Gym starers -thoughts? feelings? outrage?

KatieJane83 Posts: 2,002 Member
So, a question for the ladies and gents, although probably more ladies will respond because, I don't know, just seems like more men are gym starers. But I could be wrong!

So, having gotten fit and trim (finally, yay!) I get quite a few of gym starers. Some are subtle, some are the full-out head turns to follow my path. :laugh:

So, I know people have VERY varied feelings on this. Personally, I believe in the philosophy that my life is as good as the attitude I bring to it, so I just think, 'hey, awesome, people think I'm hot!' Lol. it's only a little off-putting if it gets a little pervy, like the guy on a bike behind me who, when I finished running on the treadmill gave me a nod, smile, and a wink, I suppose as a 'thanks for the view!'

So, what are your feelings/thoughts on the subject?


  • oneIT
    oneIT Posts: 388 Member
    I look but don't stare. I actually like to see the different exercises people are doing. All cardio equipment faces the machines and free weights so I'm looking that way anyway. I have never given a nod or wink but I will smile if you look at me! Lol!
  • silvergurl518
    silvergurl518 Posts: 4,123 Member

    no one stares at me (or at least openly acknowledges that they do) so i don't really know how to respond. at least you can cash in on those i've worked hard for my body chips!!
  • Captain_Mal
    Captain_Mal Posts: 945 Member
    I don't use a gym but I get my fair share of starers. They stare while I'm shopping (sometimes follow me too), while I'm out at lunch, at the library, on my walks. It's only fun when the person staring me down is attractive. That's not the case most of the time.
  • savlyon
    savlyon Posts: 474 Member
    Umm....I kind of like it. I mean, I don't get the creepy stares and awkward winks...but I work freakin hard for this body...I don't want to be the only one that looks at it!! haha!
  • jennajava
    jennajava Posts: 2,176 Member
    I gym stare. But mostly at people who make me laugh.
  • DawnMarieMomofTwo
    DawnMarieMomofTwo Posts: 186 Member
    omg what an *kitten*... i have to admit i cant help but to look expecially when girls have those tight work out pants on, and its not a perverted thing its more like dam i wish i had an *kitten* like that LOL! but i do not stare just a little glance, crazy men!!
  • MFPAddict
    MFPAddict Posts: 2,303 Member
    I most often only sneak peeks. I sometimes will watch a hot woman as she is walking away. My goal is to enjoy the view without making anyone uncomfortable.

    I have noticed a couple women looking my way. Assuming it isn't my mind playing tricks on me, I consider it flattering.
  • _binary_jester_
    _binary_jester_ Posts: 2,132 Member
    I am subtle. But I will outright stare at someone using poor form.
  • Shayyy01
    Shayyy01 Posts: 290 Member
    I've gotten looks and i dont mind, its when they start interrupting my workout is when i have a problem. If its a legit question on how to do something thats totally fine, but to stop me and start shooting the breeze.. not so much.
  • tomomatic
    tomomatic Posts: 1,794 Member
    I've always followed the "looking at the sun" approach. You glance real quick, then you look away. If you're talking to someone, keep your eyes above the shoulders. Personally, I think any acknowledgement of gawking, like a "thank you wink" is kinda creepy. I have a younger sister and I don't like it when guys stare at her that way.
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    Can't speak to a woman's perspective, but when I was power lifting that used to happen a lot for other reasons.

    Guys would try to show me up, lift more than me or snort at whatever weight I was doing to try to throw me off my game and make them feel better about their workout. It was particularly bad in high school before I got to decently heavy weights. Also it's not like this was a huge problem, only a couple a$$hats did stuff like that.

    As long as you're not concerned about a safety issue (if you are alert management or take some other type of action, of course) just block them out of your mind. There's little you can do to stop other people, don't let them prevent you from doing what you need to do.
  • thepetiterunner
    thepetiterunner Posts: 1,238 Member
    Honestly, I'm mentally checked out to other people when I'm at the gym 95% of the time, just focused on whatever I'm doing. I do sometimes notice people looking at me, both men and women, but I don't really care. Whether they're judging me, checking me out, seeing what moves I'm doing or just scanning the room, it doesn't really affect me. I'm there to get my own *kitten* done, anything else is just a distraction.
  • Scott613
    Scott613 Posts: 2,317 Member
    When I used a gym I made use of the mirrors. Only a rookie turns their head. You can see the whole gym through the mirrors:wink:
  • hbrittingham
    hbrittingham Posts: 2,518 Member
    I don't stare, but I do look. Normally it's a glance and then I look away. I'd hate to be considered a creeper, especially since I'm a woman. LOL.

    I do like to watch the guys watch the women, though. Some of them are blatant starers, others try to be more subtle. I've had a few that have stared at me (yay me!) and it doesn't make me uncomfortable, but if I want to discourage them, I glance away as soon as I notice them looking at me.
  • pucenavel
    pucenavel Posts: 972 Member
    I don't use a gym but I get my fair share of starers. They stare while I'm shopping (sometimes follow me too), while I'm out at lunch, at the library, on my walks. It's only fun when the person staring me down is attractive. That's not the case most of the time.

    So a hot guy looking at you is flattering...

    ... but an ugly guy doing it is creepy.

    Life is unfair.
  • murf19
    murf19 Posts: 453 Member
    I don't stare but I am a guy, so I'll glance over to you and maybe give a nod. I'm there to workout though, so thats what I'm paying attention too. I do most of my workouts at home but go to the gym once in a while. I try and go as soon as it opens just to limit the distractions.
  • ansonrinesmith
    ansonrinesmith Posts: 755 Member
    I find that women have two opinions on this.
    Those that get stared at don't want it.
    Those that don't get stared at would be flattered if they did.

    Seems like the same answers as for gym flirting.
    Girls that get the flirting at the gym say "I just want to come in and work out".
    The girls that don't say "I sure wish that guy would come over and say hi to me".
  • auticus
    auticus Posts: 1,051 Member
    Women stare just as much as guys do. I know the myth that men are pigs and women are noble victims is fun to think about, but being a student of sociological neuroscience, women are just as raunchy as guys are, they are just more subtle about it.

    My thoughts and opinions are that attractive women get validation from being stared at, but will put on a show decrying men as pigs for doing it even though inward they are beaming from the attention. This is doubly so for women who were once overweight and deemed "unattractive". The new attention is akin to a person who has not drank water in a week finding a pool of it.

    Overweight women or women who feel they are not attractive will feel negatively towards the same stare that a guy gives an attractive girl because she feels the guy is weighing her harshly in his mind.

    I find that if a woman who says she hates being stared at suddenly did not get attention, that she would be negatively impacted by it more often than those who really hate being stared at (which I find to truly be uncommon)

    I've watched women stare at the jersey shore men in my gym with lust oozing from every pore, then say that guys like that disgust them. ;) Honesty and truthfulness are rare traits in people.

    One of my favorite anecdotes is the woman who was walking in the free weight area staring at the guy with the fake tan pumping iron in front of the mirror and she wasn't paying attention to where she was going and tripped over a weight and fell, causing much of the gym around her to laugh because they all saw it coming.

    She was not doing much to conceal her staring. =)
  • jennajava
    jennajava Posts: 2,176 Member
    When I used a gym I made use of the mirrors. Only a rookie turns their head. You can see the whole gym through the mirrors:wink:

    This made me LOL
  • bigdawg025
    bigdawg025 Posts: 774 Member
    I don't use a gym but I get my fair share of starers. They stare while I'm shopping (sometimes follow me too), while I'm out at lunch, at the library, on my walks. It's only fun when the person staring me down is attractive. That's not the case most of the time.


    Since I'm being called out for this quite publicly... it is no more...