Time to Tackle P90X - and You Can, Too..! Starting Monday 3/



  • eriny
    eriny Posts: 1,509 Member
    hello all fellow p90xers
    sat workout small but its sat 50 pushups 50 situps ,4 15 sec floor leglifts w 10lb ball 2 sets of 20 dumbbells 20lb 20 hanging leg lifts 10lb ball and 10 dragon flags thats it in and out i was hungry it was past 9 and no breakfast
    but im much better now :bigsmile:
  • trenauldo
    trenauldo Posts: 235
    P90X DAY FORTY-SEVEN - Legs & Back, Ab Ripper X

    Total Pull-Ups: 141

    Not bad, not bad at all... The pull-up number continues to climb. Of course, this workout's primary focus is legs, and it never disappoints. Today was a good leg day: I did all 20 Sneaky Lunges at pace, which is awesome because those are killers. The Toe-Roll Iso Lunges went well, so I think I may try to add some weight to those and see how that works. I haven't had enough left in me yet to get airborne in the 80/20 Speed Sqauts yet... yet.

    ARX was a good day, too. Made it through 20 Fifer Scissors before I had to pause; I can almost touch that 25-rep number.

    One more Kenpo X to finish out the week, then it's recovery week. My how the time does fly...
  • trenauldo
    trenauldo Posts: 235
    P90X DAY FORTY-EIGHT - Kenpo X

    Another round of Kenpo X, another day of blowing past the trainers on the DVD. I'm going to have to give some thought on how I can really ramp up the intensity on this workout. The last thing I want to do is start to feel like this isn't a challenge. I think... if I go full-out from the start of each set, I should be getting in a good bit more reps in each time than the set calls for. It might throw me off a bit to not stay at their pace, but the fact is, I'm having a tough time keeping my heart rate high enough throughout the course of the prorgram, so I've got to try something. Perhaps keeping the solution simple like this will be enough. We shall see...

    Recovery week is on-deck. The only bummer here is I miss the strength workouts, but I've got to take my ego out of the equation and let the program do its thing.
  • trenauldo
    trenauldo Posts: 235
    hi tony
    sounds like your really pushing yourself keep it up
    1 more week till i start p90x
    so just a couple of HELP questions
    on phase 1 it says 1 piece of fruit does this mean 1 banana for the day
    and 4 the protein ive worked out i will have to eat 3 chicken breast and 2 tins of tuna a day WOW
    does this sound about right
    and last thing for breakfast is oatmeal the best thing to eat with milk
    im going to make a couple days meal plan would it be ok if u take a look and see if it looks ok
    Mosse... If you're using the portion approach to the P90X nutrition plan, it gives you a listing of all the acceptable foods and amounts that constitute a "serving" in a given category. For fruits, it has listed "1 medium banana" as a fruit "serving", so I'd think you'd be ok with that.

    As to your protein, I don't recall what level you're figuring on in the plan, but if those chicken breasts and tuna tins are 3 oz each, then each one would be considered a protein serving. There are many other items on the protein list, so don't just limit yourself to chicken & tuna if there are other things on there that you enjoy eating. Variety is a good thing! I have turkey bacon with my breakfasts; I put protein powder in a fruit smoothie; I cook turkey burgers so I can take them to work during the week.

    Don't make it out to be more complex than it really needs to be my friend. If you're going to put a meal plan together, I'd be happy to review it for you. You can post it here or email it to me at coachtr@live.com.
  • trenauldo
    trenauldo Posts: 235
    April... Way to bring it to the "X" lady... and don't feel bad about balance lunges; they are TOUGH. For me, the hardest part these days is getting out of the exercise position because my quads are so burnt after 25 of those... lol.

    eriny... Really glad to see you back and posting my friend. We missed you. Always enjoy reading about your good, back-to-basics lifting program.

    Big news folks... The wife has decided to do P90X, and she's starting her first round tomorrow. She took her fit test today and did pretty darned good. Pull-ups and push-ups will be her biggest challenge areas at first, but I think she's going to come along fine with time. I told her just to take the program at her pace and do her best every day, and good things will happen. Can't wait to see how she starts to change.

    Well, off to bed good people... Phase 2 recovery week starts tomorrow...
  • aprilvet
    aprilvet Posts: 724 Member
    Hi, all!

    Welcome back, eriny!

    Tony- I was wondering how to up the intensity of kenpo.:laugh: Currently, I do the entire routine with 2# hand weights but still see my calorie burn dropping.:grumble: I wear my hrm and my hr seems to be in range for most of the routine- 145-155 mainly, but I only burn about 350 cals. I would welcome any suggestons you have!

    Have a good day, all!:flowerforyou:
  • larthur
    larthur Posts: 37 Member
    I'm starting my first recover week today. I love P90X It's the first home based workout (aside from running) that I think has really helped me or been a good chalenge. My fav is the abs, love it!
  • trenauldo
    trenauldo Posts: 235
    April... Well, I know one thing is to make sure to keep yourself moving during the "rest" breaks. I may stop for a few seconds for a sip of water and to towel my face, but other than that, I stay at full tilt through every break period. I'll see what I can come up with. Using hand weights is a good idea; I have some that came with Turbo Jam that I may give a try. I think stepping up the reps would help, too. I thought about setting a goal for 3-5 reps above what the workout calls for, depending on the exercise (I tend to move a little slower on the kicks than on the puches).

    larthur... Welcome, welcome... Pleased to have you aboard, and pleased to hear you're enjoying P90X. It's a lot like life in general - the more you put into it, the more you'll get out of it.
  • eriny
    eriny Posts: 1,509 Member
    hello to p90xers
    i did
    75 situps (25 w 10lb ball)
    100 pushups
    40floor leg lifts w 10 lb ball
    40 bench leg lifts
    20 knee lifts
    40 20lb curls
    10min resistance15 treadmill 128 cal :embarassed: but tyrying
  • eriny
    eriny Posts: 1,509 Member
    hello my fellow p90xer
    todays workout as follows
    10 min treadmill resistance set 10 :cry:
    100 pushups
    40 40lb bicep curls machine
    20 255lbs fly machine
    40 100lb row/rear deltiod machine
    40 100lb chest press machine
    20 leg lifts w 10lb ball
    10 dragon flag
    20 25 lb curls
    i think thats it till tomorrow :drinker:
  • aprilvet
    aprilvet Posts: 724 Member
    eriny- you are totally inspirational!!! I could only manage my run today.:grumble: Was up late last night- my brother in-law was in town for the night. I'll get back on track tomorrow. The guilt at not pushing play gets to me!!!!
  • eriny
    eriny Posts: 1,509 Member
    :blushing: thank you
  • trenauldo
    trenauldo Posts: 235
    P90X DAY FIFTY - Yoga X

    Somehow, as challenging as this workout is, it always manages to make me feel very relaxed and calm by the time it's over with. Not that there wasn't hard work going on mind you - I did push-ups for every chaturanga, I brought my knees all the way off the ground for every upward dog, and the only poses I truly struggled with maintaining were Half Moon and Twisting Half Moon. Each of my legs has a tough time supporting my body weight after a while, and the routine that starts with Warrior Three has you on one leg for a good, long while. On top of that, it's tough to get my torso turned in that pose, and I don't feel like I'm able to get my chest opened well enough. It may be technique-related, or I may need to give a yoga block a try and see if that helps.

    Core Synergistics is next up... I've missed this workout... Superman! Banana!
  • trenauldo
    trenauldo Posts: 235
    Eriny... Awesome workouts bro... Keep up the intensity!!
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    Hey Tony, just popping to let you know that I decided to make the switch to Doubles. I'm on Phase 1 recovery Classic which is the same as Doubles this week so I'm jumping right in.

    Woot! I'm so excited! :smile:
  • eriny
    eriny Posts: 1,509 Member
    heres my workout
    100 situps
    100 pushups
    40 25lb curls
    40 100lb row/rear deltoid machine
    40 110 lb pulldown machine
    40 100 hammer strength (ab machine )
    4 15 sec floor leg lifts w 10lb ball
    thats it took it a little easy today feeling tired from switching workout time from morning to night :ohwell:
  • eriny
    eriny Posts: 1,509 Member
    hello all
    heres workout
    100 pushups
    75 situps 25 with 10lb balll
    20 floor knee lifts w 10lb ball
    40 70lb leb extension machine
    40 50 lb pulldown machine
    2 10 hanging knee lifts w 10 lb ball
    10 pull ups
    40 50lb cable crosser pulldown
    40 bar curls 30 lbs
    40 110lbs bicebs curl
    and 10 dragon flags
    since i forgot how to post pics on topic page i have pictures on profile of me doing dragon flag sorry about not to good picture camera phone had no flash
  • larthur
    larthur Posts: 37 Member
    I think my favorite work out in P90X is the Yoga X, i've been doing yoga for years and i've always loved it. This is just a little more challenging then what i've done in the past, which I like. My least favorite is Kenpo X, I just hate it..... so what I want to know is do any of you ever replace certain workouts with other things? I am doing doubles, this is my first round and right now I am on my first recovery week. I did kenpo X once hated it so much that ever time it comes up I either go lap swimming, running or bikeing. Part of me feels guilty and yet i'm relieved I don't have to do it again. The irony is I generaly love all forms of exercise. I run, bike, swim, yoga, weights, elipticle I own lots of dvd's I enjoy just not kenpo LOL. So do you think I can still get all the benefits if I replace this one work out??

    Also, I started the diet a week before I started the program so this is my 5th week of eating 50/30/20 and I'm exhausted. Because I am a runner I have always "carbed up" so this has been really challenging for me. I have only lost 3 pounds, my goal is 15, so yesterday I switched to 40/40/20 in hopes I would have a little more energy. It's also been a struggle to eat that many calories, i'm on 1800 and I don't think I've managed to eat that many yet.

    Thanks for any advice and help :smile:
  • rowerc2
    rowerc2 Posts: 158
    Just finished the 60 day mark - will post a photo (start and 60 day), with some stats - can see a six pack happening for the first time in my life.
  • taryn_perry
    taryn_perry Posts: 193 Member
    I love P90X! On my 3rd round and have had brilliant results!! Way to go everyone and great thread.
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