Friend Requests



  • TrophyWifeSass
    TrophyWifeSass Posts: 490 Member

    Desperate and crazy enough for you? I think I am a whack-a-doo.
  • andiechick
    andiechick Posts: 916 Member
    I tend to accept those that send me a request, but will always check out someone's profile before I request them... I like to know if they're similar to me and will be up for a laugh or not. If they're too serious, or too religious then its a no-no :drinker:
  • Shariet0630
    I don't get much either, but I am new here. So that will take some time.
  • Purpleflipflops
    Purpleflipflops Posts: 563 Member
    It's all the resolutionists. I like to connect with all of my friends. It's a lot of (fun) work keeping tabs on everyone. (My friends know about my Q system...)

    I, personally, find it harder to delete someone later than decline their friend request initially.

    I am the exact opposite, I see nothing wrong with dropping someone... But I have never gotten rid of someone for being crazy (Like I said before, I love watching crazy people, so the more the merrier). I have, however, gotten rid of a lot of people for being inactive.... I have a 30 missing limit. If you have not logged on for a month, then bummers for you, get off my page. :P
  • teeley
    teeley Posts: 477 Member
    I pretty much accept anyone (I don't get many), but that's because I assume they read my "disclaimers" before requesting, and if anyone is willing to be friends with me after all of my "disclaimers," then they're worth a chance. LOL.

    I had to go read your disclamer just to see what it said......I love it!!!!
  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member
    A picture of your abs would result in more friend requests, but getting said abs is a whole new challenge lol

    Use a photo of someone else's abs until you earn your own, I'm sure that's ok, right? Not false advertising or anything.

    This is brilliant. *uploads random picture of man abs * Oh wait......

    You would!
  • GuerrillaHermit
    Going to spend the whole weekend approving people lol


    :o... that is all
  • turningstar
    turningstar Posts: 393 Member
    I rarely get friend requests, but its probably because I look funny. I smell good though. ;)
    I keep wondering if I post a profile pic of a hot chic in her underwear, if I will get requests. What do you think? ;
  • CalJur
    CalJur Posts: 627 Member
    I tend to accept the majority of requests but do closely look at the picture and profile if available. Honestly some folks have that Charles Manson like look that tells me oh hell nah. Once I accept if there is something offensive in the profile or I feel like the person is on MFP just to play games then I have deleted at least two individuals that I can recall.
  • Nitachi
    Nitachi Posts: 142
    I rarely get friend requests, but its probably because I look funny. I smell good though. ;)
    I keep wondering if I post a profile pic of a hot chic in her underwear, if I will get requests. What do you think? ;

    You will be getting some creepy friend requests ;)
  • courtney131
    I never really get that many request. I don't really deny any unless they look super creepy ha. But I do love the friends I have and always try to support them :)
  • Bronx_Montgomery
    Bronx_Montgomery Posts: 2,287 Member
    I think its funny how i constantly get friend request with no message even though I keep my profile open and the first thing it states in capital letters is that no one will be approved without a message.......Oh Vey!!
  • badgerbadger1
    badgerbadger1 Posts: 954 Member
    A picture of your abs would result in more friend requests, but getting said abs is a whole new challenge lol

    Use a photo of someone else's abs until you earn your own, I'm sure that's ok, right? Not false advertising or anything.

    This is brilliant. *uploads random picture of man abs * Oh wait......

    You would!

    Yes. Yes I would.
  • 1WorkoutAtATime
    Going to spend the whole weekend approving people lol


  • blueretro
    I get very few friend requests. Maybe I should update my profile, or on second thoughts maybe I should hide it :laugh:
  • carlie_carl
    I barley get any, I think I must be irratating or as you say smell lol
  • seehawkmomma
    I think its funny how i constantly get friend request with no message even though I keep my profile open and the first thing it states in capital letters is that no one will be approved without a message.......Oh Vey!!

    whoa dont hate.......

    They probably dont know how to read :(
  • Scott613
    Scott613 Posts: 2,317 Member
    I love how guys ignore my "no guys" request.
    request sent:happy:
  • InnerPinup79
    I don't get many I think because my profile is private. I think a lot of you guys get a bunch of friend requests because you have lost a good amount of weight and people want that motivation and find you inspiring. I reset my ticker for the new year so its not known I lost about 20# last year so maybe I.don't look inspiring? Haha. Anyways I tend to try to keep those in my age (28-35) range but am flexible if they aren't immature or full of drama or are super religious. I delete the negative drama/immature ones immediaty. I won't tolerate that ish in RL non the less mfp. I think too because I'm not on the boards much I don't get a lot of friend requests.

    Maybe I'll take the privacy off. I promise I'm not a snob or intimidating. I do tend to have a foul mouth for those not a fan.
  • Honeyblue19
    I never get requests...I accept 100% OF THE few i get.
