

  • Slove009
    Slove009 Posts: 364 Member
    People who brake first, then turn on their turn signal.

    ^^^^^ THIS!!!^^^^

    And people who call and don't realize I'm just the person that answers the phones. I don't know who called you. I don't handle accounting, I'm not in IT. Really really annoying to have a lady call in every 3 hours wanting a check sent to her and making me her target. Even if I mail it today, it won't be there in 3 hours...

    People who don't care about what their kids do in public and ignore them, then want to sue a store once thier brat fell down the escalator because they were running down on the "Up" side.

    Telemarketers. I'm sorry, it's a crappy job, but when I say no, just accept it and go away

    Debt collectors. These are even worse!!! They call the office I work at 100 times a day for people we fired over a month ago!!! Go away!!!
  • gorgeouss9
    I just have to stop reading and posting to topics like these.. they seem to anger me even more :frown:
  • amymarie8709
    amymarie8709 Posts: 329 Member
    People that complain about what ticks them off.



  • 3shirts
    3shirts Posts: 294 Member
    The worst one is people that take these threads too seriously
  • Quasita
    Quasita Posts: 1,530 Member
    ~My coworker that has the most disgusting cough ever but blames asthma and that she's allergic to meds so we all have to sit here while she dies every day.
    ~The housemate's dog when he's in an SOB mood. Which is a fair amount of the time...
    ~people that supposedly graduated from high school, even college, that freak out when a word has a lot of syllables
    ~Progressive Snapshot program :grumble:
  • Quasita
    Quasita Posts: 1,530 Member
    Not being considered for a job for which I'm more than qualified...EXCEPT that I don't speak Spanish! The nerve of me for thinking speaking my native tongue in my native land is all I need to communicate with others!

    Well, obviously you weren't "more than qualified" if they were looking for a bilingual employee and you're, well, not? If I had two people who adequately met the job requirements but one was bilingual, or it was strongly needed to get one, and some candidates were not, I'd be going with the bilingual one because they are MORE QUALIFIED to meet my needs :P
  • becoming_a_new_me
    becoming_a_new_me Posts: 1,860 Member
    I agree with many of the comments that people have already made...bad drivers, spellers, co-workers, etc...

    It totally annoys me when people post vague comments on Facebook then don't answer. (like: "I can't believe this!!" then never elaborate what "this" is no matter how much people ask)

    I find it annoying when guys think that since I have big boobs that it is an invitation to touch them

    When I go on a date with a guy and suddenly he is in love and starts talking about our future together (happens a lot more than I ever thought possible)

    My sister b!t@hing about the fact that she has gained weight but then eats crap and can't understand why she got fat. Then when I share some tools with her like this app and a support group I started on FB she says she doesn't have "time" to lose weight!! Really?? You don't have time to stop eating crap and eating healthy, but you can spend three hours playing Farmville every night??

    sorry, end rant.
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    Smokers who have no respect for my right to breath fresh air

    Neighbors who have no respect for anything


    Retail workers who act like waiting on you is the last thing they want to be doing


    Taxi drivers


    Computer viruses

    Family members who don't know the meaning of family


  • steffihoney
    ...traffic jams! Don't people have somewhere to go.
    ...Accidents on the other side of the road. For example, if I am going northbound and there is an accident going southbound, it does not dictate the northbound lanes to have a gaper delay, therefore making me late for work!
  • the_journeyman
    the_journeyman Posts: 1,877 Member

  • CannibalisticVegetarian
    -Losing your cell phone when it's set on silent mode/vibrate

    -People who bombard you with links and videos that 'You have to watch A.S.A.P (not imperative though), and as soon as you send them a link telling them the same thing, they ignore them completely.

    -finding that extra super warm and comfy spot in your bed... and at the same time, having your bladder tell you that ya gotta get up and go!

    -losing something, searching frantically for it, then realizing you've either been sitting on it, or it was really close by the entire time.

    -When people get pissed off with me for making a meal that THEY don't like. My brother literally stares at food I'm making (say it's shrimp I'm cooking, then I add onions or peppers to it.. mind you it's for ME)--then gets all pissy because he feels I 'made it gross' by adding to it. Who's eating this meal?!
  • gabbingfilly
    gabbingfilly Posts: 106 Member
    People who complain on a daily basis about how much they can't stand their bf/gf/spouse/etc. and make them out to be the worst people ever, but stay with them regardless and do nothing to change the situation themselves. And it's even worse when they try to turn you against your own relationship and make you talk crap on your S.O.. I'm sorry but I'm happy. I don't want to be as miserable as you think you are. LOL!
  • Beckym1205
    Beckym1205 Posts: 217 Member
    People that say relevant instead of relative... or I could care less ... or, people who write are when it should be our, or the wrong form of to/too/two, your/you're, the're/there/their. or the girl at work that toots her own horn every two seconds...
  • ummlovelovesyou
    ummlovelovesyou Posts: 1,024 Member
    PEOPLE WHO DON'T USE THEIR BLINKERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :explode:

    They exist for a reason.


    I could've slammed it in your face. Would be nice to get a simple "thank you".

  • tmarie2715
    tmarie2715 Posts: 1,111 Member
    Being told that someone you're seeing is hung up on an ex. IMO, if you are jonesing for someone else, maybe you shouldn't be dating.
  • Cold_Steel
    Cold_Steel Posts: 897 Member
    People that say relevant instead of relative... or I could care less ... or, people who write are when it should be our, or the wrong form of to/too/two, your/you're, the're/there/their. or the girl at work that toots her own horn every two seconds...

    That is hilarious because it ticks me off when people give a damn about the above. Does it have any dramatic affect on your lifestyle? Or shall I say, does it have any effect on you're lifestyle?
  • pixardad
    pixardad Posts: 184 Member
    for me:
    ..being bombarded with phone calls at supper time for soliciting the worst one I got was 10p.m. Sunday night from Sears life insurance

    Hahahaha, I got one of those and just told them I was dead. They said 'Oh, I'm sorry. Have a good night.' and hung up!! ROFL!
  • Cold_Steel
    Cold_Steel Posts: 897 Member
    Bad drivers in general, mainly the type that are driving like they are evading the police and then you roll right next to them at the red light.... I frequently ask them if they are proud they beat every one else to the red light....

    People on cell phones, people that make multiple lane changes, people that honk at people for a split second of being at a red...

    On more than one occasion I have had idiots sit and honk at me while I am watching a bigger idiot come barreling down the road running a red light... The look on the person behind me is usually pretty priceless...

    People that make right turns while people are using cross walk and or making u turns when it is their right of way and the same people making those right turns for honking at me while I am waiting for said people to make their u turns or cross the street...

    I applied to have that 50 cal mounted to my truck but the local police did not like my idea.
  • pixardad
    pixardad Posts: 184 Member
    Apostrophe's in the wrong place's. :wink:

    No, but really. Apostrophes in the wrong places.

    ...and people who use 'that' way too much that it makes me that much sicker.
  • Cold_Steel
    Cold_Steel Posts: 897 Member
    Apostrophe's in the wrong place's. :wink:

    No, but really. Apostrophes in the wrong places.

    ...and people who use 'that' way too much that it makes me that much sicker.

    I hope you are joking.