At what price do we eat meat?



  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    When people say they were unhealthy, anaemic, had vit B12 deficiency (seriously? I have NEVER heard of that one anywhere but here, and I know many many vegetarians), it is clear they just weren't doing it very well. If you eat junk, you'll be unhealthy. Doesn't matter if that junk is vegan or not. If you eat healthily, you won't get deficiencies. The fact hat most vegans manage perfectly fine and are in fact of above average health pretty much clinches that one.

    I thought I made it pretty clear that I wasn't paying attention at all to what I was eating. As a sophomore in high school I don't think I had a clue what was going on xD

    You can still get deficiencies eating healthy. If you track your food it can help to show you what you are lacking and what to fix, but if not then it can be hard to see what your diet actually looks like. Low potassium and low iron is not uncommon at all
  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
    $8.99/lb is about the price for meat.
    I got a good deal on chicken the other night as well. The price I pay for meat really depends on what sales are going on at the stores. I love meat!
    I also got some boneless skinless chicken breasts for $1.79 a pound last night! :love:
  • rrrbecca11
    I think it's great we have both meat eaters and vegetarians. If everyone was vegetarian, we'd put a huge strain on the soil in which we grow things to produce all of this vegetarian food. If everyone were meat eaters, we'd put a huge strain on the animal population to sustain us. With a mix, things can be a little more balanced out.

    Sometimes eating meat is a good thing. When we have to cull a type of prolific animal (such as deer and wild hogs) so that they don't become too overpopulated, bringing disease and destruction, isn't it better to eat what we kill rather than let it rot on the side of the road? I think so.

    There is already a huge strain on the soil to grow the plants to feed the animals we eat!
  • Slugsasarus
    Slugsasarus Posts: 76 Member
    You think Food Inc is bad? Try Earthlings. Hope you have a strong stomach :(
  • artemis222
    artemis222 Posts: 390 Member
    I don't care if you are carnivores, omnivores, vegan, vegetarian, omnomnom-igan, but I get pissed of at anyone who's self-righteous about being so.

    I have not seen the movie, and I really don't care if I do or not. I don't approve of the practices of SOME of our food producers in this country. I'm not going to stop eating meat because of it. Growing up in a farm community you realize that most farmers are NOT cruel to their cattle. If you hate it that much there are some places you can go to and get an entire side of beef the farmer butchers himself. You can see the type of environment they live in etc etc before hand if it makes you feel better.

    I personally prefer to buy my meat from a local butcher whose practices I know, or from an organic market with field grass-fed beef.

    On a side note of documentaries, these movies are made to show you ONE side. The director's point of view only. Before you really get up in arms about any documentary make sure you do research on all sides. This is just my opinion of all opinion-based media in general.

    Side, side note...Why do there seem to be an influx of Veggie vs Meat threads about? O.o
  • rrrbecca11
    As to the Biblical right to eat meat, the Genesis quote is this:

    Genesis 1:29

    "And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; TO YOU IT SHALL BE FOR MEAT."

    There are verses in the Bible which pertain more to eating meat, but is this the Genesis verse ya'll were referring to? Because if it was, then THIS VERSE says to me that we are intended to eat plants. :)
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    Food Inc isn't even that bad. Try watching Earthlings sometime. I didn't even make it through the trailer.

    Oh, and about that local family farm, except for chickens, those animals have to be slaughtered in a slaughterhouse, not on the pretty farm you may be imagining.

    Sorry, but the meat I get is slaughtered in the basement of the farmers home.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    So little Cody is becoming a vegetarian too then?
  • rbryntes
    rbryntes Posts: 710 Member
    You think governors and senaters and the president eats the kind of meats we do? Haha doubt it..

    Back when he was the Senate Majority Leader, I used to see Bill Frist in the Chipotle here in DC, so I'm pretty sure he and I ate the same kinds of meats on a semi-regular basis.
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    I don't care if you are carnivores, omnivores, vegan, vegetarian, omnomnom-igan, but I get pissed of at anyone who's self-righteous about being so.

    I have not seen the movie, and I really don't care if I do or not. I don't approve of the practices of SOME of our food producers in this country. I'm not going to stop eating meat because of it. Growing up in a farm community you realize that most farmers are NOT cruel to their cattle. If you hate it that much there are some places you can go to and get an entire side of beef the farmer butchers himself. You can see the type of environment they live in etc etc before hand if it makes you feel better.

    I personally prefer to buy my meat from a local butcher whose practices I know, or from an organic market with field grass-fed beef.

    On a side note of documentaries, these movies are made to show you ONE side. The director's point of view only. Before you really get up in arms about any documentary make sure you do research on all sides. This is just my opinion of all opinion-based media in general.

    I just want to say, you are awesome. This is 100% how I feel.
  • RyanDanielle5101

    I really want to eat this right now

    It's all just a matter of opinion, you eat your way and I’ll eat mine!! However it is my god given right to eat meat. No need for anyone’s underwear to get in a bunch!

    Some countries still eat dog, (while I could never do that) it is all just a matter of opinion:)
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member

    Side, side note...Why do there seem to be an influx of Veggie vs Meat threads about? O.o

    We are upping the offensive.
  • jennajava
    jennajava Posts: 2,176 Member
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    $8.99/lb is about the price for meat.

    I got a good deal on chicken the other night as well. The price I pay for meat really depends on what sales are going on at the stores. I love meat!

    However, if you bought said Chicken at a regular grocery store, you are supporting the likes of Tyson, Perdue and Cargill.

    They are factory farmers that are abusive and out right barbaric to the animal before it is slaughtered.

    Those animals live and die in fear and that is transferred over to us in their organs and muscle, which is what we eat.
  • megscole64
    I think "meat eaters" get all up in arms about vegetarians because most of the ones we come across are self righteous and judgmental about my choice to eat meat. Vegetarians seem to think that they are making the "better" decision and look down on neanderthals like me who still eat meat. That is what gets me annoyed. I have a family member who is a vegetarian (vegan) and he is so obnoxious and thinks he is so much more enlightened than the rest of us.

    I don't care what you want to eat. Just let me eat my food the way I want's called freedom.
  • jennajava
    jennajava Posts: 2,176 Member
    So little Cody is becoming a vegetarian too then?

    THEY can eat each other, but WE can't dare assume we're important enough in the food chain to eat them, too. Try to keep up!
  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
    You think governors and senaters and the president eats the kind of meats we do? Haha doubt it..
    No, they eat unicorn meat. Either way, who cares what they eat?
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member