Good foods to help you feel full on 1200 calories a day?



  • GoMimmi
    Kroger CarbMaster Yogurt 60 calories only 4 grams of carb.
    WalMart Great Value High Fiber Oats and Peanut Butter Granola Bars 150 Calories
    These are my two favorites!
  • tinkerpuppet
    tinkerpuppet Posts: 40 Member
    1/4c homemade hummus with no tahini with a HUGE plate of veggies. Regular hummus still has more calories, so I make it myself. Cheap, healthy, yummy and much easier on the numbers. Oh, and I've had to push the veggies away because I had so many I couldn't finish them!.

    Hummus - I don't have the recipe on hand, but i think its just a can of chickpeas, wee bit of sesame oil, garlic, lemon juice, salt and reserved bean juice to make it the right texture, in a food processor.
  • allie0630
    allie0630 Posts: 139 Member
    Lots of veggies and I usually have a protein shake sometime mid-morning. I use chocolate protein powder, tsp peanut butter, banana, almond milk and ice cubes. Tastes like a chocolate shake but keeps me not hungry for a long time.
  • FinerthanB433
    Thanks for asking the question, as i am always looking for more filling foods as well!
  • Kimharbath
    Some of my mainstays are garbanzo beans, greek yogurt, grapefruit, all beans. If I get to where I need to eat something sweet or a snack, I buy Weight Watchers giant fudge bars which are 100 calories apiece. I also like pretzels-which are easy to portion control. They don't have much fat in them either. I always let myself eat as much salad, tomatoes, and steamed vegetables as I want. I have found when I go out to eat, if all the salads are too high in calories and unhealthy, I order two side salads, minus croutons, with tomatoes and cheese. (They never put more than an 1/8 of a cup of grated cheese on a salad, Ha!) I have been carrying a plain Greek yogurt or a cup of applesauce in my purse (I sweeten the yougurt with Stevia) and I use it as salad dressing. I have found I can have 1 cup of yogurt for 1/4 of the calories of salad dressing and no fat calories are in it! Just a few tricks I have been using.
  • Kimharbath
    I noticed someone posted they eat yellow squash, acorn squash, etc. They are filling and makes you feel like you are eating something more substantial. I cook mine without any butter or fat and sprinkle a little Stevia on it.
  • eksims1
    eksims1 Posts: 51 Member
    I add benefiber to a lot of my meals that I make in the kitchen. I think it helps keep me fuller, and it also helps with digestion! It's so great. My boyfriend does not like things like that (healthy additives...healthy in general), and he doesn't even know I add it in. That's how tasteless it is!
  • davecreed
    davecreed Posts: 151 Member
    foods lower on the GI seem to keep you fuller longer (eg oatmeal) could try that. also, make sure your taking in all you required fats...i find when i try to lower my cranky and hungry...and it doesn't help me loose weight...for be lower carbs are key...
  • Brittmy
    Brittmy Posts: 141 Member
    I make veggie soup as a snack- super easy.
    1 container of beef broth (I use college inn brand)
    1 normal size bottle of v8 original juice
    1 container frozen veggies
    1/2 cup barley

    you just leave it on med-low heat for about 1.5 hours and eat when you get hungry.
    Here is the kicker. THE WHOLE POT IS ONLY 600 CALORIES! The WHOLE pot!!
    Hope this helps!! :-)
  • chachan
    chachan Posts: 31 Member
    Thanks to everyone for so many helpful suggestions! I boiled a bunch of eggs last night after reading these! I am eating all of my exercise calories and have often been over on fat and protein. It's challenging to balance but I'm looking forward to it. Thanks again!
  • bella383
    bella383 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm hungry a lot too. I actually look at my calories and ride my bike so I can keep within my range and still eat.
  • meltygarden
    meltygarden Posts: 111 Member
    A big glass of V8 juice.

    But really? If you just do a half hour of exercise a day it gives you enough of a calorie cushion that you can afford to eat enough not to be hungry.
  • tannjam
    tannjam Posts: 109 Member
    I eat 1200 a day, eat alot of protein helps with hunger. Lots of veggies and fruit and about 12 glasses of water help also
  • calmanza2
    Hey, I'm pretty new to MFP myself, but I am also on the 1200 calories-a-day. One of my favorites is the FAGE yogurt - but any Greek yogurt will do - they have lots of protein, so they help you to feel full. It's what I typically have for breakfast. :smile:
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    I bring snacks to work every day to help keep me full. Today is a hard boiled egg, a cup of berries (strawberries, blackberries, blueberries), a zip loc of grapes, a Fage yogurt and a baby cucumber. All about 250 calories total and I will spread it throughout the day.
  • lauraemthomson
    lauraemthomson Posts: 68 Member
    i am the same, but i have realised that i dont have to eat 1200 cals a day i just burn 600-800 cals a day and i have earned extra food! if ur like me and need a sweet treat then def nairn oat buiscits to take the edge of it... or i find a coffee always keeps me going for a little bit longer. good luck!
  • wcpak
    wcpak Posts: 4 Member
    I like having a 60 calorie yogurt when I get hungry - Kroger CARBmaster is awesome.
  • jmsouth5
    jmsouth5 Posts: 138 Member
    Exactly!! I feel like I eat all day. Instant oatmeal and tea at 7:30, yogurt and some nuts at 10:30, 1/2 apple, string cheese and another yogurt at 12:30, so on and so on. I found for me that if I eat crackers or cereal or something like that, I am hungry within like an hour and struggling to not eat. Eat small meals every 2.5 to 3 hours, drink lots of water and tea.
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    Thanks to everyone for so many helpful suggestions! I boiled a bunch of eggs last night after reading these! I am eating all of my exercise calories and have often been over on fat and protein. It's challenging to balance but I'm looking forward to it. Thanks again!

    May I make a suggestion? Increase your protein settings to about 30% of your total (reduce carbs by the necessary difference). I've found that by eating more protein, I stay full longer and lose weight easier. Too many carbs actually make me hungrier in the long run. You need some, for energy, but too many and I'm ravenous for more (food). Protein and some good fats help keep you full longer.
  • jmsouth5
    jmsouth5 Posts: 138 Member
    A big glass of V8 juice.

    But really? If you just do a half hour of exercise a day it gives you enough of a calorie cushion that you can afford to eat enough not to be hungry.

    Exercising really gives you an opportunity to not eat too much, and not feel guilty if you do!