

  • lissypriss
    lissypriss Posts: 157 Member
    You don't live in a small town, do you?! Seriously, go out and meet new people! This borders on psychotic behavior. The best revenge is finding someone who puts you first--work on that.
  • iHEARTcardiacnurses
    iHEARTcardiacnurses Posts: 437 Member
    Grow up. Life isn't a soap opera. This isn't just an "OMG" situation. This has the potential to do real damage. Be the adult in the situation and walk away.


    Reading your story I suddenly has flashbacks of high school. Once you're old enough to vote, you need to grow up.
  • GoldenGirl1979
    GoldenGirl1979 Posts: 716 Member
    Truthfully... why would you tell her? WHAT WOULD YOU TELL HER?? that you were hoping to have his first Baby and he divorce her? You should accept he was playing with you... he is married.. you ned to check his *kitten* if he does it again. You are beautiful.. make yourself available so incase someone who IS available comes along you are ready. Sorry he played with your feelings.. but honestly you never should have considered it.. HE IS MARRIED! you didnt need proof on that... he wasnt being wishy washy he was trying to get some side *kitten*!

    ^^^^^ this!!! sorry girly... but, get over it, get over him & move on w/your life!! you are worth more than that!! find someone who wants to be with you and only you!! pls!!
  • vette49
    vette49 Posts: 96 Member
    Your karma is already messed up!!
  • CJKopp
    CJKopp Posts: 14 Member
    In my experience, do not tell her and stay far away from him! My first husband cheated on me and everyone knew and tried to tell me. It didn't help... When you are in the situation you can't see the forest for the trees, if you know what I mean. The only thing I can suggest is to totally block him out and I guarantee you when you do this, a wonderful feeling of self confidence will take over. A person that you are involved with is suppose to lift you and tear you down.....
  • scapez
    scapez Posts: 2,018 Member
    Yes, you were played to a degree - but this only happened because you allowed it to. Regardless of your feelings you should of immediately walked away when he got married. I understand that would have been difficult, but that's not the issue. The issue is doing the right thing and having pride in yourself.

    Bringing it to light to his wife and/or family will not only cause him trouble, but it will also call you out for what you have been, essentially an adulteress. You were a willing player in all of this, not an innocent victim.

    Find a way to build your self-confidence so that you won't be vulnerable to this type of situation in the future.
  • juleseybaby
    juleseybaby Posts: 712 Member
    Walk away. Stop reading his texts, stop taking his calls, and stop stalking his family on FB,etc. Just make a clean break, and go live your life. Sounds like you have been living your life for more. Get away from him,,,,,no more drama or wondering, and go live for you.


    Telling the wife accomplishes nothing but harm - and it will mainly hurt her, not him. Do not devote ANY more of your energy to this TAKER. That is what he is. No excuses you make for him are good enough.

    Even if he leaves her - don't take him back. If he cheated WITH you... he will cheat ON you.

    No - it will not be easy to let go - but you have to do it for you. :flowerforyou: Turn it around. You can do it.
  • Hottness4Lyfe
    Hottness4Lyfe Posts: 321 Member
    Okay.... You're hurt...and possibly broken hearted.... BUT!!!! He made her wifey... And if after 3 ymtimes of goin through this ... YOU ARE A JUMP OFF!!!!! To him at least..... Stop feedi g into this mess.... Jump into something bigger and better.... His as ain't worth it.....
  • DizzieLittleLifter
    DizzieLittleLifter Posts: 1,020 Member
    I know that its kinda childish and im not really looking to hurt anyone... BUT im sick of him hurting me... telling me 3 times he was going to leave her... 3 times he comes back to me... ive even known and loved this man longer. I want to tell her soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo bad.... but i dont wanna Fk up my Karma... any ideas how i can make this better ALL the way around? and please dont just say let it go.... if it was that easy.. i wouldnt be writing this lol thanks all

    He wouldn't be able to hurt you if you didn't allow him to. Don't respond to his efforts to contact you and let it go. Unless you two had a physical relationship I don't think it's worth hurting his wife. JM2C.
  • Journeyingascrystal
    Ohhhh this one is a a wife and a mother I personally would want to know....once a cheater always a cheater! I would want to know if my hubby was cheating....because if he is doing this with you who else is he doing it with? And if you turn him down there will just be more chicks that he will do this with. But the question is how to tell his wife???? Hmmmm...I think someone else replied to use telling his wife as a tool the next time he wants to hook up and I think that is a good idea. If he wants to hook up you just tell him to leave you the hell alone or you will tell his wife what has been going on. Good luck!
    But she is only telling because he DIDNT LEAVE.. if it were when he first reached out.. i could see that.. she is simply being spiteful at this point.
  • timadotcom
    timadotcom Posts: 674 Member
    what do u expect? he is obviously a liar and you are helping him in these lies? You think if you wreck their relationship somehow that will make you feel better. Maybe he regrets what he did with you and just wants to be legit with his wife from now on, people make mistakes and maybe he is trying to fix his mistake, if this is the case you are going to ruin everyone's lives.

    Perhpas you have never been a wife, perhaps you have never been cheated on, but i assure you, you will be in that woman's shoes one day ( having someone cheat on you) and you are going to hate yourself for doing what you did to that woman (cheating with her husband).

    You are not going to get any sympathy from me, relationships are freakin hard and instead of you helping to ruin one, why don't you help by walking away!! if he is an idiot for cheating, then what is your excuse for helping him cheat??!!

    karma is a b*tch, so watch out!
  • Secret_Agent_007
    ....once a cheater always a cheater!

    Completely disagree! Women always say that.
  • tannaleigh
    tannaleigh Posts: 188 Member
    If he wanted to be with you he would. He probaly just likes knowing you are always there when he isn't happy with her. move on with your life and make yourself happy. You think he would turn around and be with you after you outed him? definitely not.
  • heresmyinsidevoice
    heresmyinsidevoice Posts: 311 Member
    Oh and your karma is already Fd up. Big time.

    Oh please. How ridiculous is this comment? I'm not a believer in "karma" as injustice goes on all the time, so don't let people with their "magical thinking" doom you to bits. Silly.

    Anyway - alright, look at it this way. Say this guy does dump the wife and the kid who's not his (what a jerk)...what would stop him from doing the same thing to you further down the road if he gets a little bored? Nothing. If a slimeball like this is doing this to you now, chances are likely he'll do it again. Also - how do you know you're the only one he's playing this game with on the side? You don't know. He sounds like he's got his priorities only in one place - his pants. If I were you, I'd tell this *kitten* to go get some help and I would lose his number. You're a beautiful woman, and you deserve a man's devotion 100% - not this "whenever it's convenient for him". As for telling the wife or the family, that's not your place either. If that woman doesn't know just how slimy he is yet, she'll figure it out eventually. Just do yourself a favor and lose this guy's number.
  • cakeums
    cakeums Posts: 231 Member
    is this shyt for real? please tell me this story is made up. I sincerely hope I raised my daughters to be smarter than this!

    I wish we could "like" posts here.

    I'm with everyone else - you are just as guilty as he. You continued the relationship after knowing he was in one with someone else, after he got married, etc. He is just playing you, and you're willingly going along with it. Cut off all contact and be done with him.

    Btw, if he chooses to adopt his wife's child, then that's none of your business! Why do you even care?
  • Sherie13
    Sherie13 Posts: 250 Member
    I wouldn't bother to tell her, but you should change your number. That way he can't call you again. What's between them is between them. Just don't make yourself accessible to him anymore.
  • snookumss
    snookumss Posts: 1,451 Member
    I would tell him you don't intend on talking to him anymore... cut it off completely. ALSO... blackmail him (yes... blackmail) and tell him if you find out he ever plays his WIFE again you will tell her everything. She deserves to know if he can't be a man and be honest, but you are the enabler.
  • MummyHungry
    MummyHungry Posts: 82 Member
    Honey... he will never change. If he was with you, he'd cheat on you.
    Kiss his *kitten* good bye!

    This is the truth!
    Why hurt his wife, she's done nothing to you. You hope she'll throw him out but if she does you will end up wishing she never did.

    And this is the part I disagree with. The man has already hurt his wife. She just doesn't know it yet, and she deserves the truth.
    FITnFIRM4LIFE Posts: 818 Member
    scratching head.....Really!!!
  • Sh1tsRainbows
    Sh1tsRainbows Posts: 1,227 Member
    Walk away. Stop reading his texts, stop taking his calls, and stop stalking his family on FB,etc. Just make a clean break, and go live your life. Sounds like you have been living your life for more. Get away from him,,,,,no more drama or wondering, and go live for you.

    EXCELLENT STATEMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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