Who is 5'1-5'2



  • alexis831
    alexis831 Posts: 469 Member
    I eat about 1000-1200 calories a day plus exercizing. I seem to be doing pretty well though and my BMI keeps going down! Don't need to change anything as of yet.

    GW: 105-110
    CW: 117
    SW: 128 (138 right before birth)
    Height: 5'1"
    Age: 29
    Sex: Female
  • Mocha02
    Mocha02 Posts: 96
    I'm 5'1

    current weight 120, goal weight 110. I feel like my body refuses to go under 120. I have basically cut out all sugar (except fruit) and most breads. Main foods I eat are yogurt, peanut butter, sweet potatoes, chicken & fish, salads, sometimes ezekial breads. I've been doing 1200 cals/day for about 3 weeks.


    Similar problem here. I'm 5'2" and have been stuck at 116 lbs for a while. I'd love to get down to 110 at least. I'm at 1200 cals/day and I eat pretty well, but I think I need to exercise more in order to make progress.

    Yes maam. Increase your intensity in your workouts.
  • TammiAcker
    TammiAcker Posts: 53 Member
    I'm 5'1, 5'2 on a good day (in heels, lol) My SW: 191 highest ever! CW: 161 so 30 pounds down and still at it! GW: 130. Once I hit that mark then I will try to lose more, but for now that feels like a stretch. I eat about 1200 a day and work out 5 days a week. Most of the time I don't eat back my exercise calories, but if I'm feeling indulgent or like I "earned/worked hard" for something I will. I tried eating clean, paleo diet, south beach, etc and I found I was a VERY grumpy and cranky person when I couldn't have something. So now I have to work hard for it and even then only have in moderation. Love Zumba, Running, biking, strength training...if any of those are the same for you feel free to add me! :)
  • Mocha02
    Mocha02 Posts: 96
    I'm 5'1" and I eat about 1200 a day. I'm currently 124 after getting to 121 before the hoildays... My highest was 154 in July 2010 and I've been working since then to lose the weight. My goal is 115 but like a lot of you have mentioned I'm having trouble getting below 120 and the weight is coming off sooooo slowly since I got to a normal weight. How much do you all lose per week on average? I'm starting to wonder if 115 is unrealistic. That's what I weighed in high school (I'm 27 now) but I was barely eating then so I'm not sure it's attainable while eating healthy.

    Increase the intensity in your workouts. Lift heavier...run harder...burn more calories.
  • CiciPorcayo
    CiciPorcayo Posts: 381 Member
    I am 5'2. My goal intake each day is 1230 calories... and I work out 3 times a week for about 30+ minutes then on the days I don't I do light, moderate pilates. lol ;) I do eat pretty clean. Majority of what I eat is, natural... nothing that comes in a box or bag unless its lettuce or yogurt.. plus I drink tons of water... 2 liters or more a day!
  • wendyprofit
    I am 5'3" and I eat 1200 calories a day or at least that's my daily goal. My high weight was 150lb and I'm down to 145lb as of this morning. I was down 10 lbs but slacked over the holidays and put it all back on. My goal is to get down to 125. It's gonna take some work, but I know I can do it if I just commit...WILL POWER!!
  • kitkat9138
    I know I could lose weight more rapidly if I started exercising more but I just have no desire..I can't stand the gym. no desire to go at all. I walk the dog at a fast pace, sometimes an hour an day, thats all I want to do! am i lazy? lol. Its winter here in Chicago, in the summer I love to get out and run the dog. So i'll probably start that in a couple months. I think my metabolism is just stuck and probably needs a boost. I generally have eaten healthy my whole life and have maintained 120 for the last few years.
  • rwillome
    I am 5'1 and now weigh 153, down from 164. My goal is 135 at age 51, lower cholesterol and BMI readings as well. When I was younger I went down to 120, but that is not a requirement to me now. My calories range from 1200 to 1440 depending on the day. When I just had it 1200 all the time, I quit losing, so I break it up now between higher calorie days and lower and started losing again. My goal is 1/2 to 1 pound a week. I gained a couple of pounds over the holidays to work off now though. I don't limit anything so I don't want to feel like I'm on a "diet", but my portions and choices are so much healthier now. I try to limit sugars and breads. Also, logging my food everyday makes all the difference for me to not have cheat licks, bites, and tastes adding up to way more than I should have to continue to lose weight. I am also adding in some walking/exercise to tone up and help the weight go down too.
    I'm glad you posted, as being on the short side, the pounds look like more than they are, at least on me it shows up right in my tummy! Good luck to you on your journey and glad to share with you!
  • tangal88
    tangal88 Posts: 689
    5'2" - for me no exact goal "weight" because scales are way to inaccurate to tell you true body composition. I have a range, about 10 lbs less then I am now. But I may change that.

    Rather I am aiming for rough bodyfat range, which I will reevaluate as I go also.

    I want good muscle definition, but softness, and some carving in the abs. getting close. :)

    Right now, I am at least one- two sizes "smaller" clothing wise, then when I weighed this weight before.

    Difference is, I have more muscle mass now, so I am leaner, tighter, more toned, and look better naked, then I did before
    Thats my goal. :)

    I am curvy, and have always weighed heavy, because of muscle mass from athletics.

    And I never wanted to get to the recommended "official" range for my height, as when I get there I loss my curves, and face looks gaunt. Smallest I have been is a Junior size 7, 120 lbs, and I don't like it. No curves, to many sharp edges. Size 8 is nice. I am 8/9 now. (Junior) But much firmer and tighter.

    I do not personally eat all clean. Thats not my goal, and I do not feel its necessary to get me where I want to be. I do choose nutrient dense foods options, so I meet my macro range, which for me, protein is the biggest concern. 40/30/30 is my rough range, my biggest concern is high enough protein levels. (1 gram per lb lean body weight)

    I do try to make good food choices, but we do eat some processed foods, sugar, white flour etc, and junk food on occasion. Just stay in our macro and cal ranges. I also have a free day once a week. I add food in my diary, but often good 1000 or more over, and may eat anything. Pizza, Theater popcorn and soda, whatever I am craving that day. Next day, back on track.

    Works well for me and my family, and we meet our cal goals, and are very healthy, and feel satisfied, not deprived. I have no forbidden foods or food groups in my diet. But do use moderation.

    I started MFP at 1200 cal, lost weight but stalled out, then slowly tried upping cals, staggering cals, eating more exercise cals, working out more or less etc. Changing things up.

    Nothing worked for more then a lb or two, then I would stall again. :(

    I now use the Olivia Method, which is MFP, but you just use it a bit differently, and that is working better for me I think. I currently eat about 1500-1600 or so cals a day, eating back some exercise cals. With the Olivia method, you track it more based on end of day, end of week amounts eaten/ left. I eat mostly the same all days, workout or not, except my free day.


    I lift heavy 3 days a week, 45-55 min. I have HIIT, or intense cardio for 45 min to an hour at least 5 days a week. I never goto the gym, I workout all at home. P90x, P90x2, and treadclimber are what I use and like now. But also have used and like Rushfit, Chalene Extreme, and others.

    I don't love exercise - but I LOOVE the results. You just make yourself do it - just like brushing your teeth. Its a daily habit.

    Its cool at 47 to have people think I am 35. LOL, and to shop in the junior dept, single digit sizes, and look good in swim ware.

    I typically workout twice a day, 5 days a week, once on day six, one rest day.

    Unfortunately, that seems to be the only way I am able to get the last fat stores off. I am older at 47, and have seen some studies that older women, need 60 min of exercise a day, just to maintain.....yuck. I have lost almost 60 lbs total over a few years, starts and stops here and there. Tweaking things as I go, to see what works for me.

    Anyway, this is what works for me. Not everyone of course.
  • Stoonloveskeith
    Stoonloveskeith Posts: 46 Member
    I am 5'2 and currently weight 199.4 lbs, yikes it is very scary to see that in writing :( When I started MFP a week ago I was 205 and I am consuming 1300 calories and working out every day (1800 calories with my exercise calories). I am completely embarrassed and humiliated that I look like this. I haven't told a single person I know that I am doing MFP, seems like when I tell people what I am trying to do, I put too much stress on myself to lose lots of weight because people are always watching me and I fail SO BIG. So trying something new here and so far so good. I really enjoy the community posts, they are extremely helpful and everyone is so pleasant, it's nice.
  • tinyjourney
    tinyjourney Posts: 198 Member
    I'm 5'1.5" and about 115lbs right now. My body is happiest at about 110lbs. I am eating about 1350-1500 cals a day, with higher levels of protein. I watch my sodium intake more than anything due to kidney stones.

    I'm currently recovering from surgery, but once I'm cleared I want to get back into the gym and back to heavy weight lifting. My goal is to do a recomp, shedding some fat for some muscle. What ever weight that makes me when I'm happy with my shape is good for me.
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    I'm 5'1. My "goal weight" is 125, which sounds stupid to me because I never weigh myself anymore, so I have no idea how close I am to that. I am a size 4/6 and have a small but quite muscular frame, so I have always weighed more than people think I do.

    At this point, I'm just working on losing body fat. I don't really care about weight, except as it relates to excess body fat. I do eat a pretty clean diet 90% of the time (meaning I do not deprive myself of "bad" food and drink when I'm out with friends, on a date, etc.). The only "traditional" (i.e. grain-based) carbs I eat come in the form of Total whole grain wheat flakes. I eat one serving for breakfast 5 days a week with blueberries, skim milk, egg whites, yogurt, and coffee. Mid-morning, I have a snack of more yogurt and more egg whites. For lunch, I usually have a small salad with either grilled chicken or tuna. Mid-afternoon, I have another snack, usually consisting of peanut butter (2 Tbsp of Jif Natural) and some almonds. For dinner, I eat some kind of lean protein (chicken, turkey, or fish, usually), vegetables, and salad. Then, I have more yogurt as a dessert/evening snack. I'm eating 1300-1400 calories a day.
  • ItsMeRebekah
    ItsMeRebekah Posts: 910 Member
    I Am.. my goal weight is 125-120ish .. i do 1200 cals a day
  • ItsMeRebekah
    ItsMeRebekah Posts: 910 Member
    I am 5'2 and currently weight 199.4 lbs, yikes it is very scary to see that in writing :( When I started MFP a week ago I was 205 and I am consuming 1300 calories and working out every day (1800 calories with my exercise calories). I am completely embarrassed and humiliated that I look like this. I haven't told a single person I know that I am doing MFP, seems like when I tell people what I am trying to do, I put too much stress on myself to lose lots of weight because people are always watching me and I fail SO BIG. So trying something new here and so far so good. I really enjoy the community posts, they are extremely helpful and everyone is so pleasant, it's nice.
    Everybody starts somewhere!! You are here doing it so dont feel anything but good abt yourself for wanting to change! =)
  • KStyleFitness
    KStyleFitness Posts: 46 Member
    I'm 5'2" with a goal weight of 110. I made it to 117 a few years ago and could not maintain. I gained most of my weight back!! I started at 160 and now at 141 so a long way to go. I exercise a lot! So I try and get between 1400-1600 calories, doing a low/high calorie cycle through the week. Once you hit a plateau, you should always change things up. Either what you are eating or your workouts. Keep the body guessing.

    Oh yeah, my pic is of me at 120. I want that back!!
  • hottottie11
    hottottie11 Posts: 907 Member
    I encourage those with less than 15 lb to lose to increase your calories. The less body fat you have to lose, the harder it is to get off. You basically have to coax the fat off lol. Its a slow process and I'm still working on it, but definitely eating more (and heavy lifting) has made the most dramatic change in my body in the last year.
  • atiffany1
    I'm 5"2 CW 126, SW was 133, and goal weight is 115. I try to eat very well. Lots of veggies in my diet.. I dont eat meat with every meal, usually once a day or every other day I will eat meat. I have cut out pasta, and foods I can absolutely live with out. Today was the first day I have had pizza in about 2 months. I have a bit of a sweet tooth every now and then so what I do is when I am really craving chocolate I'll have 4 hersheys kisses which is 100 calories. I try to eat 1200 cal a day but with the amount of veggies I eat It's very hard to eat that much. I haven't eaten very much red meat at all, maybe once in the last month. I have been doing tae bo,4-5 days a week and running 3-4 times a week. The tae bo is getting too easy so when I am done with it next week I will start 30 day shred.
  • tangal88
    tangal88 Posts: 689
    I encourage those with less than 15 lb to lose to increase your calories. The less body fat you have to lose, the harder it is to get off. You basically have to coax the fat off lol. Its a slow process and I'm still working on it, but definitely eating more (and heavy lifting) and made the most dramatic change in my body in the last year.

    agreed 100%
  • ktfitzgerald
    ktfitzgerald Posts: 369 Member
    I'm 5'1.5". My current weight is 106 and my goal weight is a solid 110. I origianlly set my goal weight at 105, but when I got there I decided it really was too low and am working on adding a bit of weight but putting it on slowly hopefully mostly in the form of muscle. I workout with kkettlebells 3 days a week, walk 2-3 days a week and do pilates once a week. I eat 1350-1500 calories a day.
  • MissFit0101
    MissFit0101 Posts: 2,382
    I'm 5'2 and my goal is my current weight of 110 lbs... but I'm focusing more on reducing body fat % now rather than the number on the scale.