Myfitnesspal vs Weight Watchers



  • Chinique
    Like my doctor said when I was inquiring - programs such as WW or Jenny Craig which I did before all work as long as you do it properly. I gained 20lbs of what I lost back, and although I thought about going back to JC, I decided to do MFP because what I really want/need is to be able to lose and keep it off using regular food. My goal is to always dor MFP even after I lose so I remain consious of what I am eating and how much I'm exercising.
  • whtlatina1214
    whtlatina1214 Posts: 765 Member
    going to sound like a broken record but ww is over priced and only really helpful if you do online and the meetings , also you have to always worry about adding up the points and dont count fruit or veggies ???!!!??? questionable i love mfp its free and you have great support group and the money toward ww use it toward sgym or something like that you know ...
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Like my doctor said when I was inquiring - programs such as WW or Jenny Craig which I did before all work as long as you do it properly. I gained 20lbs of what I lost back, and although I thought about going back to JC, I decided to do MFP because what I really want/need is to be able to lose and keep it off using regular food. My goal is to always dor MFP even after I lose so I remain consious of what I am eating and how much I'm exercising.

    I ate regular food on WW. If you didn't, it was a choice you made. You could choose to eat nothing but Cheetos to fulfill your calorie requirements on MFP, as well.

    MFP isn't going to help you keep the weight off, either, if you stop doing it.

    I don't care if people choose MFP, WW or the Flying Monkey Diet. But please stop misrepresenting what WW is vs. MFP because they are, basically, THE SAME THING.
  • jennifer2977
    The weight loss secret:

    Calories in < calories out, low fat, high fiber. It doesn't matter if you count points, calories, euros, beans, whatever. You have to burn more than you take in. Tada!
  • dawnkemp58
    dawnkemp58 Posts: 34 Member
    I also was with WW, and find this better because of it being free! MFP is set up much like WW... and I am glad I found this....
  • cafeldmann
    cafeldmann Posts: 16 Member
    I have done WW successfully in the past. I really liked it, but I was easily able to ballpark the points in my head and found it easy to follow. 1 point was 50 calories, and I would round up if it were particularly high in fat, and round down if it were particularly high in fiber. I couldn't really do that with the new system, so I decided to just track calories (which was really all I was doing anyway!) and found MFP through the recommendation of some others (ironically, on the WW site). So far, I really like MFP.

    I don't really understand the comments about how WW doesn't promote eating good/healthy/whole/unprocessed foods. How does MFP promote that any more? I could choose to eat small meals all day and then a huge hunk of chocolate cake at the end of the day just as easily on MFP as I could on WW. It's just a matter of choosing how you spend your points or calories.

    I think the new Points Plus system is designed to encourage you to choose healthier foods, putting more of an emphasis on the protein/carb/fat ratio of what you eat than just calories and fat like it used to. Whether you choose to follow that philosopy, or eat small amounts of crap is up to you. Just like it is on MFP.
  • merzback
    merzback Posts: 453 Member
    I did weight watchers 2006 to 2008 and lost a LOT of weight on it. I honestly got tired of the meetings because I couldn't find a good one after a while and was bored with my old one. All we did was wait for everyone to get weighed and then we ended up talking about low point food products for the next 25 minutes. That got OLD. I went to a couple other meetings but didn't really care for the leaders so I gave up with it.
    I ended up having 2 major surgeries, my dad died, I was in 2 car accidents, and broke 3 bones in my foot. I started to eat too much. When I decided to go back to WW, I took one look at the new plan and RAN. I had the OLD plan, that did work for me, I just didn't stick with it, all in my head. I did not want to start to carry around books with food point values on them, and pay to go, which in my area, Philadelphia, has the MOST expensive rates.
    That being said, I LOVE LOVE LOVE MFP because it's FREE, it's got a great deal of support- PLUS, I have it on my phone and don't have to COUNT. I love how you can put in your work out and SEE how many calories you can add if you wish.
    So my vote is for MFP but I wouldn't put anyone down who feels WW works best for them! It's individual choice.
  • merzback
    merzback Posts: 453 Member
    All I can say is be glad you're on a weight loss journey in 2012 and NOT in the 70's- did you guys ever see the WW guidelines for the 70's? What a HOT mess that was:
  • Chinique
    Like my doctor said when I was inquiring - programs such as WW or Jenny Craig which I did before all work as long as you do it properly. I gained 20lbs of what I lost back, and although I thought about going back to JC, I decided to do MFP because what I really want/need is to be able to lose and keep it off using regular food. My goal is to always dor MFP even after I lose so I remain consious of what I am eating and how much I'm exercising.

    I ate regular food on WW. If you didn't, it was a choice you made. You could choose to eat nothing but Cheetos to fulfill your calorie requirements on MFP, as well.

    MFP isn't going to help you keep the weight off, either, if you stop doing it.

    I don't care if people choose MFP, WW or the Flying Monkey Diet. But please stop misrepresenting what WW is vs. MFP because they are, basically, THE SAME THING.

    I'm sorry if you think that's what I was doing, I actually agree with you its less about which program and more about what you are do and keep doing. As for the "eating regular food" reference that was based on my experience with Jenny Craig, which was perfect for me at the time, but this time I want/need to do it without relying on prepackaged food.
  • Chinique
    The weight loss secret:

    Calories in < calories out, low fat, high fiber. It doesn't matter if you count points, calories, euros, beans, whatever. You have to burn more than you take in. Tada!

    And there it is in a nutshell :happy:
  • darcy7447
    I like both weightloss programs. I lost 57lbs on weight watchers a few years ago before I had my last baby. I loved the program! It taught me how to eat well, portion control, and how to exercise. I have not put all the weight back on after the baby, but I am not close to my goal weight either. The only reason I am not doing weight watchers now is cost.

    Pros of WW:
    1) the weekly meetings really helped provide the support and community I needed. I loved my leader! She made a huge different in my life.
    2)49 (or 35) weekly flex points that feel like bonus rather than having a hard rule of same calories every day. That way I could eat more on the weekend and still feel satisfied and that I wasn't blowing my weight loss plan. I have struggled with that with myfitness pay.

    Pros of MFP:
    1)It's free!
    2)Much bigger datatbase to chose from
    3)No converting. It is what it is.
    4) My husband and I can do it together and support each other without busting the budget!

    I liked the community in both. I did etools with meetings on WW and found that very helpful. I struggle with losing my weekly points on MFP and I miss the "free foods." I need to work on "banking" my exercise calories for the weekend, but that is hard. I like to "spend" all my calories when I get them! Like money. LOL. If anyone has any advice for that, let me know. I would love some help on that.

    Both plans are based on healthy eating. It depends on what you need and works for you. At the risk of sounding like a Nike ad... you just have to do it.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    All I can say is be glad you're on a weight loss journey in 2012 and NOT in the 70's- did you guys ever see the WW guidelines for the 70's? What a HOT mess that was:

    The liver and fish days? Yeah ... I wouldn't have done it then! Thankfully, it's much changed. :-)
  • Vermilla
    Vermilla Posts: 348
    My sister and my mom are both on Weight Watchers. My sister has lost about 30 pounds, putting her down at I think 265 or so. My mom has lost about 5, putting her at I think 150. They've been on it as long as I've been on my diet, and I've lost more. But I think different ones work for different people. Personally, I don't like Weight Watchers for 3 reasons.

    1) The points thing is the main topic and doesn't always line up with what you SHOULD eat vs what you CAN eat whereas MFP shows you all aspects.

    2) WW tries to promote a lot of their personal prepackaged foods which frankly, don't taste all that great.

    3) They log a lot of their fruits and veggies as 0 according to my mom (which I didn't look up but I'll take her word for it), but despite them being good for you, if you eat a ton of either, you will gain weight. Also, it seems to allow sandwiches for very few points, even on really heavy bread, which we know is fattening.

    I'm not saying it's bad for everybody. It didn't work for me but it works for my sister.
  • danascot
    danascot Posts: 100 Member
    hiya! i did weight watchers online a few years ago and it worked pretty well. however, mfp is doing the trick a bit better, and it's free. i don't miss ww at all, and i actually think the community is much more active and supportive than ww.

    I totally agree with the fact that the community is WAY better with MFP...

    I agree too - I've done WW on and off since having my daughter in 2005. The boards on WW online are negative and mean! I couldn't believe it sometimes. I'm new to MFP but have already gotten the hang of it and seen some results so I'm sticking with it!
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    My sister and my mom are both on Weight Watchers. My sister has lost about 30 pounds, putting her down at I think 265 or so. My mom has lost about 5, putting her at I think 150. They've been on it as long as I've been on my diet, and I've lost more. But I think different ones work for different people. Personally, I don't like Weight Watchers for 3 reasons.

    1) The points thing is the main topic and doesn't always line up with what you SHOULD eat vs what you CAN eat whereas MFP shows you all aspects.

    2) WW tries to promote a lot of their personal prepackaged foods which frankly, don't taste all that great.

    3) They log a lot of their fruits and veggies as 0 according to my mom (which I didn't look up but I'll take her word for it), but despite them being good for you, if you eat a ton of either, you will gain weight. Also, it seems to allow sandwiches for very few points, even on really heavy bread, which we know is fattening.

    I'm not saying it's bad for everybody. It didn't work for me but it works for my sister.

    All I'm going to say is that you just proved a couple of my points and leave it at that ...
  • kimray75
    kimray75 Posts: 66 Member
    I did WW and am now doing this for a week. MFP all the way!!! WW just didn't work for me. I didn't like that fruits and veggies were zero also i found myself buying a lot of their food which is expensive. the formula is simple you lose weight when you burn calories not points.

    How true this is! I feel the same EXACT way as you do!!!
  • kiesh82
    kiesh82 Posts: 131 Member
    I just joined and my first meeting is on Saturday. My friend convinced me to do it and I figured maybe doing this with someone and having extra support would help me finally get past this rut I've been in. I'll give it a month to see how it goes.
  • nml2011
    nml2011 Posts: 156 Member
    I guess we will have to agree to disagree on the finer points of WW over a consistent healthy nutritional plan (I'm not saying you can't do this through WW, but why pay a company for it?), and a clear easy to use food diary such as MFP makes this easier, the iPhone app is why I have switched to this site.

    I could continue to pick apart your comments and contradictory reponses but frankly I don't feel the need.

    My knowledge of nutrician and exercise has taken my own body down to low % bodyfat and six+ pack territory, without the need for any type of extreme regime.

    Over Xmas I didn't bother logging food or do any exercise for three weeks and I lost weight (not my goal actually) as it is now second nature for me to eat healthily and in moderation.

    When so many comments have highlighted weight gain straight after leaving WW then something isn't working.

    I wish everyone on here and WW the very best as getting down to your respective weight goals is brilliant not just for looks but for self esteem and many many other postitives.
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    Prefer mfp. Works better for me and daily support instead of weekly which REALLY helps, a week is a long time x
  • Goldenbast
    Goldenbast Posts: 227 Member
    I was on WW for a while but getting to the meetings was a hassle I just didn't want to bother with. I also realized that if you follow a healthy, well balanced diet, you don't have to worry about messing with the points system, since technically this is what the point system is all about.