Who is 5'1-5'2



  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    I am 5'2". I am set at 1200 calories, but I rarely get there. I have about 10 pounds to go for my goal weight. How about you?

    I hope you mean that you go OVER 1200 calories. There's no need for someone so close to goal to eat so little. Just my 2 cents.
  • hottottie11
    hottottie11 Posts: 907 Member
    I encourage those with less than 15 lb to lose to increase your calories. The less body fat you have to lose, the harder it is to get off. You basically have to coax the fat off lol. Its a slow process and I'm still working on it, but definitely eating more (and heavy lifting) and made the most dramatic change in my body in the last year.

    agreed 100%

    Don’t agree... My husband and I can usually drop 4% body fat and 5-10 pounds (15-20 for him) in less then 90 days at a 1000 calorie diet, exercising 6 days a week for 20 min alternating cardio and weights. Its the body for life workout plan and we do it every new year to tone up or after the birth of my children.... this time it happens to be to get off my baby weight. I already lost 11 pounds in less then 2 months and 2-3% body fat. That completely debunks your theory.

    Umm no...it doesn't "completely debunks my theory"

    How much muscle did you lose, my dear? It is a scientific fact (yea I know science scare people) that leaner individuals catabolize muscle as fuel when fat is scarce. Why? Because muscle is expensive (calorie-wise) to maintain....when fat is scarce it goes for the muscle, it occurs ESPECIALLY when the calories intake is very low. This will then result in a lower metabolism due to muscle loss.

    But do you darling, I have no interest in starving myself on less than 1000 calories a day when I can eat 1800+ and look like this
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    I'm 5'1" and my goal weight is 99 pounds but I'm unusual on here in that I don't weigh myself so I don't know what I am now and I won't know if I ever reach my goal (I doubt I will - 99lbs is just on the edge of healthy weight for me but my body doesn't like being that low) I imagine my current weight is around 112 - 115

    Well, why would you make a goal that your body "doesn't like?" Sounds rather unhealthy, no? Maybe you should make a goal that isn't nearly underweight and is easier to maintain.

    I try to eat clean (prob about 85-90%) and I generally stick to lean meat and fish, potatoes, corn cakes, fruit, veg and 0% greek yogurt. Starting to add in noodles and rice cakes though.

    At 5'1" I have been 80 pounds and 130 pounds and can certainly say that neither of those two extremes look good!! So I'm shooting for lower than the middle of that but not too low.

    glad you see that 80 was not healthy. I suspect you still suffer from disordered eating. Have you thought about counseling? Not trying to be mean, I see a therapist and it's rather helpful!

    Oh and I eat 900-1190 calories a day and don't eat back exercise calories (though I may start eating half of them once a week when I have a very heavy workout)

    This is NOT healthy, i think you know this. You're working out and eating less than someone who is sedentary, very old, and very very very short. I would recommend you upping your calories if you want to maintain a decent metabolism and be able to maintain for the long haul. Good luck with this. i really think you should reassess your goals.
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member

    you rock
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    Question for those who work out....

    So I'm 5'1 125 and trying to get to 105-110 with muscle tone. I've been going to the gym for a while just to matain since I once was 145. Anyway, I've really kicked up the intensity of my work outs. My goal is to do three 30min sessions of cardio EVERYDAY (900 cals burned) Plus I do 1-2hrs of weight training (300-500 cals burned) 5 times a week....

    So I started with 1200 as my goal, but with all the working out i eat around 1800-2000 a day and still hit my net. I actually moved my net to 1080 now because eating over 2000 makes me feel like a baby cow....but I read many times that I should eat back my exercise cals. I do try to eat healthy. Or at least I have been this year...December was a giant cheat month....:P

    What do u think? If I'm burning over 1000 calories a day is eating 2000 too much? Like yesterday I think I ate over 2,000 but stayed under my 1080 net goal due to all the working out....my legs are super sore today. ;)

    No it's NOT too much. I was eating 2100-2400 at 4'11 and ~100 pounds...23 years old and burning 700-800 calories a day. you are definitely not eating too much. I'd up your net back to 1200 and either workout less or just add some healthy fat to reach your calorie target without feeling like a "baby cow." (that's hilarious btw)
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    I'm 5'1 and am 134lbs. My highest, besides at the end of my pregnancy, was 165. I lost 35lbs from May to the end of August by eating 1200 calories. My goal is 120lbs and I net 1300 calories a day. I try to be a clean eater, but I love my carbs too much! I just try to get my daily goals of protein, and H20. Until I became pregnant I weighed 115-120lbs, but topped my pregnancy off at 194 lbs by not eating healthy.

    What does clean eating have to do with carbs? You can eat clean and eat carbs, they aren't mutually exclusive. quinoa, black beans, whole grain pasta, ezekiel bread.....all carbs and ALL HEALTHY!
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    I'm 5'1.5". My current weight is 106 and my goal weight is a solid 110. I origianlly set my goal weight at 105, but when I got there I decided it really was too low and am working on adding a bit of weight but putting it on slowly hopefully mostly in the form of muscle. I workout with kkettlebells 3 days a week, walk 2-3 days a week and do pilates once a week. I eat 1350-1500 calories a day.

    You're not going to "Add weight" eating 1350-1500 calories, you shouldn't have been eating that little to lose weight. By the look of your photo you're rather young and you're active. I can't believe you ever ate less than this. not being mean, just honest. To LOSE I don't even dip below 1600 and I'm 4'11 and ~100 pounds, 23 years old. You're surely just as active as I am.
  • tunktunk5583
    tunktunk5583 Posts: 76 Member
    I NEVER eat back my exercise calories. Some people do but me I want to get where I want to get and fast because I am not one for diet and exercising for longer then 90 days. If you do it right with the correct carb to protein ratio you can eat 1k-1200k calories a day and only work out for 20 min a day for 6 days a week with Sunday off and completely shred the body fat. If you want to have more muscle tone try and have an equal carb to protien ratio with portions the size of the palm of your hand at every meal. Example: You eat some yogurt and then a hard boiled egg for one meal. If you want to tone without bulking then do 3 sets of 20 on all your weights. If you want more muscle, up the weights with either 2 sets of 10 or 3 sets of 10 and up the protein at every meal. If you need more protein then look at getting a shake. You can do it however you would like. I would recommend checking out the bodyforlife website. They have all the f&q’s and its free.

    Why fast? I hate to tell you but it sounds like you're trying to starve and overwork your body. As soon as you stop "dieting" those pounds will just come back three times as fast...
  • alexis831
    alexis831 Posts: 469 Member
    I NEVER eat back my exercise calories. Some people do but me I want to get where I want to get and fast because I am not one for diet and exercising for longer then 90 days. If you do it right with the correct carb to protein ratio you can eat 1k-1200k calories a day and only work out for 20 min a day for 6 days a week with Sunday off and completely shred the body fat. If you want to have more muscle tone try and have an equal carb to protien ratio with portions the size of the palm of your hand at every meal. Example: You eat some yogurt and then a hard boiled egg for one meal. If you want to tone without bulking then do 3 sets of 20 on all your weights. If you want more muscle, up the weights with either 2 sets of 10 or 3 sets of 10 and up the protein at every meal. If you need more protein then look at getting a shake. You can do it however you would like. I would recommend checking out the bodyforlife website. They have all the f&q’s and its free.

    Why fast? I hate to tell you but it sounds like you're trying to starve and overwork your body. As soon as you stop "dieting" those pounds will just come back three times as fast...

    No they don't.... I have always staid around 114-117 pounds the only reason why I was up at 128 was because I just gave birth! I eat 6 meals a day, I don't "starve" myself, and the weight never comes back. I am working off my pregnancy weight gain which I only have 3 pounds more to go before my pre prego weight and my baby isn't even 3 months old yet.
  • FitnessDoll87
    FitnessDoll87 Posts: 45 Member
    Okay....well here's another exercise question...how do you track the calories you've burned during weight training? Cardio machines are easy because it tells you at the end of your work out...

    Weight training isn't so easy though...

    When I let MPF calculate the amount of calories i burned after 120 mins of weight training is said 340 calories burned.

    Some other online calculator that took my weight an height into consideration said 390 cals

    According to another table published by some reputable article said that a 123lb woman doing weight training for strength burns 4.4 calories per min, when during endurance training it's 5.8 calories/1min. So let's say I just round to 5cals/ 1min.

    Some other table said 6.6 cals/min

    According to MPF 120 mins = 340 calories
    Online Calculator 120 mins = 390 calories
    Table 1 says 120x5= 600 calories
    Table 2 says 120x6.6= 792

    Those are some extremely different numbers.....I think in the end I just rounded to 500....but JEEZ! WHAT GIVES! I wish I really knew....that way I can really determine how much is okay to eat....
  • tunktunk5583
    tunktunk5583 Posts: 76 Member
    Okay....well here's another exercise question...how do you track the calories you've burned during weight training? Cardio machines are easy because it tells you at the end of your work out...

    Weight training isn't so easy though...

    When I let MPF calculate the amount of calories i burned after 120 mins of weight training is said 340 calories burned.

    Some other online calculator that took my weight an height into consideration said 390 cals

    According to another table published by some reputable article said that a 123lb woman doing weight training for strength burns 4.4 calories per min, when during endurance training it's 5.8 calories/1min. So let's say I just round to 5cals/ 1min.

    Some other table said 6.6 cals/min

    According to MPF 120 mins = 340 calories
    Online Calculator 120 mins = 390 calories
    Table 1 says 120x5= 600 calories
    Table 2 says 120x6.6= 792

    Those are some extremely different numbers.....I think in the end I just rounded to 500....but JEEZ! WHAT GIVES! I wish I really knew....that way I can really determine how much is okay to eat....

    You should get a HRM! It calculates calories burned based on heart rate...it's more accurate (not 100% accurate but much much better!). Otherwise you'll drive yourself bonkers doing all that math ;)
  • alexis831
    alexis831 Posts: 469 Member
    I encourage those with less than 15 lb to lose to increase your calories. The less body fat you have to lose, the harder it is to get off. You basically have to coax the fat off lol. Its a slow process and I'm still working on it, but definitely eating more (and heavy lifting) and made the most dramatic change in my body in the last year.

    agreed 100%

    Don’t agree... My husband and I can usually drop 4% body fat and 5-10 pounds (15-20 for him) in less then 90 days at a 1000 calorie diet, exercising 6 days a week for 20 min alternating cardio and weights. Its the body for life workout plan and we do it every new year to tone up or after the birth of my children.... this time it happens to be to get off my baby weight. I already lost 11 pounds in less then 2 months and 2-3% body fat. That completely debunks your theory.

    Umm no...it doesn't "completely debunks my theory"

    How much muscle did you lose, my dear? It is a scientific fact (yea I know science scare people) that leaner individuals catabolize muscle as fuel when fat is scarce. Why? Because muscle is expensive (calorie-wise) to maintain....when fat is scarce it goes for the muscle, it occurs ESPECIALLY when the calories intake is very low. This will then result in a lower metabolism due to muscle loss.

    But do you darling, I have no interest in starving myself on less than 1000 calories a day when I can eat 1800+ and look like this

    Actually, I gained muscle and tone and my almost six pack is looking really nice right now. I usually struggle with gaining too much muscle most of the time so I eat more carbs and less protein and more sets at lower weights. I am not “starving” myself as I posted with the other poster I eat 6 meals a day most of the time and stay around 1000-1200 calories. Eating 6 meals a day, 1 every 3 hours, will jump start your metabolism and kick it into high gear. I just ate a slice of pizza and I plan on finishing out the day right out 1200 calories and that is after my oatmeal this morning, a snack with cheerios, my moca coffee, and I had and a great potatoes and cheese with broccoli lunch… dinner I think is pot roast. Now I don’t know about you but that doesn’t sound like someone who is “starving” themselves. Just good meal planning. That and getting your heart rate really high during your run also jumps your metabolism. Its not really that hard and I have a ton of muscle too, way too much for my liking so I am trying to tone it up and get rid of my bulky muscle. Don’t know many girls who can do 35 1-handed pushups. ;)
  • hottottie11
    hottottie11 Posts: 907 Member

    Actually, I gained muscle and tone and my almost six pack is looking really nice right now. I usually struggle with gaining too much muscle most of the time so I eat more carbs and less protein and more sets at lower weights. I am not “starving” myself as I posted with the other poster I eat 6 meals a day most of the time and stay around 1000-1200 calories. Eating 6 meals a day, 1 every 3 hours, will jump start your metabolism and kick it into high gear. I just ate a slice of pizza and I plan on finishing out the day right out 1200 calories and that is after my oatmeal this morning, a snack with cheerios, my moca coffee, and I had and a great potatoes and cheese with broccoli lunch… dinner I think is pot roast. Now I don’t know about you but that doesn’t sound like someone who is “starving” themselves. Just good meal planning. That and getting your heart rate really high during your run also jumps your metabolism. Its not really that hard and I have a ton of muscle too, way too much for my liking so I am trying to tone it up and get rid of my bulky muscle. Don’t know many girls who can do 35 1-handed pushups. ;)

    I'll starve, but if it works for you, go for it.
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    I have a ton of muscle too, way too much for my liking so I am trying to tone it up and get rid of my bulky muscle.

  • hottottie11
    hottottie11 Posts: 907 Member
    ^^ You can also gain muscle eating 1000-1200 calories a day apparently
  • calana
    calana Posts: 88 Member
    I'm 5'1 and currently am about 147 pounds, aiming for 110.

    I try to eat as clean as possible, usually I have a protein shake for breakfast, homemade protein bars or cottage cheese for snacks, some form of lean protein and complex carbohydrate with lots of veggies for lunch & dinner.

    I usually hit anywhere from 1,200-1,600 calories. Every once in a while I throw in a 1,700-1,800 calorie day in order to treat myself to something I'm craving and trick my system a little bit.

    Going to add a few of you fellow short ladies :)
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange

    Actually, I gained muscle and tone and my almost six pack is looking really nice right now. I usually struggle with gaining too much muscle most of the time so I eat more carbs and less protein and more sets at lower weights. I am not “starving” myself as I posted with the other poster I eat 6 meals a day most of the time and stay around 1000-1200 calories. Eating 6 meals a day, 1 every 3 hours, will jump start your metabolism and kick it into high gear. I just ate a slice of pizza and I plan on finishing out the day right out 1200 calories and that is after my oatmeal this morning, a snack with cheerios, my moca coffee, and I had and a great potatoes and cheese with broccoli lunch… dinner I think is pot roast. Now I don’t know about you but that doesn’t sound like someone who is “starving” themselves. Just good meal planning. That and getting your heart rate really high during your run also jumps your metabolism. Its not really that hard and I have a ton of muscle too, way too much for my liking so I am trying to tone it up and get rid of my bulky muscle. Don’t know many girls who can do 35 1-handed pushups. ;)

    Wow...not so sure about that. you're trying to "tone up" your muscle and "get rid of your bulky muscle." please elaborate.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    wow, just wow. I want to stick pencils in my eyes so that I can stop the absorption of bad information.
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    wow, just wow. I want to stick pencils in my eyes so that I can stop the absorption of bad information.
    that's a good idea. don't read this crap...what I would have "learned" if i didn't know any better.

    1) starve yourself and workout more--you can retain and even build muscle
    2) 1200 calories is the standard--less if you want good results
    3) being on the border of underweight and fighting your body is a great goal

    My goodness this is just sad!
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    wow, just wow. I want to stick pencils in my eyes so that I can stop the absorption of bad information.

    here you go darlin'
