40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    Glinda1971 wrote: »
    Just wanted to say hello!! 52 days in, 13 lbs gone. But I want to be a cool kid!!

    I'm 43, 5"3 and 199 lbs right now. I walk, I don't do much else right now.

    And I'm jealous of the people who don't have 8 deer in their yards eating all their gardening attempts.

    Welcome. Walking was all I did when I started out. You will be able to do more as you progress.

    The secret to keeping deer out of the garden is fence. Lots and lots of fence. With me adding grapevines and fruit trees, I have bought two 100' rolls the last two weeks. At $70.00 a roll, {not to mention the cost of the waterline project} you wonder if buying grapes and blueberries wouldn't be cheaper.
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member

  • Nataliegetfit
    Nataliegetfit Posts: 395 Member
    The fiddle heads are supposed to taste like something if spinach and asparagus had a baby...... We gave that first small batch to my mother in law, so I still haven't made them. I will try to get some when my son comes back, they are quite a way on the other side of the property. They are only out for a very short time before they open up and aren't good to eat anymore, so I need to hurry and get them before they go by.
    Today we went to someone's house that was giving away a small patch of rubarb, it's the nice red kind, so I was happy to get it, but now need to find where are we putting it. We haven't had much trouble with deer in the gardens here because they must smell the dog, we've always had a dog here. Usually they eat everyone's hosta's but they don't come near enough to get ours.
    I hope you all have a nice day.
  • 3furballs
    3furballs Posts: 476 Member
    Happy birthday KellySue

    Caramel, when you work out hard decent shoes and workout clothes are a must!

    I'm on phone so have trouble checking all the entries, hope everyone is doing well!

    Someonw asked what we're planting in the garden, not sure but probably cucumber, beans, peppers, corn and tomatoes.

    Caramel I did a self defense class I've stated taking Friday nights. Today was biking to the school (short 15-20 min ride), kettlebell for 35 minutes, Kickboxing for 45 min and then I went back and practices the self defense class for 30 minutes. Which is good since I've had an ice cream and we're headed for wings and beers now.
  • allenpriest
    allenpriest Posts: 1,102 Member
    Well, we got our daughter graduated. She earned summa cum laude and other honors. She did very well. Tear in dad's eye - baby is grown up.
  • 3furballs
    3furballs Posts: 476 Member
    Congrats Allenpriest. It's amazing how fast they grow.
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    Congratulation on that smart daughter AP.

    I had a slow day at work, a little afternoon wedding. I did get in some time in the garden picking green beans and weeding early before work {and before it got hot}. And just before dark I walked over to Sister's to deliver celery for whatever it is she is cooking for tomorrow's family supper. Margie is cooking green beans and new potatoes, and her famous pineapple casserole.

    All you ladies have a good Mother's Day.


    I have been teaching Midas relaxation methods. Not sure if he was paying attention though.

  • allenpriest
    allenpriest Posts: 1,102 Member
    More importantly the young lady knows how to work hard. She'll do just fine because she has learned that lesson.
  • BettyM1017
    BettyM1017 Posts: 616 Member
    Happy Mother's Day! I hope you all have an amazing day! Me? I'm working a double like I do every Sunday. The restaurant should be a little extra insane today with everyone taking Mom out for all you can eat fried chicken. This is when all my exercising pays off!
  • gam3rguy
    gam3rguy Posts: 3,773 Member
    "Day: 28 of INSANITY: THE ASYLUM Relief"=Done!
  • 3furballs
    3furballs Posts: 476 Member
    Happy Mother's Day everyone. Such a strange weekend. Lots of working out yesterday, very sad memorial followed by wings, ice cream and beer and today my wonderful 8 year old daughter made me breakfast in bed and my almost 6 year old daughter brought the milk! Feeling very blessed.
  • gam3rguy
    gam3rguy Posts: 3,773 Member
    took the pup to the park!

  • gam3rguy
    gam3rguy Posts: 3,773 Member
    hike.JPG 155.1K
  • caramelgyrlk
    caramelgyrlk Posts: 1,112 Member
    Great Day kids.....

    Hope all of you had a FAB weekend.

    I read good reviews on Brooks sneakers for running and decided to get a pair. I learned at Dick's I need a stability sneaker. I did well with them on Saturday morning for training and I took a run Saturday evening and a short run today and so far this is working out well.

    Gm3rguy---I love the photo and I am sure both of you are pooped. You really got a good workout in. YOU ROCK

    3furballs--You are blessed and that was nice of your kids to return the favor. I hope you enjoyed your day.

    Larro--What did you do for the ladies today? I can't wait to read your response. Midas learns quickly and your picture attests to it.

    AllenPriest--Congrats to your daughter. I know you are proud.

    Beeps--I am almost sure you did not lift today...If so, ROCK ON MAMA with arms of steel....whohoooooooooooooooo

    Everyone else I send my warmest of greetings.

  • caramelgyrlk
    caramelgyrlk Posts: 1,112 Member
    Great Day kids.....

    Hope all of you had a FAB weekend.

    I read good reviews on Brooks sneakers for running and decided to get a pair. I learned at Dick's I need a stability sneaker. I did well with them on Saturday morning for training and I took a run Saturday evening and a short run today and so far this is working out well.

    Gm3rguy---I love the photo and I am sure both of you are pooped. You really got a good workout in. YOU ROCK

    3furballs--You are blessed and that was nice of your kids to return the favor. I hope you enjoyed your day.

    Larro--What did you do for the ladies today? I can't wait to read your response. Midas learns quickly and your picture attests to it.

    AllenPriest--Congrats to your daughter. I know you are proud.

    Beeps--I am almost sure you did not lift today...If so, ROCK ON MAMA with arms of steel....whohoooooooooooooooo

    Everyone else I send my warmest of greetings.

  • caramelgyrlk
    caramelgyrlk Posts: 1,112 Member
    Great Day kids.....

    Hope all of you had a FAB weekend.

    I read good reviews on Brooks sneakers for running and decided to get a pair. I learned at Dick's I need a stability sneaker. I did well with them on Saturday morning for training and I took a run Saturday evening and a short run today and so far this is working out well.

    Gm3rguy---I love the photo and I am sure both of you are pooped. You really got a good workout in. YOU ROCK

    3furballs--You are blessed and that was nice of your kids to return the favor. I hope you enjoyed your day.

    Larro--What did you do for the ladies today? I can't wait to read your response. Midas learns quickly and your picture attests to it.

    AllenPriest--Congrats to your daughter. I know you are proud.

    Beeps--I am almost sure you did not lift today...If so, ROCK ON MAMA with arms of steel....whohoooooooooooooooo

    Everyone else I send my warmest of greetings.

  • caramelgyrlk
    caramelgyrlk Posts: 1,112 Member
    Great Day kids.....

    Hope all of you had a FAB weekend.

    I read good reviews on Brooks sneakers for running and decided to get a pair. I learned at Dick's I need a stability sneaker. I did well with them on Saturday morning for training and I took a run Saturday evening and a short run today and so far this is working out well.

    Gm3rguy---I love the photo and I am sure both of you are pooped. You really got a good workout in. YOU ROCK

    3furballs--You are blessed and that was nice of your kids to return the favor. I hope you enjoyed your day.

    Larro--What did you do for the ladies today? I can't wait to read your response. Midas learns quickly and your picture attests to it.

    AllenPriest--Congrats to your daughter. I know you are proud.

    Beeps--I am almost sure you did not lift today...If so, ROCK ON MAMA with arms of steel....whohoooooooooooooooo

    Everyone else I send my warmest of greetings.

  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    Good Evening Cool Kids. Happy Mother's Day.

    I got in three hours in the garden before it got too hot. Then Margie and I met a couple of her friends for lunch in Blountstown. One of them was really late, so when we got in we were rushing to finish the cooking for our Mother's Day supper at Sister's house. BIL's Mom and Dad were there as well. His Dad had a stroke about a week ago, but he is doing pretty good. Everyone was on their best behavior, which is not always the case. We bought Mamma a blueberry bush. I will try to plant it for her in the next couple of days.

    Hope everyone had a good day,

  • webbeyes
    webbeyes Posts: 105 Member
    Well, they say money is a great motivator ... and they also say "put your money where your mouth is".

    So, after 2 slightly-increasing-in-length runs this weekend, I finally put my $$ down to enter the July 18 BadAss Dash.

    Although I have a skeleton training regimen in my head, I'll need to put it in writing.
  • Morgaen73
    Morgaen73 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Hi :)

    I'd like to join as well. I'm 41 from Cape Town, South Africa. I've lost 41kg so far but went on holiday last week ans put on 3kg of uhm waterweight lol