deleting facebook???



  • suztheq
    suztheq Posts: 171
    Dear people who think Facebook is a waste of time: You're doing it wrong.

    I've been on Facebook since shortly after it's public launch. It certainly can be a waste but it also has some very valuable perks.

    I use Facebook for:

    *Networking - as a small business owner being able to connect with my clients via my Facebook page is invaluable. The ability to create/share content and events with my customers is a major benefit.

    *Family - I have several family members that I may not see for years at a time. Facebook allows me to share photos of my son and receive other photos from them in an easy and efficient fashion.

    *Friends - similar to family, I have many friends from high school that no longer live nearby. It's nice to keep up with them.

    *Brands/blogs/organizations - I follow several 'pages' on Facebook. This allows me to keep up with any information (which is sometimes very valuable) in a single place, as well as, being able to receive discounts and special offers for Facebook only customers.

    *I enjoy connecting with people. Self explanatory.

    So, to conclude, Facebook can have many facets in its usefulness. Those of you who are too short-sighted to realized that just because something is trendy it can also be a useful addition to your communication arsenal.

    Hi, I'm new here and I'm enjoying reading the posts. I agree with the above since I use Facebook for a lot of the same things. As with most things in life, Facebook can be used for good or evil. I never post overly personal information. For example, no one knew I was having foot surgery through something I posted. No one knows my moral or political stances through Facebook. No one knows when I'm overly stressed or if I just ate a sandwich or if I hate my job/boss/life/etc at that particular moment through Facebook. A lot of people use Facebook to do all of these things and start drama because some people have nothing better to do or they crave the attention. Hence, the cryptic status update followed by the even more cryptic response. Whatever. I have plenty of "friends" who fit this description, yet I have no idea what they they are up to because I've hidden them (unsubscribed now). It's all relative. If you can find a happy balance, by all means, keep Facebook. However, if you can't, drop it like a bad habit. Whatever you need to do to stay happy, healthy and motivated, do it!
  • jillica
    jillica Posts: 554 Member
    I don't like the rule that I have to "friend" all my kindergarten friends' sisters' beauticians.

    I don't like that everyone on the web can see all the pictures of me that I put on there.

    And I don't like that my constant updates let everyone know what I am doing.:huh:
  • PSOrlando
    PSOrlando Posts: 3 Member
    I really limit time on FB -- all things in moderation. NEVER play the silly games. Love it with keeping up with family...especially the younger nieces/nephews. And consider it a communication / information tool. A year+ ago my children's school went into a extended lock-down when a gunman/murderer was loose in the area. Although the school sent phone / email updates, the most up-to-date, detailed (and accurate) info came from staff, parents & student postings. On a campus of over 2,000 students, with FB & no contact with my children, I even knew the room where each child was located as the frightening events unfollded! This rapid-fire exchange of information simply would not have happened through email, calls or texts. There are many things I hate about FB but with tight controls -- security AND self -- it can be a very useful tool.
  • KayteeBear
    KayteeBear Posts: 1,040 Member
    Dear people who think Facebook is a waste of time: You're doing it wrong.

    I've been on Facebook since shortly after it's public launch. It certainly can be a waste but it also has some very valuable perks.

    I use Facebook for:

    *Networking - as a small business owner being able to connect with my clients via my Facebook page is invaluable. The ability to create/share content and events with my customers is a major benefit.

    *Family - I have several family members that I may not see for years at a time. Facebook allows me to share photos of my son and receive other photos from them in an easy and efficient fashion.

    *Friends - similar to family, I have many friends from high school that no longer live nearby. It's nice to keep up with them.

    *Brands/blogs/organizations - I follow several 'pages' on Facebook. This allows me to keep up with any information (which is sometimes very valuable) in a single place, as well as, being able to receive discounts and special offers for Facebook only customers.

    *I enjoy connecting with people. Self explanatory.

    So, to conclude, Facebook can have many facets in its usefulness. Those of you who are too short-sighted to realized that just because something is trendy it can also be a useful addition to your communication arsenal.

    I agree. It CAN be used in stupid ways but doesn't have to. I luckily don't have much drama on my Facebook but the friends who have the drama get deleted or their updates are hidden from me and I only friend people I know, I don't post personal stuff and everything I post is ONLY to friends, not friends AND network.

    I honestly only use it to "stalk" friends and family that I never see and to sometimes update them on my life...and soon to help promote my Etsy business I'll be starting. Oh and to share my photography. I always have relatives who hear sooo much about my photography and my sewing (I designed and sewed my own grad dress) and always ask about it and this way I can tell them to search ---- and they'll come to my photography page and can see my stuff that way.