Who is 5'1-5'2

Who is 5'1-5'2? What is your weight goal? How many calories do you take in? For clean eaters what foods do you eliminat


  • abatista27
    abatista27 Posts: 30 Member
    I am 5'2. Unfortunately I currently weigh 169.8 but I am 6 lbs down from my SW and highest weight EVER.I'm taking this whole year to do a life change and lose 50 lbs. I really want to get down to 125. That was my average weight +/- 5 lbs before I 't college (I'm graduating in the spring). It is insane how much weight I put on. The stretch marks are the saddest part.
  • southern_gurl
    I am 5'1 and at my heaviest point I tipped the scale at 202. Yikes was I big! Now I am at 165 and looking to reach 125, that is my healthy goal. It has been tough, I work in a medical office so finding the time to eat healthy is a chore, but I cut out my sodas and started keeping water, dried fruit, and veggies on hand so I could munch a little here and there through the day. Hope this helps.
  • hottottie11
    hottottie11 Posts: 907 Member
    My goal weight is 145-150 (I'm weigh heavier than I look) and I eat about 1700-1800 calories a day. When I used to eat clean, I eliminated high sugar items, processed foods (breads, tv dinners, etc). I don't eat 100% clean anymore. I'm probably 60-70% now.
  • timanda2
    timanda2 Posts: 149
    I am 5'2", my goal weight is 130-135. I like to have curves and look toned. Currently I am pregnant...so in a few months I hope to get back down to that weight.
  • timadotcom
    timadotcom Posts: 674 Member
    I'm 5'1 1/2/ goal weight 120 but i'll be happy at 135, as of today im 149 / if i exercixe 1800 cals tops if i dont, then 1200 -1300 / i eat everything that is home cooked, nothing processed. I enjoy the occasional slice of pizza, baskin robbins ice cream and whatever else i desire, all in moderation of course.
  • dirtbikegirl5
    dirtbikegirl5 Posts: 391 Member
    I am 5'2". I am set at 1200 calories, but I rarely get there. I have about 10 pounds to go for my goal weight. How about you?
  • HollyStocking
    I am 5 foot and started at 132 my goal is 115. I currently am 123 and stuck there. I am supposed to eat 1200 cals a day. I eliminated all pops and juices. One of my main snacks is a hard boiled egg or carrots with homemade hummus.
  • abatista27
    abatista27 Posts: 30 Member
    I guess I'm supposed to net at 1200 calories, which is what I've always tried to do whenever I wanted to lose weight. I'm currently having trouble reaching that though because I don't have enough healthy food in my house this week and I have been working out without eating the calories back? Haha in theory weight loss is simple but I feel like it's tricky if you want to optimize it. Also, I have always had a huge sweettooth and I havent had any sweets in the past 2 weeks and my cravings are basically gone. Several years ago I lost 20 lbs on the South Beach Diet and my sugar cravings went away then too, so I guess it is just an instinct for me to lower my carb intake? I haven't really mastered my plan yet haha.
  • NerdyXX
    NerdyXX Posts: 28
    I'm 5'2". My current weight is 145 lbs, down from 150ish. My goal weight is 120 or, if I can make it happen, 115 like I was in highschool. But I would be happy with 120. My maximum calorie intake is 1200 calories a day. Some days I come within 100 calories of it, some days I'll only eat 600 or so. Since throwing out all the bad things in my house, I find when I'm home on the weekends, I tend to eat better just because I don't want to get dressed to drive and get some gross fast food or something.
  • @Southern Girl-- No worries sweets! I was in your SAME boat this time last year. November of 2010 I weighed 170 pounds I lost 30 pounds with Jenny Craig but weighed 200+pounds after graduating college.

    I maintained 120-130 from June 2011 until present but still feel like I have some weight to loose, especially after the holidays!

    I would love to compete because I lift 3-5 times per week and need something to help keep me motivated :)

    Thanks for all the suggestions just was curious what others goals are what goals I should set.
  • riosmart
    Im 5'2 and I currently weigh 168.4, which is my HIGHEST weight EVER!! I lost about 30 lbs almost 2 years ago and I have obviously slacked on my health. I cut down my red meat intake, pop, and sugar, doubled my fruits and vegetables, and protein shakes are helpful. I also exercised 5 times a week but that included walks in the neighborhood with my dog and weight lifting. I am a little discouraged but the more I log my foods into my diary the more obvious it is that I need to keep going. My goal calorie intake in 1330.
  • I got down to 120 but had trouble getting past that point. When I weighed that I was cutting fruits and carbs pretty low and it was very difficult for me to maintain. Right now I think my BIGGEST goal is to achieve a balance. Looking to set realistic goals in 2012 that I can maintain.

    Sometimes I get nervous that when I have "off weeks" which I am not proud to say but those happen and I gain 5-10 pounds that I will be the same girl.

    However, it seems I am able in most cases to take the weight off, it's just not healthy for me when those cheat meals spiral into weeks.
  • kitkat9138
    I'm 5'1

    current weight 120, goal weight 110. I feel like my body refuses to go under 120. I have basically cut out all sugar (except fruit) and most breads. Main foods I eat are yogurt, peanut butter, sweet potatoes, chicken & fish, salads, sometimes ezekial breads. I've been doing 1200 cals/day for about 3 weeks.

  • Mocha02
    Mocha02 Posts: 96
    Im 5'1, I weighed 116 when I started getting serious about toning....I'm approximately 1131bs now and my goal weight is anywhere between 108-110lbs with muscular thighs, abs, arms, and back. Therefore, regardless of how many calories I burn, I try to keep it no more than 1340. Im looking into bikini competitions just to see how well I can do! :drinker:
  • Kit Kat -- I had that same problem. Was suggested to me to cut all fruit and breads but it was very difficult I felt hungry all the time and much more irritable with that low amount of carbs in my diet.

    @Mocha what does your diet look like? What has helped you stay lean?
  • russellma
    russellma Posts: 284 Member
    I'm 5'1" and my goal right now (just 2 lbs away!!! :happy: ) is just to have a normal BMI at 130.9, and then drop a few more to get to about 125, which will give me a little breathing room!

    My calorie limit is set for 0.5 lbs per week, which is right at 1360 per day right now. (I started at 1200 calories per day, but couldn't lose any weight until I increased it...Strange, I know!) I limit my carbs to around 150 grams per day because of hormone issues. I do tend to eat a lot of fats, mostly from nuts and dairy, and I don't really expect that to change, unless I have to. I exercise 30-45 minutes 6 days a week and eat back all but 100-200 calories.
  • cheezit355
    cheezit355 Posts: 4 Member
    i'm 5'2 and can have 1310 calories a day
  • Sweet_Potato
    Sweet_Potato Posts: 1,119 Member
    I'm 5'1

    current weight 120, goal weight 110. I feel like my body refuses to go under 120. I have basically cut out all sugar (except fruit) and most breads. Main foods I eat are yogurt, peanut butter, sweet potatoes, chicken & fish, salads, sometimes ezekial breads. I've been doing 1200 cals/day for about 3 weeks.


    Similar problem here. I'm 5'2" and have been stuck at 116 lbs for a while. I'd love to get down to 110 at least. I'm at 1200 cals/day and I eat pretty well, but I think I need to exercise more in order to make progress.
  • michelle225
    michelle225 Posts: 42 Member
    I'm 5'1" and I eat about 1200 a day. I'm currently 124 after getting to 121 before the hoildays... My highest was 154 in July 2010 and I've been working since then to lose the weight. My goal is 115 but like a lot of you have mentioned I'm having trouble getting below 120 and the weight is coming off sooooo slowly since I got to a normal weight. How much do you all lose per week on average? I'm starting to wonder if 115 is unrealistic. That's what I weighed in high school (I'm 27 now) but I was barely eating then so I'm not sure it's attainable while eating healthy.
  • Mocha02
    Mocha02 Posts: 96
    Kit Kat -- I had that same problem. Was suggested to me to cut all fruit and breads but it was very difficult I felt hungry all the time and much more irritable with that low amount of carbs in my diet.

    @Mocha what does your diet look like? What has helped you stay lean?

    I was told by one of the other MFPers that if I replace one of my meals with a low calorie protein shake, that will help me with fat loss and toning. So I've been doing that along with doing cardio and strength training exercises 5-6 days a week. I also eat a small salad as one of my meals. My only full meal is at the end of the day (hours before bed time).