40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



  • JackieUnlimited
    JackieUnlimited Posts: 93 Member
    Crosbylee two of them? Very nice job! I haven't worked up the guts to actually sign up for any runs. Not a competitive person really but yes all the people cheering everyone on does help. Need to enter some where they give everyone a finishing metal....need some bling. lol

    CG motorcycle mama. That is awesome. I am glad things have thawed out here too.

    StephannieL hope you have a fantastic vacation!

    Time for bed. Just spent 3 hours helping my g/f and her hubby getting meat and things all cut up and sorted for orders. Came home with a big bone for Kali and some organs. She is going to be one happy dog over the weekend.

    Goodnight everyone!
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    I managed to get in a couple three hours in the garden before dark. Transplanted Cherry, Rutger and Roma tomatoes. Then did two trays of sprouts into cups after supper. Hope to get in in time to do the orange trees into pots tomorrow.

  • JackieUnlimited
    JackieUnlimited Posts: 93 Member
    Down .4 lbs for a total 11.3 lbs down. It's a small loss but I will take it!

    Larro your garden looks amazing.
  • 3furballs
    3furballs Posts: 476 Member
    Happy vacation Stephanie!

    Larro, nice garden!

    Well my private kettlebell class was pretty awesome, though I think I was lifting too heavy on the right side with the sauts(sp?) press as my right shoulder was already sore and it's a bit worse now.

    My instructor was impressed with the gains I've made in strength and cardio. I used the yellow bell for snatches and clean and press!! That's a 16kilo bell!!
  • gam3rguy
    gam3rguy Posts: 3,773 Member
    "Day: 19 of INSANITY: THE ASYLUM Game Day & Overtime"=Done! there are a couple moves in "overtime" I think I would suck at even if I wasn't tired. D'OH!
  • caramelgyrlk
    caramelgyrlk Posts: 1,112 Member
    Happy Friday Kids...

    I do not recall the last time I have been STRESSED to the point where exercise did not help me. I have had headaches this week which made me wonder if I needed to go to the doctor.

    The corporate office decided yesterday to close our location today. The HIV/Aids 5k race that was supposed to take place at the Baltimore Zoo on Sunday is cancelled due to safety concerns. I was at Wal-Mart and Military presence was there. Tensions continue to grow. No matter where you are the conversation is about Baltimore. Many are shocked when I tell them that I was raised in the same projects for a bit where Freddie Gray was arrested.

    I train with my trainer today and told her I need my hardest challenge yet.

    I am still reading all of your posts and happy for all of your achievements, rewards, etc.

    I apologize for not being as engaged as I normally am. When I am on here, I like to uplift and motivate and when I am unable to, I tend to shy away.

    Have a safe, and enjoyable weekend everyone.
  • 3furballs
    3furballs Posts: 476 Member
    Caramel, I hope your training session helps your headaches and I hope the tension eases in Baltimore. Stay safe.

    You don't have to apologize for not being as uplifting as normal, it's our turn to help you.
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Caramel- continued prayer and some ((hugs)) as well!

    I made it to kickboxing last night and it was much needed. I thought I might go to the gym this morning, but sleep won out this morning. I have to say I do feel a bit better today so I think I really needed the sleep. I did go for a short walk to get some paperwork that I needed instead of driving over to get it. I will probably go out for a few walks and/or do yardwork this weekend as it is supposed to be really nice.

    Hope everyone has a great day and weekend.
  • Curiousgeorgianna
    Curiousgeorgianna Posts: 187 Member
    Happy Friday Cool Kids!

    KS, I was right there with you this morning. When that 4:30 alarm went off I didn't hit snooze, I hit "off!" and went back to sleep. Guess I'll be making up for that tomorrow! Glad you made it to kickboxing! They don't offer that at my gym, but it sounds really fun.

    Caramel, just stay safe. What can you do for yourself that relaxes you? I'm sending comforting thoughts to you all day.

    Furballs, 16Kilos is awesome!! Way to go. Take care of that shoulder!

    Jackie, a loss is a loss! Good work. Processing meat is really time consuming. We have to remember not to hunt on Sundays, since we both have to work on Monday, and it takes pretty much all day.

    Larro, your garden is so tidy! And big! What do you do with all of that food? A farmstand?

    Stephanie, you'll have a blast. Can't wait for the pictures.

    Sdereski, glad to hear from you! Was beginning to wonder... It sounds like you're doing well. Tell us more about your bike trip!

    Today is that darn pie party. I baked a beautiful one to contribute, but will have to be sure to keep my hands in my pockets during the party!

    Tomorrow I take a bunch of co-workers kayaking in our bay. Most have never been before. It should be very fun!

    Have a great day folks.
  • allenpriest
    allenpriest Posts: 1,102 Member
    Kentucky Derby weekend - fun time to be in Louisville KY. Even watching it on TV I choke up when 160,000+ sing My Old Kentucky Home for the post parade.

    We are expecting a record crowd - the weather forecast is perfect. There will be over 100,000 at Churchill Downs today (Friday) and maybe as many as 165,000 tomorrow. Cheapest Derby ticket is $50 for the infield - the most expensive is $10,000.

    I'm staying home and watching the TV. :)

    More importantly I am 2 pounds shy of reaching 100 lost.
  • ruby70
    ruby70 Posts: 459 Member
    Caramel - I am so sorry to hear you have been so stressed out. I can only imagine how it feels to be living there right now, it is gut wrenching to see it on TV. I hope things improve soon:) Stay safe and stay strong. Remember we are the people we are today due to the things we have been through in life. My path has not always been the smoothest but I would not change a thing. It makes me the person I am today and I can empathize and understand people because I have been through many tribulations and trials. My prayers are with you and your city.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,993 Member
    That Baltimore sitch is CRAY-CRAY, caramel! Stay sane! I hope you are pleased with the decision for charging the 6 x officers involved. What a nightmare!!!

    Lifting heavy helps me move stress to the back-burner, but it does NOT zap it completely! I am struggling with many headaches right now. Blech.

    Anyway, I did lift heavy, today and then this afternoon I walked for an hour. I hope to do a 2-hour walk tomorrow.

    My weight bumped up 1 lb this week....after last week's HUGE loss, I am kind of not surprised. I ate at 2 x restaurants this week, so likely salt/water retention is the issue (not fat gain....)

    I have 3 weeks left to lose 3 lbs....THAT I CAN DO.

  • allenpriest
    allenpriest Posts: 1,102 Member
    Beeps2011 wrote: »
    That Baltimore sitch is CRAY-CRAY, caramel! Stay sane! I hope you are pleased with the decision for charging the 6 x officers involved. What a nightmare!!!

    why should anyone be pleased that the prosecutor in Baltimore in her public statements has already convicted public safety officers? Cops have a tough job, especially in the inner city with folks who don't respect authority. That community was so concerned about justice they looted a pharmacy and dragged as guy out of his store, beat him up and looted his store. The preacher at the guy's funeral ought to be in jail for inciting a riot. And our president decides to help by sending attorneys when he should have stayed home.
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    Good Evening Cool Kids.

    Beeps, I should be the last guy to tell anyone about eating enough, but the headaches might be your body saying, "feed me."

    Ruby, well said. I've done a lot of bonehead things over the years, but that was all part of getting to where I am today. Anyway, there is no way to change it now.

    Caramel, I'm still thinking of you. Do whatever you have to to keep your stress in check. Hopefully things will start to get back to normal soon.

    Allen, enjoy the derby. Congratulation on the big loss.

    CG, the garden will soon be bigger. By the time I get my peppers and tomatoes all planted, I will be out of space. With peas, beans and cucumbers you want to plant a new patch every four to five weeks. So I will be tilling up more of the yard. I truck farmed for years. And I grew to hate it. Any extra food I grow will be gave away. Taking money for a hobby quickly turns it into a job.

    KS, sleep is very important. I know when I have late nights at work followed by early mornings, I run into a brick wall by late afternoon.

    3furballs, 16 kilos is heavy. You are rocking the KB's.

    Jackie, good loss.

    I had planned on getting off work around lunchtime and getting lots of work done at home. That didn't work out as planned. I kind of, sort of, but not really, skipped lunch again. I did have a rib. I had to go by Mamma's to program her new Dish remote. She is not kicking too high today. Did get 16 orange trees into pots and most of the garden watered. {I turned on the soaker hoses while we ate supper} Then had to get Margie's new laptop going.

    The future Larro Ranchero Orange Orchard


    Hope everyone has a good weekend. I will have worked 6 of the 7 days this week by the time Sunday rolls around. I would rather work than not, but it does limit the amount of stuff I can get done around here.


    The numbers for the week:

    20.7% Body Fat
    23.8 BMI
    170.3 Pounds

    The good news is that I gained almost a pound since yesterday. The bad news is that I'm down 1.3 pounds for the week.

    And now the obligatory Bad Word picture. She really does have a drinking problem.

  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,993 Member
    Headaches for sure are a direct result of no food.

    I can tough out headaches for a few weeks for a winning waistline.

  • JackieUnlimited
    JackieUnlimited Posts: 93 Member
    Busy Saturday morning for me already. Kali and I went for a 30 minute run this morning and stopped at the vet to see how she is doing with her weight. Kali has lost 3lbs in a month. Woot! Woot! An hour after being home from that Kali wanted to go for another walk, good thing I got my breakfast eaten, we just got home did 40 minutes. That's 10,002 steps on the old pedometer already. Already commuted to going for a power walk with a neighbour and her dog but that will be after dinner. I feel a nap coming. Kali is already starting to snooze on the floor.

    Keep up the great work on everything everyone! We are only as strong, brave, healthy, companionate, loyal and loving not only to ourselves but all other of the living and breathing life forms on this planet as we allow ourselves to be.
  • gam3rguy
    gam3rguy Posts: 3,773 Member
    "Day: 20 of INSANITY: THE ASYLUM Vertical Plyo"=Done!
  • alishaspringle
    alishaspringle Posts: 47 Member
    Happy Weekend, Cool Kids!

    Larro, I am so jealous of your ability to actually garden! I plant a great mental one, though.
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Beeps, I tried a 5 day healthy menu this week that included eating 5 times a week, lots of food too, very clean. And to my surprise lost inches all over my body and close to 3lbs in 5 days!!! Please eat!!!!
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Funny/cute story: I had a diagnostic mammogram and ultrasound yesterday because I found a lump in my breast while on vacation. It turned out to be benign!!! Funny is that while the two doctors (military male docs) were doing the ultrasound they kept pointing out how strong my pectoral muscles were. LOL He was showing the minor and major he said they hardly get to see that his own words "wow, you are strong!!!! You must work out, keep up the good work!" I always thought my upper body was wimpy. Hee hee

    Who's watching the fight? Today is my brother's bday so we are celebrating and watching the fight at his place.
