Stat-at-home moms 3/16-3/22



  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Thanks (Stacy, I think! I am so bad with names!)

    I am just ending TOM - it was all this week. I couldn't figure out if it was supposed to get better now that it's just about over, but it seems like it is getting worse, so hopefully it is just the pizza!

    LOL I'm Sara. Don't worry about names. I have to use them over & over again for them to stick. :laugh:

    My TOM gain usually doesn't go away for a couple days until it is gone. Drink lots of water. That'll help TOM & the pizza. :bigsmile:
  • musicmom04
    musicmom04 Posts: 670 Member
    Hello fellow moms!

    I am at the three-week point - the point where, every other time I tried to lose weight and get into better shape, I got discouraged and QUIT! I have to admit, I am getting discouraged, but I am NOT going to quit. I've lost five pounds, which I know is more than the pound-a-week goal, but this week the scale did not budge and in fact, went up a little (not enough to make it a whole pound up, thankfully). I have exercised more in the past 8 days than I have in years, even surprised myself by being able to keep a sustained jog for two miles, four days in a row. I have been afraid to eat my exercise calories and I think this is part of my downfall. It's hard for me to believe that I will lose weight by eating MORE, but I have to try it. I also know that I've been staying within my calorie range but also eating a lot of the wrong things (like Pizza Hut last night for example), but it is so hard when you have functions planned (last night - took my junior high girls Bible study group out) and you have to work around them! Anyway, I am whining but I hope someone else out there had this problem and increased their calories and it worked because I am skeptical!

    i used to be a giver-upper too. i'd start and get dissapointed that i only lost a couple of pounds and just stop. then, after a while i would be like "this is stupid...if i had just kept going and lost even a pound a week, i'd be at my goal weight right now." it's so hard for me to keep going at the beginning, but now i see that 28 lbs lost on my ticker, and that really keeps me motivated. even if the scale doesn't move for 2 or 3 weeks, it doesn't bother me as much cause at least i'm stuck at 172 and not 200!
  • writer4him
    writer4him Posts: 225 Member
    Thanks Sara & Beth!

    I know I just need to keep going! My husband has been very supportive also, which helps. He has been showing me some strength training exercises. He is very funny. He really doesn't care if I lose weight but he loves the body builder look so he is all for me doing exercise!
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    just wanted to post so this would get back up.
    well, on th i ran out of bcp--which i take continuously. and ate and ate and ate this weekend. i don't think there's much damage, just have to work harder in the gym this week to make up for it and to move forward. if this is what tom is like for all of you, i feel for you. :cry: i haven't had that for ages. fortunately i'll pick up the new pill pack tomorrow. and #1 goes back to school so i can spend a longer time at the Y w/o the guilt.

    and kathy, don't give up. it is slow going but it is going--and you'll at least be stronger on the inside for each day you stick with it. i have my goals posted by the computer and my calendar and for the days i follow it, i get a sticker in my calendar. maybe that would help you keep going forward, too. also, read purr's note in the success board. and kerri's one year at mfp. it is definitely inspiring to see other people's successes.

    alright, i'm going to read and turn in. hope everyone enjoyed their weekend! and will see you on the other side :heart:
  • tazzy
    tazzy Posts: 197
    Sorry not checked in for a while took last week off exercise sore throat turned into a bad cold so felt crappy all the time still pretty tired. kept my diet back on track most of the time it was actually easy to only eat 1300 cals as I felt so ill anyway I could have gone without easily.

    Another week and going to work hard even though I am tired I will probably cat nap in the afternoons got the party this weekend I cant get my head around it though I need to focus. I have so much going on will find out next week if I am pregnant or not part of me isnt bothered if I am not the other part I know I will be upset if I am not hormones what a pain in the *kitten*. On the up side I do feel like I may be normal early signs sore breasts which only happen when I am I hate the waiting. Going to get off my back side now and workout chat later.
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member

    New week, new thread...just about 6 hours later than normal. :bigsmile: Sorry for the delay!