Girls... Is muscle a turn off?



  • Nitachi
    Nitachi Posts: 142
    Love muscles! All about the arms! Love muscular arms.
    There's a difference between muscular guys and steroid junkies!
    I love muscular guys! I know they care about their body and their physique.

    We are all shallow and looks are the first thing we see. We are lying if we say we don't. It's all about being noticed.

    My husband has huge arms...he has never taken steroids. He just works out. Sexy as hell!

    I agree that looks are the first thing we see, but we are not all attracted to the same looks.

    And like I said, I notice a man's face before his body and by the time I've gotten to the body, I've talked to him and decided if I like his personality. The body is, quite frankly, the last thing I worry about. And if I'm attracted to the face and the personality, the body doesn't matter by then.

    So what is your thoughts on body hair?
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I agree that looks are the first thing we see, but we are not all attracted to the same looks.

    And like I said, I notice a man's face before his body and by the time I've gotten to the body, I've talked to him and decided if I like his personality. The body is, quite frankly, the last thing I worry about. And if I'm attracted to the face and the personality, the body doesn't matter by then.

    So what is your thoughts on body hair?

    I don't really have thoughts on it. Seriously, if you look at the guys I've dated in my life, you'll find a range of shapes, sizes, hair color (or no hair at all). Some had a lot of body hair, some have had very little.

    If you've impressed me enough that we're to the point I'm finding out about the body hair situation, it's not going to matter whether you have it or not.

    EDITED TO ADD: If he's naturally hair-free, that's fine. If a guy feels the need to wax his hair off, that's a turn-off. I like my men manly. The metro thing makes me ill.
  • cgrout78
    cgrout78 Posts: 1,679 Member
    This is hot....


    This is not....


    ^^^^ This for me
  • grapenutSF
    grapenutSF Posts: 648 Member

    THIS is a turn on.


    THIS is not.

    #1 here.

    and that poll? women choose their life partners by confidence>money>looks>height or some such thing? Life partners? Really? No. These are 20 year old women taking the poll. Or else the cast of Housewives of Beverly Hills.
  • munkeyfunk
    munkeyfunk Posts: 141 Member
    I like my fellas skinny, that undernourished look gets me every time.

    haha what?

    Yep, I like 'em slightly ill looking, like they can't cope properly on their own. I think its my motherly side. I want to look after them and feed 'em up. ;-)

    I'm totally serious, almost every guy I've dated has had a 30inch or smaller waist band looked like they hadn't eaten a vegetable or seen daylight in his entire life. I did date a very built rugby player for about three weeks and I found the muscle totally off putting. but then i'm bi, i like men that look like women and women that look like men. Each to our own!

    I can't tell if you're serious or sarcastic, either way, I chuckled.

    that was me - clearly, not the poor chap i quoted! Ha!

    I see......iv got a 30 inch waist :wink: hahaha

    each to their own, peace.
  • maryjay51
    maryjay51 Posts: 742
    a guy could turn heads because he looks great and being toned and or full of muscles is nice but that doesnt do diddly to me if i dont like his personality.. he has a to have a great personality and some sense of intelligence for me to be attracted at all or forget it
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    Ryan Reynolds = My Man Crush <3 lol


    Hugh Jackman = Bromance

    Ryan Reynolds (especially in Blade) = Drool
    Hugh Jackman = Drool (and *melt* over his accent!!)

    And I see your two and raise you Shemar Moore (Criminal Minds; )

    Though I'm also rather partial to the kinda-scrawney-but-stronger-than-they-look nerdy guys, so The Big Bang Theory is my eye candy. :)
  • JennaM222
    JennaM222 Posts: 1,996 Member
    BRING ON THE JUICED UP GORILLASSS!!!!!!!!:heart::love: :love:
  • hbrittingham
    hbrittingham Posts: 2,518 Member
    I like a man with a toned body. But I also like a man with a little bit of chest hair.
  • StrongGwen
    StrongGwen Posts: 378 Member
    I like muscle! don't go for the Mr Olympia look, all oiled and every little muscle popping--where do those guys buy shirts? or pants?? Strong arms , hard belly, nice thighs...that's a package of eye candy. For relationships, though, he needs more than muscle between his ears!
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    I guess there is a fine line where muscle is hot or not.
    For example, in my opinion, this body is not sexy to me:

    But this is much more sexy to me:

    I like muscles, but they must be subtle. Not like you work out soooo hard for it.
  • auticus
    auticus Posts: 1,051 Member
    There was a study done in 2006 about this topic, that being what body types were deemed the most attractive and what body types were not. Most of it is pretty obvious.

    If you had to put a mathematical value on lust/love (I consider them one and the same for most people) then the most accurate measure of lust/love would statistically be the body fat % number of a male, not the size of his muscles.

    The #1 most desired body type of the majority of women studied was the man who fell between 14 and 17% body fat. This is the area where a man's abdominal muscles are visible, but is not too slender where he appears weak or too small.

    Many people confuse low body fat composition with muscular. A man may be muscular and have a low body fat percentage, but he may not, he will just appear that way because there is no fat obscuring the musculature underneath his skin.

    Roid monkeys were actually third on the list of most desired body types, which surprises a lot of people. What was second? A man that falls around 22% body fat, or "a small gut".

    Also fun note: body hair in general for males is generally seen as a turn off by the majority of women studied.
  • stayxtrue
    stayxtrue Posts: 1,190 Member
    This is hot....


    Okay this is where I am heading... Glad to see the girls around here just have no idea what they are talking about haha
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    If you look more like Thing from the Fantastic Four than a normal human man (in shape AND hue), you're incapable of bringing your elbows into your sides, and you've ever flexed in the mirror and kissed your bicep, it's too much.

    It's not the least bit of a priority to me. As long as a guy is strong enough to live a normal life, I don't care if his muscle is visible or not. But all the leading men on True Blood are pretty nice to look at, especially Eric and Alcide. :heart:
  • stayxtrue
    stayxtrue Posts: 1,190 Member
    If you look more like Thing from the Fantastic Four than a normal human man (in shape AND hue), you're incapable of bringing your elbows into your sides, and you've ever flexed in the mirror and kissed your bicep, it's too much.

    It's not the least bit of a priority to me. As long as a guy is strong enough to live a normal life, I don't care if his muscle is visible or not. But all the leading men on True Blood are pretty nice to look at, especially Eric and Alcide. :heart:

    Alcides body is mint!!! As Gay as this may sound!!
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I guess there is a fine line where muscle is hot or not.
    For example, in my opinion, this body is not sexy to me:

    I don't mind the body, not my ideal, not a dealbreaker, either, but... and I know you shouldn't judge a book by the cover... but that from the neck up he just screams "high maintenance douche" to me. :laugh:
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    I dont like the body builder type but a little muscle is ok
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    This is hot....


    Okay this is where I am heading... Glad to see the girls around here just have no idea what they are talking about haha

    How can they have no idea what they are talking about when its a personal preferance subject. I think the guy in the picture is a more than I would like
  • Iamkim73
    Iamkim73 Posts: 924 Member
    According to woman choose their life partners in the following order:

    Confidence> Money > Looks > Height

    How true that is I don't to be a shy poor ugly manlet lol

    Don't know what's wrong with me. Lol. My hubby is shy, didn't have a lot of money when we met, isn't the best looking guy in the world but he's not ugly either and is shorter than I am. Lol.

    I met him and fell in love with his personality and what he believed in. We have absolutely nothing in common though. Lol. Been together seven years in May and married for over three years now.

    Nothing wrong with you, that's how it should be done!
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Okay this is where I am heading... Glad to see the girls around here just have no idea what they are talking about haha

    How can they have no idea what they are talking about when its a personal preferance subject. I think the guy in the picture is a more than I would like

    Maybe they're telling him all girls feel that way? Kind of like the women posting here claiming that those of us who don't agree with their taste are lying?