Gym starers -thoughts? feelings? outrage?



  • rclemens1221
    Sometimes can be creepy......Depends on the individual......A stare and no smile = weird.......So if your busted staring, SMILE! lol
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    I notice I get stares. being 6'3 and 300+ lbs. probably has to do with some of it. Do I care? not really. too busy being awesome to worry about it.

    As for girls I try really hard not to. I dont wanna be that creepy guy. :frown:
  • CourteneyLove
    CourteneyLove Posts: 246 Member
    When I used a gym I made use of the mirrors. Only a rookie turns their head. You can see the whole gym through the mirrors:wink:

    I am with you on this. I check out the hot guys.. and the creeps of the gym stare at everyone. Ew
  • MFPAddict
    MFPAddict Posts: 2,303 Member
    I absolutely hate it. Enough to make me stop going to the gym and work out at home. I turn beat red every time and therefore, purposely never stare at anyone, bc I know how uncomfortable it can make you feel.....

    This type of reaction is why I try my hardest never to get caught looking. I would feel horrible if I made someone feel this way.
    JDMPWR Posts: 1,863 Member
    I stare and point, it makes the person being viewed super self conscious.
  • auticus
    auticus Posts: 1,051 Member
    I don't use a gym but I get my fair share of starers. They stare while I'm shopping (sometimes follow me too), while I'm out at lunch, at the library, on my walks. It's only fun when the person staring me down is attractive. That's not the case most of the time.

    Wow... just wow... this is the most superficial statement of the day!

    Ah, and I'm sure Auticus would agree, this is probably a generally true sociological statement. I think people feel even more attractive when they see that attractive people are checking them out. Human nature is not all pretty rainbows and cuddly kittens!

    Life in general in our culture is superficial. The things that drive people in our culture typically revolve around social status and achieving it. Social status is a form of currency. To pretend otherwise is foolish.

    If I gave you a dime you'd raise an eyebrow. If I gave you a $100 bill, you'd give me a much more positive response.

    The analogy here is the same.

    While we should strive to be deeper individuals, the basic impulses and drives of the majority of the people around us are limited to physical appearance and the reward centers in our brain being stimulated is something that people strive and crave after.

    An attractive person offering you validation is worth more than an unattractive person offering you validation, not because as people they are inferior, but because social status-wise the attractive person is something desired by many and by them offering you validation, you have been elevated yourself in status.

    It's the same basic structures that fire off when you are picked for something as opposed to when you are left behind or excluded.

    The human mind is a fascinating construct ;)

    EDIT: I see honest people more favorably because while they may be superficial, I don't have to play cloak & dagger with them as opposed to the superficial person who is pretending to not care about those things when in reality they do very much.
  • T_R_A_V
    T_R_A_V Posts: 1,629 Member
    Its all about diversion tactics!
  • eayal002
    eayal002 Posts: 186
    I stare hard, don't get my eyes off the girl always the same one. She's hot as hell and can't get enough, stare at her at home too...
  • cmiles23
    cmiles23 Posts: 234 Member
    I'm flattered if someone wants to look.

    I don't work out in a gym much, but when I'm out running I get a lot of car honks. Now, my hair is pulled up in an unflattering bun, I'm dripping sweat, bright red and, well, I've seen photos from races of me running and I don't get what they're excited about. But the attention is welcome. :-) (As long as it doesn't get scary creepy, of course.)

    they arent looking at your face or hair........;)
  • _binary_jester_
    _binary_jester_ Posts: 2,132 Member
    I have to admit, I get stares.

    When I start doing intervals in the treadmill, people immediately start looking around going WTF is THAT?

    "Anybody hear that? It's an... It's an impact tremor, that's what it is... I'm fairly alarmed here."
  • MyFeistyEvolution
    MyFeistyEvolution Posts: 1,015 Member
    I don't use a gym but I get my fair share of starers. They stare while I'm shopping (sometimes follow me too), while I'm out at lunch, at the library, on my walks. It's only fun when the person staring me down is attractive. That's not the case most of the time.


    Since I'm being called out for this quite publicly... it is no more...

    Smart move.
  • _binary_jester_
    _binary_jester_ Posts: 2,132 Member
    I don't use a gym but I get my fair share of starers. They stare while I'm shopping (sometimes follow me too), while I'm out at lunch, at the library, on my walks. It's only fun when the person staring me down is attractive. That's not the case most of the time.


    Since I'm being called out for this quite publicly... it is no more...

    Smart move. was already a little too late.
  • Hecnotha1
    Hecnotha1 Posts: 200
    If you pass in front of me or near my area while im in between sets, ill look but wont stare like your something out of this world because i will never give any female the satisfaction of feeling like that. With that said, We have eyes, so make good use of them and use your peripheral vision.
  • SeanIsMyHomeboy
    SeanIsMyHomeboy Posts: 107 Member
    My Opinion:

    Going to the gym and complaining about getting checked out because you finally look good is like finally winning the lottery and complaining about the taxes.
  • mo_is_here
    I don't use a gym but I get my fair share of starers. They stare while I'm shopping (sometimes follow me too), while I'm out at lunch, at the library, on my walks. It's only fun when the person staring me down is attractive. That's not the case most of the time.


    Since I'm being called out for this quite publicly... it is no more...

    So what exactly are they staring at, sorry Im not seeing it.
  • _binary_jester_
    _binary_jester_ Posts: 2,132 Member
    True story...One time I was doing pec dec flys. When i am concentrating, I tend to fixate on one spot, not really realizing what I am staring at. To my horror, I realized I was staring right at the crotch of the woman on the yes/no machine in the across from me. She was looking at me with a mixture of confusion and humor.
    I almost dropped the weights.

    For reference...this is the yes/no machine
  • cbear017
    cbear017 Posts: 345 Member
    Hahaha...I totally stare at people at the gym, though I usually make use of the mirrors to make it less obvious. I don't discriminate either.

    I don't think anyone stares at me. I wish they did. :cry:
  • DeadlyDame13
    DeadlyDame13 Posts: 197 Member
    as long as they are staring cause im hot guess its ok ....Dear GOD dont let it be cause the bike gave me a crotch merf or a sweaty titty made my shirt a little see thru LMAO i pray its not cause of that
  • warmachinejt
    warmachinejt Posts: 2,167 Member
    i am usually shy so i try not to stare at girls but sometimes there are some really cute ones around and i give a quick glance
    I "think" i have seen a couple of girls staring right at me and i swear i held up for 2 seconds and still ....i just have to look away . i don't know if they're really staring at me or someone else (since it's a long way from the cardio machines to the weight room)
  • rammsteinsoldier
    rammsteinsoldier Posts: 1,556 Member
    I don't get gym stares that I know of. I would just take it as a compliment and be greatful they think you are hot. Believe me, I wish I was the object of some stares.:sad: