Your other half



  • TubbsMcGee
    TubbsMcGee Posts: 1,058 Member
    Does your other half:

    Do an equal share of the housework when he/she is home? Yes, sometimes more than me

    Cook for you? Yes, and he's great at it!

    Go food shopping? Yup

    Give you massages when you ask? Always

    Tell you you are beautiful/handsome? Yes :blushing:

    Buy his/her own clothes?! Rarely

    Notice the dust? Not too often

    Arrange anything or is it all left to you? Half and half

    Open his/her post? Mail? I enjoy opening letters so he usually let's me do it. Any bills that come in, he goes straight to the computer after opening them to pay them online.

    Do any paperwork ever? OODLES

    Thanks for reminding me how great he is!
  • kaetmarie
    kaetmarie Posts: 668 Member
    Just looking for a gauge really!

    Does your other half:

    Do an equal share of the housework when he/she is home? Yes

    Cook for you? Yes

    Go food shopping? More often than I do

    Give you massages when you ask? Yes

    Tell you you are beautiful/handsome? All the time

    Buy his/her own clothes?! NO

    Notice the dust? NO
  • Sweet_Potato
    Sweet_Potato Posts: 1,119 Member
    Does your other half:

    Do an equal share of the housework when he/she is home? No, I do most of it.

    Cook for you? No, she hates cooking whereas I love it.

    Go food shopping? Rarely. Since I'm the one doing the cooking I prefer to do the shopping.

    Give you massages when you ask? Yes, but she gets bored/tired after a couple minutes.

    Tell you you are beautiful/handsome? Yes, all the time!

    Buy his/her own clothes?! Yes, she's very particular so I couldn't shop for her if I wanted to.

    Notice the dust? No.

    Take the children off so you have some free time? We don't have children, but she occasionally takes the dogs with her when she visits her mom.

    Arrange anything or is it all left to you? I do almost all the arranging.

    Open his/her post? Yes, after it's been sitting there for a week.

    Do any paperwork ever? Usually not. Sometimes she even pays me to do it for her!

    Wow, this makes my girlfriend sound completely lazy. Part of it is that she works more and has a longer commute. She also has bad ADD, which makes it difficult for her to do basic tasks. I hate nagging and find it easier to just do everything myself. It's ok because she is very appreciative of everything I do.
  • EmCarroll1990
    EmCarroll1990 Posts: 2,832 Member
    Just looking for a gauge really!

    Does your other half:

    Do an equal share of the housework when he/she is home? More than an equal share.

    Cook for you? Every night.

    Go food shopping? We do it together.

    Give you massages when you ask? Absoutely.

    Tell you you are beautiful/handsome? He does!

    Buy his/her own clothes?! Yes, thank God.

    Notice the dust? Yes, he's a neat freak.

    Take the children off so you have some free time? We don't have any.

    Arrange anything or is it all left to you? It's about 50/50/

    Open his/her post? Post? As in mail? Yes.

    Do any paperwork ever? Paperwork for what?
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    Do an equal share of the housework when he/she is home?

    Cook for you?

    Go food shopping?

    Give you massages when you ask?
    No, I make the kids do that.

    Tell you you are beautiful/handsome?

    Buy his/her own clothes?!

    Notice the dust?

    Take the children off so you have some free time?

    Arrange anything or is it all left to you?
    What is this? Arrange what?

    Open his/her post?
    What is this?

    Do any paperwork ever?
    She does all the paperwork....
    Sounds like a normal relationship to me....
  • Slove009
    Slove009 Posts: 364 Member
    Does your other half:

    Do an equal share of the housework when he/she is home? No, about 25/75

    Cook for you? Rarely. I'm an aspiring chef, so I kinda hog the kitchen

    Go food shopping? He fails at using coupons. So he carries the food?

    Give you massages when you ask? Yes! And even when I don't! He'll just come over and give me one! <3!

    Tell you you are beautiful/handsome? Yeees! <3!

    Buy his/her own clothes?! Kinda. I go with him and supervise now. He used to dress like a bum and I think one of the sexiest things in the world is a well dressed man. So he learned fast and has gotten better at dressing himself!

    Notice the dust? That falls into his 25% He does. Lol!

    Take the children off so you have some free time? He takes care of the cat when I'm not there. Does that count?

    Arrange anything or is it all left to you?

    Open his/her post? Not applicable?

    Do any paperwork ever? His own, but we just got married so not much paperwork yet!
  • journalistjen
    journalistjen Posts: 265 Member
    My other half:

    Does not do an equal share of housework inside the house, but does all the work outside and anything dealing with maintenance.

    Cook for me--yes, menu is a little limited.

    We shop for food together because I can't remember every little thing he wants.

    I don't ask for massages--I made that mistake once, and it felt like I was being stabbed.

    Always says I'm beautiful.

    Does buy his own clothes--but not always good at it.

    Definitely notices dust because of allergies--cleans it? Sometimes.

    Arranges some things.

    Does open his own post.

    Does some paperwork.
  • tjpinch
    tjpinch Posts: 87 Member
    Just looking for a gauge really!

    Does your other half:

    Do an equal share of the housework when he/she is home? Not really, but I'm home with the kids.

    Cook for you? Wouldn't want him to. He's a lousy cook.

    Go food shopping? Once again, don't want him to.

    Give you massages when you ask? Yup

    Tell you you are beautiful/handsome? Yup

    Buy his/her own clothes?! I help with dress clothes...

    Notice the dust? Sadly, yes. Doesn't do anything about it though :(

    Take the children off so you have some free time? Toddler yes, baby no.

    Arrange anything or is it all left to you? He does most of the arranging.

    Open his/her post? Does it all.

    Do any paperwork ever? His share
  • My wife and I share everything!
  • thelovelyLIZ
    thelovelyLIZ Posts: 1,227 Member
    Do an equal share of the housework when he/she is home? Yes. I've been doing most of it, but I wasn't working for two months. But if I ask him to do something, he does.

    Cook for you? Not really. I prefer cooking anyway. But again, if I give him a recipe and ask, he'll do it, and he has cooked me some tasty meals in the past. He does all the grilling.

    Go food shopping? Buahaha yes.

    Give you massages when you ask? Sure.

    Tell you you are beautiful/handsome? Not really, but we've never been like that. I dunno, doesn't bother me.

    Buy his/her own clothes?! Actually, most are gifts from his family for his birthday/Christmas.

    Notice the dust? Not really, but neither do I.

    Take the children off so you have some free time? We have no children, thank goodness.

    Arrange anything or is it all left to you? Uh, sure.

    Open his/her post? Yeah. I'm not comfortable opening his mail anyway.

    Do any paperwork ever? I guess, but I'm not aware of doing any paperwork myself.
  • MandaJean83
    MandaJean83 Posts: 671 Member
    Do an equal share of the housework when he/she is home? - I would say it's 70/30...I do 70, he does 30...but then again, I have off 4 days a week, and he only has off 1!

    Cook for you? - YES yes yes! He is a much better cook than I am. He cooks 90% of the time...

    Go food shopping? - Yep...but we both make our own trips, and check with each other if there's anything we need.

    Give you massages when you ask? - Yeah...they only last a couple minutes, but it's better than nothing :)

    Tell you you are beautiful/handsome? - Absolutely!

    Buy his/her own clothes?! - Heck yes, he wouldn't want me shopping for him!

    Notice the dust? - No he doesn't. I have never seen this man dust...

    Take the children off so you have some free time? - Well, they are his kids, and he only has them on this is a non-issue for me.

    Arrange anything or is it all left to you? - Sometimes he does. He'll plan meals, or plan day trips, or plan dates sometimes. He's getting better the longer we are together.

    Open his/her post? - Yeah...but he needed a swift kick in the *kitten* for motivation. He's doing better!

    Do any paperwork ever? - He does his, I do mine. It will stay that way forever, if I can help it!
  • Syreeta6
    Syreeta6 Posts: 377 Member
    Just looking for a gauge really!

    Does your other half:

    Do an equal share of the housework when he/she is home? Mostly

    Cook for you? It's like pulling teeth to get him to do it, but he's actually a good cook

    Go food shopping? He does all the grocery shopping

    Give you massages when you ask? Yep

    Tell you you are beautiful/handsome? All the time

    Buy his/her own clothes?! Yes, he loves clothes

    Notice the dust? Uh...sometimes

    Take the children off so you have some free time? N/A

    Arrange anything or is it all left to you? He does some

    Open his/her post? He only opens bills lol

    Do any paperwork ever? Not really?
  • My answer is YES to every one of the questions! I have an absolutely amazing husband!
  • laineyluma
    laineyluma Posts: 358 Member
    Just looking for a gauge really!

    Does your other half:

    Do an equal share of the housework when he/she is home? Yes

    Cook for you? We tend to switch every other night.. He grills food, I use other methods.

    Go food shopping? He loves going to the grocery store with me so we tend to go together after he gets home from work.

    Give you massages when you ask? Yes

    Tell you you are beautiful/handsome? All the time.

    Buy his/her own clothes?! If he buys anymore clothes I am going to kick him.

    Notice the dust? I guess not? He's never said anything

    Take the children off so you have some free time? We do that for each other but we try to be fair with it. I would feel bad if it was just one sided.

    Arrange anything or is it all left to you? I am awful at planning ahead so he does most all of that haha

    Open his/her post? yes

    Do any paperwork ever? I do most of the paperwork but that is just because I keep everything organized the way I like it. :P
  • Ok, I thought I was logged into mine when I was logged into my husbands! HE is the amazing man!
  • BethanyMasters
    BethanyMasters Posts: 519 Member
    Just looking for a gauge really!

    Does your other half:

    Do an equal share of the housework when he/she is home?
    Not really. It's mostly my fault though because I have OCD and anything he tries to clean ends up being a half *kitten* job so we've had a few fights about it and he just doesn't bother anymore.

    Cook for you?
    He doesn't know how to cook. When I met him he couldn't even boil noodles properly. : /

    Go food shopping?
    Yes but never by himself or we'd end up with a house full of crap.

    Give you massages when you ask?

    Tell you you are beautiful/handsome?

    Buy his/her own clothes?!
    He doesn't really buy clothes. He's been wearing the same ratty t shirts since highschool. He's almost 30 : /

    Notice the dust?

    Take the children off so you have some free time?
    no kids. Taking care of him is enough.

    Arrange anything or is it all left to you?
    Depends on the thing. Anything romantic is up to me. Any adult business type stuff is all him.

    Open his/her post? The only time he touches my mail is to throw it at me : /

    Do any paperwork ever?
    He does all the check writing and adult type stuff.

    A lot of people think our relationship is very one sided, that I take care of him too much. I do his dishes, his laundry, cook for him and clean the house. But in reality if it weren't for him I'd be completely lost. I have never lived on my own ever. When it comes to adult stuff I'm completely clueless. He writes all the checks and takes care of all the bills and crap like that. I just hand him my half of the bills in cash every month.
  • sharonsjones
    sharonsjones Posts: 574 Member
    My answer to every question is YES! I am so blessed and fortunate to have him. :love:
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    Do an equal share of the housework when he/she is home? Within reason, yes. But I dont expect him to because he is a third shift truck driver

    Cook for you? No, I prefer to do all the cooking where I am a chef.

    Go food shopping? He loves to go shopping together..

    Give you massages when you ask? IN A HEART BEAT!!!!

    Tell you you are beautiful/handsome? He tells me Im beautiful, but Ive yet to really feel it with my personal self image issues

    Buy his/her own clothes?! THANK GOODNESS!

    Notice the dust? Hell no! That would mean he would have to clean it up! LOL!

    Take the children off so you have some free time? We have an empty-nest.

    Arrange anything or is it all left to you? Very much so... and its very kind of him to do the extra..

    Open his/her post? He takes his own mail, why wouldnt he?

    Do any paperwork ever? He does in general, but if there is something he doesnt understand, he knows he can come to me with questions...
  • Josie_lifting_cats
    Josie_lifting_cats Posts: 949 Member
    Do an equal share of the housework when he/she is home? Eh..... I guess maybe. Maybe like 35/65, me being the 65%.

    Cook for you? Almost all of the time in the past. Now that he goes to the gym three nights a week I cook those nights usually, but I am a horrible cook and he's awesome, so he's kind of inherited that job.

    Go food shopping? Yeah, although I think I do more. He does last minute things, I do the massive Aldi runs to keep the basics stocked.

    Give you massages when you ask? For like 90 seconds. Wish they were a bit longer (hoping he read this!) :-)

    Tell you you are beautiful/handsome? I don't recall the word "beautiful" recently... but I think I kind of know that I don't fall in the beautiful category, so pretty works for me, and yes, I do hear that.

    Buy his/her own clothes?! Eh...... not really. Even if he does pick them out my income tends to be the clothes buying income.

    Notice the dust? God I hope not! Because I seriously can't keep up with it!

    Take the children off so you have some free time? so I can work, yes. What is "free time"?

    Arrange anything or is it all left to you? Neither of us are good at making plans. So no.

    Open his/her post? I save nearly everything for him, unless it looks like it's important, tax related, etc. (I do the taxes. Lucky me.)

    Do any paperwork ever? No, not so much.
  • morgansmom02
    morgansmom02 Posts: 1,131 Member
    Just looking for a gauge really!

    Does your other half:

    Do an equal share of the housework when he/she is home? No!

    Cook for you? Does heating stuff in the microwave count??

    Go food shopping? HAHAHAHA!! No

    Give you massages when you ask? Nope. :-(

    Tell you you are beautiful/handsome? Yes but it is more like "you look hot"

    Buy his/her own clothes?! YEP!

    Notice the dust? Of course. Even when I just miss a spot

    Take the children off so you have some free time? Yes, he has been watching them when I work out!

    Arrange anything or is it all left to you? It is pretty much left to me

    Open his/her post? No, I open the bills and the rest just sits there

    Do any paperwork ever? No!