Teacher Criticisms...(rant)



  • kseltzer
    kseltzer Posts: 214 Member
    I've been a teacher for 8 years now. I won't say I'm overworked, I won't say I'm underpaid, but I will say that I am under appreciated by many. That is what really irks me!
  • mrpurdy
    mrpurdy Posts: 262 Member
  • _binary_jester_
    _binary_jester_ Posts: 2,132 Member
    My only criticism is the teacher's union preventing the poor performing teachers from being fired. An accountant that screws up enough gets fired. Cashiers that are constantly short in the totals are fired. Unfortunately the union protects bad teachers.

    Mind you, I work in an union environment and it works very hard at protecting sh!tty employees. Three suspensions, numerous warnings and poor performance is still not reason enough to let someone go. It hurts the product we provide.
  • jennajava
    jennajava Posts: 2,176 Member
    It's not so black and white. There is so much wrong on so many levels. SO many parents don't do their part, and So many teachers don't do there's. I'm in and out of different classrooms every day, I see many excellent teachers, and I see many horrible teachers.
    To me, it's not really a matter of who's to blame. The fact is that as a nation, we are failing our students. And something different needs to be done.

    I have two graduated, one graduates this year and one next year. If I had to do it again, no way in hell would my kids be in this school system.

    This is very true. That's why I, as a teacher, support merit-based pay.
  • johnsonrails
    As a teacher, I couldn't agree more!!!!!! For someone who has never taught they have NO idea what a brutal job teaching is. Not only am I responsible for the students education but what about all the other "stuff" that I see everyday? I am more parent some days then I am anything else. From eating disorders, depression, boyfriend/girlfriend issues, abuse, home life issues, financial problems etc etc. And that was just this week.

    I don't understand how people can be critical of me and my chosen profession (which I LOVE). I would never be critical of a doctor or lawyer or machinist or whatever, because I have never done that job. For those who think I am over paid, come do my job for ONE week and then let's talk!
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    This is a difficult topic for me.

    I'm the mother of a gifted child. Her giftedness, among other things, has caused her to struggle emotionally which interferes with her education. I don't condemn teachers. I know that my child is a behavioral nightmare. But at the same time, she is walking around with 135 IQ so if you don't find a way to put something in her head, then you are wasting one of the most brilliant minds you will ever get the opportunity to put your hands on.

    What does that say about a teacher that would give up on her???
  • datguy2011
    datguy2011 Posts: 477 Member
    I have tons of friends that are teachers... it's a 50/50 job... teacher isn't as easy as everyone claims it to be... however the time off somewhat makes up for that. At least they get paid year round now...
  • jennajava
    jennajava Posts: 2,176 Member
    My only criticism is the teacher's union preventing the poor performing teachers from being fired. An accountant that screws up enough gets fired. Cashiers that are constantly short in the totals are fired. Unfortunately the union protects bad teachers.

    Mind you, I work in an union environment and it works very hard at protecting sh!tty employees. Three suspensions, numerous warnings and poor performance is still not reason enough to let someone go. It hurts the product we provide.

  • drog2323
    drog2323 Posts: 1,386 Member
    I think most teachers work hard - very hard.and deal with a ton of crap - students, parents, extra stuff outside of school.

    but.....I have heard some teachers talk - and they don't always get "it" in the corporate world too. man, there are lots busting their humps there, in early, out late, working weekends etc. and they aren't getting the holidays the teachers are getting.

    having said that...all the more power to the teachers. they chose that profession - and I'm jealous of summers off! lol.

    my only beef with some teachers - they are paid for "seniority" not results. so I have seen some teachers get very, very complacent and get into cruise control mode for their careers. that... IMO, shouldn't get the raises or bonuses for having *kitten* attitude and mailing it in.

    overall, the majority of teachers I have interacted with, seem to work very hard.

    now, I can hardly wait to see a teacher slam this post for grammar and spelling :laugh:
  • jennajava
    jennajava Posts: 2,176 Member
    It also blows my mind that people say, "Must be nice to get off at 3:30."

    I also am already at work before you're even awake, genius. It evens out.
  • _binary_jester_
    _binary_jester_ Posts: 2,132 Member
    My only criticism is the teacher's union preventing the poor performing teachers from being fired. An accountant that screws up enough gets fired. Cashiers that are constantly short in the totals are fired. Unfortunately the union protects bad teachers.

    Mind you, I work in an union environment and it works very hard at protecting sh!tty employees. Three suspensions, numerous warnings and poor performance is still not reason enough to let someone go. It hurts the product we provide.

    I will never need the union because I am a good employee (plus it is against the law for us to strike thank goodness).
  • MissO﹠A
    MissO﹠A Posts: 906 Member
    Teachers are lazy *kitten*. Who are they to think they deserve pay increases when all they do is help mould the very foundation of the future? So very selfish of them.

    I, for one, want my children being taught by the under-paid and under-qualified. I'm starting her out proper by making sure she types in text-speak and cannot speak in complete sentences.
  • iuangina
    iuangina Posts: 691 Member
    Yep, I'm lazy and I'm an overpaid babysitter.....oh wait, you sent your kid to school sick so I'm also the nurse. Your child didn't eat, so I'm also a chef. Your child had an accident in his pants so I'm also a laundress. Your child has no school supplies, so I'm also an office depot. Your child doesn't know right from wrong, so I'm also a parent.......I'm sure there are others, but you're right I'm overpaid.
  • TheDoctor90
    TheDoctor90 Posts: 461 Member
    What Do Teachers Make?
    by Author Unknown

    "I make a difference."

    "What about you?"

    That's Taylor Mali, 'What teachers make'. It's a slam poem.
  • drog2323
    drog2323 Posts: 1,386 Member
    My only criticism is the teacher's union preventing the poor performing teachers from being fired. An accountant that screws up enough gets fired. Cashiers that are constantly short in the totals are fired. Unfortunately the union protects bad teachers.

    Mind you, I work in an union environment and it works very hard at protecting sh!tty employees. Three suspensions, numerous warnings and poor performance is still not reason enough to let someone go. It hurts the product we provide.


    Much better than I said!
  • blink1021
    blink1021 Posts: 1,118 Member
    You really have to look at the area they are referring to some states teachers salaries are a lot higher than in other areas. I can see where it can be frustrating to listen to a teacher who is paid $70,000 per year (and before you argue it does happen where I live teacher salaries are public). To most people that is quite a lot when they have close to 3 months off in the summer, every holiday imaginable off, plus in some areas they are even given a week off in the winter on top of the Christmas break. Then to have a teacher turn around and tell you that they won't hold a parent teacher meeting past 3pm is frustrating. Many people have just as stressful jobs and their jobs are just as important and they are required to work year round. You need to consider the source and try to understand where people are coming from. You always have the few exceptions where the parents are the problem, but the schools aren't any more flexible and sometimes make it worse than it needs to be.
  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    I have tons of friends that are teachers... it's a 50/50 job... teacher isn't as easy as everyone claims it to be... however the time off somewhat makes up for that. At least they get paid year round now...

    the number one teaching myth!

    not true.

    we don't get paid year round - we have our 10 months salary split over 12 months. teachers's don't get two freebie months of pay, contrary to popular belief.
  • Pollywog39
    Pollywog39 Posts: 1,730 Member
    Although I am not a teacher, I work in the field of education (grants for schools/programs.) I have seen teachers deal with:

    Unruly children
    MORE unruly parents
    No discipline, and no way to FORCE discipline
    Federal & state guidelines that are ridiculous
    Teaching kids to pass a test, in order to retain federal dollars
    NO CHILD LEFT BEHIND (a tragic and stupid piece of legislation that has NOT worked)

    Teachers put in extra time, do MORE than they're required to do, give of themselves heart and soul.......and yet, people bash them for their "easy" jobs. Unbelievable!! Schools today are places of such "politically correct" b.s. that teachers can barely TEACH anymore without someone coming down on them.....and today's parents can be the worst violators (their little darlings can do no wrong, don'tcha know.)

    I know I'm speaking in vague terms, but this is all true. I would not take a million-dollar salary to be a teacher in this day's education system. I can think of no other profession that is maligned more, but deserves it less.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    You really have to look at the area they are referring to some states teachers salaries are a lot higher than in other areas. I can see where it can be frustrating to listen to a teacher who is paid $70,000 per year (and before you argue it does happen where I live teacher salaries are public). To most people that is quite a lot when they have close to 3 months off in the summer, every holiday imaginable off, plus in some areas they are even given a week off in the winter on top of the Christmas break. Then to have a teacher turn around and tell you that they won't hold a parent teacher meeting past 3pm is frustrating. Many people have just as stressful jobs and their jobs are just as important and they are required to work year round. You need to consider the source and try to understand where people are coming from. You always have the few exceptions where the parents are the problem, but the schools aren't any more flexible and sometimes make it worse than it needs to be.

  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    NO CHILD LEFT BEHIND (a tragic and stupid piece of legislation that has NOT worked)

    ^^This ABSOLUTELY!!

    When exactly were they going to fix this in Washington again?