Your other half



  • _CowgirlUp_
    _CowgirlUp_ Posts: 585 Member
    Yes to all of them. I'm our designated "social director" so I arrange outings but he arranges most everything else like hotels, flights, rental cars etc. when we go on trips.

    Edited to add: He notices the dust and that's when I see him dusting.
  • kellicruz1978
    kellicruz1978 Posts: 170 Member
    None of the above...except maybe noticing the dust to tell me that I need to clean more.
  • petreebird
    petreebird Posts: 344 Member
    Just looking for a gauge really!

    Does your other half:

    Do an equal share of the housework when he/she is home? No

    Cook for you? No, unless its grilling, he loves to grill!!

    Go food shopping? We do it together

    Give you massages when you ask? Yes and sometimes when I don't ask!

    Tell you you are beautiful/handsome? All the time

    Buy his/her own clothes?! Yes

    Notice the dust? Nope

    Take the children off so you have some free time? Yes, sometimes...the child (16 year old) is mine, not his, but he does it anyway.

    Arrange anything or is it all left to you? Pretty much me

    Open his/her post? ???

    Do any paperwork ever? Yep
  • Tattoos_and_Tea
    Tattoos_and_Tea Posts: 529 Member
    Do an equal share of the housework when he/she is home? - Yeah

    Cook for you? - No

    Go food shopping? - Yeah

    Give you massages when you ask? - Yeah

    Tell you you are beautiful/handsome? - Sometimes lol

    Buy his/her own clothes?! - No

    Notice the dust? - Yes

    Take the children off so you have some free time? - N/A

    Arrange anything or is it all left to you? - He will arrange big things as im crap and get in a fluster

    Open his/her post? - Yes

    Do any paperwork ever? - Yes, all of it
  • Just looking for a gauge really!

    Does your other half:

    Do an equal share of the housework when he/she is home? Yes, he does more laundry than me too!

    Cook for you? Yes, but mostly we cook together

    Go food shopping? He comes with me (he cant drive)

    Give you massages when you ask? Yes, and sometimes when i dont!

    Tell you you are beautiful/handsome? All the time, even when I look really rough

    Buy his/her own clothes?! Yes - tho I supervise his suit buying!

    Notice the dust? haha no, not even when I wrote 'clean me' in it

    Take the children off so you have some free time? He has a son from a previous relationship - we make the most of the time we spend with him together

    Arrange anything or is it all left to you? He is Mr Planner - much more so than me, I'm more laid back

    Open his/her post? Nope! I always nag him about it

    Do any paperwork ever? Not if he can help it!
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    Does your other half:

    Do an equal share of the housework when he/she is home? Yes, he does

    Cook for you? he does most of the cooking

    Go food shopping? Yep

    Give you massages when you ask? Yep

    Tell you you are beautiful/handsome? all the time

    Buy his/her own clothes?! NO

    Notice the dust? no, but neither do I

    Take the children off so you have some free time? YEP

    Arrange anything or is it all left to you? Yep, but generally only if I ask

    Open his/her post? only when he's waiting for something.

    Do any paperwork ever? only when I ask
    RILEYRED Posts: 647 Member
    NO TO ALL THE ABOVE!!!!!!!
  • czechsmate
    czechsmate Posts: 556 Member
    Just looking for a gauge really!

    Does your other half:

    Do an equal share of the housework when he/she is home? Sometimes

    Cook for you? Sometimes

    Go food shopping? Yes - most always

    Give you massages when you ask? Yes

    Tell you you are beautiful/handsome? Yes

    Buy his/her own clothes?! Yes, I do buy for him too.

    Notice the dust? Not really...:grumble:

    Take the children off so you have some free time? N/A

    Arrange anything or is it all left to you? Yes

    Open his/her post? Yes

    Do any paperwork ever? Yes

    I have the best husband on the planet! :love:
  • lostsanity137
    lostsanity137 Posts: 298 Member
    Just looking for a gauge really!

    Does your other half:

    Do an equal share of the housework when he/she is home? NO! If he tries, he just makes it worse! lolol, but he does stay out of my way so I can clean. And he will do things like take out the trash when I ask.

    Cook for you? Nope. I wouldn't want him to either. Yuck. D: Except for burger...he is a pro at grilling burgers.

    Go food shopping? Again no. But again, I wouldn't want him too. He buys too much junk! He just gives me money and I do it. Though it is funny, last time I asked him to go to the store, I had made myself a list. On it I wrote oil but didn't specify what kind. So when he came home he had olive oil, vegetable oil, and oil for his car! Thanks! XD

    Give you massages when you ask? Most of the time no! He says he is no good at it. When he tries...I agree. T.T

    Tell you you are beautiful/handsome? Yup! Even with the extra pounds, he still makes me feel sexy. :3

    Buy his/her own clothes?! Yes, because I am horrible at it. I buy all the wrong stuff and he is picky!

    Notice the dust? Nope. He wouldn't notice if the ceiling was caving in. Unless it was the ceiling of his car. XD

    Take the children off so you have some free time? We don't have children.

    Arrange anything or is it all left to you? Um, we are both bad at arranging. If it is heavy, like furniture he will do it, but otherwise, I am in control!

    Open his/her post? What? Like...mail? If so! That's how his bills don't get paid!

    Do any paperwork ever? Goodness no. I also do all the paperwork/ bill paying. Nothing would get paid. I also do both of our taxes, because he would waste money to have someone else do it, when I can do it for free. Easy!

    It really is a good thing he is so nice and appreciative or else I'd have to kick his butt! lolol I don't know how he functioned without me to tell you the truth, but he is nice, funny, well mannered and hard-working at his job. When he gets home though, he works on his car and is pretty much exhausted. :3 I love him though, it allows me to play my video games with no complaints.
  • monicamk1975
    monicamk1975 Posts: 298 Member
    Just looking for a gauge really!

    Does your other half:

    Do an equal share of the housework when he/she is home? Not equal per say but he does do quite a bit, he is very helpful.

    Cook for you? Once in a long while, although, I would rather cook since he makes such a mess and never quite cleans "all" of it up when hes

    Go food shopping? Yes, we always go together, but he will go for me when I ask.

    Give you massages when you ask? Yes, although he's terrible at them, so I dont ask....

    Tell you you are beautiful/handsome? Yes, all the time

    Buy his/her own clothes?! Yes, he's way more stylish than I am

    Notice the dust? No, thank god

    Take the children off so you have some free time? He has, but I rarely ask
    Arrange anything or is it all left to you? He likes to let me decide, since when he is home its his time to destress

    Open his/her post? yes

    Do any paperwork ever? yes, but I'm in charge of the budget
  • sarahkatara
    sarahkatara Posts: 826 Member
    Just looking for a gauge really!

    Does your other half:

    Do an equal share of the housework when he/she is home? He does more than I could ever want. There are always clean dishes, an empty trash, and a clean toilet.

    Cook for you? Meh. No, I'm the cook but i don't mind!

    Go food shopping? Every two weeks we go together with a plan of attack!

    Give you massages when you ask? Very rarely

    Tell you you are beautiful/handsome? Every day

    Buy his/her own clothes?! Believe it or not his mom just randomly buys him boatloads of clothes so he's covered there.

    Notice the dust? yes ::hides face in shame:: that's my job.

    Take the children off so you have some free time? not applicable yet thank goodness

    Arrange anything or is it all left to you? equal

    Open his/her post? wth?

    Do any paperwork ever? He communicates about money issues but he handles all of the bill paying, records, receipts, etc. We've never had a problem with any late payments or anything.

    I'm biased but he's the best partner ever :happy: :smooched:
  • CuteAndCurvy83
    CuteAndCurvy83 Posts: 570 Member
    Just looking for a gauge really!

    Does your other half:

    Do an equal share of the housework when he/she is home? Nope, I'm a SAHM (Well soon to be,right now I'm a housewife)

    Cook for you? Sometimes, when I'm tired or not home.

    Go food shopping? We do the food shopping together

    Give you massages when you ask? only for a minute, and then he says his hands are

    Tell you you are beautiful/handsome? I think hes only ever told me that once or twice.

    Buy his/her own clothes?! For the most part, but he really Doesn't buy much

    Notice the dust? LOL I wish!

    Take the children off so you have some free time? little one is still baking, but once hes born I'm sure he will,when asked.

    Arrange anything or is it all left to you? well he's the one that takes care of the bills, and most of the money. We don't really "arrange" anything

    Open his/her post? Whats that mean?

    Do any paperwork ever? Yeah, he does the tax papers, and "family" paper kinda things.
  • pmich08
    pmich08 Posts: 193
    Just looking for a gauge really!

    Does your other half:

    Do an equal share of the housework when he/she is home? No, I stay home so this is my job, but sometimes if I am out he is sweet and will do the dishes.

    Cook for you? I am an infinitely better cook so I generally cook, he made me dinner one, it was pasta with red sauce and crispy chicken ya I cook. But he does make some mean chorizo!

    Go food shopping? On occasion he'll come with me, but he doesn't like to. Understandable cause our Walmart makes me want to kill people.

    Give you massages when you ask? Oh yes, generally it ends up in exchange for something...but he never says no!

    Tell you you are beautiful/handsome? All the time!

    Buy his/her own clothes?! Yep, on occasion I'll pick something up like jeans but he likes to pick out his shirts.

    Notice the dust? There is no dust in my house!

    Take the children off so you have some free time? N/A

    Arrange anything or is it all left to you? Sometime his friends will call him to set up plans, but since most have fiance/girlfriends the girls normally plan everything.

    Open his/her post? Yaaaaaaaaa.....I lose bills and stuff so all the mail is his!

    Do any paperwork ever? He does all our bill filing, and tax stuff!
  • misskerouac
    misskerouac Posts: 2,242 Member
    Just looking for a gauge really!

    Does your other half:

    Do an equal share of the housework when he/she is home? Nope, he does nothing

    Cook for you? Nope

    Go food shopping? Nope

    Give you massages when you ask? Very rarely, and usually I have to do something for him first, or if i'm not feeling well

    Tell you you are beautiful/handsome? Maybe once every few months

    Buy his/her own clothes?! Nope

    Notice the dust? Nope

    Take the children off so you have some free time? No kids

    Arrange anything or is it all left to you? All Me

    Open his/her post? Nope

    Do any paperwork ever? No it's more me going up to him and saying "Sign here"
  • loombeav
    loombeav Posts: 391 Member
    Does your other half:

    Do an equal share of the housework when he/she is home? He'll do anything I ask him to and if I've let it go he'll pitch in without me asking.

    Cook for you?occasionally he'll make breakfast, that's the extent of his culinary skills.

    Go food shopping?He'll go with me but unless it's just a quick stop to grab one or two items he won't go alone.

    Give you massages when you ask?More of a rub then a massage, but he'll try.

    Tell you you are beautiful/handsome?All the time.

    Buy his/her own clothes?Yep.

    Notice the dust?Not unless it's REALLY bad.

    Take the children off so you have some free time?Yes.

    Arrange anything or is it all left to you?He'll help.

    Open his/her post?If I don't 1st.

    Do any paperwork ever?If needed.
  • kagenw
    kagenw Posts: 260 Member
    Do an equal share of the housework when he/she is home?
    No, she does more housework, but I go to school so it balances out in the end.
    Cook for you?
    Generally we share the cooking load. It's about 55% by me and 45% by her.
    Go food shopping?
    Yeah, we go grocery shopping together.
    Give you massages when you ask?
    Lol, my wife isn't strong enough to give me good massages. But she does scratch my back and give me back tickles instead.
    Tell you you are beautiful/handsome?
    All the time.
    Buy his/her own clothes?!
    Yes, but she feels bad about it and won't do it without my permission (as if she needed it).
    Notice the dust?
    Take the children off so you have some free time?
    We don't have kids yet, but her life's aspiration is to be a mommy so I'm sure she'll be doing more than taking them off my hands. More like the other way around.
    Arrange anything or is it all left to you?
    I'm the organizer/de-clutterer and she is the cleaner. She does organize the furniture though.
    Open his/her post?
    She opens all our mail. She's usually around when it arrives, otherwise i'll open it.
    Do any paperwork ever?
    Not really, I usually do the paperwork.
  • _Khaleesi_
    _Khaleesi_ Posts: 877 Member
    Just looking for a gauge really!

    Does your other half:

    Do an equal share of the housework when he/she is home? Yes. I would say maybe even more than half

    Cook for you? Yes

    Go food shopping? Yes

    Give you massages when you ask? Yep! Got one last night!

    Tell you you are beautiful/handsome? Yep!

    Buy his/her own clothes?! uh... yes?

    Notice the dust? Almost too easily lol

    Take the children off so you have some free time? N/A

    Arrange anything or is it all left to you? He arranges things too, but I do it more so

    Open his/her post? Yes?

    Do any paperwork ever? Like accounting? yes
  • runnercheryl
    runnercheryl Posts: 1,314 Member
    Just looking for a gauge really!

    Does your other half:

    Do an equal share of the housework when he/she is home? Pretty much all of it. We both work full time, and both have to fit in our exercise, but I also work freelance so I'm constantly at my computer when I'm not out cycling or walking. In return for me doing all that extra work, he does all the housework.

    Cook for you? The same as above. I'm working as he's cooking - I just let him know what I want, and how much.

    Go food shopping? We do a weekly grocery shop together on a Friday evening. He also calls in on the way home from the gym to buy the odd bits we need on other days.

    Give you massages when you ask? Not often. He does occasionally, but I know he never wants to and he stops quickly. He even bought me an automatic head massager for Christmas! Not that I'm complaining - I love it.

    Tell you you are beautiful/handsome? No. He goes for 'sexy' and 'gorgeous' though!

    Buy his/her own clothes?! Yep. He spends a lot of time in the clothes aisles.

    Notice the dust? Not really. Whilst he washes up, cleans and cooks, if I want a deep clean doing that's my job at the weekend.

    Take the children off so you have some free time? N/A

    Arrange anything or is it all left to you? He's the planner. I plan my own life to strict order, but can't plan anything else.

    Open his/her post? Yeah

    Do any paperwork ever? He deals with the household bills, I'm always pestering him to budget better.
  • danibabs
    danibabs Posts: 298 Member
    Does your other half:

    Do an equal share of the housework when he/she is home?
    Yes, although neither of us is great at it, but I'd say we both slack off and contribute the same.

    Cook for you?
    Once or twice a week he cooks, I usually cook two or three times, and we eat out or eat seperately the other days.

    Go food shopping?
    We both go, either together or seperately, depending on our schedules and what we need.

    Give you massages when you ask?
    I don't really ask...

    Tell you you are beautiful/handsome?

    Buy his/her own clothes?!
    Yes, although I like to buy clothes as presents for things so alot of the stuff he has I bought him

    Notice the dust?
    Not sure if he notices...I don't usually lol

    Take the children off so you have some free time?
    No kids but I take of the dog more, of course the dog likes me better anyways ;)

    Arrange anything or is it all left to you?
    Eh mostly up to me, because he waits till the last minute with stuff and I get impatient so I just figure things out so I can know what we're doing. If I don't feel like doing it though, I ask him and he will do it fine.

    Open his/her post?

    Do any paperwork ever?
    I mean, he does his own taxes and student loans and the like. I'm responsible for the bills but that's cause I need to be able to look at them and I guess I like having that responsibility.
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,078 Member
    Just looking for a gauge really!

    Does your other half:

    Do an equal share of the housework when he/she is home? NOT EQUAL AT ALL, BUT VACUMNS ALOT AND WASHES UP OFTEN

    Cook for you? YES, ALL THE TIME


    Give you massages when you ask? USED TO, NOT ANYMORE : (

    Tell you you are beautiful/handsome? YES

    Buy his/her own clothes?! YES, ALSO GOOD AT PICKING ME STUFF


    Take the children off so you have some free time? YES AND GETS UP AT WEEKENDS SO I CAN HAVE A LIE IN...WE TAKE TURNS

    Arrange anything or is it all left to you? YES

    Open his/her post? OF COURSE, WHO ELSE WOULD?!

    Do any paperwork ever? YES