40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Hi all!

    Checking in from sunny, but cool California.

    So, I ran my marathon on Sunday. It was the most beautiful marathon I have ever run, and also the toughest! The hills were incredible! Although hilly, foggy and hang on to your hat windy at times, I was feeling great and running really well. At about mile 20, I started to cramp up...feet, calves, quads. Everything was firing at once. I have never had that before, and could not understand what was going on. I don't know if it was the hills that did it, or lack of sodium or potassium. I don't know. Because it was foggy and windy, I may have been fooled into thinking that I wasn't thirsty. I did drink, but maybe not enough. Did start drinking more Gatorade, but at that point, it was too late. I ended up walking much of the last miles, which totally blew my time off. Official finish time....4:50:16. Under 5 hours, so was pleased....but I keep thinking how good I was doing. Other than those cramps, I was feeling great. :happy:

    Yesterday, thought I would rent a bike and ride the 17 mile hwy. :laugh: Weellll, little did I know that when I headed out, would be riding a long time. A LONG time. Got lost, rode up and down and up again....:tongue: finally figured it out and headed back for about 5 hours of cycling. My legs felt great! Thank goodness!!! It was when I got OFF the bike, I would have a difficult time.
    We had lunch on the 18th hole at Pebble Beach. So, so lovely! When I win the lottery :wink: I am going to take my sons there to golf.

    The coolest thing happened while there...we were watching the golfers on #18 when the young man got down on his knee and proposed to his g/f! We were wondering "who" they were as someone was taking pics, and a waiter was bringing out champagne, whe the young man did this. Very well planned on his part. It obviously worked as she said "yes". We all clapped, and have to admit, I got a little choked up. I have no idea who they were, but it sure was cool.

    Have another full day left in California. :happy:

    Welcome ferf and KimCain. :flowerforyou:

    Crewell, good job on our tri training! Hope you like the new shoes.

    Beeps, you are so disciplined! I have a tough time imaginng you having the late night munchies. I know the feeling all too well. :tongue:
  • merguson
    merguson Posts: 281 Member
    sderedki: Congrats on running the marathon and that awesome bike ride too! Amazing! My goals seem much lower than most of the people on this board. I'll be happy if I can run a 5k summer! :wink: Well...here's to another day everyone! :drinker: Cheers!
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Sure! It'll be good to have some company in here....it's tough to chat with myself, lol.

    I really would love to see IM here at this site.
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    sderedki: Congrats on running the marathon and that awesome bike ride too! Amazing! My goals seem much lower than most of the people on this board. I'll be happy if I can run a 5k summer! :wink: Well...here's to another day everyone! :drinker: Cheers!

    Do not compare your goals to anyone else's. I've been running for many years, but there are many fitness / weight goals I have yet to achieve...lifting for example. It is a journey, and we have to take it one step at a time...
    When you run thatn5km, I'll be cheering you on! :flowerforyou:
  • nitrogen_widget
    nitrogen_widget Posts: 92 Member
    Hello all.
    Been a member of MFP for a while, just never ventured into the forums much.
    Turned 40 in january so I guess this is the place to be.
  • tladame
    tladame Posts: 465 Member
    Welcome newbies!

    Good job to you marathoners / distance runners. I would love to be able to run a marathon someday, but I don't think I'd ever have the time to put in for the training. Plus, I don't think my knees could take it! The longest run I ever did was a 12K (7.4 miles) years ago. Now I mostly just stick to 5K's with a twist, like the mud run & the color run (coming up in August, woot!). :happy:
  • pollardarnp
    Hi everyone, Im a newbie to the site. Just turned 40 in January. Never have been a runner but I could walk forever. So recently, I have been adding little spurts of jogging in my walks. I've always heard about the runners "high", but what about the runners "cry". And it wasn't crying from pain, it was kind of like my body just needed it to release it.... Has this happened to anyone else? Feel free to send me a personal message as well. Would like to hear about it.
  • nitrogen_widget
    nitrogen_widget Posts: 92 Member
    I used to say if you saw me running down the street to call the police because someone is chasing me. But I did start running sprints. Walk a block, run a block, walk a block, run a block, I have been challeneged by a marathoner to run a mile in 7 mins.
    So I now I have a small goal.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,994 Member
    I'm not a marathoner, at all. So, the fact you did all that training, ran the race, cramped up, and STILL finished, I think is REALLY GREAT! good for you!

    I'm not a golfer, but Pebble Beach sounds pretty cool.

    I think I'm going to skip weight-training, today....I slept very little as my shoulder/neck/back was throbbing throughout most of the night. I'll do some cardio and some stretching, instead.
  • merguson
    merguson Posts: 281 Member
    I've started a running clinic on saturday mornings at my local new balance store. It basically follows the same idea as couch to 5k but I find that running with other people is so much more enjoyable than running by myself.
  • crewellademel
    crewellademel Posts: 168 Member
    Hi Everyone: So yesterday I stuck to my schedule of swimming 1500yards at 5:30am and then worked all day and then last night after my daughters soccor game and getting kids in bed did my wt lifiting and upped most of my weights, so was feeling completely awesome today when I suddenly hit TOM 3 days early and was completely thrilled because I couldn't even tell because I didn't look or feel bloated!!! Bonus! :glasses: . Sorry if that was TMI for anyone! Today was biking and I did my 14 miles during my lunch, so I'm all done for today! Woo Hoo! Tomorrow is swimming and running. I'll do an AM swim but rather than doing a brick, I think I'll wait till after work to do the run and see how my legs feel, Fridays a rest day and then Saturday is biking again. Hope everyone has a great rest of the week. :flowerforyou:
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: crewell, you have hit on the cure for TOM problems. I hope that other young women will see this.

    :flowerforyou: ferff3, I agree with having someone to run with (or exercise with). It makes it so much more fun.

    nitrogen_widg, that is so funny and I could say the same about myself. I don't run. If I did I would probably fall flat on my face.

    I had my strength class last night. Wow, I feel so good.

  • Cyngen
    Cyngen Posts: 557 Member
    Hi, checking in from 55 (years not speed limit) ... Just starting on the new me. Two weeks down and feeling a lot different, so It is working for me.

    Currently just doing cardio outdoors with walking daily. In two weeks I'll add strength training.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,994 Member
    Lots of good stuff going on in here.

    I have to figure out if I'll bang out my last weight-training today (Stage 4 NROL4W) or if I'll just do some cardio/abs and stretching. I think I'd like to bang out the strength-training and then NOT strength-train again until Monday....a few days of rest might be just what the dr ordered.

    I did sleep better, last night (no "throbbing" pain, anyway)...
  • merguson
    merguson Posts: 281 Member
    Lots of outdoor fun for me today! Finally got some nice hot weather here in Canada!!! Yay!!! Walked to and from work today (only 15 minutes each way but every little bit helps.) Took my preschool class to the park for the morning, lots of good running fun there! Then did my running program (currently W4R7W2R7) It was really tough cause the wind was getting pretty gusty. But I completed it. I just walked down the street pick something up from a friends house and man, I just realized how exhaused my body is! My legs were dying!!! (The humidity and heat doesn't really help either, but I LOVE it!) Tomorrow, my plan is to do some strength exercises when I wake up. I think it's supposed to storm most of the day, so maybe I'll do some exercises with my preschoolers!
    Beeps: Where do yo do most of your workouts? At home or gym...
    Cyngen: I love to walk! I walk as much as I can! It's great exercise and a great way to jump start your fitness routine!! Welcome!
    Crew: You rock! Way to go!
  • crewellademel
    crewellademel Posts: 168 Member
    Hi Everyone! Well some minor changes to my plan this week. I didn't do a DARN thing on Thursday..:frown: ..ended up taking it as my rest day instead of Friday.....just couldn't do it. :noway: Also, skipped early AM staff meeting on Friday :bigsmile: and slept in which also means I didn't swim either...BUT.... I did do my run last night and it totally rocked! :bigsmile: I ran 3 cycles of 5 min walk and 8 min runs and completed my first 5K without stopping!!!!! Oh Yea! Oh Yea! Doing the Hampsterdance!!!! :drinker: New Shoes were AWESOME, legs much less sore today than anyother day. I also made a point to really stretch out my calves prior to my run and I think that really helped. Nothing felt tight or sore pretty much the whole time. Starting to feel as if my core strength is becomeing more adequate. It's cold and likely rainy here today. I work till 1ish and then my daughter has another soccor game at 2 and I have a 90 min massage at 330 :love: , so my biking today is going to be a 30 miler on my excercise bike this PM. This will complete my 4th week of my triathlon training and the only thing I have missed on the schedule was my swim yesterday, so I'm really quite pleased with myself. The race is exactly 4 weeks from today.....I really think I'm going to be able to do it! Good Luck to everyone and have a great weekend. :flowerforyou:
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Hi all,

    back home after quite a lengthy trip home. One of my flights was delayed and then rescheduled for the next day, so I got home a day late. Was sooo tired.
    Was anxious to get home because I had not run since Sunday and I knew I had to get back at it, with my ultra run looming in the near future.
    Yesterday I headed out for a 10m trail run. Legs didn't feel too bad. It sure is a different style of running. Have another 6 miles to do today.
    The weather here at home is warmer that it was in California :noway: Although it was sunny in Cali, the winds were cool.

    I'm also looking forward to getting back to my weight training. I feel it helps me with my running.

    crewell - great job on your run!! :drinker:
    Enjoy that massage...sounds wonderful.
    ferf - sounds like you did have lots of outdoor fun. Isn't wonderful when we finally get warm weather? I appreciate it soooo much and look forward to it all winter long!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,994 Member
    ferf - I do all my work-outs at the gym.

    although, spring has sprung and I'm determined to figure out a way to get some time outside. This week is a "rest week", from weight-lifting, so I'm going to bang out the cardio, HARD, and also dump some calories because I really want the "fluff" to disappear from my body. Period. I don't know how to do that without "dieting". Alas, that's what I'm doing for the next 8 weeks.

    Then, when I return to weight-training next week, I'm going to REALLY try to get out and walk about 45 minutes every evening....that's the time outside that I need and hopefully it's enough cardio to get the damn scale moving in the right direction!
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Beps - totally hear ya on the fluff.
    Stepped on the scale this morning and almost fainted! Am the highest I've been in...........a year or more???
    That week in California killed me (well the travelling did)

    I had a good day food & exercixe wise on Saturday, but yesterday was a disaster!
    So, today I am starting over.................AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:grumble:
  • crewellademel
    crewellademel Posts: 168 Member
    Hey Everyone: Good day for me here. Got up and swam this AM 1300 yards. Tonight is a 12.5mi bike ride. Hope I can squeeze it in between daughters soccor and dark! Down 1.5lbs this last week! YEA! Hope everyone has a great day! :flowerforyou: