Tall women??



  • bi0nicw0man
    bi0nicw0man Posts: 56 Member
    I am just shy of 6 feet. At my lowest weight I was exactly 150 and that was almost too low. My face looked gaunt and my boobs all but disappeared. I had to fight to stay that weight too...like my body didn't like being there. I gained 5 pounds and stayed happily at 155 for a long, long time. I'm now around 162 and aside from the fact that a few of my pants don't fit I feel like it's a good, healthy weight for me and my face and boobs look better! :)
  • vivaveronika
    I'm 22, 6'0, & around 260 (I gained about 40lbs of baby weight)
    When I was smaller (about 3 years about) at 190lbs, I felt that was my "ideal" weight. If I get any smaller than 180, I look really scrawny and "off" for my body frame.
    BMI really doesn't mean to much to me. Even at this weight, I have a decent amount of muscle. When I lose weight and work out, I tend to lift weights, gain muscle, and my BMI is awry as a result.

    Really its about being healthy, not falling into someone elses regulations or rules for someone's hypothetical body.
  • ktbia
    ktbia Posts: 118 Member
    I am 5ft 11. My goal is 155. I am about 170 now. If I can get back down to 160, my clothes will all fit again (from a few years back)!

    But I am running a lot more and am about to start lifting, so I will check my body with my dream jeans.. once that fit again, I will be happy!
  • quiltbugj
    quiltbugj Posts: 89 Member
    I'm 5'10.5". During high school I was 135 - which I thought was fine - I have a very small frame. I gained 80 pounds with my first preg. and 60 with the second. Both times I was back to 135 by the time my kids were 6 months old. I had a complete hysterectomy at 40 - so instant menopause. Also on meds that are known to cause weight gain. I did lose 30 pounds 5 years ago and go to 150 - I was told I looked too thin. I was wearing a size 8. My current goal is 160. I'll reassess when I get there.
  • KristineJ86
    I'm 5'9 and currently 185. Ideally i'd like to get down to about 150 but 160 was a good weight for me.. haven't been there since highschool!
  • LaurenKauf
    Oh hey fellow tall gals!!! I'm 5'10. I feel like an ideal weight for me is going to be about 165 lbs. I will say, though I'm a little ashamed to do so...I don't even know what kind of frame I have under this body I'm currently in. I'll have to keep you posted as it emerges from the depths!!
  • Jennfur2610
    Jennfur2610 Posts: 67 Member
    People are dumb. You've got to do what is best for you. I'm 5'8 and have been told 170 is in the healthy range for me. I'd like to get to 165.
  • msunluckythirteen
    msunluckythirteen Posts: 335 Member
    Here is a wrist calculator which will tell you your frame size (small frame, medium frame, or large frame) and then the healthy weight for that size.

  • sixfootaliw
    Hi Everybody!

    I'm six foot and I started MFP at around 250 and UK size 20. I'm aiming to be around 180-190. Last time I was below 200 was probably in my 20's but I was happy at that size so it's a good place to aim for!

    I spoke to doc about my ideal weight and she recommended I aim for 190. According to her BMI chart that still places me in the overweight category, but she said that it isn't a good guide for people who are non-average. She recommended that I effectively work out my own goal depending on how I feel. Seems sensible.

  • LaurenKauf
    Here is a wrist calculator which will tell you your frame size (small frame, medium frame, or large frame) and then the healthy weight for that size.


    Hey Thanks!!
  • Matiara
    Matiara Posts: 377 Member
    It really depends on your body. I'm about 5'11" with a small frame and I am an apple shape. I have a goal size (6) and measurements (36-25-35) instead of a goal weight, but since I have been there before, I know that I am between 145-150 when I hit my ideal. With my frame and structure, I do not look too thin at that weight and I still have boobs and a behind. But then, I had curves, albeit smaller ones, when I was a 125 pound teenager. It just depends on how you are put together.

    Also, anyone who comments on your body can go pound sand. You should look how it makes *you* happy.
  • overit75
    overit75 Posts: 150 Member
    I am 5'11" and would be happy at 160. I was there when I got married almost 12 years ago and maybe could have lost 10-15 more and been really content. Anyway, at this point I would just be happy to see Onederland again.
  • shaunte92
    shaunte92 Posts: 127 Member
  • Matiara
    Matiara Posts: 377 Member

    According to that, I should be 153lbs! That surprises me. At 150, I have a belly that bulges out over the top of my jeans.

    If you look at my photos, you'll see one of me taken when I was 140 in January . I'm the one sitting in a restaurant booth wearing a blue sweater. (I gained six pounds when I quit smoking, which is why I'm here.) Actually, my main profile photo was taken the day before that one - you can see my collar bones pretty clearly in it.

    At that time, I still had a belly, even though I look very thin!

    That's just how I'm built, I guess... any excess fat goes to my belly. I'm not being dysmorphic and deluded, either. My waist-to-hip ratio is not good at all. I wear a larger size than people expect. About a size 10 American, maybe a 12? In the UK I'm now a 14. I'd like to fit into 12....

    Sometimes people make snotty comments about how thin I am, but I shrug them off. I eat a lot. I exercise. I want my waist to be smaller in relation to my hips. It's up to me to decide what looks good.

    I am in the same boat. All of my excess weight is carried between my chest and my butt. I never gain weight in my arms and legs, so with clothing on and sucking my stomach in all day out of habit, I look fit and trim. However, *I* know I have a 32 inch waist, the dreaded back fat, and a truckload of visceral fat. My waist hip ration is borderline and literally one tick away from being moderate risk. Besides vanity, I do not want to end up with diabetes like my mom, grandmother, and several of my aunts.

    I've just stopped telling anyone other than my mom and a couple of close friends that I'm trying to lose weight because I'm sick of hearing, "Where from?" or "But you're so skinny already". When I get those comments, I'm tempted to lift my shirt and have them pinch all of the fat around my waist just to shut them up.
  • Daytonsmommy
    Daytonsmommy Posts: 162 Member
    I'm 5'11" and am currently 147 lbs. My goal is somewhere around 140 lbs. although, I've been noticing my clothes fitting better and more muscle tone, rather than the #s going down on the scale, and I really don't mind. If I can stay at 147 but feel/look better I will be fine with that too.
  • missprincessgina
    missprincessgina Posts: 446 Member
    I'm 5'9" and am happy and thin at about 140 lbs. I fluctuate about 5 lbs. Was 135 before my wedding and sometimes around winter I could be 145. I retain water too and the scale is frustrating! So I just go by my skinny jeans!
  • Mazzyx
    Mazzyx Posts: 131
    Im about 5"9 and I would consider I have a largish frame (rather broad as well) I think about 147lbs is right for me. Any lower and a) its really difficult to maintain (ive been there and it was very hard) and b) I look ill. I think though just feeling better in myself and confident in what I'm wearing I would be happy :smile:
  • mlgoth
    mlgoth Posts: 2 Member
    I am 6 feet tall. I look my best at around 160. At that size, I wear a size 6 or 8 pant and a medium top. I am spoon shaped, so any weight i lose past 160 tends to come off my boobs.

    I am 174 right now, a size 10, and the extra weight is being really stubborn! The last time I was 160 was about 5 years ago.

    Love being able to connect with other tall women and hear what is "normal." I can't relate to my smaller girlfriends on weight loss or diet.

    *edit, i have a small to medium frame*