40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



  • ruby70
    ruby70 Posts: 459 Member
    Alf - love you picture! you can never get that day back! Way to enjoy it.

    GO GAMEGUY! Way to get it done!
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    Good Morning.

    I had a long day fencing yesterday. I'm expanding the garden and going around the grapevines and fruit trees. I got as far as I could go until I pick up another couple of rolls of wire when I go to Lowe's tomorrow. Today is my cleaning lady day, so I'm doing my part before she gets here. Still going to try to get the front yard {right in front of the house} mowed. And of course the garden has to be picked over.

    Nice pictures Alf and Ruby.

    Hope everyone is having a good day,


    PS: one good thing about working until dark. Sunset.

  • StephannieL
    StephannieL Posts: 198 Member
    @ruby70- Thanks! I can't believe he is going to start kindergarten in the fall! Very cute pictures of the baby birds!!! We have some in the bird house in the tree outside the house. You can hear the little sqwakers when their parents come to feed them. LOL

    @Alf1163- Your granddaughter is so cute!!!! Time seems to speed up a lot more when you have kids. So not fair! LOL
  • JackieUnlimited
    JackieUnlimited Posts: 93 Member
    Hello everyone. Had a very wet cold weekend here, got out for some walks when the downpours stopped. Yes what is it with labs, mine some days she will go out in a downpour and others if it hits her delicate nose wrong for get it!

    Just did 30 minutes on a stationary bike getting caught up and continue to pedal while I type, will be doing 40 minutes today. Phew.

    Decided to stop this morning at City Cafe, they make great bagels with not preservatives in them. Tasted fantastic but I have noticed that it feels like I have a bit of a lump in my throat, which is a bit of an allergic reaction to something. Not sure if it was the bagel or something in a Iogo yogourt that I also had. Hm. Not a serious enough reaction to have to use my Epipen thank goodness!

    Time for a 5 minute cool down. Have a great day everyone great posts to read while I worked out!!!
  • Hastalabeastababy
    Hastalabeastababy Posts: 34 Member
    @larrodarro.... gorgeous picture! Thanks for sharing!
  • Nataliegetfit
    Nataliegetfit Posts: 395 Member
    Hello to everyone, Nice sunset Larro. I have had a little slow down on the excercising the last week. Need to get back to the good routine here. Things have been busy here with my mini group luncheon and then my brother from Az came for about 25 hours between a job he had. School is almost out here, still trying to get my son back to getting all caught up on the homework. I have quite a lot of quilting to do for two customers right now, plus 2 guild deadlines for next month, so I need to use my time wisely. I am trying to get better about that.
    I hope you all have a good week and stay on track.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,997 Member
    I have exercised a minimum of 2.5 hours everyday this week!

    Lifting! BOOM!

    Cardio! ZOOM!

    About 4 more llbs to dump, plus 1" smaller on my waist and my summer-physique will be good to go!


    (nice pictures everyone!)
  • allenpriest
    allenpriest Posts: 1,102 Member
    Trying to decide if it is time to move the 86 yo father from assisted living in the town he has called home since 1966 to where I live - or where my brother lives. As he gets less able and needs more help he needs to be closer so we can monitor what is going on. He is not going to like it but we kids are in agreement that is about time.

    Being in between elderly parents and college kids is hard.
  • Kate7294
    Kate7294 Posts: 783 Member
    Morning Kid's !
    Well Dylan ( my son's friend ( 18 )) is all moved in. He graduated last week. Now he's off to Camp Bethel were he'll be volunteering throughout the week through the summer. Is it weird I kind of miss him and his girl friend being around ? He'll be back Friday afternoon in time to work his job on Saturday. Meanwhile we leave Saturday morning for Rodante ( Outer Banks ) for a week or less.
    Two of our son's friends showed up around 9 p.m. last night in the rain. They walked. ( Foster kid ) Brandon is crashed on the couch while Gavyn ( host family member ) is crashing in Dylan's room. The stepdad's been harping on them to find summer jobs, not stay up as late, and not sleep all day. I probably disappointed them by agreeing. I told them we want Jonas to find a summer job too. They are all heading into their senior year of high school this fall. They need to experience a little of the real world. I worked my junior and senior year of high school. Working a summer job is not going to hurt them.
    Anyway hope everyone's doing well.
    Hello and welcome Newbies !
    I'll check back after vacation. Trying to pack and get all our ducks in a row here. LOL

    P.S. I'm slow cooking a roast in the crockpot ( overnight ). Anyone else wake up giving theirselves sniff checks or is it just me ? LOL remembered the onion soup mix this morning.
  • gam3rguy
    gam3rguy Posts: 3,773 Member
    "Day: 18 of P90X/P90X+ hybrid Yoga X"=Done!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,997 Member
    I got my lifting in. Walking done.

  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Hola everyone!!!! Busy busy! My son is officially out of the school system. I've bee feeling emotional. His graduation was yesterday and I cried a river. We are hoping to place him in a day care center for adults with disabilities soon. I want him to continue being engaged as much as possible. I had a good cardio intervals/ab burner workout today but succumbed to sweets. Ugh!! I need to get it together!!!!! Why can't I maintain my weight loss!!!!!!!!
  • gam3rguy
    gam3rguy Posts: 3,773 Member
    "Day: 19 of P90X/P90X+ hybrid Legs & Back & Ab Ripper X"=Done!
  • nickpnh
    nickpnh Posts: 111 Member
    Wow. Things have gotten quite on here. Good luck with finding a placement for your son Alf. I have seen others juggling things and I know it can be a challenge.

    Great consistency with your workouts Gam3rguy.

    Me and Missy took it easy today, she's recovering from something that hopefully the $385 vet bill will fix. We walked about 2 mi and played in the yard. My samsung S health app 96 active minutes average per day last month and 114 active minutes per day last week. And that doesn't include my swimming because I don't log it in that app, only in MFP. My activity levels and fitness are definitely improving now if only the scale would move (DOWN).

    My brooks sneakers...I got the Launch 2. The right one is super comfortable. The left one was laced too tight and possibly defective as it hurt the top of my foot. I over loosened and got a blister on my achilles so... If I can get the left to be like the right then I will love them. I have not worn my over the counter orthotics with them and that seems to be working. They were $99.99 at Dick's.

    Larro - my garden is ramping up - we have huge pumpkin leaves. I think the kids went over board with the pumpkins. I need to figure out how to kill off Japanese Knot Weed and put down some grass seed in the back yard.

    Caramel, KellySue, EmmaLu'smom - how you all doing?
  • 3furballs
    3furballs Posts: 476 Member
    I've been chugging along, doing the usual kickboxing and kettlebell and biking to work. Didn't work out last night as my step daughter, her boyfriend and the baby came by to discuss her and the baby moving in. Her mom is moving and they're not ready to move into their own place as they're insistent they want to save to put a downpayment on a small place out of town (personally I want to help but you have a baby, you should be living together and if you have to rent for now so be it) so she's going to be moving in in August and staying until May next year (or possibly June if it works out her picking up the kids at the bus stop).

    I'm off to kickboxing and self defence tonight, kettlebell and kickboxing tomorrow and the kids have a PD day on Monday so if the weather co-operates we're going out to The Pinery provincial park to hike and go to the beach.

    Next week I'm going to take a week off working out, the week after I'm going to try eating at TDEE and get back into my workouts and then the week after I'll go back to a deficit. I'm just not seeing any changes, I started at 148 in January, down to 143 late March and back to 147. My activity and eating has remained the pretty consistent throughout. I do wonder if is partially hormonal being premenopausal, so I'm taking something from my naturopath that is suppose to help.

    Just getting very frustrated, two years ago I maintained at 137 no problems and ate ice cream every day and didn't work out as much as I do now. Which makes me wonder if I need to scale back the workouts, but I love the workouts I do and I love the challenge and feeling stronger! Bah, I wouldn't even worry about the numbers on the scales, but I can feel the pants getting snugger and I don't like that at all!
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    Hey Cool Kids.

    Sorry I haven't been posting as much. But I do the same thing everyday, so it gets old saying I worked in the garden today. So with that said, I worked in the garden today. Just kidding. I did pick, but that is about it. I worked on the garden fence for a couple of hours. I'm about an hour or so from being done, but it just got too hot for me out there.

    Today is Margie's birthday {she is 62} and she took the day off from work. Cousins John and Dee took us to the Altha Diner for breakfast {after I had ate my regular breakfast}. I had a ham, egg and cheese biscuit, and turned down Margie's leftover pancake. Since we are doing Pizza Hut tonight, I went really lite for lunch. Margie has a week long conference in Kissimmee {near Orlando} starting tomorrow, so I will be roughing it next week.

    Hope everyone has a good weekend,


    The numbers for the week:

    20.6% Body Fat
    23.8 BMI
    170.0 Pounds

    That is a gain of 0.6 pounds for the week. Not too bad since I spent a couple of days as low as 168.

  • ruby70
    ruby70 Posts: 459 Member
    edited June 2015
    It is quiet on here....I agree with Nick. Where is everyone? Must be having more fun than Me.

    Nick - great job on all the activity! I hope Missy is okay. I am a dog lover. I have a mini daushund but she my best friend. Not much for a running dog, but for her little legs she keeps up quite well.

    Furballs- I have been going through the premenopausal thing for awhile now. The only thing I can say is it has been hell. I give you credit for staying motivated. I got to a point I just lost all motivation when scale did not go down and that was the WRONG thing to do. It went up. Right now things are just staying the same but I will take that for now. At least I have stabilized. I am not putting enough workouts in to complain but at least I am starting to try again and feel hopeful.

    Larro - you make me laugh. Do not ever feel like you are boring me. I look forward to your posts and pictures. I wish you were here to fence my garden:) I will try to get done this weekend.

    Alf - my heart goes out to you as your son transitions to the next stage of life. I know how hard that must be. You are an awesome mom.

    Caramel, Beeps, Curious??? Where are you?
  • Nataliegetfit
    Nataliegetfit Posts: 395 Member
    Alf, I am sure it was hard on you with your son being out of school. It's a big change. Hopefully all of you will adjust to a new place and schedule for him. As for the maintaining??? I know what my problem is?? I haven't been eating as well as usual the last week and haven't excercised as much either. I need to totally get back on track and make it a priority in my life. I have gained like 3 lbs and am a little disappointed in myself.
    Things have been busy the last week or so. My niece is graduating high school tomorrow and then there is the party after that. We still need to get our garden going, it was hot here for a few days, then cold and rainy for several, then my husband messed up his back, so hopefully this weekend the garden will get planted.
    Have a nice weekend everyone.
  • GlacierGirl907
    GlacierGirl907 Posts: 40 Member
    Happy Friday everyone . I've been trying to stay busy working out and helping my oldest son get ready for life outside of home. My husband comes home tonight can hardly take it 2 and half months is a long time apart . Other than trucking along focusing on my youngest son and living life.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,997 Member

    This is the brewskie I am having. On a patio. To celebrate summer! And 5 days straight of lifting/cardio (nearly 15-hours worth). BOOM! ZOOM!