40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



  • JackieUnlimited
    JackieUnlimited Posts: 93 Member
    CG yes I am very much looking forward to warmer days. Have an extra long weekend coming in May. Head winds of 20mph you would have burned a long if calories for sure! Good for you staying visible & safer!

    I have taken to eating my dinner much much later in the day than I normally would, mostly due to running after work. Wasn't really hungry last night but knew if I didn't eat some protein I would have woken up in the middle of the night looking to binge big time! So weighing in Friday could be interesting or scary I'm not sure which.
  • sarahwardle40
    sarahwardle40 Posts: 3 Member
    alf1163 wrote: »
    Hello 40+ Club!!! This is the first post of the new thread!!! Hope you like the title!!! Thank Chris (whoheis) or complain if you dont like it. LOL

    For those who would like to join: We are a group of 40+ (40 yrs and older) peope who like to stay healthy by eating clean, exercising, etc. We support each other by providing health info, giving each other ideas on how to be healthy as we get older. Feel free to join the conversation. We usually report our weightloss/ weight gain, inches lost, struggles, goals, etc on Fridays.

    What are your fitness/health goals for this year??? For me, I have started a new lifting program, New Rules of Lifting for Women. I am on my second week. My goal is to become stronger, lose fat, get leaner. I overdid it (not surprising to me) during the Holidays so I have to lose a few pounds and inches...I also want to focus on my nutrition, especially increasing my protein consumption. I am a Zumba Instructor and will of course continue with teaching my 4 classes a week.

    Have a great day!!!!! :flowerforyou:

  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,996 Member
    Those dishes are cute, larro.

    My husband and I have been toying with the idea of choosing a new china pattern. The one we have has been discontinued and it has been on our table for 20+ years. Change might be good!

    (Although, for sure, NO SQUARE PLATES! As pretty as they look, I just keep reading how terrible they are for every other "plate" purpose!)
  • alishaspringle
    alishaspringle Posts: 47 Member
    Someone, many posts ago, asked what the Daily Burn is - I'm finally going to answer! It is a subscription workout streaming website/app/service. I'm horrible about going to a gym (it takes too long), get bored with my own routines (right-brained) and need encouraging options for cardio (my nemesis). I'm really pleased with Daily Burn's variety and quality of workouts; it's certainly better than my local YMCA. And at $10 a month with no gas costs or travel time, I may stick with it for a while. Y'all can check it out at DailyBurn.com (or not!).

    And my scale had me down 1.25 lbs over the last week. Woot!
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Beeps2011 wrote: »
    Those dishes are cute, larro.

    My husband and I have been toying with the idea of choosing a new china pattern. The one we have has been discontinued and it has been on our table for 20+ years. Change might be good!

    (Although, for sure, NO SQUARE PLATES! As pretty as they look, I just keep reading how terrible they are for every other "plate" purpose!)

    I like paper plates. LOL
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    @webbeyes, I agree with you to a certain point. Unfortunately not all parents act in the best interest of their children and will not teach their children right from wrong. With that being said, the schools have to set attendance rules. If those rules didn't exist I can see the irresponsible parents not sending their kids to school any time they felt lazy. It has to be looked at case by case. If a good family is staying on top of their children's education in and out of school a waiver can be granted. Things come up, being a family emergency or a special trip that will also be a learning experience. My son is mentally disabled and we are very involved in his education, in and out of school. They have never complained when we pulled him out to take him on a trip. Also when we were in the military and lived in Europe, the school would let us take our children (one is not disabled), on extended vacations because we were traveling from Europe to Puerto Rico. Good topic!!!!
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    alf1163 wrote: »
    Beeps2011 wrote: »
    Those dishes are cute, larro.

    My husband and I have been toying with the idea of choosing a new china pattern. The one we have has been discontinued and it has been on our table for 20+ years. Change might be good!

    (Although, for sure, NO SQUARE PLATES! As pretty as they look, I just keep reading how terrible they are for every other "plate" purpose!)

    I like paper plates. LOL

    We do use paper plates, especially for sandwiches. But when I'm posting to What's for Supper???? folks just expect more from me ;)
  • caramelgyrlk
    caramelgyrlk Posts: 1,112 Member
    Hey kids, hope all is well.

    Baltimore is on a 7 day curfew. The State's attorney is supposed to get the findings on Friday and the Governor is suggesting there could be more violence this upcoming weekend. This situation is causing so much disruption. I hope it ends soon and everyone can sit down and have open dialogue and come to a resolution. A coworker was at a red light and her car window was smashed. Violence is NEVER the answer.

    I took TRX today and it was great. I needed to unleash my inner stressed beast.

    Sorry for not being so engaged. It really takes effort to pay even more attention to your surroundings. My employer even sent out a document to highlight what to do if you're caught in a riot.

    Have a great night.
  • gam3rguy
    gam3rguy Posts: 3,773 Member
    3furballs wrote: »
    Thanks Betty! Very impressive on the dance floor!
    KellySue, glad to hear you hubby was ok yesterday, hopefully the stubborness doesn't affect his further recovery.
    gam3rguy, I'm impressed you did any workout with that little sleep! I have trouble getting motivated without my sleep. Though having said that, I have three kids, all of whom I nursed to a year and beyond and worked and worked out and somehow did it, but it's all fuzzy now!
    webbeyes, I was perplexed by that article too. Though I think the response was a little over the top, I thought the parents had the authority to take their kids out of school for what they deem an appropriate reason. I know I have, we went to Florida 2 Christmases ago and we kept the kids out of school for what would have been their first week back after vacation. I figure traveling is pretty important in life. Hopefully we're going to Vegas in October so they'll be missing another week!
    thanks. I...cheated. I totally chugged an energy drink, otherwise...wasn't happening.

    so, I'm playing Bloodborne yesterday (finally beat that damn "Cleric Beast"!)...and I have a sneezing fit! I roll forward on one and feel a "pop" in my right oblique! well, that hurt. doing "relief" today was bliss. made the sore spot feel good. I may hit it again after work, before my "night out with old friends". despite a pain in my side, I slept better too. I can breath again. stupid allergies. all the dumb things I've done...and I get hurt sneezing?

    "Day: 18 of INSANITY: THE ASYLUM Relief"=Done!

  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,996 Member
    Keeping calories low, today. Ultra-low. Which likely means I won't feel very good and lots of headaches and maybe lots of "grumpy", too.

    So, get ready.....
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    edited April 2015
    alf1163 wrote: »
    I like paper plates. LOL

    Me Too! LOL

    Kickboxing tonight for sure!!!

    Caramel- continued prayers for your safety! Be careful out there. :worried: I agree, violence is never the answer!

    Trying to get into a routine now that hubby is home. It is meaning that I am getting up much earlier than normal, but I have done it before so I guess I just need to get used to it again. Had Jake at the house this morning. He is so funny and he makes me smile which is something I need right now!

    Have a good day all!
  • crosbylee
    crosbylee Posts: 3,455 Member
    Happy Thursday everyone. My MIL is home now and they are working on getting all the biopsies and treament options ready for her. I know she is feeling more comfortable at home.

    Getting moving on my Stronglifts again tonight. I am getting more comfortable working out at home with people there. I just hate looking silly or feeling like I am doing things I shouldn't be yet. I just have to get my exercise in gear. I am signing up for the Gritty Goddess Mud Run this fall. Time to start working on my 5k time as well as getting my upper body strength up for the obstacles.
  • 3furballs
    3furballs Posts: 476 Member
    Well combat conditioning was cancelled tonight, which sucks. On the plus side, our instructor offered to give a kettlebell class at that time since she's at the school anyway. On the scary side, looks like I'll be the only one there so I get a private! Which is kind of cool, since I know if I were to pay directly for a private it would be expensive, but this is covered by my kettlebell class.

    Took last night off, ended up hiking with hubby and the kids. My hubby said he was taking the kids to the part so couldn't pick me up to make it for 5pm kickboxing. So I was going to go to 6pm, but I got home just after 5 and two kids were playing on the x-box and computer and one was outside and hubby was sleeping on the couch! So we had a quick dinner of homemade egg mcmuffins and then went to the park and for a long walk on the trail. It was so nice out yesterday afternoon! Finally there is spring like weather!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,996 Member
    3furballs wrote: »
    My hubby said he was taking the kids to the part so couldn't pick me up to make it for 5pm kickboxing. So I was going to go to 6pm, but I got home just after 5 and two kids were playing on the x-box and computer and one was outside and hubby was sleeping on the couch!

    You are a waaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyy nicer wife than I would be if I came home to that sort of crapola, lol.

  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    Good Afternoon Cool Kids.

    I have office relief today. We are having a stockholder's luncheon for a local timber company. The main owners of the company are the same family who's trust fund has funded the Civic Center for the last 30 years. The trust fund has matured now, {the kids, all in their 60's, split the money} but we still try to put our best foot forward whenever they come around. So I spent a little extra time on the wrong end of a broom before they got here. I'll clean up behind them when they're done, then I'll head home to try to salvage some of this good planting day.

    Caramel, stay safe. I pray things get back to normal for you soon.

    Welcome to the new guys, and hello to everyone else. Hope you guys are having a good day,


    Today is Willie Nelson's 82nd birthday, so happy birthday Willie.

  • JackieUnlimited
    JackieUnlimited Posts: 93 Member
    crosbylee - Gritty Godess Mud Run...that sounds like fun! I did a local Dirty Dash also 5km run a couple of years ago, it was very hot that morning so the water we ran through and the 400 meters of mud at the end felt like another 5km...I was last in my ago group, but my friend and I finished.

    alishaspringle - Congrats on the 1.25 Woot! Woot!

    3furballs - Guess they were busted. Nice to have a private session as well.

    Caramel - I hate that when they are causing damage like to your coworker's car they are hiding their face. They are out there doing all of this damage, people should do like that one mother & pull off those hoods & someone should take pictures. The fools causing all the damage should be the ones to pay for it & not the innocent victims!
  • crosbylee
    crosbylee Posts: 3,455 Member
    I did two of them in 2013. They have a spring and fall one. I felt too fat in 2014 and we were dealing with stuff for my daughter at the time. I truly enjoyed it. It was noncompetitive (just you against yourself!) and lots of supportive ladies there. We picked up a couple of ladies that were there alone and they finished with our team.
  • Curiousgeorgianna
    Curiousgeorgianna Posts: 187 Member
    Howdy Cool Kids. Hope everyone is having a great day -- even with the challenges we are facing.

    The bike ride home yesterday was grueling! I barely averaged 11 mph ... took 19 minutes longer than normal. Bummer is that I was ravenous when I got home, and still went over my calories :s

    Did't go the the gym this morning due to the need to make a pie for a retirement at work tomorrow. A pie party...just what I need...Must keep pie hole shut!

    Alisha, great job on the loss!

    Crosby, I sure hope your MIL's treatment is gentle on her! So hard to endure that even when we're young & strong. The mud run sounds like tons of fun!

    Caramel, love that TRX. That must have felt really good!

    Happy 82nd Willie! (ya'll know who Willie is...right? ;) )

    furballs, well, a family walk in the park isn't such a bad outcome! Have fun at kettlebell tonight.

    KS, knowing what I know of you, I am sure you will find balance as you readjust. {{hugs}}

    Jackie, crossing my fingers for your weigh in tomorrow - hoping for NOT scary! Glad to hear you're finally thawing out.

    GGuy, eek about the injury. And the added insult of the cause! I sure hope it goes away quietly and lets you continue your insanity.

    I'm hoping to get Buttercup back from the shop today. The flower decals came in the mail yesterday, and I can't wait to girlie up that motorcycle!

    Hello to everyone else! Have a great one.

  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Hi all, I didn't fall off the earth, but just stepped out for a while. Life and work just got to darn busy and I couldn't keep up with my logging. I continue to workout (strength and cardio). Have NOT seen any weight loss, but feel 100% better.
    Hope all of you are well. Carmel, you and the people of Baltimore are in my thoughts and prayers. ((hugs)) Scary times.
    Larro - love Willie. :)
    Am getting excited about my upcoming cycling trip - 2 weeks to go!

    did not read through the 1400+ posts. Just wanted to say "hi".
  • StephannieL
    StephannieL Posts: 198 Member
    Evening Cool Kids!
    I'm officially on vacation!!!! We fly out for our cruise on Saturday morning! So excited! I'm thinking I won't be checking in until I get back but I will try and figure out how to post pictures on here when I do.

    See you all in a week!!!!! :)