Time to Tackle P90X - and You Can, Too..! Starting Monday 3/



  • rowerc2
    rowerc2 Posts: 158
    So here is the 60 day tally;
    * Starting Weight - 185.5 lbs
    * 60 Day Weight - 167.5 lbs
    * Starting Waist - 40 inches
    * 60 Day Waist - 35 inches
    * Starting Chest - 42.2 inches
    * 60 Day Chest - 43.4 inches
    * Starting Right Bicep - 14.0 inches
    * 60 Day Bicep - 14.4 inches
    * Test Chin ups - 2
    * 60 Day Chin ups (1st set only) - 24 (I did well over 130 chin ups/pull ups as part of Legs/Back)

    And I posted photos

    Can hardly wait to see what the next 30 days brings
  • larthur
    larthur Posts: 37 Member
    I did 25 miles on my bike, it was fun :)
  • eriny
    eriny Posts: 1,509 Member
    hello fellow p90xers
    75 pushups
    75 situps
    25 incline situps w 10lb ball
    40 110lb fly machine
    65lb bench press 40 x

    40 15sec floor leglifts w 10lb ball
    40 20lb curls
    40 leglifts on bench w 10lb ball
    10min ellicpticil set at resistance at10 moved to13 with 30 sec left burned 129 calories started last week at burning only 101 wonder if possible to burn 200 in 10 min
    i think thats it
  • larthur
    larthur Posts: 37 Member
    Today was the start of week 5 for me, I thought I was getting tuff, even bragged a little about my push ups. Then I did chests, Shoulders, and Triceps.... it kicked my butt like day one....
  • aprilvet
    aprilvet Posts: 724 Member
    Hello, all!

    rowerc- great progress!!!! I haven't taken my official measurements, but my clothes are falling off! I'll take 60 day pics soon.

    eriny- your workouts make me tired!:laugh:

    larthur- it's great, isn't it!!!!:bigsmile: I just started week 9- chest and back for the first time in over a month- I felt like a noodle when I was done! But I upped my reps and weights for everything! No girly push-ups for me!!!!

    choose2befit- I hope I have your results some day!!!!!

    Tony- where are you??
  • eriny
    eriny Posts: 1,509 Member
    hello peeps
    just had to say i did 100 pushups for lunch because my car is in shop and all my (i need to eat early -even if i just had breakfast at 9 am coworkers ) left to lunch . but i will still do my workout tonight and post then . just had to vent again now on to find some food
  • nbyrd
    nbyrd Posts: 9
    Day 58... Plyo tonight.. and I don't know about the rest of you... but I am pumped. I updated a calendar in my office and put a note on June 13.. P90X "Brought it!!!" Talk about a light at the end of the tunnel, it's like a gleaming reminder of all the hard work I've done, and the hard work left to do. Honestly, I'm already getting pumped about P90X Plus, I watched a few disks, and it looks ridiculously hard :-) I can't wait.

    I'm trying to decide if I should do another round of P90X or jump straight to Plus, I definitely have more to go. I've dropped 50 lbs so far. I started this at 305 in pretty bad shape... according to the fit test, I shouldn't have done it. But I was convinced I could work through it. My persistence has paid off, big time.

    I can still only get 2 pull ups unassisted, but I'm proud of it. I would like to be able to get through a work out without a chair, that would be a true accomplishment in my book. All my clothes look terrible on me now, and I don't want to buy anything new b/c I have 20 pounds to go, goal weight is 235 ripped. I know this sounds stupid, but I swear my feet are gettin thinner... my leather shoes don't fit right anymore.

    So, I hope everyone else is feeling as incredible as I am... see ya.
  • larthur
    larthur Posts: 37 Member
    I did plyo too, it rocks!! I love it, but i'm sure tired tonight.
  • eriny
    eriny Posts: 1,509 Member
    did not get to work out last night got home late . so this morning did quick 100 pushups 20 hanging knee lifts :)
  • rocknrolla2009
    rocknrolla2009 Posts: 63 Member
    Is P90x for people of all fitness levels? Or do you have to already be in relatively good shape?:bigsmile:
  • eriny
    eriny Posts: 1,509 Member
    Is P90x for people of all fitness levels? Or do you have to already be in relatively good shape?:bigsmile:
    i would say anybody and any level and any shape they let me join and i dont do p90x but the people here are great :flowerforyou:
  • trenauldo
    trenauldo Posts: 235
    Ok everyone, don't hurt me! I've been tied up with loads of other things here this last week, but I'll be getting caught up on my posts this evening. Looks like there's lots to catch up on besides just my posts... Goodness, but all my P90X buddies have been busy!!
  • trenauldo
    trenauldo Posts: 235
    Is P90x for people of all fitness levels? Or do you have to already be in relatively good shape?:bigsmile:
    Rocknrolla (love that screename :laugh: )... I would say it depends on one factor, and that factor is... YOU. I say that because there are people who have started their fitness journeys with P90X and been successful (an uncommon approach), but the majority of folks I'd say are ones that have achieved a certain level of fitness already by whatever means: using other Beachbody programs, doing other programs, hitting the gym, getting busy solo (thinkin' of my buddy Eriny here).

    At the end of the day, P90X can work for you if you are ready to bring your all to a workout program because it is a serious endeavor; you will be doing SERIOUS work, but... the results are serious, too. I counsel most folks that are just getting started to build up to the "X" because the last thing I want is for someone to try P90X first-thing, get pounded, get discouraged and frustrated, and then quit. Success is important, and creating the conditions to achieve it are just as important.

    At the end of the day, anyone who uses P90X regardless of fitness level will gain some benefit. How much depends on many factors, and just about the most important is the attitude and intensity you bring to your workouts. My dear wife recently started on P90X; she's got some weight to lose, and the workouts are kicking her hiney, but she hangs in there, and I'm very proud of her.

    Where are you now in terms of your fitness level? What are your fitness goals?
  • trenauldo
    trenauldo Posts: 235
    i would say anybody and any level and any shape they let me join and i dont do p90x but the people here are great :flowerforyou:
    Eriny... We keep you around here because you are an INTENSITY ANIMAL bro..!!! You help keep me motivated my friend... :bigsmile:
  • trenauldo
    trenauldo Posts: 235
    Well everyone, I'm going to have to update my workout posts tomorrow; I've been out in the yard all evening and just got finished and cleaned up, and I am heading to bed. Rest assurred I am up on my P90X workouts and in Phase III for the home stretch. Until tomorrow everyone... Rest well.
  • aprilvet
    aprilvet Posts: 724 Member
    Hi, Tony! Glad you're back!

    Welcome, rocknrolla! P90X is as much mental as it is physical. While everyone who commits to the program gets amazing results, I agree with Tony- you don't want to start a program that you're not ready for and get discouraged. If you're not sure, you can see many of the routines on-line on various video-sharing sites (don't know if I'm allowed to say the name!!!!:laugh: ). If it looks intimidating, maybe start with P90.

    I started with moderate fitness, and P90X really kicks my butt- but I love it!!! The changesd in my physique are AWESOME!!!!!!:heart::drinker:

    So, week 9, day 3- shoulders and arms: felt good- upped weights and reps from the last time! But I have to say, these week 9 routines leave me feeling totally wiped! I guess that's the whole point!!!

    Good job bringit, everyone!!!
  • molsongirl
    molsongirl Posts: 1,373 Member
    P90X DAY ONE - Chest & Back, Ab Ripper X

    Ok, the fact that I can barely type kinda tells me that this program is some serious stuff.

    I just finished my DAY ONE program, and from my waist to my shoulders feels like jello. I don't have my pull-up bar in yet, so I'm using resistance bands for those movements in the meantime (like it matters - good lord!). The pull-ups are gonna be a bear until I start really getting my back muscles into shape, no doubts there. I felt pretty good during the push-up exercises though. Some exercises that I can normally deal with, like dive bombers and diamond push-ups, become tough as nails when combined with everything else Tony's having you do.

    ARX (Ab Ripper X) was really tough, largely because I think my core muscles in my abdominal area have always been my weak link through Power90 (I could never get all the way through AR200, and even then, I was serious pain). I'm a little sore right now, but I KNOW I'm gonna be paying for this later today and tomorrow.

    Plyometrics is the next one. My neighbor who's going through the program told me when he started out that Plyo was the most challenging for him (until he got busy doing Core Synergistics... lol). I can tell you this though... I left everything I had on the mat this morning and almost had to crawl outta the Hall of Pain. Now it's time for the next day's challenge - tackling the nutrition plan. Peace folks...

    -Tony :bigsmile:

    Hey Tony, I wanna get my hubby started on P90X, is this something he has to do every single day for 90 days? if so how long should he expect to commit each day. Point is, he's a lawyer and nowadays there's more clients then ever...so time is limited, he works 12-16 hours a day, I don't wanna kill him off just yet...:wink:
    edit..if you could even pm me, that would be great, not on too much lately, and don't wanna miss your answer!
  • trenauldo
    trenauldo Posts: 235
    Molsongirl... Sent you a pm...
  • trenauldo
    trenauldo Posts: 235
    April... Thanks - it's good to be back. I've missed everyone. Been looking for you on WOWY in the mornings, too... Good to know all is well with you and you're still bringin' it..!! We're almost through this first round lady... WOO HOO!
  • aprilvet
    aprilvet Posts: 724 Member
    P90X DAY ONE - Chest & Back, Ab Ripper X

    Ok, the fact that I can barely type kinda tells me that this program is some serious stuff.

    I just finished my DAY ONE program, and from my waist to my shoulders feels like jello. I don't have my pull-up bar in yet, so I'm using resistance bands for those movements in the meantime (like it matters - good lord!). The pull-ups are gonna be a bear until I start really getting my back muscles into shape, no doubts there. I felt pretty good during the push-up exercises though. Some exercises that I can normally deal with, like dive bombers and diamond push-ups, become tough as nails when combined with everything else Tony's having you do.

    ARX (Ab Ripper X) was really tough, largely because I think my core muscles in my abdominal area have always been my weak link through Power90 (I could never get all the way through AR200, and even then, I was serious pain). I'm a little sore right now, but I KNOW I'm gonna be paying for this later today and tomorrow.

    Plyometrics is the next one. My neighbor who's going through the program told me when he started out that Plyo was the most challenging for him (until he got busy doing Core Synergistics... lol). I can tell you this though... I left everything I had on the mat this morning and almost had to crawl outta the Hall of Pain. Now it's time for the next day's challenge - tackling the nutrition plan. Peace folks...

    -Tony :bigsmile:

    Hey Tony, I wanna get my hubby started on P90X, is this something he has to do every single day for 90 days? if so how long should he expect to commit each day. Point is, he's a lawyer and nowadays there's more clients then ever...so time is limited, he works 12-16 hours a day, I don't wanna kill him off just yet...:wink:
    edit..if you could even pm me, that would be great, not on too much lately, and don't wanna miss your answer!

    molsongirl- my dh also works over 12 hrs a day. He started P90X a month ago- he's in week 5. He mainly does his routines in the evening when he gets home. Some days he misses but then just gets right back on track. He uses Friday as his rest day because he has more time on the weekends. I'm so proud of his commitment! And his shape is already changing!:smile:

    Good luck to you and your dh!!!
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