Why would anyone want to be “skinny”??!



  • ShrinkRapt451
    ShrinkRapt451 Posts: 447 Member
    First off: part of being an adult is recognizing that you have to own your choices, AND your results. Which means that sometimes you don't get to do whatever you want, whenever you want, because you don't want the results.

    You work to make money so that you can afford the things you need and want. Do you love your job every minute of every day? No. Do you go to work anyway? Yes.

    You get your car's oil changed and put new tires on it and occasionally do even more expensive and dramatic things to it so that you will not be stranded on the side of the road somewhere from something completely preventable.

    You don't walk out of a store with anything you care to have without paying because you would rather not be arrested, thanks.

    As for your food: consider thinking about what you have to GAIN if you make certain choices.
    Choice A: You are extremely strict with calories, work out for hours every day, and constantly deprive yourself. Predicted gain: low weight and probably fairly fit, AND resentful and angry (AKA: how you're apparently feeling right now).
    Choice B: You eat whatever you want, whenever you want it. You never deprive yourself. You work out only when you feel like it, and only for as long as you want. Predicted gain: satisfaction of eating whatever you want whenever you want, weight gain (mostly fat), loss of muscle tone and energy, increased joint and back pain, poor sleep, heart disease, diabetes, a variety of digestive complaints, feeling like food controls you... the list goes on. Left alone long enough, you get it all.
    Choice C: You eat what you want, but not in the portions it's regularly served in, and not as often as you do in Choice B. You find healthier alternatives to your faves. You exercise regularly but not for hours a day. Predicted gain: reasonable weight, reasonable fitness, consistent energy, more years free of diseases like diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease. Probably improved self-image and a sense of being capable of handling challenges and persevering, even when the going gets tough.

    So it's really up to you. You wanna eat what you want, when you want? Suck it up and accept that you get what comes with that when you're 30 and 40 and 50 and on. That's what being a grownup is about.

    Those of us who have already gone with Choice B for a decade or so have learned better, and are going with Choice C.