Sixers Spring Clean Challenge Week 4



  • pettmybunny
    pettmybunny Posts: 1,986 Member
    Hey ya'll! Good weekend here... But like you Rhiannon, I've got another cootie cold as well. It was holding steady all week, not too bad, just a sinus and sore throat thing. Today we went sledding at a ski hill about half an hour away with one of the swim teams. It would take me 5 minutes each time to climb that hill. Felt like it was straight up! Beautiful day for it though, was mid 40s to 50ish, clear blue skies, no wind. I dressed too warm, and ended up taking off the middle sweatshirt layer. And drove home with the cool air blowing instead of heat! lol... Unfortunately, now my head feels worse than it did all week! Along with that, my son started feeling punky part way in (I was blaming it on the fact that he fell off his sled, and instead of walking the rest of the way down the hill, he rolled down and got dizzy. Well, we came home, and he was still complaining of not feeling good, took his temp, and he's over 101... So, we missed the high school swim team banquet tonight. I'm sorry we didn't go, they take a moment to recognize each of the swimmers, so it would have been nice to hear what they had to say about him... I still sent in my jello salad, I made 12 boxes worth, so what would I have done with all that?!?! I made it with sugar free jello, diet vernors, and cool whip free, so I think for 1/2 cup servings, it would only have been about 35 to 50 calories.

    Well, even though I've spent since about 6 pm sleeping on the couch, I'm still tired, so I'm off to bed... Have a good night ladies!
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member

    oh bunny...hope you and son feel better real soon. when i went to doc last week he was telling me that the cold/flu combo is lasting 2 weeks. he said he had it and there isn't anything you can do for it. said it was a stange combo deal, like 2 for 1. :laugh:
    tiff....glad you had a great time.
    connie...what a gym rat you have become LOL :laugh: good for you. the best kind there is.:flowerforyou:
    pedal...yea for getting yourself back at it.
    kistin...hope you had a great weekend.
    rose...put down what ever you are eating that you shouldn't be....:wink:
    same goes for you shanell....
    amylou.....cheers to a great workout...
    cass....calling calling cass....
    pdx....have you gotten your tests results back yet??? how you feeling?
    anyone that i missed...hope you have a great day

    nothing planned for today. just the normal monday things, clean house, laundry. need to get my workout down and start my day.

    later :heart:
  • connieq288
    connieq288 Posts: 1,102 Member
    I did step class today. She did intervals today and I still burned 607 calories. Im not using a riser right now on my step because I had just gotten used to using one when I missed a whole month so I am trying to get back into the hang of it. I figure by next week I should be able to add my riser back in. So right now I am trying as best as I can to really get a good workout when I do my step class. Tomorrow will be less of a calorie burn because its bellies, booties and biceps. I like how they change up the classes that way I am getting a different kind of workout each day.

    I hope everyone had a good weekend. Chipper I always look forward to seeing your post in the morning. Glad you are a morning person.

  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    go connie go connie. good job.

    boy, quite around here today. DH just now got up. so i can finish my vacuuming and that finishs my cleaning. yea.... been waiting for him. he must have been tired.

    later :heart:
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member

    i started the new tread for tomorrow. it sure is mightly quite today. i hope that doesn't mean everyone is afraid of admitting they aren't doing well. we all have those days.....come and report, confess. it really does release the fear and guilt.

    see you at the gym tomorrow connie :wink: we can do this. i love the feeling of a good workout. hope everyone has a good night. see you in the morning....:drinker:

    later :heart:
  • nellienell12
    nellienell12 Posts: 325 Member
    Good evening. I've been off the wagon for this week. Going to get back on tomorrow. I promise!!!! Today has been a weird eating day. I'm not hungry one minute and starving the next. Plus TOM is due soon and think that explains the weird eating habit. I've also been busy around the house trying to reorganize things here and there.
    Went to work and was heating up our lunches then got a phone call from the school that Starr, the youngest, was throwing up, so we had to leave at lunch and go get her, and since it was close to the end of the day for them, picked up her sister too. Starr took a nap for a couple of hours and is all better. I guess that's what we get for eating McD's yesterday.:blushing:

    Well, tomorrow's a new day, need to make a menu plan and shop for it. Didn't work out today, because I know the kids have been wanting to walk home from daycare, so I was going to walk this afternoon till I realized that it was going to be pouring all day. Hubby asked if I did my exercise this afternoon when the kids were sleeping. Nope.:blushing:

    So, there is my confession. :blushing:

    Hope everyone has a great evening and hope you all have good weigh-ins tomorrow.

    Good night.:yawn:
  • KatieEppers
    KatieEppers Posts: 301 Member
    Not great for me either. Can't wait 'til hubby gets home so I can get on a regular work out schedule again. He has been gone for a month and I am ready for him to be home. Yay for Wednesday when he comes back! Will locate new thread and bump it. Have a great night ladies!