Who is 5'1-5'2



  • I'm 5'1.
    HW: 180!
    CW: 138.6
    GW: 120-125

    I eat 1,200 calories and watch my carbs and cholesterol.
    I don't eat fast food, no soda. I try to eat healthy. I don't like meat/fish, usually just white chicken breasts.

    I am currently doing P90X.
  • I'm 5'2. Started at 135lbs & would like to get to 122lbs. Not sure if it's because of my height or because it's not a large amount to loose but its coming off s-l-o-w-l-y.
  • finding_my_way
    finding_my_way Posts: 174 Member
    I am 5'1", 135 and looking to get to 125 and ultimately 115 if I am not happy at the 125. Goal 1200 calories a day with cardio at the gym 5 days a week and 30 day shred 5 days a week.
  • wittlelacey
    wittlelacey Posts: 391 Member
    I'm almost 5'1!
    My highest weight was 120, but I'm down to 108. My goal is probably somewhere around 100. I don't pay too much attention to the scale, so my ideal weight would include a flat stomach and thinner thighs.
    I eat around 1200 calories a day, but im not as strict as I should be. I don't drink any soda, mainly just water or green tea. I don't eat as much bread as I used to, which is a big change for myself! I eat a lot of whole grains, oat meal, turkey burgers, turkey sandwiches on whole wheat bread, whole grain waffles, salads, fruits, veggies, etc.
    Currently doing the 30 day shred :)
  • DrG3n3
    DrG3n3 Posts: 467 Member
    I'm 5 ft 2 when you round up >.> I eat about 1500 a day when not working out, and around 1800-2200 when working out. I lose about 1-3 lbs a week like this. Doing Insanity/p90x/c25k and strength training pretty much 5-6 days a week. My highest was 254.6 and I am now 192, goal is 140 and then seeing how I feel.
  • Silverkittycat
    Silverkittycat Posts: 1,997 Member
    I'm almost 5'2, still trying for that extra quarter inch. Yoga. :wink:

    98 pounds, always between 94 and 104. Healthy, strong, full of energy and usually emotionally positive, so I'm good with it. I'm still trying to gain a few pounds in lean muscle but if it doesn't happen at least I've increased muscle condition and endurance. I hope. :smile:

    I've averaged 1970 net calories since September.
  • beccadaniixox
    beccadaniixox Posts: 542 Member
    Height: 5'2''
    HW: between 170-180
    CW: 128
    GW: 125ish

    I eat between 1200-1600 calories normally.
    Never below 1200.
    I do not eat fast food.
    I do eat out 2 or 3 times a week.
    I eat whatever the heck I want. :)
  • sara709
    sara709 Posts: 170 Member
    I'm 5'1!
    My highest weight was 130-ish.
    I began MFP weighing 120.
    I got down to 110 before Christmas.. but afterwards I am now at 112.5 but getting back into the groove.
    My goal is 15% body fat which should land me in the 105-108 range.

    I have my calories set at 1200 but I always eat my exercise calories. Not always all of them but most of them. I didn't wind up on here because I hate food!
    I'm a fairly clean eater. I don't eat fast food (aside from the occasional Subway) and I always try to eat vegetables and fruit during the day, always whole grains. I have a dairy allergy so that cuts out a lot of fatty, unhealthy foods. But I do love chips and Oreos..
    My NYR is to eat as naturally as possible so I'm trying to cut out anything prepackaged or with ingredients I can't pronounce.
  • 31prvrbs
    31prvrbs Posts: 687 Member
    I'm 5'1 (5'1.5 on a good day), weigh between 118-125 depending on the season, and if I'm building muscle or not. I'm @ about 2020 cals right now....(not currently eating in deficit), in the spring, I may drop to around 1800-1900 to get rid of any "extra" in time for the summer....
  • chooze
    chooze Posts: 2
    I'm 5' (or 5'1" depends on who's measuring) and looking to lose 30 lbs with a goal weight of 125 and 20% body fat. I'm eating clean with lots of fruit, veggies and water and working out (cardio and strength) throughout the week. I lose very slowly which can be discouraging so I'm taking this one day at a time and surrounding myself with images of the me that I'm aiming to be :0). Weight loss is different when your closer to the ground, lol! Glad I found this topic! Good luck everyone!!
  • Alison__
    Alison__ Posts: 107
    I'm 5'2 and ½ and my goal is at this moment 108-110 lbs. I started with 115, but after reaching it, I still felt a need to continue so I'm focusing on toning up and on losing those last stubborn pounds :)
  • Im 5' 1 1/2' and at my highest weight right now which is 154.3
    I seem to just drop and gain 1-2 pounds and have a hard time losing weight.
    Ive recently just started with a personal trainer -to try for a month. But its been 4 sessions with him and 8 days overall and there hasnt been a single pound change!
    Im not very consistent with keeping my food diary...but am trying to.

    Looking for lots of motivation and support!
    I use to be able to lose so quickly...just watch what i eat and excercise and I would drop 5-10 pounds ....but now even a pound is a struggle!
    My personal trainer said I could tone up very well...but i am so hooked on the number on the scale that it is frustrating not seeing it move!

    ETA: Please add me as a friend for support!
  • I am about 5'2''. I was able to loose 36 pounds while my boyfriend was deployed. I started out at 167- 170 and then when he left for Iraq I decided to work on myself and loose weight. I started out by doing Turbo Fire , did it for 3 months and around august of last year I started ChaLEAN Extreme/ Turbo Fire Hybrid. I continued to loose weight. I was eating around 1200 -1300 calories a day. Oooo lord I was always irritable. I was loosing weight but mad at the world. LOL. I was also training for my first half marathon, that's what really helped the weight loss.I took a 4 week break when he came home( I was about 131-129) , and I just wanted to enjoy food for a bit . I gained about 5 pounds, but you know what I am happy with that. I got rid of it by lifting and doing a bit of cardio, in 2 weeks. It was a pain in the *kitten* but hey it was around Christmas, I had gone too long without a few bad food items...lol

    I am happy with it because despite me not being completely happy at this weight, I am happy with the fact that this is a LIFESTYLE CHANGE, not a race to see how fast I can do this. I would rather take my time and truly understand what my body is going through and educate myself, not tear myself apart for not loosing that last couple of pounds. I told myself its one day at a time, and its a learning process. I want to know how to live a fitter lifestyle THROUGHOUT my life. you know? I think that's were a lot of people kind of get stuck. They don't see the weight coming off fast enough and give up. Don't give up!!

    Any who I am back to eating around 1500 calories , sometimes 1300. I eat to fuel my body. I don't want to make my metabolism suffer due to not eating. I started following Tosca Reno, and buying Clean Eating Cookbooks. Clean Eating Magazine is one of my favorite Magazines these days, I also follow Jamie Easons recipes on Body Building.com. For motivation I of course follow Chalene Johnson, gotta love her and her book Push!

    Ideally I would like to be 120 pounds , lean and fit looking! It will happen ! I have faith! If I go any lower than 120 , I think I would look to skeletal..you feel me? lol

    Also has anyone looked into The Petite Advantage Diet by Jim Karas?
    I picked it up at the book store and kind of read through it and it has some good pointers for us ladies who are 5'4'' and under. here is the link to the book if you want to take a look at it

  • I'm just under 5'2 and 122 lbs. I estimated 110 as a good weight since thats what I weighed when everything seemed a bit more proportionate on my body. Right now everything is sitting on my stomach/hips so I don't look fat, I look pregnant which is really not a look I'm going for. Nothing happened at 1200 calories so I'm going to try 1450 and see what happens.
  • AbbyMC12
    AbbyMC12 Posts: 9 Member
    I am 5'1 1/4 and started this weighing about 138-140. I now weigh 136 and have been watching what I eat and exercising for 1 hour plus (cardio and/or weight training) at least 5 days a week and I cannot get the pounds to move and it is infuriating.

    Question - for those that say go from 1200 to 1500 calories to get the scale to move, why is that? I've never heard of that before and I'm curious. I don't know a lot about weight loss, I've never tried this before.

    I do feel that my pants are more lose, my stomach doesn't stick out as much, I have a lot more energy and can run miles and be fine. I had a friend, that is a PT, tell me not to lose weight but to get toned. I would like to get toned and weigh between 125-130. Any suggestions - much appreciated!
  • eclare87
    eclare87 Posts: 97 Member
    I'm just a tad bit under 5'2. About two years ago I weighed almost 160 pounds. but right now I currently weigh around 128 pounds. I think I gained it because the holidays messed up my eating 1200 calories a day and I haven't been running outside as much. But before that I had been plateauing anyway so I'm trying something new now. I'm actually eating back half of my exercise calories.

    While it changes every day, I usually run 6 miles, take a muscle pump class or Bodycombat class for exercise. Sometimes I do all three. On the days I do all three (two days a week maximum), I eat an extra 200-300 calories depending on how hungry I am. On the weekends, I tend to eat the most, around 1500 to 1600 calories and usually with shorter exercises. Like maybe I'll have time to run four miles on Saturday and then I'll do a Bodycombat class on Sunday.

    Still haven't lost anymore weight since starting to eat back some of my exercise calories. While I hate being 128 when I know I can be 124, I really want to figure out why I keep plateauing. I'd love to have my MFP friends dealing with similar situations or who have gotten down past 120, in a healthy way of course!
  • I'm 5'1, 19 years old, weigh 125 and i try to eat around 1200 calories a day and sometimes i go under or over but it's good to have variation just make sure you never skip a meal. I plan to lose 20 pounds. I guess it all depends on how much muscle i get as well though because muscle weighs more than fat. But i love oatmeal, multi-grain bread, egg white omelettes w/ spinach, onions and avocados, nuts are really good and filling too, also low sodium beans, almond butter, hummus, and no red meat! I am starting a new workout plan where i workout 2-3 hours a day and i know that may seem like a lot but i am doing classes whenever i workout and 1/3 of them are pilates or yoga so it's not too vigorous. Other classes i do are aerobics (good cardio), a body sculpting class, ab workout class, and my favorite which is ZUMBA! :)
  • I'm 5'2, started losing weight when I was 139lbs, currently weigh 128lbs, goal weight is 110lbs!

    I usually eat around 900-1000 calories a day, more if I exercise, and I've lost about 10 lbs in the last 2 months. Including Christmas binging! I know that's really slow weight loss compared to some, but as I'm not actually overweight it take aaages to even lose a pound. Hoping to be 110 by summer :)
  • I'm 5'1 and I was at 149LBS, I want to say I hit 150 but I'm not so sure. I am currently at 136lbs and hope to be at 110 by this summer :-)
  • I am 5'1 1/4 and started this weighing about 138-140. I now weigh 136 and have been watching what I eat and exercising for 1 hour plus (cardio and/or weight training) at least 5 days a week and I cannot get the pounds to move and it is infuriating.

    Question - for those that say go from 1200 to 1500 calories to get the scale to move, why is that? I've never heard of that before and I'm curious. I don't know a lot about weight loss, I've never tried this before.

    I do feel that my pants are more lose, my stomach doesn't stick out as much, I have a lot more energy and can run miles and be fine. I had a friend, that is a PT, tell me not to lose weight but to get toned. I would like to get toned and weigh between 125-130. Any suggestions - much appreciated!

    well for MOST people posting on this thread 1200-1500 calories is near their BMR, which is the number of calories burned at rest...without activity.

    When you get out of bed, do errands, clean, etc. you burn calories --making your daily burn 1500+. So, when you eat 1200 you create a deficit that is too great for the body to perform its basic metabolic functions. So, in response to the calorie deficit your body begins to downregulate your metabolism. Weight loss becomes harder because your body is attempting to conserve energy. So, by eating more you prevent the metabolic slowdown from occurring because the calorie deficit isn't so drastic that the body can no longer function.

    In addition, once you hit a plateau you can't really reduce your calories further if you're only eating 1200 to begin with.