80/10/10--I'm doing it!



  • FredDoyle
    FredDoyle Posts: 2,273 Member
    Are you losing weight by restricting calories? Careful of ketosis.
    Don't you mean ketoacidocis?
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    For myself, I have finally figured out that low carbs are the only way I can lose weight. It's taken over a year of trying different methods to figure it out. Just started the low carbs this month and have already lost 5 pounds. It's really true - one routine doesn't fit all. Good luck in your weight loss journey. :)

    This, lowering carbs helped. I could exercise until I was blue in the face and restrict restrict restrict but lowering carbs worked.
  • carissar7
    carissar7 Posts: 183 Member
    Try it! You will feel great for the first few months, glowing even. You'll lose weight and have more energy than ever. Then within a year or two your health will rapidly deteriorate. It's extremely difficult (but not impossible) to sustain over longterm.

    Also whoever said that animal meat IS TOXIC and that cholesterol is the only proven cause of heart disease is seriously misguided. Another myth and should be in the same category with the people who think you should only eat egg whites when eating eggs.
  • holothuroidea
    holothuroidea Posts: 772 Member
    80 carbs, 10 protein, 10 fat. Not what I'd call very balanced. I wouldn't get very far consuming 25 to 30 g's of protein a day.

    Generally, these diets are very high calorie so people can get their protein minimums.

    ...I still think it's a poor choice, though, the ideas behind it are based on really flimsy reasoning and bad interpretation of data. I put raw veganism right up there with WAPF and paleo in the hierarchy of ridiculous diet ideas but at least those diets are capable of providing a person with all the nutrition they need.
    Cholesterol, It's what cells need.

    Yeah, good thing our bodies synthesize it all by themselves and we don't need to eat it ever.

    But no, it's not "toxic."
    Vegans really are a weird cult.

    Not really. Most of us are just compassionate people who advocate for nonviolence. People who are doing plant-based diets or advocate for it for (misguided) health reasons seriously need to stop hijacking the word "vegan."
  • carissar7
    carissar7 Posts: 183 Member
    80 carbs, 10 protein, 10 fat. Not what I'd call very balanced. I wouldn't get very far consuming 25 to 30 g's of protein a day.

    Generally, these diets are very high calorie so people can get their protein minimums.

    ...I still think it's a poor choice, though, the ideas behind it are based on really flimsy reasoning and bad interpretation of data. I put raw veganism right up there with WAPF and paleo in the hierarchy of ridiculous diet ideas but at least those diets are capable of providing a person with all the nutrition they need.
    Cholesterol, It's what cells need.

    Yeah, good thing our bodies synthesize it all by themselves and we don't need to eat it ever.

    But no, it's not "toxic."
    Vegans really are a weird cult.

    Not really. Most of us are just compassionate people who advocate for nonviolence. People who are doing plant-based diets or advocate for it for (misguided) health reasons seriously need to stop hijacking the word "vegan."

    You're comparing paleo to raw veganism?
  • MrsBobaFett
    MrsBobaFett Posts: 802 Member
    I thought the 80 would be protein. LOL.

    So did I!
  • holothuroidea
    holothuroidea Posts: 772 Member
    You're comparing paleo to raw veganism?

    In terms of having a flimsy foundation on junk science, yes.
  • selina884
    selina884 Posts: 826 Member
    I thought the 80 would be protein. LOL.

    me too!!! lol
  • BeachGingerOnTheRocks
    BeachGingerOnTheRocks Posts: 3,927 Member
    You'll feel great, I've been on it for 3 months after being higher fat vegan 2 months before that. Carbs from the right sources (fruit) will definitely help you burn cleaner. Most people fail to mention the massive "green" meal that 80/10/10ers have during the day. Fruits and vegetables people, it's what most of the world lives on. I'm a competitive cyclist and this has really gotten rid of my IBS, poor skin, and low energy. Shoot for 10g of carbs from fruit per kg. Also, see Forks Over Knives, good luck debunking the China Study.

    Actually, most of the rest of the world lives on rice and various meats. And legumes.
  • lovelylauz02
    lovelylauz02 Posts: 20 Member
    I am slowly working my way into the 80 10 10 lifestyle. It is a change, but when I eat fully raw for a whole day, I feel amazing.

    For those who have nothing but negative things to say about the diet... please don't post on here. This is for people who are seeking like minded individuals who need support while changing or maintaining their healthy lifestyle. Let's not attack one another or the eating lifestyle that one chooses. We are all trying to be healthy here. What's wrong with supporting or not saying anything at all??

    I have found bananas to be my life support. I'm trying to get more into eating dates, but they are so expensive.

    Where do you all get your dates?
  • holothuroidea
    holothuroidea Posts: 772 Member
    The problem, lovelylauz02, is that eating fully raw 80/10/10 is NOT healthy.

    Just because you've categorized raw fruits, nuts, and vegetables as healthy foods, does not mean it is healthy to eat nothing but raw fruits, nuts and vegetables.

    I have some positive things to say. Doing it for a couple days once in a while will make you feel like a super star. I think it's mostly the sustained sugar high from all the fruit and fiber, though.

    If you continue on the diet for any extended period of time, you will start to show signs of malnutrition (generally, not enough amino acids and essential fatty acids) and your teeth will erode away from all the high-acid foods you're eating.

    No reputable source supports raw veganism as a healthy lifestyle long-term, not even the crazies like Fuhrman, McDougall and Campbell. There is absolutely no evidence that it is healthful, and tons of evidence that it is not.

    I don't see what is unhelpful about informing people that they've got some misinformation and are embarking on something that has the potential to be dangerous.
  • thisismeraw
    thisismeraw Posts: 1,264 Member
    80/10/10 is a raw vegan diet fad...I will just politely say that setting percentages for macros doesn't work and that this diet highly ignores the fact that protein and fat are ESSENTIAL nutrients whereas carbohydrates are non-essential and should be determined based on physical activity.

    These type of dieters do ridiculous things like eating nothing but fruit in ridiculous amounts all day and often these people have serious fears (orthorexics) about fat and consumption of animal products as being "toxic"

    While this sort of diet can definately been seen as a fad there is a lot of good research out there that supports this type of eating (along with much research that supports against this type of eating).

    Don't put everyone who follows a raw food diet under one label as someone who will do ridiculous things or suffer fears about fat and animal products. Not all followers are ridiculous nor are they afraid of animal products and fats.... everyone doesn't fit into one label. Sure, there are those out there who are freaked out about consuming too much fat or think animal products are terrible... but it isn't everyone.

    While I don't follow the 80/10/10 macro amounts, I do follow a mainly raw food diet. My diet at the moment is about 90% raw. I have honestly never felt better than I do now. I do consume large amounts of fruits but not the same amounts that most on this diet plan consume. I am not afraid of fats and I don't think animal products are toxic. I choose not to eat them and choose not to eat meats and some animal products long before I decided to go raw. I went raw to try and reduce some issues I was having. I cannot consume wheat, gluten, most dairy products, etc and have not consumed meat is almost a year and don't choose to eat it ever again. My doctor has approved this diet as has a nutritionist I see. I do consume more fat and protein than those who follow 80/10/10 do.

    To those following 80/10/10 or a primiarly raw food diet feel free to add me as a friend. For those that don't agree with the diet, that's perfectly ok. We all have our opinions and ultimately have to try what we feel is best for us, our health and our body. I'm not saying raw is better than any other way of eating and I never will because all diets can be healthy if done correctly.. they can all be unhealthy as well.
  • scottbucc
    scottbucc Posts: 10 Member
  • scottbucc
    scottbucc Posts: 10 Member
    Can u survive n sustain doing something like this forever????
    I just don't get the point what would make a person resort to measures like these to lose weight.. U WON'T be able to keep it off once u lose!
    The whole idea of being on MFP is that u eat right, exercise right n lose weight so that u can maintain it all your life! Proteins n Fats are ESSENTIAL, do not drop it to such horrendously low levels.

    On what are these value judgements based? Do you have anything credible to substantiate this? The World Health Organization recommends only 3-4% protein.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    I thought the 80 would be protein. LOL.

    That's what I thought too. I was thinking to myself... hmmm, would be hard to keep fat so low.
  • FitandFab33
    FitandFab33 Posts: 718 Member
    80/10/10 is a raw vegan diet fad...I will just politely say that setting percentages for macros doesn't work and that this diet highly ignores the fact that protein and fat are ESSENTIAL nutrients whereas carbohydrates are non-essential and should be determined based on physical activity.

    These type of dieters do ridiculous things like eating nothing but fruit in ridiculous amounts all day and often these people have serious fears (orthorexics) about fat and consumption of animal products as being "toxic"

    Consumption of animal products IS toxic. That is the ONLY place Cholesterol is found. And, what is the number one cause of death in the US right now? Heart disease. What causes heart disease, you ask? Cholesterol. :)

    SO MUCH WRONG and FALLACY here. I would correct you but dang...
  • scottbucc
    scottbucc Posts: 10 Member
    So this is one of those diets where vitamins are somehow more essential than minerals, essential fatty acids or amino acids? OK then.

    Nope, not even close.
  • scottbucc
    scottbucc Posts: 10 Member
    80/10/10 is a raw vegan diet fad...I will just politely say that setting percentages for macros doesn't work and that this diet highly ignores the fact that protein and fat are ESSENTIAL nutrients whereas carbohydrates are non-essential and should be determined based on physical activity.

    These type of dieters do ridiculous things like eating nothing but fruit in ridiculous amounts all day and often these people have serious fears (orthorexics) about fat and consumption of animal products as being "toxic"

    Consumption of animal products IS toxic. That is the ONLY place Cholesterol is found. And, what is the number one cause of death in the US right now? Heart disease. What causes heart disease, you ask? Cholesterol. :)

    SO MUCH WRONG and FALLACY here. I would correct you but dang...

    Thank you!
  • TheDevastator
    TheDevastator Posts: 1,626 Member
    I was foolish to try the banana diet for a few days while doing heavy squats. I ate about 42 bananas one day and other days I would eat spinach or kale and banana smoothies and I was really sore from the squats for about a week. Usually eating normal amounts of protein I'm only sore about 2-3 days maximum. I broke down and ate several cans of sardines and went back to eating a normal diet still high in fruits and vegetables but with some meat, eggs and fish.
  • scottbucc
    scottbucc Posts: 10 Member
    I thought the 80 would be protein. LOL.

    That's what I thought too. I was thinking to myself... hmmm, would be hard to keep fat so low.

    It is hard, when the norm is abnormally high. Even breast milk is only around 5%; babies are able to chunk out just fine. We burn carbohydrates primarily and the body is inefficient at converting fat and protein to glucose. When asked, hardly anyone knows how much is recommended. While its true we need fat and protein, the amount is much lower than one would expect. Look at lean people all over the world, they do fine at levels below 10% (I'm not talking about starving people either). Reference: The China Study.