Your other half



  • kernowprincess
    kernowprincess Posts: 135 Member
    Does your other half:

    Do an equal share of the housework when he/she is home? No

    Cook for you? Sometimes

    Go food shopping? Once a month

    Give you massages when you ask? Are you joking

    Tell you you are beautiful/handsome? I would faint

    Buy his/her own clothes?! Yes

    Notice the dust? Never

    Take the children off so you have some free time? Never

    Arrange anything or is it all left to you? Most left to me

    Open his/her post? Once a week

    Do any paperwork ever? Very rarely
  • kyrstensmom
    kyrstensmom Posts: 297 Member
    Do an equal share of the housework when he/she is home? Most of the time...sometimes I have to ask/remind, but he does it.

    Cook for you? Yes...even when I can do it for myself. This morning I was sitting on the couch on FB and he was watching TV...I asked him to make me some oatmeal and he (without a comment/complaint) got up and made me some oatmeal (and not in the microwave!).

    Go food shopping? No...except for the occasional gallon of milk, etc. I hate it when he grocery shops because we always end up with lots of stuff we don't need and none of the stuff we do need (and he doesn't look at prices, either).

    Give you massages when you ask? Yes

    Tell you you are beautiful/handsome? Yes

    Buy his/her own clothes?! Yes

    Notice the dust? Um, no.

    Take the children off so you have some free time? Yes, whenever I ask, and sometimes when I don't.

    Arrange anything or is it all left to you? We both arrange things.

    Open his/her post? Not usually.

    Do any paperwork ever? Hmm, no.
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Do an equal share of the housework when he/she is home? God yes, he's much fussier than me - I have to stop him doing the dishes while I'm still eating dinner!

    Cook for you? Once in a while. But I love to cook, and prefer to do more of it.

    Go food shopping? We do this together, usually. But he sometimes picks up essentials while he's out.

    Give you massages when you ask? Always.

    Tell you you are beautiful/handsome? Every morning he will give me a positive comment on my outfit. And he's honest enough to say diplomatically if it's something that isn't flaterring (rare, but I value that honesty)

    Buy his/her own clothes?! Yes

    Notice the dust? Yes. We have a cleaner once a fortnight to give it a good seeing to.

    Take the children off so you have some free time? All our kids are grown up, but he looks after the dogs most of the time, as he works from home.

    Arrange anything or is it all left to you? Totally joint - he'd be pissed off if I arranged anything without consulting him

    Open his/her post? Say what? Of course he does!

    Do any paperwork ever? Most of it, he's very good at that sort of stuff.

    What am I bid?:wink:
  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    I would answer YES to each of these for my husband.
  • dirtbikegirl5
    dirtbikegirl5 Posts: 391 Member
    Just looking for a gauge really!

    Does your other half:

    Do an equal share of the housework when he/she is home?
    He takes care of all the greasy stuff outside, mows the lawn, sprays for bugs. I take care of the inside of the house.

    Cook for you?
    He would but I love to cook. However, when he can tell that I have had a rough day, he will make me go relax and take a shower while he cooks.

    Go food shopping?
    Never. All we would have in the house is snack cakes and ice cream.

    Give you massages when you ask?
    Yes, and even when I don't ask.

    Tell you you are beautiful/handsome?
    He always tells me that I look beautiful, even when I just woke up and my hair is out of control.

    Buy his/her own clothes?!
    No, I buy them or he would be wearing the same stuff from 20 years ago.

    Notice the dust?
    He is a clean freak and we all have allergies so the dust is always in check.

    Take the children off so you have some free time?
    No, I would be with them 24 hours a day if I could. We do each take one child and spend time one on one them every other weekend.

    Arrange anything or is it all left to you?
    He is really good at this, so I give him the power over that.

    Open his/her post?
    He opens all of it.

    Do any paperwork ever?
    He handles a lot without me asking. He is a take charge guy.

    He is a great husband and father. I consider him my best friend.
  • Visser1971
    Just looking for a gauge really!

    Does your other half:

    Do an equal share of the housework when he/she is home? YES!

    Cook for you? No, but that is more because I am awesome in the kitchen! haha!

    Go food shopping? YES!

    Give you massages when you ask? Yes, but I don't ask much.

    Tell you you are beautiful/handsome? Yep!

    Buy his/her own clothes?! OH YES, I would not dare :-)

    Notice the dust? Always, and cleans it too.

    Take the children off so you have some free time? 50/50! (or rather, 100/100 :-))

    Arrange anything or is it all left to you? I do most.

    Open his/her post? Occasionally.

    Do any paperwork ever? Not normally.

    Interesting questions!
  • Jferg69
    Jferg69 Posts: 241 Member
    I do all of the above....
  • ktfitzgerald
    ktfitzgerald Posts: 369 Member
    Does your other half:

    Do an equal share of the housework when he/she is home? He does his own laundry and puts the dishes away, but I like to do the rest

    Cook for you? – Yes, a lot more than I cook for him

    Go food shopping? – Yes, more than I do

    Give you massages when you ask? - I don't ask

    Tell you you are beautiful/handsome? - Sometimes

    Buy his/her own clothes?! - Yes

    Notice the dust? - Nope

    Take the children off so you have some free time? - Our kids are grown

    Arrange anything or is it all left to you? – No, it’s usually me

    Open his/her post? - Yes

    Do any paperwork ever? – Yep, all of it 
  • yager8725
    yager8725 Posts: 267 Member
    he makes the money(long crazy hours) and i take care of house. working on 16 years of happiness
  • 2dayirun4me
    2dayirun4me Posts: 336 Member
    Just looking for a gauge really!

    Does your other half:

    Do an equal share of the housework when he/she is home? Yes but I prefer to do it mostly because he works longer hours than me and he takes care of most of the yard work.

    Cook for you? Yes he makes the best popcorn that's all he know how to make other than grilling

    Go food shopping? Yes we go together and he pushes the shopping cart and carries in all the groceries.

    Give you massages when you ask? Yes but I don't ask.

    Tell you you are beautiful/handsome? Yes and he tells me daily and I remind him how much in love I am with him.

    Buy his/her own clothes? Yes and he's really good at it too.

    Notice the dust? If he does he doesn't say anything.

    Take the children off so you have some free time? we don't have children at home.

    Arrange anything or is it all left to you? He tries and I leave it alone as long as I can before rearranging.

    Open his/her post? he has no posts he's not into social media.

    Do any paperwork ever? he takes care of all the paperwork
  • cherridawnn
    Just looking for a gauge really!

    Does your other half:

    Do an equal share of the housework when he/she is home? :laugh:

    Cook for you? :laugh:

    Go food shopping? :laugh:

    Give you massages when you ask? :laugh:

    Tell you you are beautiful/handsome? :laugh:

    Buy his/her own clothes?! YES

    Notice the dust? Not usually

    Take the children off so you have some free time? YES

    Arrange anything or is it all left to you? YES

    Open his/her post? ?

    Do any paperwork ever? YES
  • vampiregirl97
    Just looking for a gauge really!

    Does your other half:

    Do an equal share of the housework when he/she is home? No.....but he does some.

    Cook for you? Yes

    Go food shopping? Yes...we normally go together

    Give you massages when you ask? Short

    Tell you you are beautiful/handsome? Yes

    Buy his/her own clothes?! Yes...normally together

    Notice the dust? No

    Take the children off so you have some free time? No

    Arrange anything or is it all left to you? He helps sometimes

    Open his/her post? Yes

    Do any paperwork ever? Yes
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    On the plus side, he lets me stay in bed and gets the children ready for school in the morning (I still have to actually TAKE them, but he does the getting dressed/breakfast thing when he is home).
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    Do an equal share of the housework when he/she is home? yes

    Cook for you? Yes, he cooks more than I do

    Go food shopping? Not lately..he's been working weekends so I go alone, but when he's home he goes with.

    Give you massages when you ask? YES :)

    Tell you you are beautiful/handsome? YES: )

    Buy his/her own clothes?! Nope..he wears what I buy him.

    Notice the dust? Yes

    Take the children off so you have some free time? We don't have kids

    Arrange anything or is it all left to you? ehh...not as much as I'd like

    Open his/her post? Yes

    Do any paperwork ever? Yes, but he does ask me to fill things out a lot because his handwriting is horrible
  • JustLena75
    Just looking for a gauge really!

    Does your other half:

    Do an equal share of the housework when he/she is home? Yes. We both have things we hate. He does laundry cuz I hate it. He hates dishes. I do the bathrooms. He does the floors.

    Cook for you? No, but it doesn't bother me. He CAN make a mean Hamburger Helper when I ask him to though! :bigsmile:

    Go food shopping? No, and this is my PREFERENCE. Because he gets sucked in with new or convenience crap and blows the budget.

    Give you massages when you ask? Yup

    Tell you you are beautiful/handsome? Often

    Buy his/her own clothes?! Yep.

    Notice the dust? Yeah....and occasionally takes a swipe. I could care less most of the time.

    Take the children off so you have some free time? Yep.

    Arrange anything or is it all left to you? I am the CEO and CFO of the house. I am super anal on all of that so I'm good with it...I'm sure I'd have an anxiety attack if I gave any of it up.

    Open his/her post? Yeah

    Do any paperwork ever? Not really, but again, doesn't bother me.
  • meltygarden
    meltygarden Posts: 111 Member
    Do an equal share of the housework when he/she is home?

    Pretty much. We've got the household chores divided up by interest and aptitude, more or less. I pretty much do all the dishes, but I haven't washed a load of clothes in years. :)

    Cook for you?

    Not very often, but when he does it's something really amazing. I pretty much do the cooking because I'm more experienced at it and therefore it doesn't cost me $50 to make dinner for the family.

    Go food shopping?

    He is willing to, although I usually prefer to do it because I can spend about a fourth as much.

    Give you massages when you ask?

    Yes. And without any 'obligations' afterwards, if you know what I mean.

    Tell you you are beautiful/handsome?


    Buy his/her own clothes?!

    Yeah. He's a snappy dresser, that one.

    Notice the dust?

    If he does, he either cleans it himself or keeps his mouth shut.

    Take the children off so you have some free time?

    Well, they're his kids too so yeah. But we do have a loose agreement that on weekends, we each get a day where we can go off and do our own thing if we so choose. I generally get Saturdays and he generally gets Sundays, but I have to say, more often than not, we ask the girls to come along anyway just because we enjoy their company.

    Arrange anything or is it all left to you?

    Well, that part is pretty much up to me. He gets stressed and overwhelmed by details. Me, not so much. However if I want to do something, he will do everything possible to make it happen if I plan it.

    Open his/her post?

    Yeah. We are married, not Borg. ;)

    Do any paperwork ever?

    Pretty much all of it. I'm bad about it, so he just gets it all done. In return I deal with things he's not great at. It all works out pretty evenly.

    20 years together and I wouldn't trade him for anything.
  • Triquetra
    Triquetra Posts: 270 Member
    If I could find a guy who would do even 1/2 this stuff I wouldn't still be single :laugh:
  • jdbeckers
    Just looking for a gauge really!

    Does your other half:

    Do an equal share of the housework when he/she is home? sporadically

    Cook for you? Sometimes

    Go food shopping? Yes

    Give you massages when you ask? We give each other massages all the time

    Tell you you are beautiful/handsome? Sometimes

    Buy his/her own clothes?! Yes

    Notice the dust? Not really

    Take the children off so you have some free time? Yes

    Arrange anything or is it all left to you? Mostly does this himself

    Open his/her post? All the time

    Do any paperwork ever? All the time
  • LaSweetMini
    LaSweetMini Posts: 157 Member
    Just looking for a gauge really!

    Does your other half:

    Do an equal share of the housework when he/she is home? no

    Cook for you? no

    Go food shopping? yes

    Give you massages when you ask? yes

    Tell you you are beautiful/handsome? yes...everyday :blushing:

    Buy his/her own clothes? yes

    Notice the dust? yes

    Take the children off so you have some free time? no kids

    Arrange anything or is it all left to you? me

    Open his/her post? no

    Do any paperwork ever? no lol
    But it works this way. I like things done my way anyway.
  • jwaitman
    jwaitman Posts: 367 Member
    Just looking for a gauge really!

    Does your other half:

    Do an equal share of the housework when he/she is home? Hell no

    Cook for you? only if I don't cook first

    Go food shopping? usually do together

    Give you massages when you ask? ummmmm no

    Tell you you are beautiful/handsome? not alot

    Buy his/her own clothes?! He needs definite help. Not allowed to shop on his own.

    Notice the dust? usually over looks, because if he doesn't he knows he can always do it himself.

    Take the children off so you have some free time? It's usually me and the kids, of course my kids are 19 and 13 so they do their own thing. Leaves some me time.

    Arrange anything or is it all left to you? All me

    Open his/her post? huh???

    Do any paperwork ever? No, I don't think he is capable.