40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



  • StephannieL
    StephannieL Posts: 198 Member
    Hi everyone!!!! Busy exercise day for me! Was able to sneak out to to do a little over 2 miles worth of loops around my hospital and then when I got home, the weather was so nice that I couldn't pass up a run. Did my normal route which is about 2.5 miles. Of course my RunKeeper decided to pause right in the beginning and I didn't notice right away. So it says that I only did 2.3 something. LOL

    Meeting a GF at the college track at 5:15 tomorrow morning. Ugh! Not a fan of early morning exercise. LOL
  • rontafoya
    rontafoya Posts: 365 Member
    Hello, I'm 46 and exceeded my initial weight loss goals and have the beginnings of a six pack. My goal this year is 12% body fat, and 15 pullups (can do 12 now).
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    edited April 2015
    Good Evening Cool Kids.

    I did the shopping today, but didn't seem to get much of anything else done. Other than cooking, cleaning and planting a few plants I picked up at Lowe's. I some how skipped lunch {if you don't count the samples of ham and roast beef the lady fed me at the deli counter}, so I tanked up on nuts, fruit and veggies when I got in.

    I did find the 2nd half of the set of dishes I bought a couple weeks ago at the thrift store. I think there is 12 each of plates, bowls, cups, saucers and dessert plates {for $8.00}. I'll post a picture when I get them all washed. So goodbye apples, hello fruit.

    Caramel, stay safe. I'm praying for you, your family and your city.

    Betty, we are back to daily rain up here in the Panhandle. My garden could use a day or two of sun.

    Stephannie, 5:15?????????? Those of us who are a certain age might recall the Who's song by that title.


    Welcome to the new guys, and hello to everyone else.


    One of the grapevines:

  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    alf1163 wrote: »
    Hi Cool Kids!

    Today was my weigh in day and I actually lost 0.9! I'll take it as I have maintained over the past few weeks. Leaving next Saturday to go on our cruise so I think I will probably weigh in on Friday since we are flying out early Saturday morning. Probably won't have a lot of internet time while on vacation. LOL

    My plan is to run at least 3 times while on the ship. I plan to do two of those days during the "Fun Day at Sea" days (the beginning of the trip and the end LOL). We have a 7 hour excursion when we get to Belize. 3 of those hours will be walking around some Mayan ruins! The two hours on either side is a bus ride to get to them and back to the ship. That's our longest excursion. LOL
    This is my first cruise and I'm so excited!!!!

    Hope that everyone is having a fabulous weekend so far! :)

    Stephanie, I'm excited for you!!! We love cruising! We have been to Belize and did an excursion that included the Mayan ruins. That 7 day cruise also went to Roatan, Honduras and Cozumel, Mx. I try to also include some weight lifting in the gym on the ship. Not to discourage you but I always gain weight on the cruises except this very last one. I actually lost!! I skipped breakfast and held off lunch the latest I could, when I ate I selected good and healthy foods for the most part. I did not feel deprived at all!! I still ate delicious foods, desserts and I drank alcohol every single day. You might not be thinking about this but thought it would help. ENJOY!!!!

    @alf1163- Thank you! This will be my first cruise so I reserve the right to really screw up and gain a few pounds. LOL
    I'm hoping not though. I would like to think that I can at least maintain. I'm sure that there are going to be plenty of new foods that I will want to try but I am going to try and not go overboard (no pun intended LOL). We have excursions planned at every stop and I'm sure that we will do a lot of walking. Plus I would really love to say that I went for a run on a ship. LOL

    Our stops are in Cozumel, Belize, Mahogany Bay, and Grand Cayman. Or maybe Grand Cayman is first. I can't remember. LOL

    Permission granted to overindulge and screw up but NOT to go overboard!!!! LOL Mahogany Bay or Montego Bay, Jamaica. All those ports are lovely. Don't go on your own in Jamaica. Grand Cayman is my favorite. We swam in the open ocean with stingrays. :smiley: have a grand time!!!!

  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Hey Kids,

    Hope all of you are well.

    The city of Baltmore is in the National news and not in a good way. The situation with police and the arrest/death of Freddie Gray has incited some riots with police. The police have received credible threats that rival gangs will harmonize with the intent to harm police. Traffic has been backed up today due to business closures and people desperately trying to leave the city.


    This really saddens me that as humans we can not communicate and treat each other with respect and dignity. Violence is NEVER the answer.

    I have had nothing but chocolate cravings and I attribute that to my nerves.

    KellySue-I am glad hubby is home and hope everything works out for you both and you have a sense of normalcy again. I admire that you still found time to work out despite the stress.

    CG--You already know the picture made my day. Can you pack me up in your suit case and take me on your next trip?

    Beeps- I know you lifted heavy and yes BOOM...You know you rock in my book.

    Gam3--Great job..looking good. Perhaps you can kick me into higher gear.

    ALF/Sdereski/Larro/Ruby---Hugs and my love to you all.

    Since I am stuck at work due to the traffic, no extreme fit tonight. I will take a run when I finally get home.

    Welcome all newbies.

    As BEEPS always says..."BOOM"

    Caramel, (((((((HUGS))))))) I totally agree with you!
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Curious, OMG that seal!!!!!!! I'm in love!!!!

    Ruby, wish I could join you. I think I might have a little injury. My left quad has been hurting since yesterday so no squats, lunges etc until I feel it is safe. Upper body tomorrow. I'm so tired of all these setbacks back to back. I feel like throwing in the towel but NO!!!!

    KellySue (((((((HUGS)))))))

    Good night!!
  • allenpriest
    allenpriest Posts: 1,102 Member
    edited April 2015
    What does looting, burning down buildings and destroying your community have to do with justice for a person who died while in police custody?

    Exactly. I've never understood the riot / looting / community-destroying mentality. So frustrating and tragic ... and doesn't move the conversation forward.

    What's so hard to understand. A bunch of folks in Baltimore decided its time to steal some new stuff.

    I want a new TV. Thinking about driving over as soon as I pick out the right size rock... >:)
  • allenpriest
    allenpriest Posts: 1,102 Member
    You think they might know the Who even if they don't know Percy Sledge? >:)
  • StephannieL
    StephannieL Posts: 198 Member
    Good morning Cool Kids!
    Have I mentioned how much I dislike early morning workouts/runs? Was at the track at 5:15 this morning, supposed to meet a GF and she flaked on me. Figured since I was there I would bang out 2 miles. LOL
    But man it was cold! Only 36 degrees!

    @alf1163- Thanks for the permission! I will try very hard NOT to go overboard. All of our excursions are planned through the cruise line so we won't be going off anywhere alone. But thank you for the advice! It is appreciated. :)
  • gam3rguy
    gam3rguy Posts: 3,773 Member
    allergies don't feel as bad today. HOWEVER...I slept like crap last night. maybe got three (broken) hours TOPS.

    "Day: 17 of INSANITY: THE ASYLUM Strength"=Done!
  • webbeyes
    webbeyes Posts: 105 Member
    So, mostly unrelated to health/fitness ... I was led to an article this morning about a primary school principal in Pennsylvania who "shamed" a parent (search for Principal Shames Dad Over Kids' 'Once-in-a-Lifetime Experience' ) because he packed up his family for 3 days so they could go to the Boston Marathon.

    I've been "entertaining" myself by reviewing PA education and compulsory attendance laws, the school district policies, and even the principal's biography and supposed philosophy. I don't live anywhere near PA (okay, well, Ontario does border PA in some places, but you get the point), so it's more of a "WTF" set of circumstances from my POV.

    Aren't parents formally responsible for the well-being and education of their kids in the long run? Isn't a family-bonding event for a couple of 8 year olds more instructional and personal-growth-inducing than 3 days in class? When you interviewed for your first job, did the potential employer ever ask "did you have perfect attendance in Grade 3?"

    Feel free to ignore my off-topic mini-rant. My body might not always run marathons, but I keep my brain well-exercised.
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Hi All~ Happy Hump Day! Hubby did OK yesterday. My brother-in-law was there all day working on the doors and will be back again today. Hubs is a bit stubborn, so we have to stay on top of that. He told the rehab that he didn't need therapy after he got home, but I called yesterday and they are sending me a script for some in-home therapy- at least a few sessions to give him some assistance with transfers and getting up and down from different furniture than what he had at rehab. Also, to give us some information about what we need to do to make modifications that will work instead of just spending a ton of money on things that won't work.

    Today is my long day so no work out, but am hoping to go to kickboxing tomorrow. We'll see how things go.

    Have a good day all!
  • JackieUnlimited
    JackieUnlimited Posts: 93 Member
    Good on you Stephannie!
  • BettyM1017
    BettyM1017 Posts: 616 Member
    3furballs wrote: »

    Betty, I'm curious what's in your butterfly garden too.

    My butterfly garden is made up of easy-care low-maintenance plants. I just have to trim it back occasionally. Although, the goats got in there recently and trimmed a few of the bushes for me! I have Firebush, Lantana, Plumbago, Honeysuckle, Milkweed, and Dew Drop.

    Well, my daughter and I hit the dance floor last night and the DJ did an exceptional job of keeping us on the floor! We usually put about 10,000 steps on the pedometer. However, last night we hit 18,000! That was fun!

    We're still a bit rainy today. I should be able to get a bit accomplished in between the rain drops.

    Have a great day, y'all!
  • 3furballs
    3furballs Posts: 476 Member
    edited April 2015
    Thanks Betty! Very impressive on the dance floor!
    KellySue, glad to hear you hubby was ok yesterday, hopefully the stubborness doesn't affect his further recovery.
    gam3rguy, I'm impressed you did any workout with that little sleep! I have trouble getting motivated without my sleep. Though having said that, I have three kids, all of whom I nursed to a year and beyond and worked and worked out and somehow did it, but it's all fuzzy now!
    webbeyes, I was perplexed by that article too. Though I think the response was a little over the top, I thought the parents had the authority to take their kids out of school for what they deem an appropriate reason. I know I have, we went to Florida 2 Christmases ago and we kept the kids out of school for what would have been their first week back after vacation. I figure traveling is pretty important in life. Hopefully we're going to Vegas in October so they'll be missing another week!
  • LindaBarmes
    LindaBarmes Posts: 1 Member
    Ready to live and eat healthy for the rest of my life. I'm a happily married, mom of five, teacher that is 50. I am looking for "friends" to help keep me on track and encourage as I walk the journey of clean eating and weight loss. Ready for a new way of life, not a diet!
  • Curiousgeorgianna
    Curiousgeorgianna Posts: 187 Member
    Happy Hump Day Cool Kids.

    Stephanie, stood up at 5:15! Bah! Good for you for logging those miles anyway! Brrrr.

    Allenpriest, you're in an evil mood!

    Alf, sorry about another set back. You sure are getting your fair share of character-building opportunities! You must be quite a character by now ;)

    Larro, I was rather fond of the apples, but looking forward to the fruit! I thought of you yesterday when I found a fruited plate in our office break room. The grapes look good!

    Jackie, you're putting some serious mileage on those peds! Keep up the good work. This must be paying off in so many ways. As far north as you are, you must be looking forward to those long summer days!

    Alisonstewart. I'm in complete empathy with your robust appetite!

    Rontafoya, If you're already at 12, then 15 sounds totally doable! When is your target date for getting there?

    Beeps, your body is getting smart! It knows when to shut the pie hole. That is huge!

    Rode my bicycle in this morning. It's already pretty windy, and we have notorious spring winds every afternoon when it gets hot inland -- just sucks the cool coastal air right up. So my ride home will be quite an adventure! My fitness app will think I'm being a total slacker since I'll be lucky to get up to 9 mph with a 20 mph headwind. I peddled a bit with one of the other bicycle commuters that I see regularly. He told me he was recovering from being hit by a car two weeks ago. He was pretty shook up (and banged up!) Now I am too. Riding in town is nerve-wracking - even though I look like a rolling disco party with all of my hi-vis clothes and blinking lights. Let's all sing a verse of Donna Summers "I will survive!"
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    webbeyes wrote: »

    Aren't parents formally responsible for the well-being and education of their kids in the long run? Isn't a family-bonding event for a couple of 8 year olds more instructional and personal-growth-inducing than 3 days in class? When you interviewed for your first job, did the potential employer ever ask "did you have perfect attendance in Grade 3?"

    Feel free to ignore my off-topic mini-rant. My body might not always run marathons, but I keep my brain well-exercised.

    I actually DON'T think "parents" are the only people responsible for the well-being/education of their kids....because, on a macro-level, most parents don't do this well.

    So, for me, it really DOES take a village to raise a child.

    As such, while in the exact-situation you are talking about, it may not matter for a family to take their kids out of school for 3 days, on a macro level, it might matter very much!

    - those kids might end up requiring extra-attention from the teacher due to them missing classes. That SHOULD matter to every other family and every other taxpayer.
    - those kids might end up missing all sorts of other "stuff" because the parents want them to do x and y. If I can be assured that little johnnie doesn't end up, at ages 25 - to 105- as some non-productive member of society, with 150+ health problems, then sure!!
    - those parents want everyone to believe their kids are "spesHYl sNowFLakes" and I just don't think they are.

    It isn't that you are WRONG on why the 8-year-olds should skip school. But you may not be exactly RIGHT, either.

  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    scheduled rest day for me. No work-out.
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    Good Afternoon Cool Kids. I'm doing the usual Wednesday thing, but with the addition of washing all my new dishes, and boxing up all the old ones. So far I have found 4 sets of apple coffee cups in the cabinets. Boy do I have lots of space now. Here is a sneak peak, even before showing up on What's for Supper????


    I also found several colorful T-shirts at one of the thrift stores, ranging from gray to lime green. I have lots of bright shirts with collars, but for some reason all my T's are muted.

    I ate too little yesterday and woke up hungry this morning. It's just now noon, and I'm already logging my afternoon snacks if that tells you anything. I backslid pretty bad yesterday. I was down to 169 pounds this morning. I'll try to do better.

    Well I've stretched this break out to the breaking point, so I had better get back to it. I just have a couple hours until I have to leave for work, then office relief on Thursday and Friday. {and of course those are the two good planting days this week}

    You guys all rock.