WHY keep your food diary hidden?



  • SexyCook
    SexyCook Posts: 2,253 Member
    I didn't realize mine was set to private, it's viewable by my friends now. :smile:

    I think this is the case with most....of my pals when its brought to their attention...Most of them are open to better options for certain foods..Its a way to say or suggest everything...No hard done...We all know this is a lifestyle and what we need to do or eat to get better results...
  • dragonsheart84
    I keep my private because I feel guilty enough as it is. If it was opened to the world I would lie about what I was eating. I know what I should be eating and what I shouldn't be. I know I need to eat more fruits and vegetables well unless you are going to buy the fresh ones, guess what I can't afford them. i don't shove junk food down my throat and i do eat balanced meals but my snacks may not be what you consider healthy but dang it homemade banana bread is my favorite. DEAL WITH IT. This kind of post is why I do keep my private. I don't need anyone else judging my failures or mistakes. I do enough of that on my own. :P
  • swisspea
    swisspea Posts: 327 Member
    I'm accountable to myself.
    I'm just curious.....I understand if you want your page to be private. However, why keep your food diary private???? Do you do this....if so what's your reasoning? I personally think by making it viewable to friends that it hold you accountable. ;)
  • Nailrep
    Nailrep Posts: 966 Member
    I don't disclose my diary because I don't want to feel as though I'm answering to anybody else. I joined MFP to be accountable to me. Plus, I eat like crap sometimes...LOL,,
  • swisspea
    swisspea Posts: 327 Member
    Also, this:
    I have mine open to friends only. I have no desire for someone to push their ideas of what a diet means on me. I have seen too many others criticized (without asking for opinions mind you) for their choices. If I ask for help, then I will open it up and expect criticism. But unwanted, unsolicited advice pisses me off, so I keep it locked except to those I have grown to know and trust. My two cents.

  • OnionCookie
    OnionCookie Posts: 272 Member
    Because I don't need anyone other looking what I eat. I didn't come on here for people to hold me accountable because I do that well myself. If I louse up, I know it. I research and make my own decisions about what goes in my body. The last thing I need is someone criticizing me for taking a sip grapefruit juice because of "sugar" or eating non-organic tomatoes (this happened to me when I first started).

    I came on here to have a way to track my food and offer support to others who are trying to lose weight for whatever reasons they have. We're all on our own journey and that needs to be appreciated.
  • soccerchey1
    I have it locked because if I eat too much or too little I am ashamed and lie in my diary but when no one can see it I can make sure I hole my self accountable. Also, it is really hard for me to have others saying how good I'm doing when I'm really not doing too well.
  • DaniJeanine
    DaniJeanine Posts: 473 Member
    Let me start by saying that I actually have no interest in what other people are eating--I would never even think to check someone else's diary lol.

    As far as open or closed debate, it all depends on what motivates you. Some people are motivated by the fact that others can see what they're eating (helps to keep them in line--almost like the idea of working out with a group rather than alone) but food is a very personal thing, and some people just like it to be private. I've always been a healthy eater and I don't like anyone seeing when, what, or how I eat. That's just me. So the answer is this: because what's motivating & comfortable for one is not necessarily that for others. Plain and simple :-)
  • mandi791
    mandi791 Posts: 27 Member
    I have mine open to friends only. I am gonna stick to my plan, that's just the way I am. Cause I don't have to be on MFP. I am on here because I have a goal. I also think people would criticize me for eating too few calories. I am still trying to find a balance and I don't want people judging me.
  • Perseverance10910
    Perseverance10910 Posts: 26 Member
    go back to facebook. this **** is stupid
  • jillica
    jillica Posts: 554 Member
    I always thought people who had their diary public for 2 reasons - to be good examples to the rest of us OR they need help with their food choices.

    True - I can see how opening your food diary would motivate some people to eat better.

    I guess it just comes down to different personalities and different reasons why people are motivated.
  • catcrazy
    catcrazy Posts: 1,740 Member
    Mine is...

    1, Its a diary, i use the notes section...no one else needs to know or see when its TOM or my chest is bad and i'm back on steroids or when i'm really stressed out about things in my personal life...i make notes so i can look back and possibly see patterns in weight losses/stalls

    2, I'm only really accountable to myself, No point lying about anything if its only my eyes that see it. I may have been tempted to be less than truthful on a couple of very bad food days if it was public

    That is why mine is private and will likely remain that way
  • jrcox520
    jrcox520 Posts: 130 Member
    Your food diary is not a personal thing. It has nothing to do with accountability. You regularly eat the foods you won't show to your MFP friends in front of coworkers, family, and perfect strangers. Keeping your diary private is a matter of prerogative, nothing else. If you're worried about your MFP friends judging you, get new friends. If they do judge you, get new friends. My diary has been public since day one and no one has ever tried to push their advice and views on me unless I asked for it. Why is this such a big deal? Show it or don't, who cares - but IMO hiding only reflects the inevitable poor choices you aren't willing to own up to people who will likely look, or you own fear of being further critiqued without asking. Either way, it boils down to the same thing - get new friends. I liken it to someone who eats in private - a symptom common with eating disorders.

    And before someone on my friends list gets mad at me I also want to say that just because you chose to keep your diary private does NOT mean you aren't doing a great job and taking care of business. I just get tired of people getting all huffy about it being private and all that nonsense. We all eat, everything that lives also eats. Phooey on all this mess.
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    Mine is public (or it was last time I checked) and in close to a year on MFP, I don't think I've ever had a complete stranger comment on it...my friends sometimes comment or make suggestions, but never in a hurtful or derogatory manner. Maybe I just have awesome MFPals? :bigsmile:

    I like to look at my friends' food diaries at times to get new food ideas and trying out some new foods has helped through a few weight loss ruts. And if someone posts that they are struggling with a particular dietary issue and requests help, I might make a suggestion about the food intake--but it's ONLY a suggestion...why would I want to berate my friends for their choices, instead of supporting them? I do have several friends who keep their diaries private for various reasons and that's fine too--everyone has to do what works best for themselves.
  • jillica
    jillica Posts: 554 Member
    GREAT TOPIC! Great Discussion!
  • marbess1121
    I'm new to MFP, and I'm not sure if mine is public or not. However, I only need be accountable to myself. I don't concern myself with what others are eating. I do what works for me. I can only think of two reasons to peek at another person's food diary: 1. If that person is doing a great job at losing weight and you want to compare what they are eating to what you are eating, or 2. as a tool for making mean, rude, unhelpful comments. And yes, some people on MFP do that.
  • KandieLantz
    KandieLantz Posts: 424 Member
    I'm new to MFP, and I'm not sure if mine is public or not. However, I only need be accountable to myself. I don't concern myself with what others are eating. I do what works for me. I can only think of two reasons to peek at another person's food diary: 1. If that person is doing a great job at losing weight and you want to compare what they are eating to what you are eating, or 2. as a tool for making mean, rude, unhelpful comments. And yes, some people on MFP do that.

    I believe you may have forgotten 3. to GENTLY make suggestions that may help someone, some people on MFP do that too!
  • SusanMcAvoy
    SusanMcAvoy Posts: 445 Member
  • snowfox92
    snowfox92 Posts: 100 Member
    i dont log food and i dont want to be scrutinized if i do log what i eat. it's no one's business what i eat as long as im losing weight. and everyone would tell me i'm eating too little anyway. since i already know that i dont need to hear it over and over again.
  • jeffrey2584
    jeffrey2584 Posts: 88 Member
    its set to private by default.....most ppl dont realize/bother changing it.....