I guess I will cut my hunting short if I'm going to get to Marianna and back before work.

    I've got an old book Q'ed up on http://www.gutenberg.org/, and the baseball game on TV. Maybe at least one of those two will turn out interesting.

    I spent about ten minutes trying to get Mocha on my right side so I could take a selfie of us left handed {easier because of the shutter location}. But every time I would get up and move down the bench, she would get down and move back to my left side. So I just did the best I could. {I'm the one that needs a shave}


  • Kate7294
    Kate7294 Posts: 783 Member
    Hey Kid's!
    Let's see if this works. Here's a picture of my birthday cake my sister ( and Mom ) made me.
    Such a great birthday weekend. I got treated to a great taco salad/meal, I got to do some shopping ( some of it by myself ***) , I actually brought myself some cute clothes ( new ones not pre-owned ) , and my measurements this morning were great. I've lost over 24" combined; includes 8" off my hips, 6" off my waist, and 8" off my hips.
    Here's a picture o my Mom, my Niece Trinity ( age 2 ), Josie ( age 3 ), and myself.

    I'm the tall one. LOL

  • Kate7294
    Kate7294 Posts: 783 Member
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    Let me see if I can fix this for you Kate.

  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    You are looking great. Neat cake too. I have never seen one like that before. Glad your birthday was a good one.

  • Darkhawk1969
    Darkhawk1969 Posts: 1,419 Member
    Feel free to add me as a friend but ,l do come with the following conditions:

    1. I log in daily
    2. I speak my mind
    3. I have been known to kick butt
    4. I like to have a laugh
    5. I like to flirt
    6. If you dont log for 10 days or more, your gone!

    If you still want to be friends then send me a request.

    Take care x

  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,973 Member
    I love the pictures.

    And the list.

    Cardio done. Now it is lie on the couch and watch movies time!
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    Good Morning Afternoon Cool Kids.

    I was late getting in from work. It was after 0300 when I got to bed, so I slept in this morning. {I saw 2 young coyotes when I was driving in, about 200 yards from the house. They were very pretty, but I don't like having them so close}

    This is Margie's last day of early voting. Two weeks of 12 hour days is taking it's toll on her. I will be glad when she gets this election put to bed. It takes a couple of weeks after election day for everything to be finished. Then she will just have the three election cycles in 2016 to worry about before she retires.

    I ate too much with my customers yesterday. One event was a black family reunion, and even skipping the baked mac & cheese and the potato salad, it was still over 1000 calories. The other was a Halloween party. I thought I did better with them, but when I did the numbers, it was also over 1000 calories. So I did extra cardio this morning, and ate my breakfast for lunch. That should help get me back on the straight and narrow. And Margie requested grilled sausage for supper. I was planning on doing some stir-fry with a couple of chicken quarters my other customer sent home with me last night, so I will just do both.

    I planned on doing a little hunting today, but I think I'm going to turn the race on and nap until I have to start cooking supper. If I killed a deer today I would have to clean it and find space in the freezer. That sounds like more work than I'm up to.

    Welcome Jase. Glad to have you aboard.

    Hope everyone is having a good day.

  • Curiousgeorgianna
    Curiousgeorgianna Posts: 187 Member
    Welcome to Monday Cool Kids!
    I can't believe I'm the first to check in today! Maybe by the time I finish and post, I won't be. Good morning!
    Larro, that pic with your pooch is really great. Glad you got most of your mowing done. And I hope your Mom recovers quickly! Brohchitis is not fun. What are you hunting with that bow? Turkeys?
    Beeps, couch time! Nice. Doesn't if feel awesome when you've earned it?!?
    Kate, the pics are great. That cake is an inspiration! Love it! And you're looking amazing!
    Caramel, did you go shopping? New workout clothes? I do so love that sore muscle feeling.

    As of late afternoon yesterday, 4 of 5 eggs hatched! One didn't make it :'( . The bright blue egg which belongs to a "cream legged bar" is the one we're waiting on. I'm going to run home for luch and check. It was too dark this morning. I'm surprised at how stressed out I am, considering the hen is doing all the work.

    We had a terrific windy storm on Wednesday, so I hunkered down in the kitchen and started making this week's food. Venison stew is on the menu, as well as veggie Biryani. I made it with whole spices (like entire cardamom pods and whole cinamon sticks), and it's amazing. I accidently made a pizza yesterday ;) I did make a whole wheat crust, but I don't think that did a thing to the caloric content. It was really really good though.

    Tomorrow is bicycle day!

    Hello to everyone else! I hope your week is starting out wonderfully.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    edited October 2014
    Good afternoon everyone.

    The weather here has sure changed. Got up this morning and it was windy and in the 40's. That's chilly for us this time of year. My dog was a dog-cicle by the time he and Dad got back from their morning walk. I guess we're going to have to start putting his little coat on him.

    I did really well with my meals over the weekend. Stayed within my calorie allotment, even after going out for Mexican food on Saturday (I only ate half and brought the other half home). I had chicken fajitas, black beans and spanish rice, and the food was great except for their tortillas, which tasted like they came out of package from the grocery store, so I skipped them.

    Larro, I love the picture of you and Mocha. Sounds like she made you work for that one. Ha! My dog is such a ham with the camera.

    Kate, what a great looking cake! I don't think I've ever seen one quite like that.

    Curious, it sounds like you are an amazing cook. My weekly cooking usually consists of a pot of something (usually beans, lentils or some kind of soup), a dozen boiled eggs, cashew milk, and maybe some banana oatmeal bars or some chocolate avocado pudding. I hope the bright blue egg makes it!

    Time to get back to work. You all have a wonderful, happy and healthy day!

  • Kate7294
    Kate7294 Posts: 783 Member
    Good Afternoon Kids!
    I got to the gym today. Whoop! Only did half the squats I did last week so hopefully no DOM's this time. Did my glute extensions, rotary, atlantis knee raises, precor inner, precor outer, 41 minutes on the elliptical, and an hour in the pool. Felt great. Came home to see my pliated ? woodpecker. It's a big one (close to a foot long). I chased it last year trying to get a picture but never managed.
    Tomorrow a friend's supposed to take me out to lunch. Haven't seen her in a while. Well gotta run. Have to go pick up son from chess club and then go buy him some kakis for his project at Radford University << of course he didn't mention it was this Thursday. LOL
    Check back later.
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    edited October 2014
    It's good to see some activity on here. I was worried everyone had been abducted by aliens. But looking back over my last past I see I was having some trouble with the time space continuum myself. Of course election day is a week from tomorrow which means Margie has another week of 12 hour days due to early voting. I'm glad I didn't say that to her or I would have been in big trouble.

    I got my cardio and lifting in, but it took about three times as long as it should. I had to stop halfway though to go cook eggs for Mamma. {who seems to be doing a little better thanks the antibiotics} Then when I had got started back a Forestry guy came by doing a tree census and some of the trees to be counted were on the Larro Ranchero. {He came back by later to tell me he was done and I was in the shower that time}

    I still haven't made it to the shooting house. We have plenty of turkey, but I don't hunt them. I'm going for deer. One of the advantages of bow season is you get to shoot antler-less deer. During gun season the horns have to be six inches above the hairline to be legal. The bow stamp only cost $5.00 and you get a whole extra month of hunting.

    Kate, we have plenty of the big woodpeckers to spare. They do a lot of damage here digging in lumber to get to the wood-boring bumblebees.

    Mygnsac, so far we have only had a couple of really cool days {in the 40's}. I'm still wearing shorts to work most nights. And don't short change your cooking. It always looks so neat and healthy compared to my big rambling meals.

    Curious, those stews sound good. Do you guys have problems with snakes getting your eggs or baby chicks? My BIL bought a couple dozen quail eggs, and lost half of them to a Whiteoak snake right as they were hatching. But they were in a incubator. The ones that made it are grown and laying eggs now. Those quail eggs are a trip. {In other fowl news, Royal, their male peacock died a couple of days ago}

    Hello to everyone else. I have to run. I have a kid doing community service tonight, so I have to keep him busy, which means I'm working more than usual.

  • caramelgyrlk
    caramelgyrlk Posts: 1,112 Member
    Hey kids, hope all of you ae well and in good spirits.

    I had a very busy weekend. Saturday my trainer took it to me especially the last 15 minutes with a TABATA circuit. I was winded but full of energy as I prefer early a.m. workouts. My family was sick of me with all the additional energy I had. I brought new work out clothes and I was thrilled and so excited. You know it is time to go undie shopping when you put a pair on under your skirt and before you can leave the house they are coming down not because they are old but too big. My family was crying in hysteria. Oh well :blush: I had extreme fit tonight and feel a lil sore but of course invigorated. There is a Royal Farm store in the same shopping center of the gym. When I went outside to run, the smell of the chicken and/or seasoning had me gagging. My trainer said do not throw up on me (lol). What's a lil throw up between friends? (my sarcasm at work)

    I will catch up on the posts tomorrow and respond accordingly.

    Have a great night and sleep well.

  • Curiousgeorgianna
    Curiousgeorgianna Posts: 187 Member
    Good Morning Cool Kids!

    I had a lovely view of Orion in the sky on my early morning bicycle commute. Something very peaceful about riding in the dark, even on the highway. I do have a 500 lumen headlight, which helps! Today at lunch I have to do my hip PT, and want to do an arm/shoulder circuit as well.

    The weather has finally shifted here as well. The temperatures are more moderate -- upper 40's over night, and lower 60's in the afternoon. It will be raining on my ride home, but I knew that and packed my rain pants.

    Larro, we never get to shoot antlerless deer here, not even with a bow. Our deer seasons are all closed now. The rule for our regular hunting season is that at least one antler has to have a fork. No "spikes". I wish you luck! I'm guessing the shooting house is a blind? Or a tree stand? Sorry to hear about Royal.

    We don't have many snakes here. On the coast we have little garters and an occasional king. I fear more for the snakes if they find their way into the chicken yard! BTW, the little blue egg is a dud :\ But we have 3 healthy chicks! I'll try to capture some pics.

    Mygnsac, congrats on managing your calories over the weekend! That always feels like the toughest time. And cashew milk sounds really yummy! And thanks, I do like to cook. But cooking is usually followed by eating, so I try not to indulge my inner pastry chef very often ;)

    Kate, that workout sounds great! I love woodpeckers. We have Pilliateds here too, though we rarely see them. They are big! What kind of workout do you do in the pool? Laps? I'm considering a gym membership just to try swimming as a joint-friendly aerobic exercise.

    Caramel, I'm in hysterics over your wardrobe malfunction! Off to Victorias Secret with you! I'm glad you have a trainer that pushes you...not that you need pushing!

    Hello to all of the other Kids. Have a great day...and don't forget to log it!
  • MattNorrisUL
    MattNorrisUL Posts: 100 Member
    I'm 40, married, with 4 kids (15, 11, 6, and 4). Three of those are girls so I need to get in better shape to chase boys away. haha.

    I was doing really well last year but I hurt my foot and then bam, I was 228 again. It was definitely over eating. Legs are in great shape but belly has got to go. So I started using MFP again a week or two ago and I'm doing much better about eating well. Gave up soft drinks again and today I'm 221. My goal is 190 pounds and then hopefully put on some more muscle mass afterwards.

    Biggest issue I have now is my foot falling asleep in long runs (not the shoe strings aren't too tight). It's a nerve compression issue. Hopefully I'll have that under control soon!
  • Kate7294
    Kate7294 Posts: 783 Member
    Hey Kid's!
    Curious- I usually just march in the pool while my daughter plays ( count it as half the water jogging calories) though I try using my arms to drag her 40 lbs. back and forth through the water also.
    Carmel- Yes I plan to buy some undies soon too. My new mid-rise jeans look kind of funny with my granny bloomers hanging out the top. LOL

    Had a friend take me out to lunch today at Famous Anthony's. I can't believe they don't publish their nutritional facts anywhere. I ended up eating 4 fried mac and cheese bites ( size of quarters), a quarter portion of their southern fried chicken (a salad with chicken tenders and ham), and some fried green beans. I've been walking up and down my steps trying to burn some calories now. LOL
    Larro and Beeps- Here's some pictures from the weekend. Playing in the leaves with Josie and our Torkey Baron.

  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,973 Member
    Love the photos!

    Yes, I got my strength-training in and done. Then I went to the movies ...go see "the judge", it's great! ... And am driving kidlets to various activities tonight.

  • mrbyte
    mrbyte Posts: 270 Member
    edited October 2014
    hey all..hope everyone is doing well. If you are healthy and injury free then no excuses to skip workout! I am nursing a partial torn rotator cuff and a meniscus tear in my knee so I haven't worked out in 6 weeks or so. I feel like a caged animal not being able to go in and excercise! I'll be turning the big 50 in a week!!