Do you feel sexy?



  • mandana_18
    mandana_18 Posts: 30 Member
    I feel sexy when I wear my heels and get dressed up.
  • AZackery
    AZackery Posts: 2,035 Member
    Since i can remember i have always thought of myself as ugly or fat, and even at 113 lbs and 4'11'' you would think i would feel good about myself,right? Well anyways do you ever feel sexy? if you do, what makes you feel that way?

    Yes, I feel sexy, because I am sexy. It's how I see myself. My sexiness doesn't come from my appearance. My scale weight and clothes size will never determine who I am. A lot of people think that sexiness has to look a certain way and that's not true. A person can never be someone else. They will always be who they are, no matter what. Love yourself.
  • dalgirly
    dalgirly Posts: 280 Member
    I've been starting to feel sexier. I guess the word "sexy" always just felt like that never described me, because I'm the type of person who is very bubbly and one of the guys, so I never felt like that is what sexy was. Now I realize that its how you feel, not what people say is sexy... so I feel sexier much more often. And usually its when I'm proud of myself, for whatever reason.

    Now I think its a good idea to feel super sexy in your own skin!
  • lisamc03
    lisamc03 Posts: 127 Member
    I don't....but I will :)
  • havingitall
    havingitall Posts: 3,728 Member
    I guess I do; I don't actively think about it, but it's kind of weird for me to acknowledge that I think i'm "sexy" or even accept compliments because I feel like I'm being vain. Anyone know what I mean? I wasn't obese or anything when I was younger, but I was definitely chunky and I guess I still feel like I'm living in that chunky shell even after losing 38 lbs (and gaining 10 and losing 5). My guy makes me feel sexy sometimes, but most of the time, I'm too worried about him thinking my tummy is too jiggly or my thighs are massive.

    Trust me...when youa re naked... the last thing he is thinking about is your tummy or your thighs:wink:
  • Rejuvn8
    Rejuvn8 Posts: 74
    This thread saddens me. EVERY woman should feel sexy EVERYDAY!!

    It is not a weight or a look it is something that you have on the inside and it spills over and cant be contained. I wake up every morning and put on something that smells amazing(lotion or perfume or both). Then I put on awesome matching bra and panties. I love underclothes. I collect them like most women collect shoes. I always make sure they match each other and usually my outfit too. I love push up bras, they make me feel like I can conquer the world. If you dont have great underclothes invest in some sexy ones and see how that changes your attitude!! They dont have to be expensive, just fun. I even have sexy "that time of the month"
    undies. I refuse to ever wear granny drawers, or nude colored bras or anything white. I have thight high stockings, my fav place to wear them is to church! I love high heels even tho I am 5'11".

    I have been overweight, underweight, have horrible skin, babyfat, been married, divorced, dated and am currently single and no one, I REPEAT - NO ONE, can ever take my sexy from me. I have mojo baby, and I have swagga. Everyone who sees me know so and that just how I like it. Never let anyone, thing or circumstance take ur sexy from you. use 2012 to BRING SEXY BACK and u will be the happiest you have ever been...

    Winking at u already...

    Absolutely love your response! We all need to "clean house" with the negative self talk :-) Thank you Mel!
    I did not feel sexy at 291lbs and now at 157 I still do not really feel sexy. I have to learn to feel comfortable in my skin(literally) before I can feel sexy. I have alot of loose skin and things sag that are not suppose to. Luckily my husband loved me at my heightest weight and now at my lowest. He and I have done this together.
  • Happyhappy352
    Do not feel the least bit sexy at all... maybe again someday, but it has nothing to do with weight loss...
    It's the stealers shirt, that is why you don't feel sexy lol Just kidding. I had to say it lol
  • Jferg69
    Jferg69 Posts: 241 Member
    all the time and, i'm checking to see if my ticker appears on this post, lol
