40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



  • LoriSOWISA
    LoriSOWISA Posts: 17 Member
    this is like, my 50th attempt, but it seems like im getting closer to finding a sustainable way of life. that being said, im 41, 5'10" large bone structure and im at 204 lbs. my goal is 165-ish, and im eating approximately 1400 to 1600 cals. well, im buckling back in at that. i do alot of hauling and moving things, me and my bf restore classic muscle cars, and there's much work involved. i dug out my 20 and 10 lb dumbbells this morning, and am going to begin reps again. there are also great sprinting hills in my yard, and i plan on servicing my bike today as well. i would love to have more of a support team, diet wise. please feel free to add me. thank you, lori

    ps. i did low carbing for quite a while, it did not agree with me emotionally, and i was unable to sustain the lifestyle.
  • LittleNell107
    LittleNell107 Posts: 71 Member
    edited April 2015
    WOW Gam... just WOW... those before and after pics were worth waiting for - to be honest your before pic looks pretty impressive, but the change is amazing, particularly the change in the size of your biceps - great work!!!

    Welcome Lori - sounds like your day to day activities will set you well on the way to weight loss :)

    ETA: forgot to say the knee survived 2.44 miles @ 5.5 mph last night - yay!!! Another short plod later today.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,992 Member
    What does gam3rguy mean? Meaning you are a "gamer" with numbers in your handle instead of letters?

    Your workout regimen is working for you.....BOOM!
  • ruby70
    ruby70 Posts: 459 Member
    LittleNell- Awesome run, that is quite the speed per mile. When you said you were going to ease back into it I was not expecting 2.44 miles right off the bat. I look forward to hearing what you do once you are back in full swing:)
    Lori - welcome, great job picking up the dumbbells
    Gam- Great photos, that is inspiring. I can tell you are in beast mode!!! I know many people who have attemped that work out but could not accomplish, I know you will succeed.
    Jackie- you are killing it on your walks, and enjoying the outside too. Enjoy your new shoes. I bet Kali is loving the good weather
    Stephanie - your cruise will be awesome, I am proud of you for already having a workout plan when you are on vacation. Belize will be beautiful, I wish I had good go somewhere tropical right now. Cannot wait to hear how it goes.
    ccfitnesspal- welcome, thanks for sharing your story. We are all here to support you. I know I struggle with the technics that worked the past do not work for me either. Please share as you find success & I will too.

    my calves are on fire today after doing the step aerobics yesterday, I was not expecting that today and when I woke up had a hard time walking. I guess I found an area I have not been hitting. I am really motivated this week to make some great changes.
  • JackieUnlimited
    JackieUnlimited Posts: 93 Member
    Way to go Stephannie, gam3rguy, LittleNell and ruby! You are all killing it!

    Welcome ccditnesspal!

    Kali and I got out today for a 45 minute run 5.11 km. Just finished another 35 minute walk with her, second walk for today did one first thing this morning. She is now fast asleep on the floor and I don't feel like I am too far behind.
  • kimberlyanne0522
    kimberlyanne0522 Posts: 38 Member
    I'm happy to have found this group. I've been on MFP for about 2 months now. I'm 44 and I live in FL. I surf, paddleboard and waterski, so needless to say I want to... 1) ensure that I can keep up my endurance and 2) make sure that I continue to look good doing it! I am trying to maintain so I log daily and do either HIIT cardio, one of the beach body programs, or (more recently) CrossFit daily. I also have a FitBit and am in a challenge almost daily, sometimes two or three...

    I appreciate anyone's pushing to keep me accountable! I also love to help my MFP's stay accountable!
    Thanks in advance!!
  • LittleNell107
    LittleNell107 Posts: 71 Member
    Thanks ruby and Jackie - you both are smashing the exercise front too... ruby I recommend to stretch, stretch and stretch your calves, it works wonders ;)

    Also welcome to ccditnesspal - sorry I missed your post earlier... I was a bit distracted by gam3r's pics... LOL!

    I just popped back here again to do a bit of my own horn tooting (toot, toot *blush* - sorry, this is a very "un-British" thing to do!) Went for another run tonight and managed a really good positive split (17:33.11 for 1.56 miles followed by 16:22.28 for 1.56 miles on an out and back route) - this was something I really used to struggle with... I would burn through the first half of a run and gradually get slower and slower in the second half (like a clockwork toy) - I was buzzing when I saw my Garmin once I got home! :)
  • JackieUnlimited
    JackieUnlimited Posts: 93 Member
    Awesome work LittleNell! Woot! Woot!
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Hi Cool Kids!

    Today was my weigh in day and I actually lost 0.9! I'll take it as I have maintained over the past few weeks. Leaving next Saturday to go on our cruise so I think I will probably weigh in on Friday since we are flying out early Saturday morning. Probably won't have a lot of internet time while on vacation. LOL

    My plan is to run at least 3 times while on the ship. I plan to do two of those days during the "Fun Day at Sea" days (the beginning of the trip and the end LOL). We have a 7 hour excursion when we get to Belize. 3 of those hours will be walking around some Mayan ruins! The two hours on either side is a bus ride to get to them and back to the ship. That's our longest excursion. LOL
    This is my first cruise and I'm so excited!!!!

    Hope that everyone is having a fabulous weekend so far! :)

    Stephanie, I'm excited for you!!! We love cruising! We have been to Belize and did an excursion that included the Mayan ruins. That 7 day cruise also went to Roatan, Honduras and Cozumel, Mx. I try to also include some weight lifting in the gym on the ship. Not to discourage you but I always gain weight on the cruises except this very last one. I actually lost!! I skipped breakfast and held off lunch the latest I could, when I ate I selected good and healthy foods for the most part. I did not feel deprived at all!! I still ate delicious foods, desserts and I drank alcohol every single day. You might not be thinking about this but thought it would help. ENJOY!!!!
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Gam, awesome job!!!!! Great progress pics!!!!!

    Littlenel, congrats on your run!!! Take care!

    Ruby, you might have convinced me to do another cycle of Chalene!!!! Hmm

    Larro, you are too funny!!! Our cars are always in the garage and the storm came in around 4am. It was pretty strong and I've been through hurricanes. My granddaughter was pretty scared. The hail was hitting the windows in the room that she was sleeping. When I ran in to get her she was crouched down covering her ears. I was concerned for tornadoes. My son was scared as well. My dogs were going crazy!!! My husband quickly went into protector mode. The house suffered some minor damages.

    Hi to everyone else!!!! Welcome to the new cool kids!!!!
  • brendo204
    brendo204 Posts: 1,225 Member
    yeah 40 here , feel free to add me guys and gals
  • StephannieL
    StephannieL Posts: 198 Member
    alf1163 wrote: »
    Hi Cool Kids!

    Today was my weigh in day and I actually lost 0.9! I'll take it as I have maintained over the past few weeks. Leaving next Saturday to go on our cruise so I think I will probably weigh in on Friday since we are flying out early Saturday morning. Probably won't have a lot of internet time while on vacation. LOL

    My plan is to run at least 3 times while on the ship. I plan to do two of those days during the "Fun Day at Sea" days (the beginning of the trip and the end LOL). We have a 7 hour excursion when we get to Belize. 3 of those hours will be walking around some Mayan ruins! The two hours on either side is a bus ride to get to them and back to the ship. That's our longest excursion. LOL
    This is my first cruise and I'm so excited!!!!

    Hope that everyone is having a fabulous weekend so far! :)

    Stephanie, I'm excited for you!!! We love cruising! We have been to Belize and did an excursion that included the Mayan ruins. That 7 day cruise also went to Roatan, Honduras and Cozumel, Mx. I try to also include some weight lifting in the gym on the ship. Not to discourage you but I always gain weight on the cruises except this very last one. I actually lost!! I skipped breakfast and held off lunch the latest I could, when I ate I selected good and healthy foods for the most part. I did not feel deprived at all!! I still ate delicious foods, desserts and I drank alcohol every single day. You might not be thinking about this but thought it would help. ENJOY!!!!

    @alf1163- Thank you! This will be my first cruise so I reserve the right to really screw up and gain a few pounds. LOL
    I'm hoping not though. I would like to think that I can at least maintain. I'm sure that there are going to be plenty of new foods that I will want to try but I am going to try and not go overboard (no pun intended LOL). We have excursions planned at every stop and I'm sure that we will do a lot of walking. Plus I would really love to say that I went for a run on a ship. LOL

    Our stops are in Cozumel, Belize, Mahogany Bay, and Grand Cayman. Or maybe Grand Cayman is first. I can't remember. LOL
  • gam3rguy
    gam3rguy Posts: 3,773 Member
    thanks for the positive feedback and kind words...makes me feel like digging deeper and pushing harder. that Spartan race isn't going to kick it's own *kitten*. :)

    Beeps-yes, I'm a game nerd. :) "gamerguy" with an "e" was taken...so I swapped in a "3". thanks for the extra "BOOM".

    "Day: 15 of INSANITY: THE ASYLUM Speed & Agility"=Done!
  • ruby70
    ruby70 Posts: 459 Member
    Alf - you should join me on another round of Chalene! I started on Saturday. Let me know if you decide to start this week and we can support each other. I had a great workout Saturday with Burn 1, tonight will be Burn 2:)
    The compound body moves are worth it, I was shaking when I got done. Calves are feeling a little better today, I am going to do cardio at lunch.

    Have a great day everyone!!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,992 Member
    It's a lifting day, today! BOOM!
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Happy Monday all. It has been a tough weekend. Hubby is home, but we have hit a few bumps in the road and have had to make some quick modifications. Our bed was too low for him so we ended up having to get a hospital bed- fortunately his brother had one stored away in his garage from his father-in-law. I also moved the twin bed in our room from Jacob's room, but found that it is not comfortable. I have to see what I can do to improve that. Hubby is doing OK. It is a big adjustment as everything was different at the rehab, but we are making necessary changes as we go along. We are having a couple of doors widened and have to have a reno done on the bathroom to make a large walk in shower. It will get better.

    I normally go in to the gym on Mondays, but as I said above, I did not have a very comfortable night's sleep- basically no sleep and I am just having pain in all of my joints and bones. I did not go into work today as a result so no gym either. I am going to try to make kickboxing tomorrow. It's a little hairy right now leaving hubby alone for a long time, and I usually go there right from work, so we'll see.

    Have a good day all.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,992 Member
    I hope things settle out soon, KellySue.

    I lifted HEAVY today! Back to 10-to-1 circuits in my program....how fun! BOOM!
  • Curiousgeorgianna
    Curiousgeorgianna Posts: 187 Member
    Hey Cool Kids!
    Back from a long weekend of kayaking. Totally fun, and I'm completely whipped! We only saw one whale, and that was from shore, but the baby harbor seals are so ridiculously cute, they make up for it! This pic isn't mine, but this is what we got to coochy coo over all weekend.

    I read every single one of the 71 posts since I last logged in, and so much has gone on these last few days!

    KS, hurray for the return of your dh!! I know you and your family will get it worked out. Hope you get a comfy nights sleep soon!

    Stephanie, have an amazing time on your cruise!

    Larro, how's your back? Stop wearing shirts!

    Beeps, BOOMing!

    Ruby, you've got this! I don't know what Chalene is, but if you've got sore calves, it must be a good thing!

    LittleNell, those are great run times! Way to go!

    Jackie, sounds like your runs with Kali are going great too!

    Gam, great work on the rippedness!

    ccfitnesspal, welcome. Congrats on kicking two destructive habits! That's huge! Sounds like you're on the road to your goals. Great work.

    Haven't heard from dear Caramel lately...hmmm...

    Should be a fairly typical week exercise-wise for me. Lots of bicycling & strength training. My goal is to focus on making my calorie goals this week.

    Hello to everyone else!

  • caramelgyrlk
    caramelgyrlk Posts: 1,112 Member
    Hey Kids,

    Hope all of you are well.

    The city of Baltmore is in the National news and not in a good way. The situation with police and the arrest/death of Freddie Gray has incited some riots with police. The police have received credible threats that rival gangs will harmonize with the intent to harm police. Traffic has been backed up today due to business closures and people desperately trying to leave the city.


    This really saddens me that as humans we can not communicate and treat each other with respect and dignity. Violence is NEVER the answer.

    I have had nothing but chocolate cravings and I attribute that to my nerves.

    KellySue-I am glad hubby is home and hope everything works out for you both and you have a sense of normalcy again. I admire that you still found time to work out despite the stress.

    CG--You already know the picture made my day. Can you pack me up in your suit case and take me on your next trip?

    Beeps- I know you lifted heavy and yes BOOM...You know you rock in my book.

    Gam3--Great job..looking good. Perhaps you can kick me into higher gear.

    ALF/Sdereski/Larro/Ruby---Hugs and my love to you all.

    Since I am stuck at work due to the traffic, no extreme fit tonight. I will take a run when I finally get home.

    Welcome all newbies.

    As BEEPS always says..."BOOM"

  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,992 Member
    curiousgeorge - CUTEST PICTURE EVERRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!! Oh my goodness, how WONDERFUL you got to see it all live and up-close!

    caramel - traffic-woes SUCK.....I am sad you are missing your "extreme-fit"....but how AWESOME that you will squeeze in a run. ZOOM!