when DID this becomer more attractive?!?! (pic.....i hope)



  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    I did NOT make this photo (couldn't if i wanted too) its the message it sends. A lot of women starve themselves into eating disorders trying to look like the top row of women instead of embracing that maybe their body wasn't meant to look that way. Keira Knighlt I'll admit does look good, though :P

    ^^^THIS^^^ She isn't trying to BASH anyone and she didn't say that skinny girls are gross shes just stating the obvious - that our society pushes girls into believing that ONLY skinny is beautiful. Most people cannot achieve this kind of body without hurting themselves. EVERY person is different and beautiful in their own way.

    Then that is an issue with society, not people in the pictures. You are bashing people no matter how you look at it. It's bullying. So back in the day with Marilyn and then were what people wanted, did people get all ticked at them because not everyone is as curvy or as busted in the chest. It's a change in the ebb and flow of society. In 30-40 years most likely it'll change again. Haters are going to hate. Some people just want to tear down what they aren't and people will always strive and try to achieve what they aren't. It's part of life.

    EXACTLY! Its about society, thats my point and hers. I'm not bashing on anyone and you are implying that I am! People are attacking the OP tho and I don't think thats fair thats why I commented. The OP didn't come in here and say these woman are disgusting and people are implying that she did. She is saying its an issue with society pushing girls to think ONLY this is attractive. I think both sets of woman are beautiful in their own way personally. To all the other people who are bashing thin or fat then shame on them.

    IIm not bashing on the op im bashing on the people coming in here calling the thin girls skeletons,and refuges. Its disgusting and a double standard which is what ive been trying to point out in my comments. Its JUST AS BAD as society saying you have to be thin. and for the record I dont understand why anyone gives a fvck what society says they should be
  • umachanxo
    umachanxo Posts: 926 Member
    I showed my fiance these 8 images and asked him who he finds the most attractive.
    He picked out the four that are on the bottom.
    This gives me confidence in my curves. lol

    BUT. Women are beautiful in all shapes and sizes. Women who are tiny are just as much women as women who have curves. :3 It can hurt those really small ladies feelings to be told they aren't feminine. (My sister in law to be is TINY TINY just naturally, for example)

    But starving yourself... who wants that when you can eat and be sexy too?
  • Alleonh
    I completely agree. Keira Knightley was GORGEOUS in the first Pirates of the Caribbean. She was a new star and had not given into the pressures of Hollywood yet. She was simply beautiful.

    By the third movie she had lost so much weight. It really detracted from her looks. So sad. Can't these girls see how unhealthy they look? I know I am no one to judge. I'm a little too far on the OTHER end of the spectrum (;D) But still, it's a shame.
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    I completely agree. Keira Knightley was GORGEOUS in the first Pirates of the Caribbean. She was a new star and had not given into the pressures of Hollywood yet. She was simply beautiful.

    By the third movie she had lost so much weight. It really detracted from her looks. So sad. Can't these girls see how unhealthy they look? I know I am no one to judge. I'm a little too far on the OTHER end of the spectrum (;D) But still, it's a shame.

    So Keira Knightleys abs look unhealthy to you?
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I hate shopping for jeans and there's only one pair in a size 2 or 4, while there's dozens of pairs in 6, 8, 10, 12 and 14.

    And when I wore those 10s and 12s, I hated shopping for jeans then, too.

    I honestly don't know of anyone who likes shopping for jeans.
  • Shanna_Inc86
    Shanna_Inc86 Posts: 781 Member
    Looking "skinny" or looking curvy can be just a matter of wearing different clothes.


    va-va-voom! LOVE THAT DRESS...you look amazing no matter what
  • hellokathy
    hellokathy Posts: 540 Member
    The disclaimer need to be with each person. If you run with the pack of wolves that is your own fault when you get chewed up and spit out. Too many people are afraid to be different. That isn't societies fault, but the fault of the person. Everyone is so quick to blame society or others. The truth is written on your own heart.

    Yes but keep in mind that it's not just adults we're talking about. If people, especially young people, weren't influenced by the media, then where do beauty standards come from? Why is there such a huge business for marketing and advertising? I wish it was as easy as you're making it sound but it isn't.
  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member
    I can't find the magazine now, but I have a magazine from the 1940s that had photos and measurements of all the hot actresses of the time. Betty Grable, Hedy Lamar, Olivia de Havilland, Carol Lombard, etc. Most of them were right around 34-24-34 with 18" thighs. In other words, depending on the store, a size 0 or 2 today.

    This what is making it humorous. A good chunk of these girls are the same size on top and bottom. A lot of it is placement of the how they are posed and photoshop. The top row I'd wager a few of those have been shopped to make them look even skinnier as TMZ and the bunch do that to help promote the story. Add in bottom was professional photos in a sitting and the top are spontaneous pictures at a beach where they aren't posed, in makeup and etc. This image was always about propping up one side and not the other.

    To put things in guy standards.. I can't believe women sometimes, as a guy I find 6 of those girls very easily hot hot hot! Any man that says otherwise like they like just the bottom row is most likely only telling that to be a white knight or to make the person that asks them feel better. I have no probably being 100% honest and saying yes 6 of those women are ultra beautiful. I don't care what a women's dress size is, and has never been a factor if I think she is hot or not. I don't have an application process where it asks their measurements, I go by what is pleasing to the eye and that is all shapes and sizes.

    To make it out to be about one side or another is just being plain and simple catty. Add if you aren't living that way you should spend less time worrying how others spend theirs. If people minded their own business then society as a whole wouldn't have these standards and values to hold people to. People are held to them because people themselves hold themselves to them. It's not societies fault, it's the fault of any one person that holds themselves to those standards. If a majority didn't hold themselves to the standard then the standard wouldn't exist. Every single one that is in that majority is to be blamed, not society. Quit trying to find excuses or prop yourself up on top of others.
  • Alleonh
    I completely agree. Keira Knightley was GORGEOUS in the first Pirates of the Caribbean. She was a new star and had not given into the pressures of Hollywood yet. She was simply beautiful.

    By the third movie she had lost so much weight. It really detracted from her looks. So sad. Can't these girls see how unhealthy they look? I know I am no one to judge. I'm a little too far on the OTHER end of the spectrum (;D) But still, it's a shame.

    So Keira Knightleys abs look unhealthy to you?

    Uhh... yay, go abs? It's a six pack on a stick.
    Those girls look unhealthy.
  • Agirl329
    I have never thought the "bony" look was more attractive. Old Hollywood was always more glamorous!
  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member
    The disclaimer need to be with each person. If you run with the pack of wolves that is your own fault when you get chewed up and spit out. Too many people are afraid to be different. That isn't societies fault, but the fault of the person. Everyone is so quick to blame society or others. The truth is written on your own heart.

    Yes but keep in mind that it's not just adults we're talking about. If people, especially young people, weren't influenced by the media, then where do beauty standards come from? Why is there such a huge business for marketing and advertising? I wish it was as easy as you're making it sound but it isn't.

    To be young and stupid. Again people are trying to place the blame but where it needs to be. Themselves. It really is that easy, it's not your parents fault, it's not a marketing companies fault, its not gods fault. It is your fault, your life. You will make mistakes, as people you can show concern and care for the person as an individual. No reason to place a blanket blame like people do. The biggest difference between those pictures, in the bottom pictures those people took blame for their actions, the top row society takes blame for their actions. Self accountability is so low now a days.

    There is a huge business for marketing because of said thing. We don't hold things accountable anymore, we fall for glitz and glamor. Yet again that is a persons fault and not society. Things are easy, we just don't want them to be easy.

    The picture the OP posted alone is a form of marketing. So saying to fight the system, when the picture alone is a part of that same byproduct. It's crazy. Some people can't see the forest for the trees.
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    I completely agree. Keira Knightley was GORGEOUS in the first Pirates of the Caribbean. She was a new star and had not given into the pressures of Hollywood yet. She was simply beautiful.

    By the third movie she had lost so much weight. It really detracted from her looks. So sad. Can't these girls see how unhealthy they look? I know I am no one to judge. I'm a little too far on the OTHER end of the spectrum (;D) But still, it's a shame.

    So Keira Knightleys abs look unhealthy to you?

    Uhh... yay, go abs? It's a six pack on a stick.
    Those girls look unhealthy.

    OMG have you seen Gabourey Sidibe!?! Disgusting!! She looks like a planet!

    Is it ok to say something like that about someone?
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    The disclaimer need to be with each person. If you run with the pack of wolves that is your own fault when you get chewed up and spit out. Too many people are afraid to be different. That isn't societies fault, but the fault of the person. Everyone is so quick to blame society or others. The truth is written on your own heart.

    Yes but keep in mind that it's not just adults we're talking about. If people, especially young people, weren't influenced by the media, then where do beauty standards come from? Why is there such a huge business for marketing and advertising? I wish it was as easy as you're making it sound but it isn't.

    To be young and stupid. Again people are trying to place the blame but where it needs to be. Themselves. It really is that easy, it's not your parents fault, it's not a marketing companies fault, its not gods fault. It is your fault, your life. You will make mistakes, as people you can show concern and care for the person as an individual. No reason to place a blanket blame like people do. The biggest difference between those pictures, in the bottom pictures those people took blame for their actions, the top row society takes blame for their actions. Self accountability is so low now a days.

    There is a huge business for marketing because of said thing. We don't hold things accountable anymore, we fall for glitz and glamor. Yet again that is a persons fault and not society. Things are easy, we just don't want them to be easy.

    The picture the OP posted alone is a form of marketing. So saying to fight the system, when the picture alone is a part of that same byproduct. It's crazy. Some people can't see the forest for the trees.

  • JustLindaLou
    JustLindaLou Posts: 376 Member
    Love the curves, the womanly shape, and will never strive for 'skinny" - just more shapely curves :D
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Probably NSFW as there's some underboob in some of the shots. http://www.brobible.com/bronews/story/the-25-hottest-modern-pin-up-girls

    Our modern day actresses can look just as phenomenal as the pinups of old. Who every would have thought the Olson twins could look so gorgeous? And Hayden Panttiere or Kristen Stewart so glamorous? Love Ilsa Fisher and Mary Louise Parker's shots, too.
  • jenlarz
    jenlarz Posts: 813 Member
    Just saw on FB this morning. This is why so many young girls call themselves fat, end up with eating disorders, low self esteem, and why young boys think thats what girls are supposed to be like!
  • Alleonh
    I completely agree. Keira Knightley was GORGEOUS in the first Pirates of the Caribbean. She was a new star and had not given into the pressures of Hollywood yet. She was simply beautiful.

    By the third movie she had lost so much weight. It really detracted from her looks. So sad. Can't these girls see how unhealthy they look? I know I am no one to judge. I'm a little too far on the OTHER end of the spectrum (;D) But still, it's a shame.

    So Keira Knightleys abs look unhealthy to you?

    Uhh... yay, go abs? It's a six pack on a stick.
    Those girls look unhealthy.

    OMG have you seen Gabourey Sidibe!?! Disgusting!! She looks like a planet!

    Is it ok to say something like that about someone?

    It's picking the two extreme sides of the same coin.
    Anorexia will kill you just as quickly as obesity.
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    Just saw on FB this morning. This is why so many young girls call themselves fat, end up with eating disorders, low self esteem, and why young boys think thats what girls are supposed to be like!

    and pictures showing the thin ones as "unattractive" and comments like the ones seen in this thread are why alot of the thin girls ive known in my life have low self esteem,hate themselves and feel disgusting
  • Priincess_Natalie
    Priincess_Natalie Posts: 367 Member
    Up until my mid 20s, I had a build like Keira or Nicole. More like Nicole because I didn't have muscle like Keira. Hearing "real women have curves," constantly being told to eat something, that you look like a boy, or that you need implants, is no better of one's psyche than being told you need to lose weight.

    This. My wife is naturally really small build, she went through hell in school because of it. I remember her crying on the phone to me (we were high school sweethearts) over the stuff people would say to her. Words can hurt you no matter what size you are.

    Unless you are jaded and a complete a***ole like me. ;-)

    I was and still am like your wife. ALWAYS teased and ridiculed by LARGE women about my tiny size. I've been called anorexic, bean pole, boyish and any number of other insults.

    I would NEVER find it appropriate to call big girls, fatso, lard *kitten*, disgusting so I'm not sure why these girls feel it's okay to call me or those girls in the top row "refugees", "sticks", "disgusting" or insinuate that they are NOT "real" women. WTF?
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    It is not the medias fault,hollywoods fault,the modeling industrys fault its OUR fault