What is your tattoo, meaning and where is it?



  • fatty_to_fitty
    fatty_to_fitty Posts: 544 Member
    It means= nothing
    It looks= wicked
    Where is it= can't you tell

  • cindy4mica
    cindy4mica Posts: 777 Member
    On my wrist - Stars in each color of my kids' birthstones

    Behind my ear - A Mother's Day gift from my daughter (she got a matching one). It's the Zibu symbol for "nurture".

    On my shoulder - A heart and 5 footprints representing my children's journey from my heart, to wherever life takes them.

    On my neck/back - A tribute to my big brother who lost his life to Leukemia almost three years ago, and way too many years too soon. He played guitar for most of his life, and I'm certain he is now my guardian angel. I want to embellish it by adding larger angel wings on my shoulder blades/back, but I heard that area hurts like a bi*ch!

    I also have the Chinese symbol for "friend" on my foot (a group of us got it), and we don't need to talk about the meaningless "tramp stamp" I got just because I was stupid and thought it was a good idea. NEVER get a tattoo if it doesn't have meaning!
  • skateboardstef
    skateboardstef Posts: 164 Member
    I have a DNA tattoo on my right hip. I don't have any pictures, but it's about two inches long. I'm a total science geek and love genetics. I got it when I was 19, and now I'm 24 and working in the genetics field as cytogenetic technologist. Planning on getting a chromosome tattoo soon!
  • hwjssc
    hwjssc Posts: 194 Member
    I have One on my foot with my daughter's name and a ladybg..(she is my little ladybug) and on my shoulder I have Stars for family memers and my bestfriend that past away..I am wanting another ..:)
  • grobbygru
    grobbygru Posts: 295 Member
    I don't have one - but I just wanted to share one of my friends tatts with you as I think it is very meaningful.
    She suffers from Cystic Fibrosis and was the lucky recipient of a lung transplant last year. As a tribute to her donor she has the words "Every Breath Counts" and the date of her transplant tattooed across her lung area (on her side).
  • mommypennylane
    mommypennylane Posts: 67 Member
    My right ankle, it is 4 puzzle pieces and my daughters name, she has autism. Red, yellow and blue the colors for autism.

    My lower back, on the right side, two blue roses shaped to form a heart. No meaning, just turned 18 and wanted a tat. I will eventually cover it up probably.

    I also plan on getting one on my left ankle for my son, he has Tourette's syndrome. The tourettes foundation uses a man symbol that is hard to explain exactly but i plan on using them and have them holding up my sons name. Teal, the color they use in the tourettes ribbon.
  • The300and3plan
  • Cheshire00
    I have 1/4 sleeve of my version of Alice in Wonderland on my left bicep, I love AIW and it fits for me. When I was 16 we lost our home in a house fire and didn't have insurance. We ended up living in a tiny trailer with my brother and his daughter. It was like I had been thrust into this new world and had to find my way to adapt to it, it took almost a year to get our own home again.

    I have a trail going from my elbow to my wrist (wave, not straight down) on my left arm that says "Lord Grant Me Strength" in Gaelic with leopard spots all around it. I've gone through a lot in my life and I wanted that to remind me that God will never give me more than I can handle and that no matter how difficult the situation might be I will always get through it.

    I have the Celic knot for motherhood with four flowers around it that are colored in my sons birthstone colors on my left arm by my elbow

    I have mirrored images of a shamrock design on both my forearms from wrist to elbow, for my Irish heritage. There is a bit more meaning to that one but it's a tad personal.

    I have a design made of of four stars and flowers, it was for a baby we had by miscarriage. The stars represent the month s/he was due and they're colored in the birthstone color that we lost him/her, I have that on by my wrist on my left arm.

    I have a small tattoo by my right wrist that when you first look at it it looks like a butterfly but if you look closer it's actually a cats face, for my obsession with cats. They've always been attracted to me even as a child. Strays would show up alllll the time at my house.

    I have a tribal/shamrock design on my upper back, I'm getting "mother" in Gaelic tattooed between the points under it. It represents my mother whom I love dearly

    Most of my tattoos make up 3/4 of my left sleeve. I have intentions of getting my sleeve finished in the near future and then starting on my right arm.
  • liftingbro
    liftingbro Posts: 2,029 Member
    Not the best picture but this is a family tatoo. Our last name is Crow, so all the males in family get a crow tattoo someplace.
  • PinkEarthMama
    PinkEarthMama Posts: 987 Member
    I have a phoenix on my right hip that symbolized " coming out of the ashes " after recovering from self harm / anorexia. When I hit goal weight, I am getting it retouched and a flower design done around it.
  • _Kate_P
    _Kate_P Posts: 132
    I don't have any yet, but I have every intention of getting at least two! I want one on my lower stomach (little to the left of my right hip bone) of the dandelion blowing in the wind and the little puffle things turn to birds. For the second one, I want something meaningful written on the back of my neck. For that one though, I want to wait until there is something tha I find super meaningful to me to get it done. But I don't want any that signify relationships (apart from family) because things change and I don't want to be stuck with an exs name or something that reminds me of him
  • xosmsox
    xosmsox Posts: 119
    My tattoo is my back piece, a tarot card Symbolizing passion, rebirth, new beginnings. It's my profile pic actually but quite far from done
  • kvandenbush
    I have three tattoos already. and plan to finish one of them.

    First was when I was 18, it is a chinese symbol for love. Love is a huge blessing in my life and it was a time in my life where I learned to love myself first.

    2nd one is a day lily with swoopy lines and stars on it. It is on my left side and I plan to add a butterfly and more lines/shading etc. to complete it. this is a design made for my grandmother to passed away too soon and a butterfly flew up from her grave so that is why I want this...

    3rd I got after I discovered my true passion in life. It says "No me dare por vencido" There is an accent above the "e" on dare. It means.. "I will never give up on myself" in Spanish. It is on my right side ribs where your bra sits.
  • offthewall8704
    My first tattoo I got when I was 18, It's a sparrow that i drew, and it's on my left foot. A Sparrow teaches us to use our creativity to get around in life. I've been a artist all my life so that's why I got this on.

    The one on my chest, as you can see in my profile pictures says "The pain passes but the beauty remains" I got it right after my 20th birthday, I've suffered with chronic migraines ever since i was little and i've gone through 5 different surgeries. Every time i look at my tattoo it's a constant reminder that I can get through anything.

    I'm in the process of getting a full sleeve. My artist is working on the drawing right now and I hope to get it before my birthday in may!
  • missigus
    missigus Posts: 207 Member
    I have one that I designed myself. It's a stained glass dragonfly on my lower back. I got it in my mid 30's after going thru a tough time in my life. Losing my father and brother within one years time. The dragon fly represents self realization, emotional maturity, and an understanding of the deeper meaning of life. Also, power and poise and the ablity to accomplish any objective with the utmost simplicity.

    I plan to get one more very small one on the inside of my wrist that is a sun, moon and lightning bolt combined. It will honor those in my life who have passed on. The sun represents my mother who believed in astrology and practiced it, the moon is my father who had amazing pull in my life, and the lightning bolt is my brother who was full of energy, and was sadly enough, taken by a bolt of lighting and killed. I have it drawn out, but just need to get in and get it done.

    So, thats mine and the meaning behind it!
  • krystonite
    krystonite Posts: 553 Member
    My tattoos don't have meanings. At least nothing deep.

    Angel wings on the inside of my left wrist, hummingbird on my left forearm, Pi symbol on the inside of my right wrist, power-on button on my right tricep, and the NY Yankees symbol on my right ankle.
  • vaderandbill
    vaderandbill Posts: 1,063 Member
    This tattoo on my right right shoulder is for my sons. Beneath each name is their Zodiac. Eric is a Taurus and Evan is a Virgo. Sorry for the close up but it is the best I could do by myself.

    I also have a wolf howling at the moon just above my left shoulder blade because "I'm a one man wolfpack". But really, I just like wolves.

  • marsts
    marsts Posts: 85
    On my right wrist I have the word "love" written in arabic, I got it when i was 17 (at an amazing shop...only reasoni was allowed to get it done before i was 18 was because my brother was friends with all the owners and employees)... I got it a week after someone I knew had committed suicide, but i wasnt close with them, i just care a lot about that cause and it hit home. so I got the word love on my wrist because of To Write Love on Her Arms, which is an organization that helps with depression, addiction, and suicide and once a year they have a day where they get everyone to write love on their arms to gain awareness...but i thought why not have it on my arm everyday ofmy life? And it's arabic because my mom's side ofthe family is arabic.

    My second tattoo I got a month after I turned 18. It's a hummingbird with a penstemon flower. I wanted the hummingbird because its A)my favourite bird, b) is the only bird that can fly in one spot c)i wanted a bird or a feather to represent flying away, and all that jazz because it represents me turning 18 and my first tattoo that i legally could get. and d)to me it reminds me not to always take life so fast paced and just to smell the flowers every so often.

    My next tattoo (i make yearly trips tovisit my brothers in illinois, i neverget tattooed anywhere else) will be ETF 1 which is the letters/number that wastattooed in my cats ear. so im getting that behind my ear since he passed away after being my cat sincei was 1 until i was 17. along with the year he was born and died, and a paw print.
  • misskerouac
    misskerouac Posts: 2,242 Member
    Swallows - one on each rib. For the traditional sailor meaning, swallows always find their way home.

    Virgo sign on my hip - I'm a Virgo, duh

    Triquetra - back of my neck. Liked what it stood for (not religious)
  • Purpleflipflops
    Purpleflipflops Posts: 563 Member
    This is a pic from right after I got it... My favorite quote from one of my favorite people...
    "We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and exploring new things, because we are curious, and our curiosity leads us down new paths"