Why are people so obsessed with subway!



  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    It is just fast food in a tiny disguise. Every time I walk past the place and its putrid smell hits by nostrils I gag.

    Why do you like subway? Is it just because it is convenient?

    **Obviously this question hit a sore spot with some people. I am not judging people food choices, it is a legit question.
    I bet there's a food you love that I find disgusting, but I would never question why you like it. Personal taste is personal taste.

    There most definitely will be a food I eat that you don't like. I can question people it doesn't mean I am judging.
    "It is just fast food in a tiny disguise. Every time I walk past the place and its putrid smell hits by nostrils I gag."

    Nope. Not judging at all.

    OK. Were are you from America? Obviously my way of talking has not translated well via a forum. I bow down and sincerely apologise. It is a personal statement.

    Yes, I were are from America.

    A personal statement would end with, "I just don't like Subway." When you go on to ask why others do, prefaced with the statement that you're basically disgusted by it, you come off as very judgmental, no matter the country you're from.

    I have known many, many people from Canada, England and Australia who seem to be able to communicate in person and on forums without coming across as telling others that their personal preference for food is horrible.
  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
    Damn those people clap fast. What are they on... crack? Meth?
    Too much Subway.
  • sarahp86
    sarahp86 Posts: 692 Member
    I don't eat that garbage anymore. I'd rather go to McDonalds and get a salad than eat at that place.

    Going to macdonalds for a salad is like going to a brothel for a hug!
  • hailzp
    hailzp Posts: 903 Member
    OK. Were are you from America? Obviously my way of talking has not translated well via a forum.
    Wow. Where in the English-speaking world is "At least you would be being honest with yourself if you ate McDonalds." not judgmental? :laugh: Someone from the UK, South Africa, Australia... help me out here.

    I knew that would get the incorrect interpretation. I was referring to my original post where you first took offence. My way of talking about the smell.
  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
    A personal statement would end with, "I just don't like Subway." When you go on to ask why others do, prefaced with the statement that you're basically disgusted by it, you come off as very judgmental, no matter the country you're from.
    This is precisely why OP got the reaction she got.
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    You say that you are just legitimately asking and not judging anyone, but with comments like "At least you would be being honest with yourself if you ate McDonalds" that implies judgment, as though we're only going to subway to convince ourselves that we're being healthy when we obviously aren't. It all depends on what you order and how it fits into your own personal nutrition goals.

    Why are you making a divide? I don't catergorise people according to whether they eat subway or not. That is silly. I am sticking with my argument to spark a discussion, Which is obviously impossible here because people feel personally attacked. Not my intention. I can say that subway is a fast food place because that is what I believe. And that's O.K because we live in a society where I can apparently exercise my right to free thinking. I am in no position to judge anyone, I am overweight and that didn't come from eating salads did it.

    I think you are creating a divide. I don't equate McDonalds to Subway. Although BOTH have healthy and unhealthy choices. But guess what? So does your own home 90% of the time. The only way I compare the two is the fact that you can receive your food relatively fast.
  • Melk967
    Melk967 Posts: 55 Member
    People eat there and like it because its fast and compared to almost every other fast food restaurant, it offers truly healthy options. And sodium is in pretty much any processed food in extreme amounts now a days. Even things you wouldn't expect it in. It's not like subway is the only one guilty of that. Not everyone can eat home cooked meals all the time. I don't know what you mean by people being obsessed with it.... Maybe if they're trying the jared thing hahaha.

    Subway is pretty subpar (ha) compared to other sub places though. Penn station is the best I've had :)
  • sarahp86
    sarahp86 Posts: 692 Member
    OP is a troll obv,

    Rude much?

    OP is most definitely not a troll! She's a very supportive friend!!

    She is entitled to her opinion and if you don't like it don't read it!!
  • hailzp
    hailzp Posts: 903 Member
    It is just fast food in a tiny disguise. Every time I walk past the place and its putrid smell hits by nostrils I gag.

    Why do you like subway? Is it just because it is convenient?

    **Obviously this question hit a sore spot with some people. I am not judging people food choices, it is a legit question.
    I bet there's a food you love that I find disgusting, but I would never question why you like it. Personal taste is personal taste.

    There most definitely will be a food I eat that you don't like. I can question people it doesn't mean I am judging.
    "It is just fast food in a tiny disguise. Every time I walk past the place and its putrid smell hits by nostrils I gag."

    Nope. Not judging at all.

    OK. Were are you from America? Obviously my way of talking has not translated well via a forum. I bow down and sincerely apologise. It is a personal statement.

    Yes, I were are from America.

    A personal statement would end with, "I just don't like Subway." When you go on to ask why others do, prefaced with the statement that you're basically disgusted by it, you come off as very judgmental, no matter the country you're from.

    I have known many, many people from Canada, England and Australia who seem to be able to communicate in person and on forums without coming across as telling others that their personal preference for food is horrible.

    OK. Much more awful things happening in the world than me saying I don't like the smell of something. I do find it gross but that is my personal opinion, if someone finds this offensive then it isn't my problem. In the future I will tone down my sentences. I wouldn't want to upset people.
  • zorbaru
    zorbaru Posts: 1,077 Member
    I LOVE Subway. Its so tasty. Not sure what it is.

    Foot long BMT on Cheese bread - just over 1000 calories...... no wonder I have a weight problem! lol

    6" steak and cheese on white bread. 385 calories.

    nothing wrong with that.
  • SnuggleXPuff
    SnuggleXPuff Posts: 22 Member
    My boyfriend manages a gas station that has a Subway in it so every now and then we get a free lunch from his friends there. That and I have a sweet spot for their Turkey breast sub.

    I really don't eat there other than that though.
  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
    OK. Were are you from America? Obviously my way of talking has not translated well via a forum.
    Wow. Where in the English-speaking world is "At least you would be being honest with yourself if you ate McDonalds." not judgmental? :laugh: Someone from the UK, South Africa, Australia... help me out here.
    I knew that would get the incorrect interpretation. I was referring to my original post where you first took offence. My way of talking about the smell.
    Ah... Does "putrid" mean something else where you are from?

    Imagine if I posted something along the lines of...

    "Why are people obsessed with English food? Every time I go to London, and the putrid smell hits my nostrils, I gag. Why do you like English cuisine?"

    Think that would go over very well with folks in England? By making it clear that I find it disgusting, and then asking why anyone would like it... I've set up the conditions for a ****storm.
  • _Timmeh_
    _Timmeh_ Posts: 2,096 Member
    Mmmmm I would kill for a Spicy Italian on IItalian Herb & Cheese right about now.
  • philOHIO
    philOHIO Posts: 520 Member
    A Subway sandwich can be whatever you want it to be. It can be healthy or not. You can choose lower sodium options, lower fat options, lower calorie options -- completely customizable.

    this! Subway doesn't pretend to be anything! They have that big yellow oval that says which subs are low fat and healthy. Plus, you can always get any sub as a salad. I also know Jared Fogle, and seen the results healthy eating and exercise can produce. It's not that people are obsessed with Subway, but as far as fast food goes, it is among the best choice!
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    OK. Were are you from America? Obviously my way of talking has not translated well via a forum.
    Wow. Where in the English-speaking world is "At least you would be being honest with yourself if you ate McDonalds." not judgmental? :laugh: Someone from the UK, South Africa, Australia... help me out here.

    I knew that would get the incorrect interpretation. I was referring to my original post where you first took offence. My way of talking about the smell.

    Let me explain this to you. You don't like Subway. The taste or the smell. Which is your right and I don't care if you do or don't. But you can't see past your own nose to realize that others have different tastes than you do. You don't like it, so you need to ASK why others do because you're so stuck in your own little world that you can't understand how someone else could like something that you don't like.

    That's why people are offended.

    I don't like seafood or fish of any kind. The smell or the taste. Never have. But I have never wondered or asked why someone else does. Because I understand that other people in the world are not my clones and they like what they like.
  • bbbgamer
    bbbgamer Posts: 582 Member
    You want to exercise your right to free thinking and you are serious, you are curious as to why people like subway? BS, I am glad Socrates, Plato and Aristotle were able to think on a much higher level.... The smell of troll makes me gag........
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    I think subway smells great, especially compared to other burger joints!

    I wouldn't eat there every day - but at a family trip to teh mall, where we are all choosing what to eat in the food court, and some want burger king, and other KFC, and I have the option of a subway, well, I know what I'm, going for!
  • BigDaddyBRC
    BigDaddyBRC Posts: 2,395 Member
    Quick, Simple, and just as healthy as any other HEALTHY choice you put on it. if not, youre doing it wrong
  • iamstaceywood
    iamstaceywood Posts: 383 Member
    So, I love subway. It's high sodium. Yup. So is lots of other stuff. *Gasp!!* I don't eat clean ALL THE TIME!!! I eat vegetables from peru and mexico. I don't grow all my own food. And I work full time and go to school full time and have four kids. Can you imagine that sometimes I don't pack my own fresh made sandwiches with home roasted turkey and fresh baked bread, with no bleached flour or white sugar of course, and my own vegetables from my garden, with of course no mayo or cheese. I'm such a barbarian. Oh, and I sometimes eat SmartOnes Mini Pepperoni Pizzas. :noway:
    Oh, and McDonald's Southwest Chicken Salad is very tasty, with grilled chicken. :huh:
  • bbbgamer
    bbbgamer Posts: 582 Member
    My boyfriend manages a gas station that has a Subway in it so every now and then we get a free lunch from his friends there. That and I have a sweet spot for their Turkey breast sub.

    I really don't eat there other than that though.

    I have a sweet spot for breasts, period...