Your other half

fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
Just looking for a gauge really!

Does your other half:

Do an equal share of the housework when he/she is home?

Cook for you?

Go food shopping?

Give you massages when you ask?

Tell you you are beautiful/handsome?

Buy his/her own clothes?!

Notice the dust?

Take the children off so you have some free time?

Arrange anything or is it all left to you?

Open his/her post?

Do any paperwork ever?


  • mleoni092708
    mleoni092708 Posts: 629 Member
    Just looking for a gauge really!

    Does your other half:

    Do an equal share of the housework when he/she is home? Mostly

    Cook for you? No, that would be awful, lol

    Go food shopping? If I ask, that's usually my job

    Give you massages when you ask? Sure

    Tell you you are beautiful/handsome? All the time :)

    Buy his/her own clothes?! Yep

    Notice the dust? Nope

    Take the children off so you have some free time? Yes, he is wonderful

    Arrange anything or is it all left to you? It's all me

    Open his/her post? Not sure what this one means

    Do any paperwork ever? No
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    Just looking for a gauge really!

    Does your other half:

    Do an equal share of the housework when he/she is home? Mostly

    Cook for you? No, that would be awful, lol

    Go food shopping? If I ask, that's usually my job

    Give you massages when you ask? Sure

    Tell you you are beautiful/handsome? All the time :)

    Buy his/her own clothes?! Yep

    Notice the dust? Nope

    Take the children off so you have some free time? Yes, he is wonderful

    Arrange anything or is it all left to you? It's all me

    Open his/her post? Not sure what this one means

    Do any paperwork ever? No

    Sounds exactly like mine!
  • ishallnotwant
    ishallnotwant Posts: 1,210 Member
    Just looking for a gauge really!

    Does your other half:

    Do an equal share of the housework when he/she is home? No. That's my job-but he does help randomly, usually when it is needed most. He also does all of the repairs and takes on the wacky projects I dream up. (This week it was a repurposed headboard made into a chalkboard and mounted onto the wall to write messages to our family on.) :laugh:

    Cook for you? he grills like no other...and can cook the most perfect over medium egg. When i'm sick he makes me soup. Other than that, i'm the cook.

    Go food shopping? He does with me. I'm the "manager" of the household so I try to take care of all that myself-but if we need to go shopping on his day off, he eagerly goes with me and helps put it all away when we get home.

    Give you massages when you ask? All the time. He used to be a sports therapist and he gives the best massages! Almost every night I fall asleep while he is massaging me. It's so relaxing!

    Tell you you are beautiful/handsome? Constantly. He makes me feel like a queen. :heart:

    Buy his/her own clothes?! Usually, because he is unusually large (6 foot 9 and 330 pounds) so it is difficult to surprised him and buy him something without having him try it on first.

    Notice the dust? Never.

    Take the children off so you have some free time? He would if I asked him, but he works so hard to support all of us that I very, very rarely ask him.

    Arrange anything or is it all left to you? I do the planning and arranging of most things.

    Open his/her post? yes, he likes to open his own mail. He is very organized and I have lost his bills once or twice. :embarassed:

    Do any paperwork ever? He usually asks me to do it because he likes my handwriting better, but will not hesitate to do it if i'm not home.
  • Pollywog39
    Pollywog39 Posts: 1,730 Member
    Mine did none of the above.

    that's why he's gone.......................
  • jennajava
    jennajava Posts: 2,176 Member
    Just looking for a gauge really!

    Does your other half:

    Do an equal share of the housework when he/she is home? yes

    Cook for you? did last night

    Go food shopping? i prefer to do it myself, but he would

    Give you massages when you ask? when I'm pregnant. :laugh:

    Tell you you are beautiful/handsome? yes

    Buy his/her own clothes?! yes

    Notice the dust? sometimes...

    Take the children off so you have some free time? yes!

    Arrange anything or is it all left to you? I am in charge of our social life. By order of me.

    Open his/her post? ...his what?

    Do any paperwork ever? ...what do you mean?
  • PrincessLou71186
    PrincessLou71186 Posts: 747 Member
    Does your other half:

    Do an equal share of the housework when he/she is home? No but I don't work and he works full time.

    Cook for you? Once a week he will.

    Go food shopping? We do it together online.

    Give you massages when you ask? Even when I don't ask.

    Tell you you are beautiful/handsome? Always.

    Buy his/her own clothes?! He would but it's easier for me to do it and that way we can utilise his days off fully.

    Notice the dust? Nope.

    Take the children off so you have some free time? N/A

    Arrange anything or is it all left to you? I arrange everything but it's part of my OCD. He used to arrange things but I would jut go over everything and change things so it became easier.

    Open his/her post? Nope, I do it.

    Do any paperwork ever? Nope, I do it.
  • jipsybird
    jipsybird Posts: 878 Member
    Just looking for a gauge really!

    Does your other half:

    Do an equal share of the housework when he/she is home? Not really. As a sahm he usually doesn't need to. Sometimes he'll do the dishes for me, which is nice. :)

    Cook for you? He used to. When I was pregnant with my first he tried to have food for me when I got home from work, but I usually didn't like it (not his fault, just the preggo) so he stopped. But he does grill now that we have one. It is awesome. Especially during the summer :)

    Go food shopping? When I ask him to or if I need to shop on the weekend he will come with me.

    Give you massages when you ask? Usually, but they tend to be short, lol.

    Tell you you are beautiful/handsome? All the time, lucky me! :)

    Buy his/her own clothes?! Yes

    Notice the dust? Sometimes

    Take the children off so you have some free time? Usually when I ask

    Arrange anything or is it all left to you? Once in a while, but usually up to me.

    Open his/her post? Yes, I generally will not open his mail.

    Do any paperwork ever? He pays all our bills online.

    I have an awesome hubby! :P
  • allysonb80
    allysonb80 Posts: 109 Member
    My ex never did any of these and called me a lazy, stupid ***** all the time. Which is why I shed all 360 lbs of him!!
  • ItsMeRebekah
    ItsMeRebekah Posts: 910 Member
    Just looking for a gauge really!

    Does your other half:

    Do an equal share of the housework when he/she is home?
    yes, if not we both would fail!

    Cook for you?
    all the time

    Go food shopping?
    yes, he has a cart for the kids, i do the shopping!

    Give you massages when you ask?
    of course! i do him more tho bc he works harder =)

    Tell you you are beautiful/handsome?
    every single day.

    Buy his/her own clothes?!
    yes. ive tried and never get it right!

    Notice the dust?
    no, even i dont care abt that LOL if the floor is clean im good

    Take the children off so you have some free time?
    sure. but we both work full time so we tend to take the kids out and do fam things together

    Arrange anything or is it all left to you?
    Like where the forks go in the kitchen?? LOL No, i tend to do this but its because im picky.

    Open his/her post?
    ? he doesn't go online so i guess no lol -- oh i see this means mail LOL he opens all the mail in the house thats rubbish to me.. i know what is due and when so no need for mail in my book!

    Do any paperwork ever?
    we dont have a lot of this but he does it more then I!
  • therealangd
    therealangd Posts: 1,861 Member
    Does your other half:

    Do an equal share of the housework when he/she is home? - He does more, when he is home.

    Cook for you? - Yes

    Go food shopping? - Yes

    Give you massages when you ask? - He would if I asked, but I don't ask

    Tell you you are beautiful/handsome? - Yes

    Buy his/her own clothes?! - Yes

    Notice the dust? - Yes

    Take the children off so you have some free time? - Our kids are old so this doesn't apply

    Arrange anything or is it all left to you? - It is usually left to me. He will make suggestions.

    Open his/her post? - Yes

    Do any paperwork ever? - No. I'm the paper work doer.
  • MissO﹠A
    MissO﹠A Posts: 906 Member
    Does your other half:

    Do an equal share of the housework when he/she is home? - Yep.

    Cook for you? - He makes a mean drink. Actual heat + food, I don't let him often.

    Go food shopping? - He has done on occasion.

    Give you massages when you ask? - Yes.

    Tell you you are beautiful/handsome? - Yeah, and the constant "hands on the breasticles" gets old sometimes.

    Buy his/her own clothes?! - God no. He's a scientist. If I let him, he'd be wearing the same holey underwear until they disintegrated.

    Notice the dust? - *wipes dust from her screen so she can continue typing her reply* Thankfully, no.

    Take the children off so you have some free time? - Hardly ever. I love spending time with the annoying bugger though so I don't mind.

    Arrange anything or is it all left to you? - Nope. I wouldn't trust him to.

    Open his/her post? - Yep.

    Do any paperwork ever? - I pay the bills. We do the taxes together.
  • lorac321
    lorac321 Posts: 627 Member
    Does your other half:

    Do an equal share of the housework when he/she is home? Hell no

    Cook for you? No

    Go food shopping? Rarely

    Give you massages when you ask? I can't tell him but he isn't very good at it so I don't ask.

    Tell you you are beautiful/handsome? Every day..

    Buy his/her own clothes?! Nope - but that's ok.

    Notice the dust? Nope.

    Take the children off so you have some free time? N/A

    Arrange anything or is it all left to you? I do it all .

    Open his/her post?

    Do any paperwork ever? Nope, I do it. I don't think he even knows what our checks look like.

    BUT: I love him very very much.
  • Sh1tsRainbows
    Sh1tsRainbows Posts: 1,227 Member
    Does your other half:

    Do an equal share of the housework when he/she is home? HA HELL NO

    Cook for you? 4 TIMES IN 11 YEARS


    Give you massages when you ask? ONE MASSAGE IN 11 YRS

    Tell you you are beautiful/handsome? ONLY IF HE WANTS TO GET SOME

    Buy his/her own clothes?! YES

    Notice the dust? NO

    Take the children off so you have some free time? NO

    Arrange anything or is it all left to you? JUST ME

    Open his/her post? YES

    Do any paperwork ever? PAY THE BILLS
  • leftwondering
    Does your other half:

    Do an equal share of the housework when he/she is home? Well mostly, but he still refuses to clean the toilet it gets disgusting.

    Cook for you? Yeah

    Go food shopping? Yes

    Give you massages when you ask? Not once

    Tell you you are beautiful/handsome? Not really

    Buy his/her own clothes?! Yes

    Notice the dust? Yes but doesn't do anything about it

    Take the children off so you have some free time? N/a

    Arrange anything or is it all left to you? Depends what it is

    Open his/her post? he opens his own

    Do any paperwork ever? Doesnt really have any
  • JellyJaks
    JellyJaks Posts: 589 Member
    Do an equal share of the housework when he/she is home? It's not an equal half since he pulls 10 hour days but he definitely helps

    Cook for you? Yes. He actually does all the cooking since I'm the chick that can't boil water.

    Go food shopping? Yup. We usually go together.

    Give you massages when you ask? Yup all though he's not very good at it so I don't usually ask :tongue:

    Tell you you are beautiful/handsome? Yup even though I think he's full of poo. I look FAT!

    Buy his/her own clothes?! Usually we go shopping together but that's only because the fashion police would fill their quota if I let him go alone.

    Notice the dust? Nope

    Take the children off so you have some free time? Yes and I'm so thankful for it! I love that he understands how hard being a stay at home mom actually is.

    Arrange anything or is it all left to you? What kind of anything are we talking about here? We plan together if we're going to do something or go somewhere. He arranges the furniture and I arrange everyone's doctor's appointments :laugh:

    Open his/her post? Say whaaa?

    Do any paperwork ever? Each Friday he does because he drives the van pool. He also helps me balance the checkbook but paying the bills is all me. Waaay better with numbers than he is.
  • Tuffjourney
    My ex never did any of these and called me a lazy, stupid ***** all the time. Which is why I shed all 360 lbs of him!!

    Well done sista!~!!! :drinker:
  • christibear
    christibear Posts: 93 Member
    Just looking for a gauge really!

    Does your other half:

    Do an equal share of the housework when he/she is home? Yes, I do the bulk because he works, but he does what I would consider his fair share.

    Cook for you? Yes, there are certain dishes that I cook and their are certain dishes that he cooks.

    Go food shopping? We do it together.

    Give you massages when you ask? Yes

    Tell you you are beautiful/handsome? Yes

    Buy his/her own clothes?! We buy both of our clothes together

    Notice the dust? Yes, but I notice it to, it doesn't bother him though, it only bothers me.

    Take the children off so you have some free time? No children, only dogs, but he does take them for walks or

    Arrange anything or is it all left to you? It depends on what it is, but mostly I do it because I like doing everything, and this is kind of a snow ball affect, if I start to arrange things than it makes more sense for me to just keep doing it because I know what has and has not been arranged.

    Open his/her post? He opens his own but sometimes I get super excited when things come and I will open it first.

    Do any paperwork ever? When paperwork does need to be done, I do it, but once again this is one of those snowball things that if I start to do it, I just keep doing it because I already know what needs to be done.
  • nymphis
    nymphis Posts: 59 Member
    Does your other half:

    Do an equal share of the housework when he/she is home? Sometimes

    Cook for you? Yes

    Go food shopping? Yes - we go shopping together

    Give you massages when you ask? - Yes

    Tell you you are beautiful/handsome? - Yes

    Buy his/her own clothes?! - Sometimes

    Notice the dust? - Ern ... no, not at all.

    Take the children off so you have some free time? - Our kids are quite grown up so no need, but if I want to go somewhere, yes he would help.

    Arrange anything or is it all left to you? - I do all the organizing

    Open his/her post? - Only when I hand it to him

    Do any paperwork ever? - No
  • strapple
    strapple Posts: 353 Member
    Just looking for a gauge really!

    Does your other half:

    Do an equal share of the housework when he/she is home? ~no because he has a full time job and i dont~

    Cook for you? ~no i cook. i like to~

    Go food shopping? ~no hes 20 years old he doesn't know how to ****ing grocery shop~

    Give you massages when you ask? ~i dont like massages. i would punch him~

    Tell you you are beautiful/handsome? ~daily~

    Buy his/her own clothes?! ~no me or his mom do that~

    Notice the dust? ~no~

    Take the children off so you have some free time? ~no kids~

    Arrange anything or is it all left to you? ~if its his idea, he plans it~

    Open his/her post? ~this is 2012 no ****ing post~

    Do any paperwork ever? ~paperwork?~
  • sullivann
    sullivann Posts: 199 Member
    Do an equal share of the housework when he/she is home? Yep. A lot of times unasked as well!

    Cook for you? Yep.

    Go food shopping? We enjoy going together on that one.

    Give you massages when you ask? All the time <3:)

    Tell you you are beautiful/handsome? Everyday. :blushing:

    Buy his/her own clothes?! Yes.

    Notice the dust? We both rarely notice that...haha

    Take the children off so you have some free time? No kids, but he takes care of the dog a lot so I can have some alone time. :)

    Arrange anything or is it all left to you? He's not very skilled at planning. :P

    Open his/her post? He opens his own.

    Do any paperwork ever? He handles his bills.

    I find myself extremely fortunate. :love: